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How To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Prostate Cancer

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Foods to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Cancer

When considering taking steps to help lower your risk of prostate cancer, you should keep in mind that some risk factors are beyond your control. There’s very little you can do if your family has a history of prostate cancer, for example.

While theres no proven way to prevent prostate cancer completely, simple changes made today can go a long way in reducing your risk.

Have you considered clinical trials for Prostate cancer?

We make it easy for you to participate in a clinical trial for Prostate cancer, and get access to the latest treatments not yet widely available – and be a part of finding a cure.

Can I Take Supplements To Lower My Risk

Some people take supplements to try to lower their risk of cancer, but studies suggest this isnt likely to work. In fact, some supplements may even be harmful.

The best way to get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients your body needs is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, including plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Speak to your doctor before taking any supplements and don’t take more than the recommended daily allowance.

Take A Vitamin D Supplement

Vitamin D is a hormone that our bodies produce when exposed to sunlight. Like plants make energy when sunlight touches them, we create vitamin D when sunlight penetrates our skin.

Because of how much time we spend indoors combined with our latitude, most adults in the United States are deficient in vitamin D. This deficiency may increase your chances of prostate cancer, so add in a daily vitamin D supplement, especially during the winter or if you dont spend much time outdoors.

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What Is The Treatment For Advanced Prostate Cancer

No matter where prostate cancer spreads, its still treated as prostate cancer. Its harder to treat when it reaches an advanced stage.

Treatment for advanced prostate cancer involves targeted and systemic therapies. Most men need a combination of treatments and they may have to be adjusted from time to time.

What You Can Do

PSA Test for Prostate Cancer

Its important that you learn all you can about advanced prostate cancer so you can make informed decisions. Be open with your doctors and others on your healthcare team. Express your concerns and feel free to advocate for yourself and your quality of life. Get another medical opinion if you feel its necessary.

Some complementary therapies may prove helpful in coping with advanced cancer. For example:

  • tai chi, yoga, or other movement therapy
  • meditation, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques

A variety of services can help you with everything from lodging while youre getting treatment to getting some help around the house. Communicating with online or in-person groups are a good way to share information and lend mutual support.

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Take A Prostate Cancer Assessment

Check Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

  • Prostate Health Assessment
  • Measure Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

    Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. There may or may not be warning signs, so its important to see your primary care doctor once a year for screening. To find out your risk, take The CHRISTUS Health prostate cancer assessment. Share the report with your doctor, who can help you decide what further testing or screening you need.

    The review is an important tool. Questions include information about your age, weight, family history, smoking history and alcohol use. When you finish the questions, you will receive a report that includes your risk factors and tips on reducing those risks.

    How Can I Use This Report to Improve My Health?

    After you take the prostate cancer assessment, you immediately receive a report. The report highlights risk factors and recommends changes to your lifestyle to reduce your chance of developing prostate cancer. It will also provide information on screening tests you may need.

    Take the First Step

    About Dr Dan Sperling

    Dan Sperling, MD, DABR, is a board certified radiologist who is globally recognized as a leader in multiparametric MRI for the detection and diagnosis of a range of disease conditions. As Medical Director of the Sperling Prostate Center, Sperling Medical Group and Sperling Neurosurgery Associates, he and his team are on the leading edge of significant change in medical practice. He is the co-author of the new patient book Redefining Prostate Cancer, and is a contributing author on over 25 published studies. For more information, contact the Sperling Prostate Center.

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    How Common Is Prostate Cancer

    According to the , aside from skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States. Its estimated that about 1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their life.

    The ACS estimates that about in the United States will be newly diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2022. Additionally, about 34,500 men in the United States will die from prostate cancer in 2022.

    Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Spread To The Lymph Nodes

    What to Do and Not Do with Enlarged Prostate | Lifestyle Modifications

    Lymph nodes are part of a system of tubes and glands in the body that filters body fluid and fights infection.

    There are lots of lymph nodes in the groin area, which is close to the prostate gland. Prostate cancer can spread to the lymph nodes in the groin area, or to other parts of the body. The most common symptoms are swelling and pain around the area where the cancer has spread.

    Cancer cells can stop lymph fluid from draining away. This might lead to swelling in the legs due to fluid build up in that area. The swelling is called lymphoedema.

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    Does Prostate Cancer Ever Have Symptoms

    Symptoms are rare, but they can develop in later stages. If you experience any of the following, check in with your doctor4:

    • Difficulty starting to pee
    • Weak or difficult flow of urine
    • Needing to pee a lot, especially at night
    • Difficulty emptying your bladder completely
    • Pain or burning during peeing
    • Pain in your back, hips or pelvis that doesnt go away

    Keep in mind that these symptoms can also be signs of an enlarged prostate a common but benign condition.

    Where Should You Seek Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

    One in 9 men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime. If you or a loved one are diagnosed with prostate cancer, turn to the prostate cancer specialists at The University of Kansas Cancer Center. Our specialists offer advanced robotic surgery, known as the Retzius-sparing radical prostatectomy. We are the only team in the region to offer this less-invasive procedure, which approaches the prostate from below the bladder to reduce unwanted side effects. We also offer the most advanced forms of radiation treatment, including proton therapy which will arrive in 2021. The physicians at the University of Kansas Cancer Center are nationally and internationally renowned experts in prostate cancer, and work together as a team to personalize treatment on an individual basis.

    Patients who receive treatment at a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center are 25% more likely to survive than compared to other centers. We are the only NCI-designated cancer center in the state and 1 of only 71 in the United States. Our patients have access to advanced cancer research and clinical trials. Our personalized care teams include highly trained physicians who provide a supportive experience and expert consultation every step of the way.

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    See Your Doctor For Regular Screening

    The best way to prevent prostate cancer from developing is to catch it early. And the only way to detect prostate cancer early is through regular screening.

    Your doctor can do this with a PSA blood test, which measures the level of an antigen called prostatic-specific antigen in your blood. Some doctors also use digital rectal exams to examine the growth and size of your prostate gland from your rectum.

    Regular screening will help you monitor your prostate health and allow you to begin treatment immediately in case signs of prostate cancer begin to show.

    How To Help Lower Your Chances Of Getting Prostate Cancer

    CANSA Men

    ByBill Stillwell | Submitted On January 16, 2010

    If you have a group of men over 50 gathered together, and you want to empty the room fast, start talking about prostate problems, including cancer. Most men just don’t want to hear anything about the subject, and just talking about it makes them apoplectic.

    Most of them feel that just discussing the subject makes them three times more likely to contract the disease, and that makes it tough to get them the information they really need. But there is good news to report.

    A new study presented in Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Clinical Cancer Research, shows that diets high in Omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of prostate cancer. Those who consumed Omega-3’s on a regular basis lowered their cancer risk by up to 57%.

    Those who did not, increased their probability of contracting prostate cancer by five times. That’s 500%! Among American men, the prostate is the leading site of diagnosed cancer. Worldwide, it is the second most diagnosed cancer and is the sixth leading cause of death.

    So a word to the wise men: Get your Omega-3’s from an ultra pure, pharmaceutical grade fish oil, by taking it on a daily basis, like I do. Doing so may decrease your chances of prostate problems and by a very significant margin.

    Dr. Bill is an orthopaedic surgeon and author. He recommends this pharmaceutical fish oil for more energy, reduced joint pain and increased heart health.

    Also Check: What Can Cause Your Prostate To Swell

    Can Men In Their 20s And 30s Develop Enlarged Prostate And Bph

    Studies show that men can develop microscopic signs of BPH as early as in their 20s and 30s. However, it is very uncommon for men in their 20s to experience significant symptoms of BPH or an enlarged prostate. Typically, urinary symptoms in men aged 20-30 are caused by other problems. Symptoms may be caused by enlarged prostate but often its swollen from infection rather than large from growth.

    Symptomatic BPH is not very common in men who are aged 30-39 but a significant enough number of men start to show symptoms of enlarged prostate at this age. Typically, symptoms are mild but occasionally symptoms are moderate or severe enough that they require treatment.

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    How Is Prostate Cancer Treated

    With early treatment, most men will be cured of prostate cancer. However, seeking expert treatment is imperative to recovery.

    • Active surveillance is considered for men with slow-growing cancer confined to the prostate, without symptoms and includes regular PSA screening and digital rectal exam. For many men with Gleason Grade group 1 prostate cancer, active surveillance is appropriate and no immediate treatment is needed.
    • Surgery Surgery involves removing the prostate and any other cancerous tissue. Most commonly this is done using a robot and is considered a surgery. There are many options for how surgery can be performed, and it is important to seek care from a high-volume surgeon to ensure all options are considered.

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    The Following Risk Factors May Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer:


    Prostate cancer is rare in men younger than 50 years of age. The chance of developing prostate cancer increases as men get older.

    Family history of prostate cancer

    A man whose father, brother, or son has had prostate cancer has a higher-than-average risk of prostate cancer.


    Prostate cancer occurs more often in African American men than in White men. African American men with prostate cancer are more likely to die from the disease than White men with prostate cancer.


    The prostate needs male hormones to work the way it should. The main male sex hormone is testosterone. Testosterone helps the body develop and maintain male sex characteristics.

    Testosterone is changed into dihydrotestosterone by an enzyme in the body. DHT is important for normal prostate growth but can also cause the prostate to get bigger and may play a part in the development of prostate cancer.

    Vitamin E

    The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial found that vitamin E taken alone increased the risk of prostate cancer. The risk continued even after the men stopped taking vitamin E.

    Folic acid

    Dairy and calcium

    A diet high in dairy foods and calcium may cause a small increase in the risk of prostate cancer.

    Soreness In The Groin

    Medications to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Enlargement

    When prostate cancer spreads, its common for cancer cells to go to your lymph nodes and then move to more areas of your body. The lymph nodes are a network of glands that help your body filter fluids and fight infections.

    There are several lymph nodes in your groin. These are the ones closest to your prostate, so its common for the cancer to spread to them first. Cancer cells prevent your lymph nodes from draining fluid and working properly. When this happens, your lymph nodes swell. As a result, you might experience pain or soreness in the area.

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    Choose A Healthy Diet

    There is some evidence that choosing a healthy diet that’s low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may contribute to a lower risk of prostate cancer, though research results have been mixed and this hasn’t been proved concretely.

    If you want to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, consider trying to:

    Lung Cancer Risk Factors

    Risk factors for lung cancer are things that put someone at a greater risk of developing the disease. These factors dont necessarily mean someone will get lung cancer, but the more risk factors a person has, the higher their risk is of getting lung cancer at some point in their lifetime.

    Common lung cancer risk factors include:

    • Smoking tobacco products, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars.
    • Exposure to secondhand smoke
    • Working near harmful substances, such as asbestos, arsenic, tar, and soot.
    • Living in an area with high levels of air pollution
    • A family history of lung cancer
    • Beta carotene supplements in heavy smokers

    However, these factors dont only apply to lung cancer. Many of these increase an individuals risk of developing many other forms of cancer as well!

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    What Is Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer, also known as prostatic carcinoma, occurs when malignant cells in the prostate grow abnormally and form a tumor. Even if cancer spreads to other places in the body, which is known as metastasis, it is still called prostate cancer.

    More than 99% of prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas. However, there are several different types of carcinoma. The types of prostate cancer are:

    • Small cell carcinoma
    • Neuroendocrine tumors
    • Transitional cell carcinomas

    Important Safety Information For Finasteride

    Protection from Prostate Cancer â Lifestyle Benefits

    Finasteride is for use by MEN ONLY and should NOT be used by women or children.

    Read this Patient Information before you start taking finasteride and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment.

    What is finasteride? Finasteride is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of male pattern hair loss . It is not known if finasteride works for a receding hairline on either side of and above your forehead . Finasteride is not for use by women and children.

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    Drugs To Prevent Prostate Cancer

    Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia are often treated with dihydrotestosterone -lowering drugs called finasteride or dutasteride. These drugs have been studied extensively to determine whether they can prevent prostate cancer, and results suggest that they could reduce cancer risk by about 25 percent. Patients who develop cancer while on the drugs are more likely to get an aggressive form of the disease, so discuss the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor.

    Things You Can Change: Diet And Lifestyle

    Men in western countries have much higher rates of prostate cancer than men in Asia. While no one can definitively explain this phenomenon, experts suspect differences in eastern and western diets are to blame. Poor eating habits and diets that heavily rely on fats and animal proteins can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer.

    Even men who are already at greater risk due to age, race or genetics can reduce their chances of developing prostate cancer by adopting healthy diets and lifestyles.

    Recommended Reading: How To Tell If My Prostate Is Enlarged

    The 10 Commandments Of Cancer Prevention

    About one of every three Americans will develop some form of malignancy during his or her lifetime. Despite these grim statistics, doctors have made great progress in understanding the biology of cancer cells, and they have already been able to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

    But instead of just waiting for new breakthroughs, you can do a lot to protect yourself right now. Screening tests can help detect malignancies in their earliest stages, but you should always be alert for symptoms of the disease. The American Cancer Society developed this simple reminder years ago:

    • C: Change in bowel or bladder habits
    • A: A sore that does not heal
    • U: Unusual bleeding or discharge
    • T: Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere
    • I: Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
    • O: Obvious change in a wart or mole
    • N: Nagging cough or hoarseness

    It’s a rough guide at best. The vast majority of such symptoms are caused by nonmalignant disorders, and cancers can produce symptoms that don’t show up on the list, such as unexplained weight loss or fatigue. But it is a useful reminder to listen to your body and report sounds of distress to your doctor.

    2. Eat properly. Reduce your consumption of saturated fat and red meat, which may increase the risk of colon cancer and a more aggressive form of prostate cancer. Increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


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