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HomeCancerMajor Causes Of Prostate Cancer

Major Causes Of Prostate Cancer

What Are The Stages Of Prostate Cancer

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Your healthcare provider uses the Gleason score and Grade Groups to stage prostate cancer based on its projected aggressiveness. To get this information, the pathologist:

  • Assigns a grade to each type of cell in your sample. Cells are graded on a scale of three to five . Samples that test in the one to two range are considered normal tissue.
  • Adds together the two most common grades to get your Gleason score .
  • Uses the Gleason score to place you into a Grade Group ranging from one to five. A Gleason score of six puts you in Grade Group 1 . A score of nine or higher puts you in Grade Group five . Samples with a higher portion of more aggressive cells receive a higher Grade Group.

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Definitions Of Disease Categories

ICD codes used in the disease categories were the following : myocardial infarction , other coronary heart disease , cerebrovascular accident , arterial disease , heart failure , pneumonia , chronic lower respiratory disease , external causes , complications of diagnostic or surgical procedures , complications of therapeutic drug or vaccine usage , suicide , traffic accident , falls , other heart disease , gastrointestinal disease , dementia , diabetes , complications of heart disease , urinary system disease , symptoms , pulmonary circulation , nervous system disease , hypertensive disease , other bacterial disease , psychic disease , anemia , tumors other than prostate cancer , and prostate cancer .

Causes Of Prostatitis Food Allergies

Food allergies can cause prostate inflammation and prostatitis. Symptoms of food allergy can include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, as well as diarrhea. A food allergy is known as an immune system response, so its symptoms can affect the whole body. Besides, food allergy can lead to itchy skin, a sudden decrease in blood pressure, shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing.

One reason why food allergy can be a cause of prostatitis is that some patients experience a flare-up of signs and symptoms when consuming certain foods. Some products such as pasta, breads as well as baked goods are commonly associated with food allergy. So, you should try a wheat-free diet to help determine whether or not wheat is the cause of your prostatitis. Besides, some other men reported that their symptoms become worse after they consume spicy or acidic foods.

Keep reading this entire article to discover other causes of prostatitis that can make you experience some of the symptoms of prostatitis.

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What Is The Prostate

The prostate is a small gland in men that helps make semen. Located just below the bladder in front of the rectum, it wraps around the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body. It tends to grow larger as you get older. If your prostate gets too large, it can cause a number of health issues.

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Vitamin And Mineral Supplements

Facts About Prostate Cancer (Infographic)

Vitamin D

An inverse relationship was observed between sunlight, or UVB exposure, and incidence of prostate cancer , suggesting that vitamin D deficiency might increase prostate cancer risk development . Similarly, discoveries were made by Barnett and Beer who found that people living in âsunnyâ countries were at lower risk of developing secondary solid cancer after melanoma compared to people living in âless sunnyâ countries.

The incidence of prostate cancer in African-American men is twice that of Caucasians, suggesting that race might play a role. There might be a role for vitamin D deficiency in this as UV radiation is blocked in darkly pigmented skin due to high melanin levels and this mechanism inhibits the conversion to vitamin D3 .

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a vitamin which is fat soluble. Vegetable oils, egg yolks, and nuts are the important dietary sources of vitamin E. Tocopherols present in vitamin E have both potent cellular anti-oxidant with anticancer properties . Studies investigating the relationship between vitamin E and prostate cancer risk have shown contradicting results. The ATBC trial showed that in men who smoked supplementing daily vitamin E was not able to reduce the incidence of prostate cancer . In another large clinical trial , vitamin E supplementation did not show any benefit in 31,000 men with incident prostate cancer .


Folate and vitamin B12

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When Malignant Cancer Cells Form And Grow Within A Persons Breast Tissue Breast Cancer Occurs

In fact, most people dont even know what it does. The earlier the detection of prostate cancer, the better the patients chance of survival is. The pancreas is located behind the stomach, so having pancreatic cancer doesnt involve a palpable mass that you can feel. Being armed with information is vital to begin the fight. If breast cancer is diagnosed at an early enough stage, its treatable. Here are 10 more facts about prostate cancer. Despite this, pancreatic cancer is among the deadliest types of cancer, which is why its extremely important to know and recogni. Although the percentage of cases in men is much lower than in women, male breast cancer accounts for a por. Find the information you need today. Whether you or someone y. It may grow slowly and its typically treatable. Treatment for bladder cancer depends on your overall health, progression of the c. Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer in men, according to the mayo clinic.

Although the percentage of cases in men is much lower than in women, male breast cancer accounts for a por. Being armed with information is vital to begin the fight. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer found in women after skin cancer but that doesnt mean men arent at risk as well.

But hearing the words can still be scary. The pancreas is an organ that releases enzymes involved with digestion, and hormones to regular blood sugar levels. Whether you or someone y.

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Can A Poor Diet Cause Prostate Cancer

The impact of diet isnt clear. Theres no definitive cause and effect connection between prostate cancer and diet. But there is some evidence that prostate cancer is associated with:

  • Dairy: Men who eat a lot of dairy may be slightly more at risk for prostate cancer.

  • High-fat or high-carb foods: Eating a lot of sugary or high-fat foods may increase your risk for prostate cancer. These foods can also cause obesity, which may change your hormone levels and promote inflammation.

  • Red meat: Eating red meat is associated with many different types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Theres also evidence that eating a plant-based diet can lower your risk of prostate cancer.

  • Processed meat: This includes foods like salami, bacon, and lunch meat. Theres evidence that eating these foods every day increases your prostate cancer risk.

  • Alcohol: This includes beer, wine, and liquor. Theres growing evidence that alcohol can increase your risk for prostate cancer.

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Major Causes Of Prostate Cancer

Cancer that affects the prostate gland of the body is called prostate cancer. It is a small gland in the male body that is in the shape of a walnut. The sperm in the male body is transported and nourished by the seminal fluid produced by the prostate gland. Around 40,000 people die every year due to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is very common in men. The growth of cancer is slow and usually, it is limited inside the prostate gland without causing any serious problem. Early detection can help in getting timely prostate cancer treatment.

International Rates And Migration

What are the main symptoms of prostate cancer? | Ask A Nurse

Prostate cancer exhibits an extraordinary amount of variation in its occurrence worldwide. For example, the incidence rate for African Americans is approximately 60-fold higher than the rate among men in Shanghai, China.6 Although part of this disparity is due to differences in diagnostic ascertainment and the prevalence of screening, mortality rates, which are less subject to such influences, also vary profoundly. For example, the mortality rate for African Americans from 1988 to 1992 was approximately 12 times higher than the mortality rate in Hong Kong. These differences notwithstanding, mortality is increasing faster in the westernizing parts of Asia than anywhere else in the world. Observation of Asian migrants, moreover, provides the most compelling argument for environmental influences linked to Western lifestyle as causal factors in prostate cancer. Japanese Americans have an incidence rate 43 times higher than their counterparts in Japan, and there are data indicating that migrants develop the high-risk pattern within one generation.6,7 Shimizu and colleagues reported that prostate cancer incidence rates in Los Angeles among migrants from Japan were similar regardless of whether men immigrated early or later in life.7 We interpret this to mean that environmental forces can accelerate the progression of latent tumors even late in life.

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Painful Or Burning Urination

Prostate cancer causes the gland to enlarge in size, affecting the normal flow of urine. Impedance to urine flow is the reason for painful micturition. It is also possible that painful urination occurs due to cancer spreading to surrounding structures. Prostate cancer is notorious for its nature of local invasion of surrounding structures like the urethra, bladder, and rectum. Burning during urination can be due to suppurative infection or side effects of the treatment of prostate cancer. The enlargement of the gland causes urinary obstruction and retention. Undue retention of urine inside the bladder can lead to infection of urethra and bladder leading to burning during urination.

Antibiotics can relieve the situation for a while, but the doctor needs to start treating prostate cancer to avoid further risks and complications. Discussing this problem with your doctor is the best possible choice to ward off the complications of undiagnosed prostate cancer. Family history and genetics are major risk factors of prostate cancer, but lifestyle changes and diet can make these warning signs more conspicuous as obesity can worsen your condition of painful micturition.

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Expert Review And References

  • American Cancer Society. Prostate Cancer Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Staging. 2019: .
  • Garnick MB . Harvard Medical School 2015 Annual Report on Prostate Diseases. 2015.
  • Hermanns T, Kuk C, Zlotta AR. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and staging. Nargund VH, Raghavan D, Sandler HM . Urological Oncology. Springer 2015: 40: 697-718.
  • Logothetis CJ, Kim J, Davis J, Kuban D, Mathew P, Aparicio A. Neoplasms of the prostate. Hong WK, Bast RC Jr, Hait WN, et al . Holland Frei Cancer Medicine. 8th ed. People’s Medical Publishing House 2010: 94: 1228-1254.
  • PDQ® Adult Treatment Editorial Board. Prostate Cancer Treatment Patient Version. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute 2020: .
  • PDQ® Adult Treatment Editorial Board. Prostate Cancer Treatment Health Professional Version. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute 2020: .

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Diagnostic Radiologic Procedure And Ultraviolet Light Exposure

The radiation generated from X-ray, CT and nuclear imaging is ionizing radiation that penetrates the tissue to reveal the bodyâs internal organs. However, ionizing radiation can damage DNA, and although cells repair most of the damage, sometimes small area may remain altered consequently leading to DNA mutations that may contribute to cancer development years down the road. The first study investigating the connection between low-dose ionization radiation from diagnostic X-ray procedures and risk for prostate cancer reported that exposure to a hip/pelvic X-ray significantly increased prostate cancer risk independently of other known risk factors such as family history of cancer . However, unless men were exposed to high doses of radiation during cancer treatment in youth, any increase in the risk for cancer due to medical radiation appears to be slight. Considering that the increase in high-dose imaging has occurred only since 1980 and the effects of radiation damage typically take many years to appear, this may explain the weak association between ionizing radiation and prostate cancer risk observed thus far.

Finally, exposure to solar UV radiation is inversely associated with both the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer . The biological explanation of this fact is based on the synthesis and physiological actions of vitamin D .

Staging: The Tnm System

Prostate cancer

Staging is done as part of the diagnosis process to determine how extensive your cancer is within your prostate and whether it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs.

Prostate cancer is typically staged using the TNM system, which is based on:

  • The extent of the primary tumor
  • Whether the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes
  • The presence or absence of distant metastasis
  • Your PSA level at the time of diagnosis
  • Your Gleason score and the amount of cancer

Using this information, prostate cancer is then grouped into stages I through IV, with stage I being the least advanced and stage IV being the most advanced.

  • Stage I: Cancer is confined to your prostate. Gleason score is 6 or below. PSA level is less than 10.
  • Stage II: The tumor is more advanced but does not extend beyond your prostate.
  • Stage III: The tumor extends beyond your prostate and may be in a seminal vesicle. Cancer has not spread to lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV: The tumor has spread to another part of your body, such as your bladder, rectum, lymph nodes or bones.

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Early Prostate Cancer Warning Signs Men Should Look Out For

Prostate cancer affects one in eight men in the UK

Men are being told to watch out for seven key signs that could signal that they have prostate cancer.

The disease, which affects one in eight men in the UK, is largely symptomless, reports Leicestershire Live.

Chances of survival are entirely dependent on when the disease is diagnosed, meaning the seven telltale signs could make all the difference.

The call for wider awareness of prostate cancer comes as 100 percent of people diagnosed at its earliest stage survive for five years or more.

About 78 percent of those diagnosed will survive for 10 or more years, but this all comes down to when a diagnosis is made.

A key issue for late diagnosis is often linked to the fact that prostate cancer doesnt usually cause any symptoms in its early stages. This means men often wont get tested until it can be too late.

However, experts say seven key signs can lead men towards an earlier diagnosis â and many are linked to urinating.

Mainly centred around a change in urinary habits, this is more likely to mean an enlarged prostate than prostate cancer for a concerned man, but regardless, people are still urged to get it checked out.

Over the years, many men will suffer issues with urination, some of which can be linked to prostate cancer.

Things You Can Change: Diet And Lifestyle

Men in western countries have much higher rates of prostate cancer than men in Asia. While no one can definitively explain this phenomenon, experts suspect differences in eastern and western diets are to blame. Poor eating habits and diets that heavily rely on fats and animal proteins can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer.

Even men who are already at greater risk due to age, race or genetics can reduce their chances of developing prostate cancer by adopting healthy diets and lifestyles.

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Etiology And Risk Factors

The etiology of prostate cancer is the subject of numerous studies and remains largely unknown compared to other common cancers. The well-established prostate cancer risk factors are advanced age, ethnicity, genetic factors and family history . Other factors positively associated with prostate cancer include diet , obesity and physical inactivity, inflammation, hyperglycemia, infections, and environmental exposure to chemicals or ionizing radiation .

Is Prostate Cancer Genetic

10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Yes. Cancer including prostate cancer is caused by genetic changes. Some of these changes are inherited from family members. Others are acquired during your life due to age, exposures, diet, and lifestyle.

You can end up with a gene change in two different ways:

1) Youre born with it. This is called an inherited” gene mutation. In other words, your father or mother had the same mutation and passed it to you. There are over 20 different genes associated with prostate cancer. Keep in mind that both womenandmen can have these mutations.

2) You acquired it at some point during your life. This is called an acquired gene mutation. This means you were born without the gene change, and it happened at some point during your life.

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Further Treatments To Control The Cancer

Your first treatment may help keep your cancer under control. But over time, the cancer may change and start to grow again. If this happens you might be offered other treatments, including:

  • more hormone therapy
  • clinical trials

More hormone therapy

Your prostate cancer may respond well to other types of hormone therapy, such as abiraterone , enzalutamide , steroids or oestrogens, or to a combination of treatments.

More chemotherapy

If youve had hormone therapy on its own as a first treatment, you might be offered a chemotherapy drug called docetaxel . This may help some men to live longer, and can help to improve and delay symptoms. If youve already had docetaxel, you might be offered more docetaxel or another chemotherapy drug called cabazitaxel .


This is a type of internal radiotherapy that may be an option if your cancer has spread to your bones and is causing pain. A radioactive liquid is injected into your arm and collects in bones that have been damaged by the cancer. It kills cancer cells in the bones and helps some men to live longer. It can also help to reduce bone pain and delay some symptoms, such as bone fractures. Read more about radiotherapy for advanced prostate cancer.


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