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Va Disability For Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer In Blue Water Navy And Thailand Veterans

How to Get VA Benefits For Prostate Cancer

Blue Water Navy veterans who served in Vietnamese waters within the specified zone will finally be eligible as claimants for presumptive service connection under the expected changes to VA law. It is important to know what benefits are available to you so you do not leave any benefits that you are owed on the table. Additionally, it has been shown that there was Agent Orange use in Thailand where some of our US Air Force veterans were exposed to the herbicide. If you were in Thailand during the Vietnam War you may have an entitlement to Agent Orange-related VA disability benefits.

The attorneys at Hill & Ponton specialize in veterans law and are available to help U.S. military veterans seek VA disability compensation, with their regional office, for conditions connected to military service. If you are a Vietnam veteran experiencing prostate cancer, contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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Talk To Our Prostate Cancer Veterans Disability Benefits Lawyers For Free

As a veteran with prostate cancer you may have questions and concerns. The veterans disability lawyers at Woods and Woods want to answer your questions and help put your mind at ease.

  • You only pay our prostate cancer veterans disability benefits lawyers if you win your claim.
  • Our VA disability compensation lawyers have filed thousands of claims with the VA.
  • If you do not obtain VA benefits, you do not owe us a penny.
  • Our fee is a percentage of VA disability back pay and case expenses.
  • Since 1985, Woods and Woods has successfully represented thousands of disabled veterans.
  • We have teams of doctors, veterans disability benefits lawyers, case managers, case analysts, and support staff who will work on your claim.

Woods & Woods offers free prostate cancer veterans disability benefits claim evaluations. Give us a call and talk about your legal options at no cost to you. Ask us all the questions you have about prostate cancer veterans disability benefits and well answer them for free. Remember, our Agent Orange disability benefits attorneys are here to help veterans get the benefits they earned.

Agent Orange Exposure And Prostate Cancer

Agent Orange is one of several herbicides, or rainbow herbicides, that were used during the Vietnam War era. Specifically, Agent Orange was a mixture of two different kinds of highly toxic chemicals: 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T. The highly toxic dioxin contaminant known as 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD is a byproduct produced by Agent Orange. Many veterans came into contact with Agent Orange, including those who served in areas other than Vietnam.

Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and developed prostate cancer are entitled to presumptive service connection, so long as they are able to prove they served in qualifying locations and time periods. Specifically, these veterans do not have to prove a connection between their prostate cancer and military service to be eligible to receive VA health care and disability compensation

In regard to Agent Orange exposure, VA has established a presumption of exposure for the following locations and time periods:

  • Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975 this only includes veterans who were boots-on-the-ground in Vietnam, or veterans with service aboard a ship that operated in the inland waterways of Vietnam, made visits ashore, and Blue Water Navy veterans.
  • In or near the Korean demilitarized zone between September 1, 1967 and August 31, 1971.

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Va Disability Compensation For Prostate Cancer

The only other thing I was drinking in the first 6 months after my diagnosis was green tea. I would drink about 4 glasses of green tea daily to go along with the increased water intake. I wasnt putting any other liquid into my body for the first 6 months. This was a big help in starting my road to recovery.

Once I started feeling better then I added organic soy milk to my diet as well. Soy milk isnt much like regular milk but once you get used to it then its not bad at all. To this day these are the only 3 liquids I have in my diet. To recap the 3 liquids I drink today are purified water,green tea,& organic soy milk. I put no other liquids into my body period.

Now, I want to chat a little more about meat & other aspects of a proper diet. As I said we dont need meat to live. I thought cutting or limiting meat in my diet would be to hard to accomplish. Well again my thinking was wrong. Was it easy? No! However, after a couple weeks then things were starting to get easier. I didnt cut all meats out of my diet but I did cut certain meats & eat moderate amounts of all others.

One meat that needs to be completely cut or at least very minimized is red meat . Too much Red meat consumption is not good for prostate health. I was eating a lot of fast food burgers & also red meat at home. I will say to at least cut red meat completely out of your diet until you get your prostate health back.

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â Va Disability Rating For Agent Orange Prostate Cancer

I was not drinking water before I started having problems. The only time Id drink water was when Id be really thirsty. That was rarely because I had quite playing sports & other activities that involved exercise. Water is a major player in prostate health & health in general terms. Did you know that water is the most natural cleanser for the body?

You should drink 8-10 glasses a day of water. If youre not getting water or enough water then this should be a change you need to make immediately. I now drink over 10 glasses of purified/bottled water daily. A lot of prostate sufferers are scared to drink more because theyre afraid it will make them go to the bathroom too much. I was there & didnt want to make things worse.

I was wrong in my thinking because drinking more water actually made things much better after a while. At first upon water increase I did see a spike in symptoms but that was part of the cleansing process for a few weeks.

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Prostate Cancer Common Among Veterans

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer for male veterans after skin cancer. There are over 200,000 prostate cancer cases in the United States every year. African-American veterans are at an even greater risk for developing prostate cancer than the average population. About one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

The good news is that nearly 100% of men diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer are still alive nearly five years after diagnosis. Prostate cancer grows very slowly, often causing no symptoms until its in an advanced stage. Most veterans with prostate cancer die of other causes and many veterans with prostate cancer never know they had it.

Veterans And Prostate Cancer

One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. While studies have indicated that overall cancer incidence rates among men in the U.S. Veterans Affairs Health System mirrored those of the general population, statistics now show that the incidence rate for military personnel is 1 in 5. It is important to understand your personal risk. To help Veterans impacted by this disease, ZERO has set up programming specific to Veterans and their needs.

The United States has an aging Veteran population, and your risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age. Furthermore, Veterans who were exposed to herbicides, such as Agent Orange, are also at increased risk. Talk with your healthcare team to understand your risk and make a plan for regular testing.

ZERO also has helpful PDFs available for print and download that provide information on the Mission Act for both patients and physicians. , and here for a PDF for physicians.

Another healthcare program available for uniformed service members and their families is TRICARE. TRICARE is a major part of the Military Health System and offers an expansive provider network and services in both military and civilian healthcare facilities. .

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What Causes Prostate Cancer

A question you might be asking yourself after a diagnosis may be, How did I get this disease? Cancer can be caused by a variety of factors. Cancer is simply the uncontrolled reproduction of cells. One cell mutates and continues to reproduce other mutated cells. These cells produce more and more until there is not enough room for the healthy cells to perform their intended functions.

Cancer can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the more common ways cancer can begin is by exposure to harmful chemicals or toxins, like Agent Orange. These chemicals can leave little or no immediate impact on a person but come back later in life as a serious disease.

Prostate Cancer And Agent Orange

Veterans Court: VA ratings for prostate cancer should consider residuals.

Certain unique factors may put veterans, especially those who served in the Vietnam or Korean wars, at increased risk for developing prostate cancer. A 1996 report published by the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine concluded that there is a link between prostate cancer and exposure to herbicides such as Agent Orange, which was used during the Vietnam and Korean wars. Similarly, a 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that veterans exposed to Agent Orange were at an increased risk for both developing prostate cancer and developing more aggressive forms of the disease.

Veterans with prostate cancer who were exposed to herbicides during active service may be eligible for disability compensation through the VA. There are several eligibility requirements to receive these benefits, and it is important to contact the VA directly if you think you are eligible.

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Vietnam Veterans & Prostate Cancer

Veterans who served in Vietnam are now reaching their mid-60s, which is the age at which prostate cancer is usually diagnosed. This means that we are seeing an influx of prostate cancer cases.

Roughly eighty-nine million men in the US served during the Vietnam War with approximately 2.7 million Americans serving in Vietnam. According to recent studies, almost 1.4 million men are predicted to develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they also have an increased risk for more aggressive forms of the disease.

Agent Orange, as we have discussed in previous Agent Orange blog posts, has been found to cause many serious health problems including cardiovascular problems and genitourinary system problems. The VA has found sufficient evidence of an association with certain conditions so they have recognized fourteen different diseases and types of cancer as related to Agent Orange exposure. These conditions are considered presumptive diseases, meaning that the VA will grant service-connection for these conditions as long as the veteran was in Vietnam. Some other diseases on this list include non-Hodgkins lymphoma , soft tissue sarcoma, erectile dysfunction or incontinence, hypertension, porphyria cutanea tarda, multiple myeloma, and ischemic heart disease.

Va Disability Rating For Prostate Cancer

The only other thing I was drinking in the first 6 months after my diagnosis was green tea. I would drink about 4 glasses of green tea daily to go along with the increased water intake. I wasnt putting any other liquid into my body for the first 6 months. This was a big help in starting my road to recovery.

Once I started feeling better then I added organic soy milk to my diet as well. Soy milk isnt much like regular milk but once you get used to it then its not bad at all. To this day these are the only 3 liquids I have in my diet. To recap the 3 liquids I drink today are purified water,green tea,& organic soy milk. I put no other liquids into my body period.

Now, I want to chat a little more about meat & other aspects of a proper diet. As I said we dont need meat to live. I thought cutting or limiting meat in my diet would be to hard to accomplish. Well again my thinking was wrong. Was it easy? No! However, after a couple weeks then things were starting to get easier. I didnt cut all meats out of my diet but I did cut certain meats & eat moderate amounts of all others.

One meat that needs to be completely cut or at least very minimized is red meat . Too much Red meat consumption is not good for prostate health. I was eating a lot of fast food burgers & also red meat at home. I will say to at least cut red meat completely out of your diet until you get your prostate health back.

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You can eat various types of other meats. I suggest to eat chicken,turkey,& lots of fish. I buy all natural chicken, all natural turkey,& wild caught & fresh fish.

I eat as much as I want of these type meats. I never thought Id like grounded turkey. I can honestly say that a turkey burger is much better than any hamburger I ever ate. I wouldnt have thought so but it honestly is a better taste & health option.

I eat all the chicken I want. I suggest you to bake it & not fry it in oils. If you do fry then please use Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I add Mrs. Dash seasonings to all my meats. This is an all natural source for seasonings. There are many different flavors by Mrs Dash.

I also eat all the fish I want. I suggest eating salmon,flounder,tilapia,pollack,catfish,trout,& many other fish. Try to eat the oily type fish. Salmon & trout are two of the top oily fish on the market. Here too I suggest baking instead of frying.

Now, I want to move onto another area of the diet. I will be discussing the importance 0f fruits & vegetables. Fruits was definitely a foreign word to me before prostate problems. I did eat limited amounts of veggies but not enough. I made that change as well in my life. Its very important to eat fruits & veggies to have a healthy diet. Va Disability Rating for Prostate Cancer

What Are The Payment Amounts For Va Disability Compensation

Prostate Cancer and VA Disability Benefits

When the VA approves you for disability benefits, it assigns you a disability rating. This rating is between 0 and 100 percent. The severity of your condition, as judged by the VA, determines your disability rating. The VA takes into consideration such factors as current and ongoing treatment, how your medical condition affects or limits your activities of daily living, and severity of symptoms.

As of December 1st, 2021 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:

  • 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
  • 10 percent disability rating: $152.64 per month
  • 20 percent disability rating: $301.74 per month
  • 30 percent disability rating: $467.39 per month
  • 40 percent disability rating: $673.28 per month
  • 50 percent disability rating: $958.44 per month
  • 60 percent disability rating: $1,214.03 per month
  • 70 percent disability rating: $1,529.95 per month
  • 80 percent disability rating: $1,778.43 per month
  • 90 percent disability rating: $1,998.52 per month
  • 100 percent disability rating: $3,332.06 per month

Moreover, a disability rating of 30 percent or above qualifies you to receive additional benefits for your spouse, children, or dependent parents. The VA provides an additional monthly payment schedule for veterans who are at least 30 percent disabled and have qualified dependents.

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If I Have A Presumptive Condition Should I Still Get The Assistance Of A Service Officer To Apply For Disability

Yes. Having a presumptive will make the application easier, but we still recommend veterans retain an accredited service officer to assist them.

  • American Legion Veteran Service Officer – 296-5166
  • Disabled American Veterans Veteran Service Officer – 296-5167
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars Veteran Service Officer – 296-5168
  • Vietnam Veterans of America – 283-3164
  • State of Vermont Veteran Service Officer Program – 666-9844

Contact A Va Disability Lawyer Today

A VA Disability Lawyers role is to assist you throughout the confusing and often frustrating appeals process if you have been denied benefits for your service-connected prostate cancer. Generally, you need to be denied at least once before an attorney can assist, but once a lawyer is involved they will often be able to quickly determine what needs to be done in order to prove entitlement.

If your VA disability claim for prostate cancer has been denied, be sure to contact the VA Accredited Attorneys at VetLaw right away to help make sure you get the entitlement you deserve.

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The Initial Causes Va Disability And Prostate Cancer

One of the first symptoms of prostate issues is pain or tenderness in the groin or lower back. This can be the result of a noncancerous condition called enlarged prostatic tissue, or it could be an infection of the bladder. In either case, its important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If youre suffering from prostate pain, you may want to consider reducing your caffeine intake.

Another symptom of a potentially enlarged prostate is difficulty starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. These symptoms are not serious, but theyre still alarming. Most men put up with an enlarged prostate for years before seeking medical attention, but they typically seek treatment as soon as they notice symptoms. Even if you dont have symptoms, its worth getting checked to determine if you have any prostate issues.

If you experience nightly bathroom runs, you may be experiencing an enlarged prostate. You may be having difficulty starting a stream of urine, or you may even be dribbling or leaking during the day. These problems arent life-threatening, but can become a nuisance. You should not ignore these signs and seek treatment as soon as you notice them. If you feel any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


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