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Early Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Warning Signs Of Early Cancer In Men

10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

For men, recognizing and getting tested for early symptoms of cancer can significantly improve their chances of long-term survival. This is especially critical for men as the National Cancer Institute has stated that men are more likely to die from this disease than women are.

As a prostate cancer surgeon, I want men to not only be aware of early symptoms of prostate cancer, but of all cancers that afflict men. However, the only way to know for sure is to know early cancer warning signs, get tested and if diagnosed with cancer, get treated as soon as possible.

Below are possible warning signs of cancer in men. Any man with any of these symptoms should schedule a visit with their primary care physician right away:

Changes You Shouldnt Ignore

Early-stage prostate cancer rarely causes symptoms but as the disease progresses, you may experience certain warning signs. Knowing the signs of prostate cancer will help you keep an eye out for any concerning changes to your health.

Keep in mind, though, these symptoms dont indicate trouble with your prostate, Dr. Weight says. In fact, almost all of them come standard with aging. But if you experience several symptoms or have other concerns, it may be a good idea to visit a urologist.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Though early warning signs of prostate cancer are rare, sometimes men experience symptoms before they are diagnosed. The severity of symptoms may depend on where the cancer is located in the prostate and how advanced it has become. However, having any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer or that the disease has progressed beyond its early stages.

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Changes In Weight Specifically Weight Loss

Unintended weight loss is often a red flag of something amiss and is often associated with cancer. Unintentional weight loss is defined as a person losing more than five percent of their body weight in less than one year without making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

But there can be many other possibilities for losing weight without trying including celiac disease, Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, certain medications, hyperthyroidism, Addisons disease, dental problems, and dementia.

While unintentional weight loss can be caused by other factors besides cancer, its important for men not to ignore this. In fact, noticeable weight loss is often the first symptom of cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, stomach, and lung.

How Is Prostate Cancer Treated With Chemotherapy

12 Early Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer That Every Guy Needs To Know!

Chemotherapy is also used against prostate cancer.

  • The utility of chemotherapy in the management of metastatic prostate cancer continues as an area of ongoing research.
  • This therapeutic option has been explored most in patients with the hormone-resistant disease.

Newer chemotherapy medicines, such as docetaxel , have shown some promise in prolonging the survival of some patients with extensive prostate cancer. They may also decrease the pain related to widespread cancer. However, this comes at the cost of significant side effects that may impact the quality of life.

Symptom palliation: The primary approach to the management of symptoms in patients with advanced prostate cancer is systemic therapy with both older and newer forms of hormonal treatments, then chemotherapy. Today immunotherapy and radioactive isotope treatments may be used. Radiation to painful bone lesions may be used. Throughout all of this, optimal pain medication use and other therapies for cancer-related symptoms should be administered. For patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer, palliative therapy may be indicated to treat symptomatic bone metastases or symptoms arising from progressive disease.

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When To See A Doctor

Because its so difficult to identify prostate cancer early, it can often be difficult to know when its right to see the doctor. Of course, any of the warning signs and symptoms mentioned above warrant a trip to the doctor.

There are, however, other scenarios when you should see your doctor for prostate cancer screening, notes the Urology Care Foundation. For example, screening is generally recommended for men between the ages of 55 and 69. And if you have additional risk due to being African-American or having a family history of prostate cancer, then you may want to get screened earlier.

A wise approach: Talk to your doctor about whether prostate cancer screening would be right for you.

Prostate Cancer Risk Groups

In addition to stage, doctors may use other prognostic factors to help plan the best treatment and predict how successful treatment will be. Examples of these include the National Comprehensive Cancer Network risk group categories and the Cancer of the Prostate Risk Assessment risk score from University of California, San Francisco.

Information about the cancers stage and other prognostic factors will help the doctor recommend a specific treatment plan. The next section in this guide is Types of Treatment. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.

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What Can You Do To Prevent Prostate Cancer

The high lifetime risks of prostate cancer development, the morbidities associated with treatment of established prostate cancer, and the inability to eradicate life-threatening metastatic prostate cancer offer compelling reasons for prostate cancer prevention.

However, because the cause of prostate cancer is uncertain, preventing prostate cancer may not be possible. Certain risk factors, such as age, race, sex, and family history, cannot be changed. Nevertheless, because diet and other lifestyle factors have been implicated as a potential cause, living a healthy lifestyle may afford some protection.

  • Proper nutrition, such as limiting intake of foods high in animal fats and increasing the amount of fruits, vegetables, and grains, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  • The following supplements should NOT be used to prevent prostate cancer:
  • Vitamin E

5-alpha reductase Inhibitors :

What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer

Top 5 Warning Signs & Symptoms Of Poor Prostate Health

Unless it causes problems, most men dont give a lot of thought to their prostate. The small gland is responsible for producing seminal fluid , and its located beneath the bladder and around the urethra, the tube that transports fluid to the penis.

Most types of prostate cancer are known as adenocarcinomas, which are cancers that develop from gland cells, the Mayo Clinic says.

While some forms of prostate cancer grow and spread quickly, others grow quite slowly. The American Cancer Society notes that some people can have undetectable prostate cancer for decades without it causing any problems. But the risks of prostate cancer are quite serious, particularly as it begins to spread to other areas of the body.

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What Does Prostate Cancer Feel Like

Difficulty with urination frequency, weak stream, trouble getting started, etc. is usually the first sign of prostate cancer. But the early symptoms can also come from benign prostate conditions, so diagnostic testing is important.

The prostate is the gland in a mans pelvis that wraps around the urethra and secretes the fluid part of semen. A working prostate is crucial for ejaculation and sexual intercourse.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Age, family history, nationality, obesity, and other factors determine your risk for prostate cancer.

Contact Your Scottsdale Az Cancer Specialists

Of course, the best way to guard against prostate cancer is through regular preventive screenings. All men above age 50 should see their doctor annually for a prostate exam, which can help to catch any cancerous growths before they get too serious. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, though, theres always hope, and the cancer treatment team at Palo Verde Cancer Specialists is here to help. Through high-quality cancer treatments and state-of-the-art technology, well work with you to design a comprehensive, convenient, and noninvasive treatment plan. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you beat prostate cancer on your own terms.

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What Is The Right Time To Seek Medical Assistance

Medical assistance is an essential factor that can save your life if you call your doctor at the right time. So, if you notice such signs or indications for a long time, its time to investigate properly.

a):- Frequent need to pass urine.

b):- trouble initiating or stopping the urine flow.

c): Week flow of urine.

d): Pain during urination.

e): Unexplained weight loss and fatigue.

f): blood in urine or semen.

G):- Pain to ejaculate.

h): Discomfort and pain in the lower back and pelvic area.

i): swelling of the leg.

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What Are 5 Common Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

What are the 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer?

In many cases, prostate cancer does not produce clear symptoms in its initial stages of development. In fact, many men may have prostate cancer without even realizing it. However, there are some common warning signs that could indicate a person has prostate cancer. Five of the most common ones include:

  • Pain and/or a burning sensation when urinating or ejaculating
  • Frequent urination, especially during the nighttime
  • Trouble starting urination, or stopping urination once in progress
  • Sudden erectile dysfunction
  • Blood in either urine or semen
  • Of course, these five symptoms are not the only potential warning signs of prostate cancer. Other possible indicators could include weak urine flow, and unexplained pain deep in the groin area when sitting down. If cancer has spread beyond the prostate, a man may also suffer lower body swelling, abnormal urinary or bowel habits, or inexplicable weight loss.

    Its important to note that most of these symptoms are not unique to prostate cancer, and may indicate a different condition that is not life-threatening.

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    Overview Of Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is one of the various types of cancer. It only affects men. Cancer starts growing in the prostate gland in the reproductive system of males. It is one of the diseases, which progress very slowly. There are various types of treatment for prostate cancer, but many men dont even bother treating their prostate cancer. Yes, the treatment helps to reduce the growth of prostate cancer to some extent, but because of its slow progression, most of the men choose to monitor the cancer progression at first instead of immediately opting for treatment.

    Prostate cancer is a very common form of cancer. Prostate cancer is also the second leading cause of cancer death after skin cancer. The statistics show that 1 out of 7 men is likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their entire life span. Furthermore, 1 out of 39 men will die because of prostate cancer.

    Signs Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

    If youre experiencing these symptoms, you may have a more advanced or aggressive prostate cancer. If you are experiencing a combination of these symptoms and are concerned about prostate cancer, set up a visit with your physician to discuss screening options.

    • Pain or burning when urinating
    • Difficulty starting or stopping urination and dribbling
    • Increased frequency of urinating

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    Your Role In Prostate Cancer Screening

    The time to diagnose, treat and cure prostate cancer is through good screening versus waiting until symptoms arrive. Sometimes patients wait for their primary care doctor to guide them, however, due to some confusion in the frequency PSA testing guidelines, many primary care doctors are not familiar with the current recommendations, so you should be your own advocate and let your urologist be your guide.

    A PSA test is a simple and inexpensive blood test that is used to detect prostate cancer. PSA testing works. Prior to regular PSA screening, in the mid 90s, 75% of men who were found to have prostate cancer had metastatic disease. Meaning the cancer had spread outside of the prostate. Today, with regular PSA testing, urologists can find prostate cancer while it is localized to the prostate and when that happens, the cure rate is in the mid 90% range.

    Urologists recommend a PSA screening at least every other year and for some at higher risk every year. Men should think about starting PSA testing at age 55 and continue at least until they are 70, and even after 70, if healthy. Some higher risk individuals may need to start screening earlier. For those individuals who have a primary relative who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and those who are African American it is recommended that they begin screening in their 40s.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

    Prostate Cancer: Signs & Symptoms

    If you have any symptoms that worry you, be sure to see your doctor right away. They may be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer.

    Different people have different symptoms for prostate cancer. Some men do not have symptoms at all.

    If you have any of the following symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away

    • Difficulty starting urination.
    • Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
    • Frequent urination, especially at night.
    • Difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
    • Pain or burning during urination.
    • Blood in the urine or semen.
    • Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis that doesnt go away.
    • Painful ejaculation.

    Keep in mind that these symptoms may be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer.

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    You Cant Get Comfortable While Sitting

    Discomfort or pain when sitting could signal a problem with your prostate, according toCancer.Net.

    This type of pain might be caused by the prostate gland pressing on other areas of your pelvis. If you notice that youre experiencing pain or pressure while seated but feel better when youre standing up, that could be a red flag.

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    Prostate Cancer: Signs And Symptoms

    So, the good news is that when you detect prostate cancer in its very early stages, youve got a much better chance of survival. The bad news is that in its absolute earliest stages, prostate cancer causes very few symptoms. However, as it develops and even before it spreads to other organs in the body there are some signs you should be aware of.

    One of the most easily recognizable signs of a prostate problem is difficulty urinating. That includes having a weak stream of urine, dribbling urine, and having frequent urges to urinate, even during sleep and even if you dont have a lot of urine in your bladder. Urinary symptoms occur as the tumor enlarges and begins pressing on your bladder or against your urethra .

    Urinary troubles may be the symptom most commonly associated with prostate cancer, but its not the only symptom you need to be aware of. Other symptoms include:

    • Blood in your urine or semen
    • Problems getting or maintaining an erection
    • Pain during ejaculation
    • Pain or pressure in the pelvic area
    • Pain or pressure in the rectum area, the hips, or the lower back

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    Blood In Urine Or Semen

    Blood in the urine that you can see is known as gross hematuria. Gross hematuria usually isnt painful but can be alarming when you see it in your urine stream. Your urine may be pink or red or resemble the color of soda depending on the amount of red blood cells in your urine stream. Other potential causes of gross hematuria include urinary tract infection, kidney infection, and kidney stones.

    Blood in the semen may indicate prostate cancer, given how the prostate gland produces part of the fluid in the semen. The presence of a tumor in the prostate gland can rupture blood vessel walls to cause blood to appear in semen. Other potential causes of blood in the semen include recent prostate biopsy, inflammation in the testicles, and sexually transmitted infections.

    Difficulty Starting Or Stopping Urination

    What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

    Urination should be an automatic bodily process that occurs easily. However, having difficulty with starting urination or stopping urination could indicate prostate cancer. You may also have difficulty maintaining the flow of urine, even if you feel a strong urge to urinate. Other potential causes of this symptom include an enlarged prostate, nerve damage, or cancer affecting the urethra or bladder.

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    Genetic Testing For Prostate Cancer

    You may hear a lot about genetics or genomics. Both terms are related to genes and cell DNA, but they are different. These tests are being used to learn more about the DNA of cancer cells, and link DNA mutations with treatments. In the future, genetic testing may be the first step doctors take when diagnosing prostate cancer.

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    Different Signs + Different Men = Difficult To Diagnose

    Symptoms of prostate cancer can be different for each man, and any of the symptoms can be due to other less serious conditions. This makes diagnosing prostate cancer more difficult for doctors, so screenings are necessary.

    This walnut sized gland is needed for sperm to travel to its destination, so its pretty important. It gets larger over time, but that doesnt necessarily mean a man has cancer.

    If you have some of the warning signs, it doesnt necessarily mean you have cancer, while at the same time you can be diagnosed with prostate cancer without any of the signs. This is confusing and frustrating for both doctors and patients.

    There are few, if any, early signs but there are certain signals that indicate something is wrong.

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