How Does The Prostate Work
The prostate is a gland about the size of a chestnut and weighs about 30 grams . It is part of the male reproductive system and is located inside the body. The prostates most important function is the production of a fluid that, together with sperm cells from the testicles and fluids from other glands, makes up semen. The muscles of the prostate also ensure that the semen is forcefully pressed into the urethra and then expelled outwards during ejaculation.
The prostate is located directly below the bladder and above the muscles of the pelvic floor. The rectum is behind the prostate, making it possible to feel the gland from the rectum using the finger. The ducts in the prostate gland flow into the urethra, which passes through the prostate. The word prostate is taken from the Greek expression meaning one who stands before, which describes the position of the prostate gland. Viewed from below, where the urethra leaves the gland, the prostate stands before the bladder.
The tissue of the prostate gland can be divided into three different zones, listed here from innermost to outermost, which encircle the urethra like layers of an onion:
The prostate has various functions:
Production of fluid for semen:
Hormone metabolism: In the prostate the male sex hormone testosterone is transformed to a biologically active form, DHT .
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How Prostate Cancer Staging Is Done
Initial staging is based on the results of PSA blood tests, biopsies, and imaging tests. This is also called clinical staging.
PSA refers to a protein made by the prostate measured by a lab test.
- A higher level of PSA can indicate a more advanced cancer.
- The doctors will also look at how fast the PSA levels have been increasing from test to test. A faster increase could show a more aggressive tumor.
A prostate biopsy is done in your doctor’s office. The results can indicate:
- How much of the prostate is involved.
- The Gleason score. A number from 2 to 10 that shows how closely the cancer cells look like normal cells when viewed under a microscope. Scores 6 or less suggest the cancer is slow growing and not aggressive. Higher numbers indicate a faster growing cancer that is more likely to spread.
Prostate Massage: How It Is Done And What It Is Used For
Prostate massage, how to do it, techniques, benefits and contraindications: what to know about the practice, useful both in the medical and sexual fields.
The prostatic massage represents one of the techniques more in demand in recent years, both for the treatment of some disorders of medical origin and simply as a practice for the male intimate pleasure. Despite having very ancient origins, the treatment has achieved a certain popularity in the last decade, also thanks to the information quickly circulated on the Net. But what is prostate massage in fact, how is it performed, which are the best techniques and which benefits can it bring to the body?
Before entering into the merits of the practice, it is however necessary to remember how prostate is a very delicate male gland, subject to the action of external agents and infections due to its position. For this reason, in the event of ailments, pains, changes in urination or sexual difficulties, the first step is always to examine the opinion of the attending physician or, again, of theurologist andandrologist of trust.
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Why Can Stimulating The Prostate Feel So Good
The anus and its surrounding area are packed with nerve endings, Hong explains. Thats precisely why anal play can feel so amazing whether or not you have a prostate. Dr. Hong also notes that the prostate has plenty of blood vessels that swell with increased blood flow. The extra blood helps make the area more sensitive, which can boost pleasure.
Even though the anus is surrounded by nerve endings, its also surrounded by stigma. The human body is amazing in that parts like the vagina and anus have natural functions but can also be sites of intense pleasure. Trying out different sex-related acts is normal, and discovering new ways to experience pleasure is always a good idea.
The Initial Causes Where Is Your Prostate Located In Your Body Diagram
One of the first symptoms of prostate issues is pain or tenderness in the groin or lower back. This can be the result of a noncancerous condition called enlarged prostatic tissue, or it could be an infection of the bladder. In either case, its important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If youre suffering from prostate pain, you may want to consider reducing your caffeine intake.
Another symptom of a potentially enlarged prostate is difficulty starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. These symptoms are not serious, but theyre still alarming. Most men put up with an enlarged prostate for years before seeking medical attention, but they typically seek treatment as soon as they notice symptoms. Even if you dont have symptoms, its worth getting checked to determine if you have any prostate issues.
If you experience nightly bathroom runs, you may be experiencing an enlarged prostate. You may be having difficulty starting a stream of urine, or you may even be dribbling or leaking during the day. These problems arent life-threatening, but can become a nuisance. You should not ignore these signs and seek treatment as soon as you notice them. If you feel any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
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If You Are A Trans Woman
If you are a trans woman and have had genital-gender affirming surgery as part of your transition, you still have a prostate. It is important to talk to your GP or nurse if you are worried about prostate cancer or have symptoms.
Prostate cancer UK have detailed information about trans women and prostate cancer.
The LGBT Foundation can also give you confidential advice and support. You can also talk to one of our cancer support specialists.
Closing The Urethra During Ejaculation
During ejaculation, the prostate contracts and squirts prostatic fluid into the urethra. Here, it mixes with sperm cells and fluid from the seminal vesicles to create semen, which the body then expels.
When the prostate contracts during ejaculation, it closes off the opening between the bladder and urethra, pushing semen through at speed. This is why, in typical anatomic situations, it is impossible to urinate and ejaculate simultaneously.
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Side View Of The Prostate
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body.
The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation, the prostate squeezes this fluid into the urethra, and itâs expelled with sperm as semen.
The vasa deferentia bring sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles contribute fluid to semen during ejaculation.
If Youre The Receiving Partner
Youll want to be as relaxed and aroused as possible, because itll make the experience easier and more enjoyable.
The whole poop-comes-out-of-the-butt thing gives some people a case of the heebie-jeebies even when its their own butt.
Remedy this by taking a shower and paying a little extra attention back there to get it squeaky clean. Some people like to use an enema before engaging in butt play, but it isnt necessary.
Use the bathroom before getting started. Prostate stimulation can make you feel like you need to pee, and anal penetration can cause the sensation of needing to poop.
Even though you wont actually do either, worrying that you might can interfere with your ability to let go and enjoy yourself. Knowing your bladder and bowels are empty can help.
Getting used to the sensation of having your prostate touched can help, too. Practice with an anal sex toy, like a butt plug, or your fingers.
Be sure to set the mood so that youre turned on and primed for action. Light candles, watch porn, or engage in some good old-fashioned masturbation or foreplay to get there.
Finally, be sure to lube up real good. Applying a water-based lubricant will allow for easier penetration and make for some easy gliding if stimulating your prostate externally.
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Before Looking For The Prostate Internally
Dont read any further until youve got one word planted firmly in your mind: lube.
You need lots and lots of lube for any type of anal play. Unlike the vagina, the anus doesnt produce any lubrication on its own. And anal tissues are very sensitive they can easily be torn if you dont go slowly, go carefully, and use lots of lube.
There are brands of lube specifically designed for backdoor use, although most brands should be fine as long as youre reapplying it whenever necessary. Just remember that silicone-based lubes can damage silicone sex toys, and oil-based lubes can ruin condoms. Its also a good idea to stay away from numbing lubes or agents, because they make it difficult to sense the pain that signals you to stop before you do any damage.
Prostate Cancer Risk Increases With Age
People over age 55 are more likely to develop prostate cancer, but more often, it occurs even later. In fact, 60% of prostate cancers occur in people over age 65.
There is a wide range of treatment options for this condition. These include:
- Prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the gland. It is performed either robotically or using laparoscopic methods.
- Radiation therapy uses radio waves to kill cancerous tumors.
- Chemotherapy uses drugs that target and kill cancer cells. These may be taken orally or intravenously.
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Prostate Massage And Cancer
Men suspected of having prostate cancer should not be treated with prostate massage, as this may cause tumor cells to break off and spread to nearby tissues.
Theres some evidence that prostate massage, prior to certain tests for prostate cancer, may increase the sensitivity of the test, making it more likely the cancer will be detected.
However, a prostate-specific antigen blood test should not be conducted immediately after a prostate massage, as this could lead to false-positive results.
Even if cancer is not an issue, its important to avoid injuring the prostate. The thin, pliable membrane covering the prostatethe prostatic plexusis full of nerves that serve the sponge-like corpora cavernosa of the penis.
Massaging the prostate too intensely can damage nerves in the corpora cavernosatwo chambers composed of erectile tissue that run the length of the penis. Damage to the corpora cavernosa can result in pain and erectile dysfunction.
Is Female Ejaculation A Thing
Yes! And its a fairly common thing.
The most recent cross-sectional study on female ejaculation found that more than 69 percent of participants experienced ejaculation during orgasm.
Ejaculation occurs when fluid is expelled from your urethral opening during orgasm or sexual arousal.
The ejaculate is a thick, whitish fluid that resembles watered-down milk and contains some of the same components as semen.
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Learn The Function And Location Of The Prostate
The prostate is a gland found only in men. Understanding the location and function of the prostate is key to explaining symptoms of prostate cancer and other non-cancerous conditions that can effect the prostate function. The prostate is located just beneath the bladder, between the penis and rectum, The urethra tube runs out of the bladder, through the center of the prostate, then to the penis, providing the path for urination. In aid of reproduction, prostate muscles help to expel sperm from the body while secreting seminal fluids that protect and nourish the sperm. Incontinence or sexual dysfunction can sometimes be caused by prostate cancer and even treatment for prostate cancer.
The prostate cells produce an enzyme named Prostate Specific Antigen or PSA, found in a man’s blood. PSA is produced exclusively by prostate cells. Elevated levels of the PSA enzyme can be helpful in diagnosing issues with the prostate, like cancer or infection. These elevated levels of PSA can be detected with a simple blood test. For more information, visit our page on PSA.
The prostate cells produce an enzyme named Prostate Specific Antigen or PSA, found in a man’s blood. PSA is produced exclusively by prostate cells. Elevated levels of the PSA enzyme can be helpful in diagnosing issues with the prostate, like cancer or infection. These elevated levels of PSA can be detected with a simple blood test. For more information, visit our page on PSA.
The Prostate Gland Is Fueled By Testosterone
The prostate gland is dependent on testosterone for it to function.
Testosterone is produced in a mans testes. Testosterone helps maintain sperm production, sex drive, and many more. Also, researchers have found a connection between high levels of testosterone and prostate cancer. However, it is important to keep the prostate healthy to enjoy pleasant sex life.
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What Are The External Male Reproductive Structures
Most of the male reproductive system is located outside of your abdominal cavity or pelvis. The external parts of the male reproductive system include the penis, the scrotum and the testicles.
The penis is the male organ for sexual intercourse. It has three parts:
- The root: This is the part of the penis that attaches to the wall of your abdomen.
- The body or shaft: Shaped like a tube or cylinder, the body of the penis is made up of three internal chambers. Inside these chambers theres a special, sponge-like erectile tissue that contains thousands of large spaces that fill with blood when youre sexually aroused. As the penis fills with blood, it becomes rigid and erect, which allows for penetration during sex. The skin of the penis is loose and elastic, allowing for changes in penis size during an erection.
- The glans: This is the cone-shaped end of the penis. The glans, which is also called the head of the penis, is covered with a loose layer of skin called foreskin. This skin is sometimes removed in a procedure called circumcision.
The opening of the urethra the tube that transports both semen and urine out of the body is located at the tip of the glans penis. The penis also contains many sensitive nerve endings.
Semen, which contains sperm, is expelled through the end of the penis when a man reaches sexual climax . When the penis is erect, the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.
What You Need To Know About The Prostate Where Is Your Prostate Located In Your Body Diagram
The main purpose of the prostate is to produce semen, a milky fluid that sperm swims in. During puberty, the body produces semen in a large number of cases, including enlarged prostate. This fluid causes the prostate to swell and cause a number of bladder-related symptoms. This is why the prostate is important to the body. It can be caused by many factors, including infection and inflammation.
A enlarged prostate can also cause blockages in the urethra. A blocked urethra can also damage the kidneys. A patient suffering from an enlargement of the prostate may have pain in his lower abdomen and genitals. If pain is present, a digital rectal examination will reveal hard areas. A doctor may prescribe surgery or perform an endoscopic procedure. If the enlarged prostate is not completely removed, it will shrink.
While the size of an enlarged prostate will influence the extent of urinary symptoms, men may experience a range of urinary symptoms. Some men have minimal or no symptoms at all. Some men will have a very enlarged prostate, whereas others will have a mild enlargement. Generally, the symptoms can stabilize over time. Some men may have an enlarged prostate but not notice it. If they have an enlarged colon, their physician can perform a TURP procedure.
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Is A Prostate Massage The Same Thing As Trying For A Prostate Orgasm
Yes. If you massage the prostate in a way that feels good, youre probably going to have an orgasm if you keep at it.
Some doctors recommend prostate massage therapy to help relieve the symptoms of certain conditions, such as painful ejaculation prostatitis.
Yep! Though evidence on the efficacy of prostate massage for certain conditions is somewhat limited, it does appear to have some benefits.
How To Stimulate Prostate For Maximum Pleasure
There are a number of ways to achieve the goal. Here is how you should proceed for maximum effects.
Step 1: Prepare the Things That You Need
You need to pay attention to certain things before you even think of stimulating your prostate internally or externally. If you are have someone massaging it for you, then he/she should make the preparations. For instance:
- You should trim your nails and use a filer to get rid of any sharp edges. You will be using your finger to learn how to stimulate prostate and sharp nails can hurt your sensitive tissues.
- You should wash your hands thoroughly using an antiseptic solution to reduce the chances of infection.
- You should get a good quality lube and lubricate your hand properly. You may even consider lubricating the anus.
- You should spend some time massaging your perineum and anus from the outside before taking it to the next step.
Step 2: Prepare your Body and Sexual Organs
You need to understand that rushing through things may lead to complications. You need to be patient and always start with an external massage. The perineum, the area located between the anus sand the scrotum, should be massaged lighting from the outside. Even though you dont feel your prostate when massaging the perineum, youre still giving a massage to your prostate in an indirect way. Maintain a rhythmic, circular motion when massaging the anus it is fine to gently push on your anus without inserting your finger in for now.
Step 3: Find the Prostate
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