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What Is The Survival Rate For Stage 3 Prostate Cancer

Understanding Prostate Cancers Progression

The Five Stages of Prostate Cancer | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

To determine the appropriate treatment, doctors need to know how far the cancer has progressed, or its stage. A pathologist, the doctor trained in analyzing cells taken during a prostate biopsy, will provide two starting pointsthe cancers grade and Gleason score.

  • Cancer grade: When the pathologist looks at prostate cancer cells, the most common type of cells will get a grade of 3 to 5. The area of cancer cells in the prostate will also be graded. The higher the grade, the more abnormal the cells.
  • Gleason score: The two grades will be added together to get a Gleason score. This score tells doctors how likely the cancer is to grow and spread.

After a biopsy confirms prostate cancer, the patient may undergo additional tests to see whether it has spread through the blood or lymph nodes to other parts of the body. These tests are usually imaging studies and may include a bone scan, positron emission tomography scan or computed tomography scan.

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Your multidisciplinary team will work with you to develop a personalized plan to treat your prostate cancer in a way that fits your individual needs and goals.

Stage Iv Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Prostate cancers detected at the distant stage have an average five-year survival rate of 28 percent, which is much lower than local and regional cancers of the prostate. This average survival rate represents stage IV prostate cancers that have metastasized beyond nearby areas to lymph nodes, organs or bones in other parts of the body.

Overview Of The Staging System

After a thorough assessment by your oncologist, your cancer will be assigned a stage between I and IV. Prostate cancer stages are based on the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM system. Using the TNM system, your oncologist:

  • Examines the tumor
  • Determines if the cancer has spread to any lymph nodes
  • Assesses whether the cancer has metastasized
  • Considers the prostate-specific antigen level from blood testing
  • Assigns a grade group based on how abnormal the cancer appears under a microscope

With this information in mind, you can better understand how stages are assigned and what they mean for patients in general.

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Stage 3 Cancer Survival Rate

The life expectancy of a patient diagnosed with cancer depends upon various factors like age, overall health of the patient, type of cancer, when it is detected, available treatment options, and response of the patient to the treatment. Read on to know about the survival rates for various cancers..

The life expectancy of a patient diagnosed with cancer depends upon various factors like age, overall health of the patient, type of cancer, when it is detected, available treatment options, and response of the patient to the treatment. Read on to know about the survival rates for various cancers..

Development of cancer is divided into stages. Staging helps design proper treatment for the patient. Each year, millions of people are diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Detection of the condition in early stages helps increase the life expectancy of the patient. Usually, it is easier to remove cancer when it is in the initial stage. Thus, the growth of cancerous cells can be controlled. It is comparatively difficult to treat it, if it has reached the third or fourth stage.


First Stage: Growth of cancerous cells in the form of very small tumors is termed as stage one. There exist several types of cancers, and experts have determined the sizes of tumors for each stage for each type. During the first stage, cancer is confined to the local area .

Survival Rate

Type of Cancer

How To Understand The Gleason Score

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For instance, if the Gleason Score is written 4+3=7, this means 4 is the grade assigned to the most cancerous cells, while 3 is the grade of the next largest section of the tumor. Together they make up the total Gleason Score, in this instance 7.

A Gleason Score of 6 is considered low-grade. It describes cancer cells that resemble the normal cells and, therefore, the cancer is slow-growing.

A Gleason Score of 7 is considered an intermediate grade, with a medium risk of aggressive cancer. In this case, it is very important to know what is the primary grade . If the primary grade is 3 and the secondary grade is 4, the cancer is not that likely to spread so quickly or cause important problems while a Gleason Score of 7, with the primary grade of 4 and the secondary grade of 3 is more likely to be more aggressive and high-risk.

Consider asking about your primary Gleason Grade, especially when your Gleason Score is 7 and the Gleason Grades are not specified.

A Gleason score of 8-10 is considered to be high-risk. Cancers are likely to spread more quickly and be more aggressive.

For a better understanding of your particular situation, do not hesitate to contact a urologist!

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Stage 3 Prostate Cancer Survival Rate

When doctors deem a prostate tumor as a stage 3 prostate cancer case, then cancer cells may have left the confinements of the prostate gland. Stage 3 is also broken down into 3 subgroups.

  • Stage IIIA: PSA reading is slightly over 20ng/mL, the Gleason score is 8 or less. The location of cancer cells is on both sides of the prostate gland or even outside of it
  • Stage IIIB: PSA reading is any level, the Gleason score is 8 or less. The location of cancer cells is inside or outside the prostate gland, but they havent reached lymph nodes yet
  • Stage IIIC: PSA reading is at any level, the Gleason score is 9 or 10. The location of cancer cells is inside or outside the prostate gland, and they may have even reached lymph nodes or other parts of the body near the prostate gland.

With the right treatment, 95% of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are likely to survive for at least 5 years. While active surveillance is outside the question at this point, other treatments are likely to lead to satisfactory results. External beam radiation coupled with hormone therapy, radiation coupled with hormone therapy, and radical prostatectomy are viable plans of action at this point.

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How To Make The Right Treatment Decision

Current expert guidelines for treatment of localized prostate carcinoma recommend potentially curative therapy for patients whose life expectancy is at least 10 years., Patients with limited life expectancy are more likely to die from health conditions other than prostate cancer. Men with a life expectancy of more than 10 years are more likely to die from progressive prostate cancer. This 10-year rule enjoys broad acceptance among urologists and radiation oncologists.,

Conservative management proved to be an acceptable treatment option for men with low-grade Gleason scores, clinically localized disease, and life expectancies of less than 10 years. Increasing age was described as a risk factor for receiving inadequate treatment for prostate cancer. Thus, older men have been shown to receive potentially curative therapy less often than younger men., Radical prostatectomy is preferred treatment in men younger than 70 years, whereas radiation therapy is applied predominantly in patients older than 70 years. Conservative therapy such as watchful waiting or androgen deprivation by luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogs is preferentially applied in men older than 80 years. Watchful waiting or hormonal therapy is used to treat 82% of men older than 80 years.

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Differences Among Risk Groups

Men with PCa have been classified into low-, intermediate- and high-risk Groups for tumor recurrence and disease specific mortality, based on PSA level, clinical or pathological staging and GS. High-risk patients have PSA level 20ng/mL or GS 8 or clinical/pathological stage T2c . Lymph-node positive and PSM have also been reported as poor prognosis factors.

Risk Group classification predicts biochemical and clinical progression as well as PCa specific mortality and overall survival. The risk of disease progression in these groups has been validated for patients submited to RP in many studies. In patients from Mayo Clinic, BCR rates were 2.3 and 3.3-fold greater in high and intermediate-risk in comparison with low-risk patients, respectively. In those patients, mortality rates in high and intermediate-risk patients were greater than 11 and 6-fold over low-risk men .

Therefore, it is crutial to understand the role of each clinical and pathologic feature in PCa BCR and disease progression.

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Survival Statistics For Prostate Cancer

Life Expectancy with Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Survival statistics for prostate cancer are very general estimates and must be interpreted very carefully. Because these statistics are based on the experience of groups of people, they cannot be used to predict a particular person’s chances of survival. In general, most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from the disease itself and will die from other causes.

There are many different ways to measure and report cancer survival statistics. Your doctor can explain the statistics for prostate cancer and what they mean to you.

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Whats The Difference Between Cancer Grading And Staging

Cancer grade refers to how quickly it may grow or spread. Cancer stage refers to the size of the tumor and whether or not it has already spread to other parts of the body. For the most part, the lower the grade, the slower the growth of the tumor. In contrast, stages mean different things for different types of cancer, but usually the higher the number, the more advanced the cancer .

Now, lets put all of this information together and talk about the different stages of prostate cancer.

Psa And Gleason Score

Two other important factors that doctors and specialists use to assess cancer cells are the prostate specific antigen and the Gleason score.

PSA levels: PSA is a protein that appears in higher levels in the bloodstream when there is a problem with the prostate. Normally, PSA levels in the blood are very low, and a test cannot detect them. However, in some circumstance, such as prostate cancer, PSA levels start to rise.

Screening for prostate cancer uses a blood test for PSA. If PSA levels are high, the doctor may recommend further tests to see if prostate cancer is present.

There are various other reasons why PSA levels may rise, including sexual stimulation or an infection.

The grade and Gleason score: Different types of cancer cell act differently. Some types, or grades, are more aggressive and can spread more easily. The Gleason score and grade are different measures, but they both reflect how likely it is that a tumor will spread, and how quickly it will do so. Either a biopsy or surgery can determine the types of cancer cells present in the prostate tissues.

Nearly 50% of males have a condition known as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia by the time they are 50 years old. PIN is when there are changes in the cells that line the prostate gland.

High grade PIN is not cancer, but the cells can become cancerous in the future. For this reason, a doctor may recommend treatment to remove the cells.

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Good Prostate Cancer Care

Your MDT will be able to recommend what they feel are the best treatment options, but ultimately the decision is yours.

You should be able to talk with a named specialist nurse about treatment options and possible side effects to help you make a decision.

You should also be told about any clinical trials you may be eligible for.

If you have side effects from treatment, you should be referred to specialist services to help stop or ease these side effects.

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What Is The Survival Rate For Prostate Cancer

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The average five-year survival rate for prostate cancer is very optimistic: 98%. This means it is relatively unlikely that a man diagnosed with prostate cancer will die from the disease.

This high survival rate is largely attributable to the fact that most prostate cancers are detected before the prostate cancer spreads to other organsin other words, when it is localized. Prostate cancer is detected at these earlier stages with regular screenings, which is why its so important for men to begin screening for prostate cancer at age 50.

That being said, there are aggressive prostate cancers that may decrease the chance of survival. The chances of survival dramatically decrease if the cancer has the opportunity to spread to further areas of the body.

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What Is Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

The fourth stage of prostate cancerdefines a tumor that has progressed to other regions of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bones, or bladder. The 5-year survival rate for these tumors is 29 percent.

Keep in mind that each case is unique, and figures like these are merely suggestions. As advances in prostate cancer treatment become more common, your odds of surviving this disease improve.

In general, prostate cancer has a very good survival rate one of the greatest of any cancer type. Because prostate cancer is frequently a slow-moving disease, the majority of men diagnosed with it will die from an unrelated reason.

Stage 4 prostate cancer means the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or to other parts of the body. It is further divided into two substages:

  • Prostate Cancer Stage 4A Stage 4A: The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but may or may not have spread to nearby tissues.
  • Prostate Cancer Stage 4B Stage 4B: The cancer has spread to another area of the body, such as the bones or distant lymph nodes.

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Survivability For Prostate Cancer According To Stage

Relative survival looks at a persons chances of surviving after diagnosis compared to a healthy person from the general population who shares similar characteristics, such as age, sex, and race.

For prostate cancer, relative survival depends on the stage of the disease . It is important to note that this prognostic grouping, also established by the UICC, is more accurate than stage grouping in assessing a survival prognostic.

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Gleason Prostate Cancer Score

1960s as a way to measure how aggressive your prostate cancer may be.

A pathologist determines your Gleason score by looking at a biopsy of your prostate tissue under a microscope. They grade the cells in the biopsy on a scale of 1 to 5. Grade 1 cells are healthy prostate, whereas grade 5 cells are highly mutated and dont resemble healthy cells at all.

The pathologist will calculate your Gleason score by adding together the number of the most prevalent type of cell in the sample and the second most prevalent type of cell.

For example, if the most common cell grade in your sample is 4 and the second most common is 4, you would have a score of 8.

A Gleason score of 6 is considered low-grade cancer, 7 is intermediate, and 8 to 10 is high-grade cancer.

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While examining the tumor cells, the pathologist looks at the two most common tumor cell patterns, referred to as the primary and secondary patterns. Each of these patterns is then graded based on how closely they resemble normal prostate tissue .

Grade 1 cells look like normal prostate cells. Grade 5 cells are very abnormal appearing cells. Grades 24 are in between the higher the number, the less the cells look like normal prostate tissue. Almost all prostate cancers have grade 3 cells or higher.

Once the pathologist has assigned a grade to the primary and secondary cell patterns, these two numbers are added together to get a total Gleason score. The higher the Gleason score, the more likely the tumor is going to grow or spread to other parts of the body.

Since the lowest grade a cancer cell can have is grade 3 , the lowest Gleason score for a cancer is grade 6 and is considered low-grade prostate cancer.

Many experts use the Gleason score to categorize prostate cancers into Grade Groupsthese are also assigned a number, ranging from 1 to 5, with 1 being the least likely to grow and 5 being the most likely to grow. For example, if your primary Gleason score is 3 and your secondary score is 4, then you are a Grade Group 2. Alternatively, if the primary pattern is a Gleason score 4 and the secondary pattern is a 3, then you are Grade Group 3 .

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What Is Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is cancer that affects the prostate glands present in men. Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths for men in the United States.

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that lies below the bladder and in front of the rectum. In men, the size of the prostate increases with increasing age. Its primary function is to make fluid to nourish and lubricate the semen.

Growth in the prostate can be of two types:

  • Benign growths: These are noncancerous growths and are rarely a threat to life .
  • Malignant growths: These are cancerous growths that are potentially life-threatening.

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Prostate Cancer Survival Trends Over Time

As with most cancers, survival for prostate cancer is improving. However, interpretation of prostate cancer survival trends is difficult as the case-mix on which they are based is likely to have changed over time with earlier diagnoses following the advent of TURP and PSA testing. The detection of a greater proportion of latent, earlier, slow-growing tumours in more recent time periods will have the effect of raising survival rates due to lead-time bias . Lead-time bias for prostate cancer is estimated to be between five and 12 years, varying with a mans age at screening. Data from the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer estimates that for a single screening test, mean lead times are 12 years at age 55 and six years at age 75. Some of the increase may also be attributed to genuine improvements in survival due to more effective treatment, for both early, aggressive prostate cancers and advanced cases.

One-year age-standardised net survival for prostate cancer has increased from 66% during 1971-1972 to 94% during 2010-2011 in England and Wales an absolute survival difference of 28 percentage points.

Prostate Cancer , Age-Standardised One-Year Net Survival, Men , England and Wales, 1971-2011

Prostate Cancer , Age-Standardised Five-Year Net Survival, Men , England and Wales, 1971-2011

Prostate Cancer , Age-Standardised Ten-Year Net Survival, Men , England and Wales, 1971-2011

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