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HomeEditor PicksSuper Beta Prostate Ingredients Label

Super Beta Prostate Ingredients Label

Return Super Beta Prostate

Super Beta Prostate – 2 minute version for New Vitality

Super Beta Prostate comes with a 30-day return policy if it is purchased from the supplement website. You need to call customer service at 1-800-943-6465 before to returning the supplement. The company only allows 1 opened bottle to be returned. If multiple bottles were purchased, they must be unopened.

You must pay shipping and handling to return the bottles. The company recommends insuring the bottles as well as they will not issue refunds for lost or damaged bottles.

On the Terms and Conditions page of, take note that by purchasing the product from the website, that you waive rights to take legal action in a court of law and by a jury. Instead, you agree to binding arbitration. This is a common stipulation I’ve seen with other supplement companies. Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions page if this is important to you.

Super Beta Prostate Advanced Benefits

  • Reduce Waking at Night to Urinate*
  • Promote Better Bladder Emptying*
Product Info

Powerful Prostate Support from the #1 Best-Selling Brand

When it comes to prostate health, all men know they should take it seriously, but how can you tell the products backed by real science from all the fakes out there? Super Beta Prostate Advanced uses only clinically tested ingredients at the correct amounts, so that you can feel confident with what you are putting in your body. This means real, dependable prostate support so you can spend more time enjoying your life, instead of in the bathroom.

Always looking for the closest bathroom… just in case?

This doesn’t have to be a normal part of your life! Despite what you may think, constant urges to urinate doesn’t have to be a permanent problem. Super Beta Prostate Advanced is the perfect formula for men who want to reduce those frequent, frustrating bathroom trips – both during the day and the night. It was made to be a supplement for every man and we’re confident you’ll notice the benefits of these amazing ingredients.

Our most advanced prostate support formula!


What is Super Beta Prostate Advanced?

What makes Super Beta Prostate Advanced different than other products on the market for prostate health?

What is beta-sitosterol?

What is lycopene?

Lycopene is a carotenoid a pigment created by plants. Lycopene is most commonly associated with tomatoes, and has a long history of being used to support prostate health.

Super Beta Prostate Advanced Chewables Benefits

  • Reduce Waking at Night to Urinate*
  • Promote Better Bladder Emptying*
Product Info

The Formula Urologists Recommend Most!

All men should take their prostate health seriously, but when it comes to health supplements, how can they tell the science from the folklore? Super Beta Prostate Advanced has clinically tested ingredients in amounts that match their studies so you get REAL, science-backed prostate support. Its so effective that its become the #1 recommended prostate multi-supplement by urologists!

Made with an Exclusive Triple-Action Blend

Super Beta Prostate Advanced takes prostate health to the next level with a special blend called ProstaFend®: three powerful ingredients that each support your prostate in their own unique way. These ingredients are beta-sitosterol, which helps to reduce urges to urinate and decreases nighttime bathroom visits reishi mushroom, which helps support the ongoing health of your prostate and lycopene, because low lycopene levels are associated with lower urinary tract symptoms in men.

Now Available in Easy Chewables!

Since its inception, Super Beta Prostate has been offered in a caplet form. Now, theres all new Super Beta Prostate Chewables to make supporting your prostate even easier! These chewables have all of them same ingredients as the caplets, including the triple-action ProstaFend blend. Even better, they have a natural berry flavor thats so tasty, you might forget youre taking a supplement!


What is lycopene?

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What Is Super Beta Prostate

Men who suffer from an enlarged prostate are often bothered by a number of side effects on a daily basis. As a man gets older there is a chance that he will come face to face with prostate problems and desire a solution immediately. The first sign can be a mild to dramatic increase in urination. In the effort to stop this, men can try supplements like Super Beta Prostate. The designers of this product hope that by consuming these pills a man can have a proper nights sleep and improved bladder emptying. Often these factors are interrupted by frequent urination therefore, attempting to maintain healthy urinary patterns can be the answer to all your problems.

Super Beta Prostate Ingredients


Super Beta Prostate is a supplement that was designed by Roger Mason, a chemist 13. It was created to promote the health of the prostate, which is a gland that encircles the urethra in men. As men age, the prostate can become enlarged, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. BPH causes difficulty urinating because the prostate squeezes the urethra, restricting the flow of urine. Super Beta Prostate is designed to counteract the effects of aging and help to prevent BPH 13. It contains a variety of minerals and natural plant sterols and a vitamin. It is recommended that men discuss this supplement with their doctors prior to beginning treatment.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Super Beta Prostate Benefits

According to TV commercials and other ads, Super Beta Prostate is said to help men in these areas

  • Supports normal prostate function
  • *** the Daily Value for vitamin D has been raised to 600 IU
  • mcg = micrograms
  • N/A = no daily value established

Note. The supplement used to contain pygeum bark powder. Labels appearing on Super Beta Prostate website no longer list this ingredient. See below for more on pygeum.

What Is The Best Natural Prostate Supplement

When it comes to choosing the best prostate supplement, its essential that it contains:

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Ingredients shown to work in peer-reviewed, double-blind studies.
  • Chelated ingredients for better absorption and effectiveness.

While there are many supplements out there that have scientifically backed natural ingredients, the vast majority contain only a few of the essential prostate ingredients. And this is usually in low and ineffective dosages, without chelating ingredients for better absorption and bioavailability.

Super Beta Prostate is a hugely popular and decent quality prostate supplement for mens health.

Despite lacking a few essential ingredients, it contains sufficient quantities of zinc, vitamin D3, selenium, and most importantly, beta-sitosterol.

Super Beta Prostates advanced P3 formulation contains a higher dose of vitamin D3 as well as its own branded ProstaFend blend, which includes lycopene and reishi mushroom extract.

Also Check: How Do You Treat An Enlarged Prostate

Safety Dosage And Side Effects

It is safe to use Super Beta Prostate if you are in good health. Its always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any supplement to confirm that its safe for you.

The components in Super Beta Prostate are usually well accepted and safe to use.

Mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and indigestion are the most prevalent adverse effects.

Super Beta Prostate, on the other hand, contains larger concentrations of plant sterols than those generally tested, which might result in worsening gastrointestinal issues.

2 pills per day is the suggested dose for Super Beta Prostate. One tablet in the morning and one pill in the evening, with meals, is recommended by the manufacturer.

Super Beta Prostate advises men to use the mixture for at least 3060 days before judging whether or not it works.

What Is Prostafend

ProstaGenix vs Super Beta Prostate. Who comes out on top in a head-to-head comparison?

On the P3 Advanced label, ProstaFend is listed separately from the other ingredients. Yet, on the website, they give the impression ProstaFend is composed of plant sterols, lycopene, and reishi mushroom. But, if that’s true, why is it listed separately? Also, the dosages don’t add up.

If ProstaFend is made up of 600 mg plant sterols + 15 mg lycopene +6 mg of reishi mushroom, this adds up to 621 mg total. Yet, the supplement lable says there is 624 mg of ProstaFend.

From the website, they call it the cornerstone of P3 Advanced. That’s nice but I’d like more info on what this is. FYI ProstaFend is a trademarked word. There is no such nutrient called ProstaFend.

As for Reishi mushroom , as pointed out in my Reishi mushroom review, there is 1 study showing 6 mg of reishi improved urin flow in men with prostate problems. This is exactly the dosage in Advanced Super Beta Prostate P3. That’s good.

So, is Advanced P3 Super Beta Prostate Better? It’s hard to say because clinical studies that compare them to each other cannot be located.

Super Beta P3 Advanced costs a bit more than regular Super Beta Prostate. A 30 day supply is $42.95 +6.99 Shipping/Handling .

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How To Store Beta

Beta-sitosterol supplements are stable at room temperature. They can degrade quickly if exposed to excessive heat or sunlight. Always store your supplements in their original light-sensitive container, ideally in a cool, dry place in your home.

Avoid allowing the supplements to become wet or overly hot or cold. Beta-sitosterol supplements do not need to be refrigerated.

You should only use beta-sitosterol supplements until the point of expiration. Discard the supplements as indicated by the expiration date on the label.

In Prostate Support Viprosta

Official website:

Coupon Code: HLDAILY

Our studies and research have brought us to the conclusion that ViProsta uses high-quality ingredients that work. This is based on two factors: 1. Overwhelmingly positive customer feedback and 2. Our own investigations into the grade of ingredients many of these products use.

This year, ViProsta among others were included in our study, and this supplement came in at the top in both regards. While there may be other formulas that suggested positive results during our research, we feel that ViProsta has shown the most benefits making it HealthlineDailys Top Prostate Product of the year.

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Super Beta Prostate Supplement Review

Super beta prostate is a dietary supplement for prostate health, which contains a proprietary blend of ingredients.

It claims to relieve BPH symptoms, such as frequent urination, poor urinary flow, and trouble emptying the bladder.

This article will take a closer look at the use of Super Beta Prostate for symptoms that link with prostate enlargement.

What Are The Side Effects Of Super Beta Prostate

Super Beta Prostate Ingredients Label

According to their website, Super Beta Prostate is completely safe to take. However, they do advise seeking the advice of a medical professional if you are taking other prescription medication or if you have other concerns.

If you are thinking about trying Super Beta Prostate, we would advise discussing it with your doctor first.

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Is Super Beta Prostate Good For Your Prostate

If going by the label alone, then there is enough to suggest that Super Beta Prostate may have a positive effect on your prostate health. Super Beta is made with natural ingredients such as Beta Sitosterol and Vitamin D to naturally support healthy prostate function. It promotes less urges to urinate, less waking at night, and better bladder emptying

Key natural prostate ingredients such as beta-sitosterol, zinc, and vitamin D3 are all included. If taking the advanced P3 formulation, then you get an even higher dosage of vitamin D3 and additional ingredients, such as reishi mushroom extract, which helps with urinary urgency.

Who Makes Super Beta Prostate

Super Beta Prostate is a product of a company called New Vitality. The website is The parent company is called NAC Marketing Company, LLC. Another name is NAC Vitamin Company.

The company address is 95 Executive Dr Ste 14 Edgewood, NY 11717-8326.

A former address for this company was 260 Smith Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735. This address is now occupied by the address of True Earth Health Products, the maker of the anti-wrinkle creamPlexaderm.

New Vitality sells other supplements too such as Ageless Male .As an aside The NAC in the company name seems to have no connection to the glutathione boosting supplement, N-Acetyl Cysteine .

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The Key Ingredients Inside Super Prostate Formula

Super Prostate Formula contains just about every known natural ingredient to help promote prostate and urinary health, but also in much higher amounts than other brands, for maximum support.


Saw palmetto is a small palm plant found mainly in the southeastern United States. It produces yellow flowers and reddish black berries, and it is the berries from which the saw palmetto extract is taken. The berries themselves are very high in fatty acids, oils with beneficial properties, phytosterols, naturally occurring unsaturated fats found in the fatty tissues, plus other natural chemicals that may support healthy urinary function and a healthy prostate.

Researchers believe saw palmetto works by helping to regulate an enzyme responsible for converting a specific goodmale hormone to a bad one. This male hormone is believed to be the culprit that wreaks havoc on a healthy prostate. Saw palmetto berries contain many different types of fatty acids, and these fatty acids may help provide a very positive effect on the prostate.


The free fatty acids that are found in saw palmetto berries are the active ingredients that support healthy urinary function. Super Prostate Formula is packed with 288 mg of saw palmetto free fatty acids, the exact amount used in clinical studies that may help promote healthy urinary function.




What Is The Difference Between Super Beta Prostate And Super Beta Prostate P3

Which Prostate Supplement Has The Most Beta-Sitosterol? We Tested 157 Of Them To Find Out!

Super Beta Prostate P3 is an advanced formulation with two distinctions from the regular formulation:

  • It contains 1600 IU of vitamin D3 double the 800IU dose in the regular formulation.
  • It contains ProstaFend, a special blend made up of beta-sitosterol, reishi mushroom extract, and lycopene.

P3 Advanced has mixed plant sterols including beta-sitosterol shown in multiple clinical studies to reduce urges to urinate both day and night. Reishi mushroom extract helps reduce urinary urgency and supports a healthy prostate function. While lycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes its red color, has also been shown to have a positive effect on prostate health. P3 Advanced has 15 mg of lycopene to promote healthy levels.

We would advise adding lycopene to your diet by increasing the amount of tomatoes you eat on a weekly basis instead of supplementing.

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Bens Total Health: A Natural Prostate Supplement

Total Health for the Prostate is the only prostate supplement on the market we found containing every essential prostate-shrinking ingredient, in clinically significant dosages, with extracts and minerals that have all been chelated for increased effectiveness.

For more information on Total Health for the prostate and how it can improve your urinary symptoms and overall prostate health, you can visit our website below.

Which Ingredients Should A Prostate Supplement Contain

Alongside the ingredients above, a top-quality prostate supplement should also contain:

  • Quercetin Quercetin is a flavonoid found in high concentrations in capers and red onion. Preclinical research demonstrates that quercetin can protect against chronic prostatitis by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Curcumin Curcumin is the bioactive ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and may protect against prostate diseases.
  • Pygeum A study found pygeum africanum extracts inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cells in a test tube study.
  • Pomegranate Some studies show drinking pomegranate juice or taking a pomegranate extract significantly slows the rate at which PSA levels rise.
  • Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin seed contains fatty acids, phytosterols, tocopherols, and micronutrients. Preclinical research shows it can have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce prostate volume.
  • Ryegrass pollen Pollen is a natural source of antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Studies show it may improve urinary function by relaxing smooth muscle tone and increasing bladder muscle contraction and/or relaxing sphincter muscles and offering prostate support.
  • Stinging nettle Preclinical studies show stinging nettle causes anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may relieve the symptoms of BPH.

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What Happens If I Take Too Much Beta

Beta-sitosterol is not thought to be toxic. An overdose is also not likely with this supplement.

There is no upper limit in place for beta-sitosterol. An upper limit is a maximum quantity or dose that if exceeded may cause adverse effects.

Since side effects are possible when taking beta-sitosterol, it’s best to remain within the recommended dose provided by your healthcare provider or as listed on the supplement’s label. Side effects are more likely to happen if you take more than needed.

The most likely side effects you may experience if you take too much beta-sitosterol are:

  • Carotenoids, a type of antioxidant found in plant foods that are orange, red, and yellow


Beta-sitosterol may interact with statins, a medication used to lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Statins may increase the absorption of beta-sitosterol.


Ezetimibe, another drug, may also interact with beta-sitosterol. Ezetimibe, also known as Zetia, also lowers LDL cholesterol and may block the absorption of beta-sitosterol in the body.


A 2017 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that phytosterols can interact with carotenoids. The analysis concluded that phytosterols reduced carotenoids in the blood. However, it’s important to point out that this study did not differentiate the type of phytosterols used, so we do not know if beta-sitosterol was included in the review.

Prostate Support You Can Trust

Super Beta Prostate

Super Beta Prostate has been on the market for over 20 years and over 15 MILLION bottles have been shipped! Simply put, it’s the brand men trust to support their prostate health.

Don’t live in fear of the bathroom, try Super Beta Prostate Advanced to decrease frequent and frustrating bathroom trips and help improve your overall quality of life.*

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