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Show Me A Picture Of A Prostate

How Is A Prostate Ultrasound Done

Prostate Cancer Animation

When you get to the facility for the test, an ultrasound technician may ask you to take off your clothes and change into a gown. Then, the technician will ask you to lie down on your back or side on an examination table and bend your knees.

To perform a transrectal ultrasound , the technician covers a small imaging tool called a transducer with ultrasound gel to help the tool broadcast good images. Then, the technician slowly inserts the transducer into your rectum and moves it around gently to get images of your prostate from various angles. For a biopsy, the technician will slowly insert a needle alongside the transducer into your prostate to remove the tissue.

Your rectum might feel like its swelling while the transducers inside, and the gel can feel damp and cold. Let the technician know if youre uncomfortable during the procedure. Your technician may use local anesthesia or a sedative to help you feel you more comfortable.

Who Interprets The Results And How Do I Get Them

A radiologist, a doctor trained to supervise and interpret radiology exams, will analyze the images. The radiologist will send a signed report to the doctor who requested the exam. Your doctor will then share the results with you. In some cases, the radiologist may discuss results with you after the exam.

You may need a follow-up exam. If so, your doctor will explain why. Sometimes a follow-up exam further evaluates a potential issue with more views or a special imaging technique. It may also see if there has been any change in an issue over time. Follow-up exams are often the best way to see if treatment is working or if a problem needs attention.

What Will I Experience During And After The Procedure

Ultrasound exams that insert the transducer into a body cavity may produce minimal discomfort.

If no biopsy is necessary, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate is similar to or may have less discomfort than a rectal exam performed by your doctor.

If a biopsy is necessary, additional discomfort is usually minimal. This is because the rectal wall is relatively insensitive to the pain in the region of the prostate. A biopsy will add time to the procedure.

Rarely, a small amount of blood may be present in the sperm or urine following the procedure.

After an ultrasound exam, you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.

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What Causes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia is not well understood however, it occurs mainly in older men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not develop in men whose testicles were removed before puberty. For this reason, some researchers believe factors related to aging and the testicles may cause benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Throughout their lives, men produce testosterone, a male hormone, and small amounts of estrogen, a female hormone. As men age, the amount of active testosterone in their blood decreases, which leaves a higher proportion of estrogen. Scientific studies have suggested that benign prostatic hyperplasia may occur because the higher proportion of estrogen within the prostate increases the activity of substances that promote prostate cell growth.

Another theory focuses on dihydrotestosterone , a male hormone that plays a role in prostate development and growth. Some research has indicated that even with a drop in blood testosterone levels, older men continue to produce and accumulate high levels of DHT in the prostate. This accumulation of DHT may encourage prostate cells to continue to grow. Scientists have noted that men who do not produce DHT do not develop benign prostatic hyperplasia.

What Are The Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Slide Show

Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

  • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day
  • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination
  • trouble starting a urine stream
  • a weak or an interrupted urine stream
  • dribbling at the end of urination
  • nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep
  • urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine
  • pain after ejaculation or during urination
  • urine that has an unusual color or smell

Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from

  • a blocked urethra
  • a bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage

The size of the prostate does not always determine the severity of the blockage or symptoms. Some men with greatly enlarged prostates have little blockage and few symptoms, while other men who have minimally enlarged prostates have greater blockage and more symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower urinary tract symptoms.3

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These Superb Prostate Diagram Pictures Are Truly Educational

This first prostate diagram shows the whole urinary tract system from the kidneys, down through the two ureters into the bladder, through the urethra tube passing inside the prostate gland and out the penis.

That is why it sure feels good to go when you gotta go!

But when you have prostate problems, peeing can become a nightmare with many troubling symptoms that have life changing impacts.

When you start to block because of prostate diseases, you can experience a whole range of uncomfortable to highly painful symptoms. It’s no fun peeing any more!

It can burn like fire. It can dribble. It can force you to go many times in a short period and can wake you up constantly at night. It can cause back pain, hip pain, bone pain and, in some cases, block you completely so that not a drop can exit!

And it will easily affect your sex life, making erections difficult, reducing ejaculate to almost nothing and make you miserable.

Prostate problems sure change everything, and the troubling part is that you have no control over the symptoms. When you have to go, it can strike fast and furious. If you don’t get to the can fast, watch out!

Your choices are to soldier on, get medical interventions with an array of serious side effects or make changes to eliminate the causes so you can start to heal.

That was my choice and that is what this website is all about… learning all about your prostate and then how to make the changes that will improve your prostate health.

Stages Of Prostate Cancer

If you progress through the stages of prostate cancer, the cancerous cells will eventually take over more tissue around the prostate gland.

Hopefully these prostate cancer pictures have given you a better idea of what the progression looks like.

There are a number of prostate cancer treatment options available to quickly and safely deal with the situation if it so arises.

After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, the statistics are promising afterwards for living a happy and long life.

Recommended Reading: Prostate Cancer Treatment In Elderly

What Should I Do If I Have Prostate Cancer Symptoms

If you are displaying one or more signs of prostate cancer, be sure to promptly consult with a physician. Even benign prostate conditions like prostate enlargement warrant timely medical attention, so dont delay seeking treatment. And, like most other malignancies, prostate cancer is usually more easily treated when it is detected at an early stage.

Medically reviewed by Monica Chatwal, MD.

At Moffitt Cancer Center, we provide a full range of diagnostic testing for prostate cancer. If you have received a prostate cancer diagnosis, we understand that every day counts, and we want to support you every step of the way. Our Urologic Oncology Program includes a multispecialty team that focuses exclusively on evaluating and treating prostate cancer.

Contact Moffitt at or complete a new patient registration form online to speak with one of our specialized oncologists about your symptoms. As Floridas top cancer hospital, were committed to providing all new patients rapid access to a cancer expert within a day of their reaching out.

Identifying Potential Prostate Problems

Prostate Cancer Treatment
  • 1Watch for urination-related symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Many men, especially age 50 and older, experience an enlarged prostate . In most cases, its not caused by cancer, and many men have no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms like the following, however, contact your primary care doctor:XResearch source
  • Weak flow during urination.
  • Pain or burning during urination.
  • Painful ejaculation.
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in your lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or upper thighs.
  • 3Undergo testing and treatment in consultation with your medical team. If youre having prostate problems, and especially if you have possible symptoms of prostate cancer, your primary care doctor or urologist will likely conduct a digital rectal exam , a PSA blood test, or both. From there, they may recommend ultrasounds, CT scans, and/or prostate biopsies to achieve a diagnosis. While you should be an active participant in making your healthcare decisions, do not take expert medical advice lightly.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Cancer SocietyNonprofit devoted to promoting cancer research, education, and supportGo to source
  • Some studies indicate that the DRE isnt a perfect test for prostate cancer since it can be difficult to reach the front side of the prostate, but many experts argue it is still a valuable test.XResearch source
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    What Is Advanced Prostate Cancer

    When prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or returns after treatment, it is often called advanced prostate cancer.

    Prostate cancer is often grouped into four stages, with stages III and IV being more advanced prostate cancer.

    • Early Stage | Stages I & II: The tumor has not spread beyond the prostate.
    • Locally Advanced | Stage III: Cancer has spread outside the prostate but only to nearby tissues.
    • Advanced | Stage IV: Cancer has spread outside the prostate to other parts such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs.

    When an early stage prostate cancer is found, it may be treated or placed on surveillance . Advanced prostate cancer is not curable, but there are many ways to treat it. Treatment can help slow advanced prostate cancer progression.

    There are several types of advanced prostate cancer, including:

    Biochemical Recurrence

    With biochemical recurrence, the prostate-specific antigen level has risen after treatment using surgery or radiation, with no other sign of cancer.

    Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone treatment and is only found in the prostate. This is found by a rise in the PSA level, while the testosterone level stays low. Imaging tests do not show signs the cancer has spread.

    Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    • Lymph nodes outside the pelvis
    • Bones
    • Other organs, such as liver or lungs

    Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

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    Surgical procedures to remove the diseased prostate are usually necessary. Surgical procedures are not always necessary. If the disease is caused by bacterial infections, a doctor can treat the symptoms using alpha-blockers or surgery. Physical therapy, relaxation exercises, and warm baths are all recommended. A physician may also prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection. A bacterial infection can also cause a recurrence of the condition.

    An enlarged prostate can be uncomfortable for both men and women. Some of the symptoms of an enlarged male reproductive organ include a weakened urine stream, urgent need to urinate, and urinary tract infections. BPH can also cause damage to the kidneys. A sudden inability to urinate can be life-threatening, as it can lead to bladder and kidney damage. Unfortunately, most men with enlarged prostrates put up with the symptoms for years before they seek treatment. However, many of the men with symptoms finally decide to go to a doctor for proper gynecological evaluation and to begin enlarged prostatic therapy.

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    How Does The Procedure Work

    Ultrasound imaging uses the same principles as the sonar that bats, ships, and fishermen use. When a sound wave strikes an object, it bounces back or echoes. By measuring these echo waves, it is possible to determine how far away the object is as well as its size, shape, and consistency. This includes whether the object is solid or filled with fluid.

    Doctors use ultrasound to detect changes in the appearance of organs, tissues, and vessels and to detect abnormal masses, such as tumors.

    In an ultrasound exam, a transducer both sends the sound waves and records the echoing waves. When the transducer is pressed against the skin, it sends small pulses of inaudible, high-frequency sound waves into the body. As the sound waves bounce off internal organs, fluids and tissues, the sensitive receiver in the transducer records tiny changes in the sound’s pitch and direction. A computer instantly measures these signature waves and displays them as real-time pictures on a monitor. The technologist typically captures one or more frames of the moving pictures as still images. They may also save short video loops of the images.

    The same principles apply to ultrasound procedures such as transrectal ultrasound which require insertion of a special imaging probe or transducer into the body.

    How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated

    Physiotherapy and Prostate Health

    Treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

    • lifestyle changes
    • minimally invasive procedures
    • surgery

    A health care provider treats benign prostatic hyperplasia based on the severity of symptoms, how much the symptoms affect a mans daily life, and a mans preferences.

    Men may not need treatment for a mildly enlarged prostate unless their symptoms are bothersome and affecting their quality of life. In these cases, instead of treatment, a urologist may recommend regular checkups. If benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms become bothersome or present a health risk, a urologist most often recommends treatment.

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    Side View Of The Prostate

    The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body.

    The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation, the prostate squeezes this fluid into the urethra, and itâs expelled with sperm as semen.

    The vasa deferentia bring sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles contribute fluid to semen during ejaculation.

    What Is A Prostatectomy

    A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure for the partial or complete removalof the prostate. It may be performed to treatprostate cancerorbenign prostatic hyperplasia.

    A common surgical approach to prostatectomy includes making a surgicalincision and removing the prostate gland . This may beaccomplished with either of two methods, the retropubic or suprapubicincision , or a perineum incision .

    Prior to having a prostatectomy, it’s often necessary to have aprostate biopsy. Please see this procedure for additional information.

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    Symptomatic treatment of an enlarged prostate usually involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be the best option if you suffer from chronic urination. It will help the body adjust to the increased size of the prostate. Also, taking regular urination intervals will help retrain the bladder to function properly. Inactivity also contributes to urine retention, and cold temperatures can increase the urge to urinate.

    Invasive treatment of enlarged prostate includes medication that relieves the pressure on the urethra and bladder. However, if the condition is severe, it may require surgical intervention. If treatment is not successful, the enlarged prostate can become a potentially life-threatening disease. As the hormone levels in the body change, the enlarged prostate can lead to various complications, including urinary retention and even cancer. This is why it is critical to see a doctor for further evaluation.

    A physician can recommend a number of treatments to address an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate will require surgery to relieve the symptoms. In most cases, surgical treatment for an enlargement of the penis is enough. Moreover, a doctor may recommend a course of treatment based on symptoms. A TURP procedure is not painful and requires less recovery time than open surgery. The recovery period will be shorter and less traumatic.

    What Is A Prostate Ultrasound Used For

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    A prostate ultrasound is used to check your prostate gland using ultrasound imagery. The procedure provides your doctor with black-and-white images of your prostate and the surrounding tissues. Your doctor usually wont do this as part of a physical examination, but they may recommend it if:

    • youre over 40

    A prostate ultrasound can also be used to help your doctor take a tissue sample, or biopsy, from your prostate.

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    Types Of Prostate Cancer

    Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas. These cancers develop from the gland cells .

    Other types of cancer that can start in the prostate include:

    • Small cell carcinomas
    • Neuroendocrine tumors
    • Transitional cell carcinomas
    • Sarcomas

    These other types of prostate cancer are rare. If you are told you have prostate cancer, it is almost certain to be an adenocarcinoma.

    Some prostate cancers grow and spread quickly, but most grow slowly. In fact, autopsy studies show that many older men who died of other causes also had prostate cancer that never affected them during their lives. In many cases, neither they nor their doctors even knew they had it.

    Reasons For The Procedure

    The goal of radical prostatectomy is to remove all prostate cancer. RP isused when the cancer is believed to be confined to the prostate gland.During the procedure, the prostate gland and some tissue around the gland,including the seminal vesicles, are removed. The seminal vesicles are thetwo sacs that connect to the vas deferens , and secrete semen.Other less common reasons for radical prostatectomy include:

    • Inability to completely empty the bladder

    • Recurrent bleeding from the prostate

    • Bladder stones with prostate enlargement

    • Very slow urination

    • Increased pressure on the ureters and kidneys from urinary retention

    There may be other reasons for your doctor to recommend a prostatectomy.

    Recommended Reading: Cómo Empieza El Cáncer De Próstata

    Blood And Lymphatic Vessels

    The prostate receives blood through the inferior vesical artery, internal pudendal artery, and middle rectal arteries. These vessels enter the prostate on its outer posterior surface where it meets the bladder, and travel forward to the apex of the prostate. Both the inferior vesical and the middle rectal arteries often arise together directly from the internal iliac arteries. On entering the bladder, the inferior vesical artery splits into a urethral branch, supplying the urethral prostate and a capsular branch, which travels around the capsule and has smaller branches which perforate into the prostate.

    The veins of the prostate form a network the prostatic venous plexus, primarily around its front and outer surface. This network also receives blood from the deep dorsal vein of the penis, and is connected via branches to the vesical plexus and internal pudendal veins. Veins drain into the vesical and then internal iliac veins.

    The lymphatic drainage of the prostate depends on the positioning of the area. Vessels surrounding the vas deferens, some of the vessels in the seminal vesicle, and a vessel from the posterior surface of the prostate drain into the external iliac lymph nodes. Some of the seminal vesicle vessels, prostatic vessels, and vessels from the anterior prostate drain into internal iliac lymph nodes. Vessels of the prostate itself also drain into the obturator and sacral lymph nodes.

    • Microscopic glands of the prostate


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