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Is Coffee Bad For Prostate Cancer

Is Coffee Healthy You May Be Surprised At The Answer

Can Coffee Prevent Cancer?

December 15, 2016

Although Bulletproof is a brand of coffee, it is also a type of coffee drink where you mix coffee with Grass Fed Ghee and MCT oil or Bulletproof’s Brain Octane Oil . It’s a great occasional breakfast replacement!

Is coffee healthy? Well, unfortunately the answer isnt as simple as a yes or no.

Research seems to show that there is plenty of evidence to support that coffee is good for you and that coffee is bad for you, so it can be confusing.

Instead of asking whether coffee is healthy or not, its actually more important to ask whether the quality of your coffee is up to par, because there is going to be a big difference in the health benefits of your coffee depending on how its processed.

New Study Shows That Cancer Is Also Less Likely To Spread Among Patients Who Regularly Drink Coffee

LONDON From brain health to Parkinsons disease, there are plenty of health issues scientists believe coffee can help with. Now, a new study finds drinking coffee every day could keep prostate cancer at bay and improve chances of survival.

Researchers from Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University say regular coffee drinkers are around 10 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. One in 41 will die from the disease.

While drinking too much coffee can be bad for your health, previous studies have discovered it can also reduce the risk of liver, bowel, and breast cancer. Until now, there has not been enough evidence to suggest it could benefit prostate cancer patients. Study authors believe every cup of coffee consumed could reduce the risk of prostate cancer by one percent.

This study suggests that increased coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer, Dr. Kefeng Wang and the team say in a media release.

Caffeine: Good For The Brain Bad For Other Parts

Caffeine is the most commonly consumed psychoactive drug in the world, and some of its behavioral effects may resemble those produced by cocaine, amphetamines, and other stimulants. Coffee consumption accounts for about 75% of the adult intake of caffeine in the United States, although that might be changing among younger adults with the growing popularity of energy drinks.

The caffeine content of coffee varies greatly, depending on the beans, how they’re roasted, and other factors, but the average for an 8-ounce cup is about 100 milligrams . Tea has about half as much caffeine as coffee. Decaffeinated coffee has some caffeine, but the 2 to 4 mg in an 8-ounce cup is a smidgen compared with the caffeinated version. The lethal dose of caffeine is about 10 grams, which is equivalent to the amount of caffeine in 100 cups of coffee.

Caffeine gets absorbed in the stomach and small intestine and then distributed throughout the body, including the brain. The amount circulating in the blood peaks 30 to 45 minutes after it’s ingested and only small amounts are around eight to 10 hours later. In between, the amount circulating declines as caffeine gets metabolized in the liver.

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Coffee May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

Study Shows Regular Drinking of Decaf or Caffeinated Coffee May Protect Against Prostate Cancer

May 17, 2011 — Men who drink coffee regularly appear to lower their risk of prostate cancer, especially the lethal form, new research suggests.

When the researchers looked at all forms of prostate cancer, ”the highest coffee drinkers had about a 20% lower risk of developing prostate cancer during the follow-up,” says researcher Lorelei Mucci, ScD, MPH, associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The 20% lower risk was found in those drinking six or more cups daily compared to none, she tells WebMD.

Coffee protected even more against the most lethal form of prostate cancer. Among those drinking one to three cups a day, the risk of lethal prostate cancer declined 29%, compared to that of nondrinkers. Among those drinking six or more cups daily, the risk for deadly prostate cancer was reduced 60% compared to that of nondrinkers.

The surprise: the risk reduction held for both regular coffee and decaf, leading the researchers to speculate it’s not the caffeine providing the protection.

The study is published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Other research has found coffee can lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, and liver cancer.

Is Coffee Good Or Bad For Men’s Health

30 Home Remedies To Treat Enlarged Prostate (BPH ...

Is coffee a beverage that is good for men’s health, or is it harmful? When it comes to prostate health, coffee and the caffeine and other components it contains can be troublesome for men who have BPH, but if your concern is prostate cancer, coffee and caffeine appear to be safe for now, according to recent studies.

BPH and Caffeine

For men who have benign prostatic hyperplasia, drinking coffee can be detrimental, because the caffeine can stimulate an already overactive bladder, which means it can increase urinary frequency and urgency and may even result in urge incontinence. Caffeine can act on the bladder in several ways. One, it increases how fast urine is produced, which means your bladder fills up faster. Two, caffeine enhances the sensation and contractility of the bladder.

Another way caffeine can affect prostate health is through its ability to irritate the bladder because it is a theoxanthine, a family of drugs that includes theobromine and theophylline . Theophylline also stimulates and irritates the bladder.

Caffeine and Prostate Cancer

The journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research published a study in 2009 in which researchers evaluated the impact of coffee and tea on prostate health. Investigators concluded that while coffee had no apparent relationship with prostate cancer, evidence from animal and in vitro studies suggests that tea, and especially green tea, is a healthier choice than coffee for prostate health.

Caffeine, Overall Health and Stress

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How Can I Reduce My Enlarged Prostate Without Surgery

To help control the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, try to:Limit beverages in the evening. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Limit decongestants or antihistamines. Go when you first feel the urge. Schedule bathroom visits. Follow a healthy diet. Stay active. Urinate and then urinate again a few moments later.More items

Postmenopausal Women Who Drink Coffee Have A Statistically Significant Reduced Risk Of Developing Estrogen Receptor

It turns out that coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of breast cancer overall than those who abstain however, when researchers really dug into the correlation and corrected for other lifestyle factorssuch as weight, level of physical activity, family history, and age at menopausethe protective effect of coffee was only measurable for ER-negative breast cancer. The results of the study showed a modest decrease in overall breast cancer risk and a significant reduction in the risk of ER-negative breast cancer.

This doesnt mean that postmenopausal women who want to avoid breast cancer need only to slurp coffee to avoid the disease. What it means is that if you tend to avoid indulging in coffee based on the perception that it could harm your healthyou may be able to enjoy this simple pleasure without the extra helping of guilt.

Its still important to maintain a healthy weight, stay physically active, eat a nutrient-dense diet, and avoid smoking however, if you do all those things and still want to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, it appears that you can do so without worry. The bottom linebalance is always best.

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How Can Coffee Affect An Enlarged Prostate

The stimulant caffeine in coffee affects an enlarged prostate by increasing the rate of urination, causing the person to pee more than usual. It may also have an impact on the bladder sensation and contraction.

Stimulants are responsible for triggering certain changes in the regular functioning of the body system. Large doses of caffeine, for this reason, may result in affecting the muscles in the neck of the bladder. This will make a person urinate more.

Moreover, caffeine is a natural diuretic. This is why you get the sensation to pee more after having coffee. Even if the caffeine content doesnt affect the prostate directly, if a person is already having issues with an enlarged prostate, the stimulant may irritate the organ.

The diuretic effect of the caffeine will also produce the rate of urination and youll get frequent urgency to urinate if you have BPH.

This study on the Effect of caffeine on bladder function in patients with overactive bladder symptoms showed that caffeine can promote early urgency to urinate and the symptoms are more prevalent in the case of individuals with overactive bladder.

Its better to limit the consumption of caffeinated beverages to avoid any of these unwanted feelings if youre having an enlarged prostate.

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Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Coffee and Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and is known as the second most prevalent cause of death after lung cancer. The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland in the lower abdomen of males, located in front of the rectum. The urethra passes through the center of the gland from the bladder to the penis. The prostate helps in producing semen that passes through the urethra during the process of ejaculation.

Prostate cancer is notorious for the fact that it shows very few symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Prostate cancer can be easily detected by prostate-specific antigen level. It can be further diagnosed by digital rectal examination and ultrasound-guided transrectal prostate biopsy. It is common in old age, so doctors prefer to evaluate biopsy of the prostate of suspicious patients under a microscope before devising the treatment. Prostate cancer develops slowly over time, but debilitating symptoms generally start after few years of the silent disease. If you are having any problems while urinating at the age above 55, it is highly advised to visit your doctor and get yourself screened for prostate cancer.

» Now, lets discuss signs & symptoms of prostate cancer.

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How Does Caffeine Affect The Prostate

Caffeine affects those who are already having an issue with benign prostatic hyperplasia since it can make the kidney produce more urine.

As caffeine is a natural diuretic, it can :

  • Overstimulate the Overactive Bladder
  • Increase the urgency to urinate more frequently
  • Increase the frequency of urination
  • Affect your hydration status
  • Deplete calcium in your body and result in an increase in excretion

Coffee, as a result, may act as a bladder irritant and be a bad choice for men having urinary issues. However, the consumption of coffee is bad only if youre ingesting beyond your tolerance level and having other caffeine-containing stuff as well.

The effects on the body due to caffeines diuretic properties will get back to normal once the stimulants level in your bloodstream decreases. But if youre on high doses of caffeine itll not only have control over your excretory system but also trigger unwanted health concerns such as:

  • Seizure
  • Insomnia
  • Addiction

This is why the consumption of coffee should be checked and I personally feel 50-100 milligrams of caffeine is enough for the desired boost of the human body.

Simply put, if youre a healthy individual limit your intake to 1-2 cups of coffee per day. You wont be having any adverse side effects and this wont affect your prostate health as well.

What Was Previously Thought

As coffee contains several active components in the form of minerals and antioxidants, it is inaccurate to say that caffeine is the primary source that affects our metabolism.

In the past, only a few lifestyle factors, and daily habits were known to be consistently linked to prostate cancer, especially with the risk of aggressive disease.

Therefore, this study might be of great significance in order to understand the biology and growth of prostate cancer. It may also help with possible approaches that will lead to the prevention of invasive conventional treatments.

It follows that coffee drinkers have no reason to stop drinking their favorite beverage.

However, men with an enlarged prostate or BPH, and prostate infection or prostatitis, should limit coffee intake. Or much better, they should set a stop time for coffee or liquid intake within the day.

This is because the caffeine present in your favorite coffee beverage may stimulate the bladder and can make your symptoms worse and troublesome.

Although the caffeine in coffee may increase urinary urgency, urinary frequency, bladder irritation, and increased pain, it is not the cause of an enlarged prostate or prostatitis.

Coffee and caffeine are, in fact, good for your prostate health.

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Is Decaf Coffee Good For The Prostate

Many researchers believe that the connection between caffeine and prostate health is invalid. No matter which drinks people are having, caffeinated or decaffeinated, the participants that were taken under observation, showed similar results.

This is because coffee contains other essential antioxidants and plant-based chemicals that have health benefits such as preventing inflammation.

Decaf coffee is a blessing for people with lower urinary tract symptoms since it contains all the beneficial attributes of regular coffee minus caffeine.

The low caffeine content will show only a negligible diuretic effect and the urinary symptoms can be improved in the case of people with BPH.

The following table shows the caffeine content in different variations of coffee. Its wise to choose your quick energy boost according to your bodys caffeine requirements and tolerance:

Type of Coffee

Can Certain Foods Lower The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Can Drinking Coffee Protect Against Prostate Cancer ...

Sundried Tomatoes

  • Lycopene-rich foods: Lycopene is a phytochemical that contributes to the reddish color of certain vegetables. Tomatoes, Watermelon, Guava, Red Peppers, Grape Fruit, and Carrots are a few examples of lycopene-rich foods. If you desperately wishing to find more information about lycopene, check out this review article.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages.
  • Allium veggies such as onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, and shallots.
  • Green Tea.
  • Beans and lentils.
  • Raisins and Dates .
  • Again, no food can eliminate the risk of prostate cancer entirely, but these foods may offer some protection. You should talk to your doctor about prostate cancer screening, but I can give you the green light to eat more tomatoes.

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    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common medical condition in elderly men that is caused by the enlargement of the prostate.

    The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system that is walnut-sized. It is made of glandular, muscular tissues and is responsible for producing seminal fluid.

    BPH is the condition in which this prostate becomes larger in size. This is a very common phenomenon in men as they grow older. Reports show that by the age of 60, about 50% of the men may have signs of BPH and by the age of 85, about 90% will have the signs.

    Though the condition is noncancerous, still some of the symptoms of BPH are similar to prostate cancer. This calls for men to take a proper screening of their body especially from the age of 50 to 55.

    Black Bean Quinoa Salad With Sundried Tomatoes And Avocado Vinaigrette: A Recipe For Prostate Protection

    Giving out a list of prostate cancer-fighting foods is helpful, but I want to take it a step further by combing some of the foods in a prostate protecting recipe. Time to put my chef coat on over my white coat and try to instill some evidence into a recipe.

    I love tomatoesI eat them like my grandmother was from Tuscany, not Tuskegee. Aside from my love affair with tomatoes, I put them in them recipe because they are the most-studied source of lycopene. I decided to use sundried tomatoes because sundried tomatoes actually have higher amounts of lycopene than raw ones . Plus, sundried tomatoes add a meaty umami flavor to plant-based dishes. For those who dont work with sundried tomatoes often, taking them out of the jar is only preparation they require. The avocados and avocado oil also serve a specific purpose. A recent study demonstrated that avocados and avocado oil both enhance absorption of lycopene from tomatoes. The classic combination of avocado and tomato makes perfect sense from a taste perspective, but also from a scientific one. The carrots and the red peppers are both additional sources of lycopene. The beans, onions, and garlic add flavor and some extra prostate protection.


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    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia A Sign Of

    BPH is mainly a sign of aging in the case of males. Its a normal condition thats seen in adult males over 50. The exact reason behind the condition is still debatable. However, experts suggest that changes in male sex hormones that come with aging might be a factor.

    People having a family history in regards to prostate issues might be more exposed to the risk of BPH.

    The commonly experienced symptoms include:

    • Trouble in starting to urinate
    • Frequent urination
    • Trouble in controlling the feeling to urinate

    Side Effects Of Prostate Surgery

    CBS News Coffee and Prostate Cancer

    The major possible side effects of radical prostatectomy are urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction . These side effects can also occur with other forms of prostate cancer treatment.

    Urinary incontinence: You may not be able to control your urine or you may have leakage or dribbling. Being incontinent can affect you not only physically but emotionally and socially as well. These are the major types of incontinence:

    • Men with stress incontinence might leak urine when they cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise. Stress incontinence is the most common type after prostate surgery. It’s usually caused by problems with the valve that keeps urine in the bladder . Prostate cancer treatments can damage this valve or the nerves that keep the valve working.
    • Men with overflow incontinence have trouble emptying their bladder. They take a long time to urinate and have a dribbling stream with little force. Overflow incontinence is usually caused by blockage or narrowing of the bladder outlet by scar tissue.
    • Men with urge incontinencehave a sudden need to urinate. This happens when the bladder becomes too sensitive to stretching as it fills with urine.
    • Rarely after surgery, men lose all ability to control their urine. This is called continuous incontinence.

    After surgery for prostate cancer, normal bladder control usually returns within several weeks or months. This recovery usually occurs slowly over time.

    There are several options for treating erectile dysfunction:

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