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Does Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer

Zantac And Bladder Cancer Risk: Does Zantac Cause Bladder Cancer


For several years, researchers strongly suspected that a link between ranitidine use and bladder cancer existed. New studies have now demonstrated just how significant that risk might be.

People who took the drug for three years or more faced a significantly higher risk of bladder cancer. However, even those who took Zantac for less than three years faced a 22% higher risk than people who never took the drug. Those who used it for three years or more have a 43% higher risk of developing bladder cancer.

When detected early, bladder cancer treatment has a high rate of success. Learning the symptoms of bladder cancerwhich include painful urination and blood in the urinecan help you better monitor your health. Talk to your doctor about what types of cancer screenings might be appropriate for you if you previously used Zantac or ranitidine drugs.

Are The Lawsuits Separate Or Class Action

Each plaintiffs lawsuit is . But to streamline litigation, all the lawsuits combine into an MDL .

In an MDL, there is one judge who presides over every case during the pretrial stages. Then a few cases go to trial. The results of these bellwether trials are critical. They determine if there will be settlements, and for how much.

MDLs are different from class action lawsuits. In class actions, every member of the class gets the same settlement amount. In MDLs, each plaintiff gets a based on his/her own case.

At this time, there is one Zantac MDL out of the Southern District of Florida . The MDL ID number is 2924. Judge Robin L. Rosenberg is presiding. The defendants include drugmakers Sanofi and Boehringer.

Measuring Ndma In Drugs: Old Vs Newer Methods

NDMA, or n-nitrosodimethylamine, is a nitrosamine. Itâs common in low levels in water and foods such as grilled meats, but it has also recently been found in commonly used medications such as some blood pressure drugs.

The test method used by the Stanford and Syracuse professors, who have not yet responded to a request for comment, is known as gas chromatography mass spectrometry or GC/MS. “Gas chromatography has to heat the sample in order for you to be able to analyze anything,” Najafi of Emery Pharma says. “That heating messes up the sample.”

According to the Stanford and Syracuse professors, however, the GC/MS measurement method was standard for analyzing NDMA in drugs as recently as January 2019.

In September and October 2019, however, the FDA published two other testing methods involving liquid, not gas chromatography, that don’t involve heating the sample, which they recommend to detect NDMA in ranitidine.

For the Emery investigation, Najafi’s team used a liquid chromatography as recommended by the FDA to evaluate NDMA in ranitidine. “You still see the NDMA,” Najafi says. “The NDMA is not an impurity in Zantac. It is a side product of ranitidine. As time and temperature affect the product, NDMA is a breakdown product. Even at room temperature, if you keep it long enough, it keeps growing NDMA.”

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Deadline To Bring A Zantac Personal Injury Case If You Have Developed Cancer

Illinois puts a hard deadline on your right to bring a case for injuries and damages after taking Zantac. These are known as statutes of limitations. Illinois has different statutes for different kinds of actions and misconduct.

For Zantac, you only have two years from when you learned of the injury that Zantac caused or when you reasonably should have learned about the harm. Here, the key is when you realized that your cancer may have been caused by Zantac. Given that the news has emerged within the last couple of years, there may be time for you, even if you were diagnosed with cancer years ago.

There are a lot of things you need to do before you file a Zantac lawsuit. That two-year period can fly by real quick before you get all of them done. This is why it is important for you to hire a legal team early on and engage them to put your case together so that you can file it on time!

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

Does Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer?

As with all cancers, it is difficult to determine the exact survival rate for men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer since so many factors must be considered. Survival rates are set based on the stage of prostate cancer a man is diagnosed with at the time of diagnosis.

The survival rates are as follows for prostate cancer, according to the American Cancer Society:

  • SEER stage: Localizednearly 100 percent
  • SEER stage: Regionalnearly 100 percent
  • SEER stage: Distant31 percent
  • All SEER Stages combined98 percent

For example, this means that a man who is diagnosed with prostate cancer in the SEER stage, Localized, has a nearly 100 percent chance of survival after five years.

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Studies Have Shown That Zantac Users Have A 240% Increased Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer

The popular heartburn/antacid drug Zantac was officially recalled by the US Food and Drug Administration on April 1, after investigations found that it contains unsafe levels of the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine . There have been a number of lawsuits filed against Zantacs manufacturers by consumers diagnosed with cancer.

The petition for this recall was submitted by Valisure, the drug testing company which conducts routine reviews of Zantac and other drugs. After the petition in September 2019, further testing showed that NDMA levels can increase with higher temperatures, including during storage and when being processed by the body.

Other People Are Bringing Cases Against Zantac

Lots of people like you are discovering that they have been injured after taking Zantac ranitidine. Through the breadth of these claims, we may know more soon about what kinds of cancer this drug exposes you to as well as what kind of payout you might expect after NDMA overdosing.

As of November 15, 2021, there were nearly 1,800 Zantac cases pending in federal courts. We expect this number to grow even more in the coming months and years. If you have cancer caused by Zantac, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Since most of the claims are the same or at least very common, and Zantac is the only defendant, all of their cases so far have been pooled into a Multidistrict Litigation action in Florida. It is being presided over by Judge Robin Rosenberg. You can learn all about it right here:

This federal claim will tell us a lot about NDMA actions and ranitidine cases. In particular, it should show you what kind of harm you must have suffered in order to bring this lawsuit. Also, it will give you insight into the extent and kind of recovery available to Zantac cancer victims.

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What To Do If Youve Been Diagnosed With Cancer

If youve been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac, tell your doctor about your history with ranitidine. It may help them determine your diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Make sure to keep your doctors notes and medical records. You may qualify to file a Zantac lawsuit and be eligible for compensation from Zantacs makers.

If you are interested in finding out more about your legal options, contact a Zantac lawyer right away because there may be time limits on your case.

Michelle Llamas has been writing articles and producing podcasts about drugs, medical devices and the FDA for nearly a decade. She focuses on various medical conditions, health policy, COVID-19, LGBTQ health, mental health and womens health issues. Michelle collaborates with experts, including board-certified doctors, patients and advocates, to provide trusted health information to the public. Some of her qualifications include:

  • Member of American Medical Writers Association and former Engage Committee and Membership Committee member
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Literacy certificates
  • Original works published or cited in The Lancet, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and the Journal for Palliative Medicine

Experts: Why Ranitidine Won’t Return


The 2016 study, despite the measuring methods used that are now not recommended, was just one of many pointing to the potential NDMA-cancer link.

“Other studies have shown this using other methods,” says Ivan Oransky, MD, co-founder of Retraction Watch, which publicized the retraction of the study on June 15. “This wasn’t the only line of evidence that the FDA and others were citing when they made that decision to recall.â

“The ranitidine molecule itself is fundamentally unstable,” says David Light, CEO of Valisure, an online pharmacy and testing laboratory that first brought the problem of NDMA in ranitidine to the attention of the FDA in June 2019 before filing a petition in September seeking the drugâs recall.

“It will absolutely have no effect on the recall of ranitidine,” agrees Ron Najafi, PhD, CEO of Emery Pharma, a research laboratory that tested the medication using another measurement method approved by the FDA and then filed its own petition seeking a recall Jan. 2, 2020. Najafi is also working as a consultant for plaintiffs claiming ranitidine caused their cancers.

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Liability For Zantac Prostate Cancer

Companies who manufacture medications have a responsibility to ensure that their products are safe to use and that customers receive adequate warnings about all potential defects. Claimants in Zantac prostate cancer lawsuits allege that Sanofi failed to adequately warn physicians and patients of Zantacs carcinogenic risks, and if these parties knew about these risks, they would not have chosen to take or prescribe the medication.

Zantac lawsuits may also argue that the design of the medication is inherently defective due to the likelihood of NDMA development. Regardless of the direction you take with your claim, you will need to provide strong and sufficient evidence that clearly establishes Sanofis liability for your damages.

Your attorney from Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC can connect you with the resources necessary to build a compelling claim. He or she will consult with expert witnesses who can testify on your behalf and utilize strategies from other Zantac claims he or she is working on to strengthen your case. Your lawyer can also help you gather important documents, such as medical records, that can prove your right to damages.

What Is Ndma And What Harm Can It Cause

NDMA is an environmental contaminant that is found in water and foods, including dairy products, vegetables, and grilled meats. Its classification as a probable carcinogen is based on studies in animals studies in humans are very limited.

It is important to know that the NDMA in ranitidine products does not pose any immediate health risks. Neither the FDA nor Novartis/Sandoz or Apotex have received any reports of adverse events related to NDMA found in ranitidine. Although classified as a probable carcinogen, NDMA may cause cancer only after exposure to high doses over a long period of time. NDMA is one of the same impurities that was found in certain heart medications beginning last year and that resulted in the recall of many products.

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Zantac Has Dangerous Levels Of Ndma

The initial tests that found NDMA in Zantac products claimed that the level was not dangerous. However, drug companies and stores like CVS pulled the products from the shelves out of an abundance of caution and to protect themselves from what appears like it could be a massive legal liability.

Unfortunately, subsequent testing of Zantac and other medications began to reveal a more dangerous truth. The levels of NDMA in these tests were high enough to potentially cause cancer. In some cases, these levels were many multiples of the acceptable daily limit.

Talk To A Lawyer If You Are Worried About Cancer After Taking Zantac

What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC has worked with many clients on mass tort claims and know that lots of people are worried that they might get cancer after taking Zantac or if Ranitidine products with levels of NDMA cause cancer.

Contact us today to talk about the voluntary recall, are concerned about the risk of cancer, if you were diagnosed with cancer, or wonder what cancer does Zantac may cause according to the Food and Drug administration, and do not know if you may be able to bring a case.

We work on contingency fee agreements so you do not have to pay for anything until we secure an award or settlement. Contact us for a free consultation today. You deserve to get relief and we may be able to get you help.

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Get More Information About Zantac And Cancer

  • If you want to know more about the recent Zantac MDL case, click here:
  • If you want to know more about the FDAs views on the subject, read this warning:

What Are The Potential Injuries From Zantac

Zantac users may have been exposed to unsafe levels of NDMA over prolonged periods of time. According to the FDA, the safe daily intake limit for NDMA is 96 ng. The Valisure testing found NDMA levels in a single 150 mg tablet to be as high as 2,511,469 ng which is 26,000 times greater than the safe daily limit. The FDAs own testing found lower levels of NDMA in Zantac, but even these levels were 3,000 times the daily acceptable limit.

The Valisure testing was done right. They used the FDAs gold standard gas chromatography/mass spectrometry protocol. You dont a whole lot of objection that this study was flawed in any. So, as they should, Valisure sounded the alarm.

The alarm was needed. There is no debate within the scientific and medical community that NDMA is a substance that causes cancer in humans and animals. The link between NDMA and various types of cancer was first discovered back in the 1970s. Prolonged exposure to NDMA has been shown to cause several cancers including liver, gastric, kidney, and colorectal cancer.

NDMA not only causes cancer but at very high levels it can actually function as a poison. There are several reported cases in which acute, high-dose ingestion of NDMA has caused liver damage, internal bleeding, and death. Animal testing found that ingestion of moderate to high levels of NDMA in water or food can damage the liver after just a few weeks.

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Zantac and other ranitidine products have been withdrawn from the market by the Food and Drug Administration because of its association with NDMA . Prevailing scientific evidence concludes that NDMA is a probable carcinogen or cancer-causing agent. Prostate cancer is one of the cancers associated with this dangerous contaminant.

The NDMA Basics

NDMA is an organic chemical that occurs during both natural and industrial processes. NDMA is a member of a chemical class known as nitrosamines that are considered powerful carcinogens. While NDMA is no longer produced in pure form in the United States other than for scientific research it was formerly used in the production of rocket fuel and lubricants. This usage was discontinued when the water, air, and soil around manufacturing plants was determined to have been contaminated. NDMA, however, can be produced unintentionally as a result of its chemical instability, which may play a role in why NDMA levels in people who regularly take ranitidine are often so elevated.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is generally a slow-growing cancer that is initially confined to the prostate gland and is one of the most common cancers in men. There are, however, more aggressive forms of prostate cancer that are far more dangerous and more difficult to treat. While men often dont experience symptoms in the early stages of the disease, there are several symptoms associated with more advanced stages, including:

Why Was Ndma Found In Ranitidine

UPDATE: Zantac (Ranitidine) Recall and Cancer Lawsuit

Unlike other drugs that were recalled for containing NDMA, such as valsartan, studies and lawsuits suggest that the NDMA in Zantac is not a product of contamination during manufacturing. Rather, they suggest that ranitidine itself is capable of producing NDMA under certain conditions.

For example, FDAs lab tests suggest that NDMA wasnt formed in the stomach or the intestines, and that levels of NDMA in some ranitidine products increase over time at room temperature and increased temperatures.

An analysis published in January 2021 in JAMA suggests that NDMA in ranitidine increases under simulated conditions that mimic the stomach.

Were you diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac?

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Breast Cancer Lawsuits Against Zantac Manufacturers

A Florida woman filed a lawsuit in December of 2019 to seek compensation for her breast cancer diagnosis in August of that year. She had been taking Zantac to treat her chronic heartburn for nearly two decades when she received her diagnosis. In another Florida case, a man was taking Zantac to calm his acid reflux and heartburn for nine years starting in 2009 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013.

Both of these suits assert that Zantac producers had the responsibility to know about its carcinogenic effects and release this information to the public and medical community, but did no such thing. In fact, despite knowledge of NDMAs harmful properties since the 1970s, Zantac has been marketed as safe since it was introduced to the market in 1983. Millions of Americans have been treating their indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux with ranitidine for years or possibly even decades.

Breast cancer patients who were diagnosed caused by regular Zantac use deserve compensation. Our experienced team of lawyers at Kwartler Manus, LLC can assist you in collecting the restitution you are entitled to and does not rest until justice is served.

What Cancer Does Zantac Cause

Research indicates that approximately 1.8 million people in the United States learn they have cancer in 2020. There are several reasons an individual may get cancer. Some people are genetically predisposed to certain types of cancer. Defects in a persons genes can lead to several types of cancer, including breast, kidney, prostate, and thyroid cancer. Other factors that can increase a persons risk of developing cancer include obesity, diet, smoking, and exposure to toxins and chemicals.

In some cases, individuals may develop cancer because they have been exposed to harmful toxins or chemicals. This exposure can come through contaminated ground or water. It can also stem from ingredients used in products. For example, exposure to lead paint has been linked to several types of cancer.

Individuals who took Zantac are also at risk of developing cancer. The types of cancers linked to Zantac and legal options for those who took this medication are explored here.

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