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HomeEnlargedCan An Enlarged Prostate Cause Constipation

Can An Enlarged Prostate Cause Constipation

How Will My Veterinarian Get These Samples

ENLARGED PROSTATE GLAND, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

A free-flow urine sample iscollected . Samples of prostatic fluid are obtained by passing a urethral catheter to the level of the prostate and massaging the prostate to milk fluid out of it.

Samples of prostatic cells are obtained by fine needle aspiration or biopsy. If the prostate is greatly enlarged, it may be sampled by through the body wall by FNA or biopsied. FNA involves taking a small needle with a syringe and suctioning a sample of cells directly from the prostate and placing them on a microscope slide. A veterinary pathologist then examines the slide under a microscope. In some cases, results from FNA may not be entirely clear and biopsy may be necessary.

Are The Treatments For Prostatitis And Bph Different

The treatment for an enlarged prostate and prostatitis are very different.

BPH treatment may include an interactive questionnaire to determine the extent of your symptoms. The results of the questionnaire may influence what medications or other treatments you may need. Drugs used to treat BPH include:

  • Alpha receptor blockers
  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
  • Anticholinergic agents

Some patients with more severe prostatic enlargement may need surgery. A transurethral resection of the prostate is the usual procedure to reduce pressure on the urethra by reducing the size of the prostate.

Treatment for prostatitis depends on the type.

  • Bacteria acute and chronic prostatitis are typically treated and cured with antibiotics like fluoroquinolones or trimethoprim. These infections typically take longer to cure so you may have to take antibiotics for as long as 4-8 weeks. Some infections of the prostate gland are resistant or unresponsive to treatment so antibiotics like gentamicin or doxycycline may need to be injected directly into the gland.
  • Type III, chronic bacterial prostatitis and pelvic pain syndrome, is treated similarly with antibiotics, however, alpha-blockers and NSAIDs , for example, aspirin, ibuprofen , naproxen also are used.
  • Type IV, asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, in most patients requires no treatment. However, some doctors prescribe antibiotics and NSAIDs for this condition.

About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition

As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.

BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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How Common Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common prostate problem for men older than age 50. In 2010, as many as 14 million men in the United States had lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia.1 Although benign prostatic hyperplasia rarely causes symptoms before age 40, the occurrence and symptoms increase with age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 50 percent of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men older than 80.2

Why Does Prostate Cancer Cause Constipation

Does constipation cause prostate problems?

Prostate cancer rarely causes symptoms at early stage. If it does cause the symptoms, these can be very vague. Constipation is commonly associated with dietary factors. But sometime it can be a consequence from cancer of prostate at advanced stage. Furthermore, some treatments for cancer can contribute to cause constipation, too.

Introduction, prostate cancer symptoms

This form of male cancer is pretty common, even in some countries it is the most common cancer in men. The good news, it is likely to develop slowly not aggressively. Even in many cases, patients are suggested to delay taking the treatment, but the disease is continuously monitored.

The bad news, it is less likely to cause symptoms at early stage. The symptoms are more likely to be noticed at advanced stage. Even there is a chance for some patients to have it for many years without knowing it.

The symptoms occur more often when the affected prostate has been large enough to hit and affect the tube that lines from the bladder to the male genital organ. This tube is medically called as urethra.

The affected urethra due to prostate cancer can be characterized by several symptoms. Some of them may include a feeling of not-completely emptying bladder after you pee, increased urge to urinate, and you need to strain to pass urine. See more early signs of prostate cancer in here!

Common causes of constipation

  • Dietary factors particular such as low in dietary fiber and not enough liquid.
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    Problems Emptying Your Bladder

    If the cancer is pressing on your urethra or the opening of your bladder, you may find it difficult to empty your bladder fully. This can sometimes cause urine retention, where urine is left in your bladder when you urinate. There are several things that can help, including the following.

    • Drugs called alpha-blockers. These relax the muscles around the opening of the bladder, making it easier to urinate.
    • A catheter to drain urine from the bladder. This is a thin, flexible tube that is passed up your penis into your bladder, or through a small cut in your abdomen .
    • An operation called a transurethral resection of the prostate to remove the parts of the prostate that are pressing on the urethra.

    Soreness In The Groin

    When prostate cancer spreads, its common for cancer cells to go to your lymph nodes and then move to more areas of your body. The lymph nodes are a network of glands that help your body filter fluids and fight infections.

    There are several lymph nodes in your groin. These are the ones closest to your prostate, so its common for the cancer to spread to them first. Cancer cells prevent your lymph nodes from draining fluid and working properly. When this happens, your lymph nodes swell. As a result, you might experience pain or soreness in the area.

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    Treatment For Prostate Cancer

    Treatment of prostate cancer can involve:

    • Prostatectomy. The surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland, which can be done as open surgery or laparoscopically . There are several different types of prostatectomy.
    • External beam radiotherapy. This involves x-ray beams, which are focused on the prostate to destroy cancer cells. This is a non-surgical option.
    • Permanent seed brachytherapy. This involves implanting small radioactive pellets into the prostate gland to destroy cancer cells.
    • Hormone therapy. This may be used instead of radiation therapy or if the cancer has spread too far to be susceptible to prostatectomy or radiation treatment it involves orchiectomy and/or various treatments to lower androgen levels .
    • Cryotherapy. This is an option for cases where the cancer is still within the prostate or is locally advanced. It is non-invasive and involves the insertion of cryotherapy needles into the prostate, through which a certain gas is then passed in order to freeze the tissue and thereby also ideally killing the cancer cells.
    • Focused ultrasound therapy. This is a non-invasive method of treating prostate cancer using focused beams of ultrasound energy to heat and destroy cancer locations in the prostate.

    Prostatitis And Other Pelvic Problems

    Enlarged Prostate Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

    The prostate, a small male gland located between the testes and the rectum, can cause a lot of problems, from prostatitis to cancer. Cancer is easy to diagnose but hard to treat prostatitis is elusive because it has such a wide range of symptoms and no known cause. Prostatitis can cause pelvic pain, urologic concerns such as frequent urges to urinate, a weak or interrupted stream, and even blood in the urine. Sexual symptoms may include erectile dysfunction and pain during intercourse. Prostate problems may also cause irritable bowel syndrome , because the irritated prostate may in turn aggravate the nerves that affect the lower digestive tract.

    If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

    • The prostate, a small male gland located between the testes and the rectum, can cause a lot of problems, from prostatitis to cancer.
    • Prostatitis can cause pelvic pain, urologic concerns such as frequent urges to urinate, a weak or interrupted stream, and even blood in the urine.

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    What Causes Bladder Or Bowel Incontinence

    Many conditions may affect the nerves and muscles that control the bladder and bowel.

    Bladder incontinence can be caused by things such as:

    • Damage to nerves in sphincter muscles

    • Holding urine in too long , which can damage the bladder

    • Having to urinate many times during day and night, often urgently

    • Diarrhea

    Bowel incontinence can be caused by things such as:

    • Diarrhea

    • Damage to the nervous system from disease or injury

    • Vaginal childbirth

    What Causes Prostatitis Vs Bph

    The cause of BPH or enlarged prostate is by benign growth that enlarges the prostate gland. Researchers do not know exactly what causes the gland to enlarge, but they have speculated that it might be related to hormonal changes as men age.

    In men under the age of 35, the most common type of prostatitis is acute bacterial prostatitis, while in older patients non-bacterial prostatitis is the most common type. There are four types or syndromes of prostatitis.

    • Type I – Acute bacterial prostatitis
    • Type II – Chronic bacterial prostatitis
    • Type III Chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome
    • Type IV is asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.

    The cause of acute bacterial prostatitis is by bacteria that may be present in the urethra and then infect the prostate gland. Chronic bacterial prostatitis occurs because of inadequate treatment or because of a structural/functional problem in the urinary tract. Researchers and doctors do not completely understand the cause of chronic prostatitis, but it is speculated that the cause may be initiated by neurological injury and/or related to infection.

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    Did You Know About The Connection Between Your Bowel And Your Prostate

    Constipation and the prostate are two things that don’t really seem to have much of a connection at all. However, this is not the case as constipation can have an influence on your prostate, sometimes even instigating an episode of BPH. In this blog, I take a look at how constipation can affect your prostate and what you can do to prevent this problem.

    Dr. Jen Tan

    Losing Control Of Your Bladder

    Prostate cancer symptoms and signs: Back pain ...

    Urinary incontinence can range from uncontrolled release of a full bladder to slower leakage. Leaking urine can also present in varying ways, from leaking a few drops after coughing, exercising, or bending, to leaking large quantities or leaking during sex. This usually improves over time if its a result of prostate cancer treatment, however, it can be longer-lasting if its from spinal cord compression. The good news is, there are some ways to manage losing control of your bladder, if needed, including:

    If urine incontinence continues for longer periods of time, or becomes a serious impairment to quality of life, there are other additional options including:

    • Artificial urinary sphincter
    • Internal male sling
    • Anti-cholinergic medications

    All of these options for serious impairment require surgery with the exception of medications. Your doctor will help you determine the side effects and potential benefits for your specific case. Additional lifestyle changes may also be beneficial to help fight urinary incontinence, including eating a well-balanced diet with fiber , exercising , avoiding alcoholic, fizzy, or caffeinated drinks, quitting smoking, and retraining your bladder by creating and maintaining a urination schedule.1-4

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    What Have I Learned By Reading This

    You learned about:

    • Why chemotherapy can cause constipation
    • How to treat your constipation
    • Things you can do to help manage your constipation
    • When to call your doctor

    If you have any questions, please talk to your doctor or health care team. It is important that you understand what is going on with your prostate cancer treatment. This knowledge will help you take better care of yourself and feel more in control so that you can get the most from your treatment.

    Radiotherapy To The Prostate

    Some men who have just been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer may be offered external beam radiotherapy as part of their first treatment. This is where high-energy X-ray beams are directed at the prostate from outside the body. The X-ray beams damage the cancer cells and stop them from dividing and growing. Read more about radiotherapy for advanced prostate cancer.

    Radiotherapy to the prostate isnt suitable for all men with advanced prostate cancer. If it isnt suitable for you, you might be offered a type of radiotherapy to help manage symptoms instead.

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    Are There Other Non

    Yes, aside from BPH, there are a number of prostate problems that also have nothing at all to do with prostate cancer. Among these benign disorders of the prostate are acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis and, rarely, prostatic infarct .

    Acute prostatitis is a bacterial infection of the prostate. It can occur in men at any age. Symptoms include fever, chills, and pain in the lower back and between the legs. This problem also can make it hard or painful to urinate. Doctors prescribe antibiotic medicines for acute prostatitis and recommend that the patient drink more liquids. Treatment is usually successful.

    Chronic prostatitis is a prostate inflammation that tends to recur over time. It is usually not associated with true bacterial infection but causes similar symptoms of pain and discomfort, without fevers or chills. Chronic prostatitis is difficult to treat, and the exact cause is not well understood. Antibiotics may be used in some cases as well as anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen. In many cases, symptoms will resolve on their own.

    Prostate infarct is a localized area of dead prostate tissue as a result of inadequate blood supply. Prostate infarct is uncommon and may cause sudden increases in the PSA test.

    Using Palliative Care To Ease Discomfort

    Living with an Enlarged Prostate, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

    For both urinary and bowel incontinence that is caused by compression of nerves in the spinal cord as a result of prostate cancer that has spread to the spine or bones, palliative treatments for metastasized cancer may be of use. These treatments include radiotherapy, medication, or surgical removal of spinal cord tumors. However, these treatment options are not indicated for every situation. Your doctor will help you determine what path is right for you and to improve your quality of life. As always, coping with quality of life symptoms like these can take a toll on an individual or their caretaker both mentally and physically. For this reason, it can be a good idea to consult a therapist or counselor if needed for extra support.

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    Other Professionals Who Can Help

    Your doctor, nurse or GP can refer you to these professionals.

    • Physiotherapists can help with mobility and provide exercises to help improve fitness or ease pain. This can help you stay independent for longer.
    • Counsellors, psychologists or psychotherapists can help you and your family work through any difficult feelings and find ways of coping. Many hospitals have counsellors or psychologists who specialise in helping people with cancer. You can also get free counselling on the NHS without a referral from your GP. Visit to find out more.
    • Dietitians can give you advice about healthy eating, which might help with fatigue and staying a healthy weight. They can also help if you are losing weight or having problems eating.
    • Occupational therapists can provide advice and access to equipment and adaptations to help with daily life. For example, help with dressing, eating, bathing or using the stairs.
    • Social services, including social workers, can provide practical and financial advice and access to emotional support. They can give you advice about practical issues such as arranging for someone to support you at home. Whats available varies from place to place. Your GP, hospital doctor or nurse might be able to refer you to some services. The telephone number for your local social service department will be in the phonebook under the name of your local authority, on their website and at the town hall.

    You’re Not Ejaculating As Much Semen As Usual

    According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, a in the amount of fluid ejaculated may be a symptom of prostate cancer.

    Of course, low semen volume isn’t always a sign of cancer. Healthline advises that a can also be linked to low hormone levels, weakened pelvic muscles, or retrograde ejaculation where semen travels back into the bladder instead of flowing out of the penis.

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    What Is The Prostate Gland

    The prostate is a small organ about the size of a walnut. It lies below the bladder and surrounds the urethra . The prostate makes a fluid that helps to nourish sperm as part of the semen .

    Prostate problems are common in men 50 and older. Most can be treated successfully without harming sexual function.

    Bowel Incontinence And Prostate Cancer Treatment

    Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Gland

    Just as the ways to develop urinary or bowel incontinence are numerous, so are their potential outcomes. In many instances, urinary or bowel incontinence after prostate cancer treatment resolves on its own, as an individual is recovering from the treatment. For example, after radiation therapy, an individual may lose control of their bladder, but this may resolve without any intervention within a few weeks or months. On the other side, there is a possibility that during treatment the nerves or muscles that control these processes can get damaged permanently, and the incontinence may not subside on its own. Before treatment, and even immediately after, its very hard to predict if youll have these issues, and for how long they may last.

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