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HomeCheckHow To Get Your Prostate Checked

How To Get Your Prostate Checked

What Is A Normal Psa Level

Prostate Cancer and Your PSA | Get Your PSA Checked

Your doctor may talk about a normal PSA level. Unlike some other blood tests, there is not one normal PSA level for everyone. The PSA level naturally gets higher as you get older and varies depending on the size of your prostate. The size of the prostate is different for each individual and the prostate gets bigger with age.

Your doctor will tell you what they think the normal level of PSA should be for you. They generally use these levels:

  • A PSA level of up to 3 nanograms per millilitre of blood if you are in your 50s.
  • A PSA level of up to 4ng/ml if you are in your 60s.
  • A PSA level of up to 5ng/ml if you are in your 70s.
  • There are no PSA level limits if you are aged 80 and over.

Is Going To The Bathroom Frequently A Sign Of Prostate Cancer

Thats one of the challenging things having urinary symptoms is very rarelyalmost nevera sign of prostate cancer. Having urinary symptoms means you should probably be evaluated for an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia . We can treat your urinary symptoms and help you pee better.

If urinary symptoms bring men to the doctor, we can discuss screening for prostate cancer. Thats important because not all men will go to a doctor until theres something wrong with them. And prostate cancer screening really is the only way to detect prostate cancer, because its almost always asymptomatic.

What Would You Say To Men Who Dont Want To Get A Prostate Check

A rectal exam is recommended but optional. We recommend both, but if theyll just let you do a blood test, thats better than not doing anything at all.

If concern about the rectal exam is the only reason youre not getting screened, talk to your doctor about it. We can discuss the risks and benefits. None of the evaluation tests are mandatory, but the reason we do that is that it improves our ability to detect cancer. So, if thats why youre not being evaluated, we can talk and decide if we can do other tests.

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What Happens After The Dre

If any abnormalities are found during the DRE, the doctor may order more tests and possibly schedule a prostate biopsy to see if there are any signs of cancer present.

If there are no signs of prostate cancer found during screening, the results of the PSA blood test may help to determine the time between future prostate cancer screenings. PSA levels vary by age and other factors.

Ultimately, you and your doctor will decide how often you should be screened since your diet, health and lifestyle habits are all factors on the timing and frequency of your prostate cancer screenings. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you notice any changes in your health.

Prostate Exam In Concord Mint Hill And Charlotte

How to Check Your Prostate: When to Begin &  What to Expect

Some men are hesitant about getting tested, but a skilled urologist will give you confidence and knowledge about maintaining your prostate health. Dr. Richard Natale is here to help you maintain optimum sexual health and overall health as well.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Natale, contact our friendly staff at Carolina Urology today by calling 786-5131 or by filling out our appointment request form online now. We look forward to serving you.

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Treatment For The Affected Prostate And Urinary Difficulties

If your urinary problems are a result of an inflamed or infected prostate gland, then your treatment options may include:

  • An extended antibiotic course in case of bacterial prostatitis. The course may consist of several weeks of specific antibacterial doses.
  • Medication to ease urine flow and other urinary difficulties caused by an inflamed prostate.
  • Surgical procedures including transurethral resection of the prostate , transurethral incision of the prostate , laser resection of the prostate , and open surgery prostatectomy.
  • Removal of prostate tissue by aqua-ablation or Rezum Treatment .

Should I Have A Psa Test

If you have no symptoms of prostate cancer and are thinking about having a PSA test, you should ask your doctor about the risks and benefits.

While some studies suggest PSA reduces mortality on a population basis, the test picks up large numbers of cancers that would have caused no symptoms or harm in the patient. This is known as overdiagnosis. Overdiagnosis of prostate cancer can lead to unnecessary treatments that have side effects such as sexual impotence, urinary incontinence and bowel problems.

It is important to balance the potential benefit of detecting a prostate cancer early against the risk that detection and treatment may not be necessary. Treatment may affect your lifestyle but it may also save your life.

Make your own decision about whether to be tested after a discussion with your doctor. Ensure you get good quality information to make an informed decision.

Screening tests for breast, bowel and cervical cancer can save lives, but there is still confusion around PSA testing for prostate cancer. Find more information here.

Remember, if you have any concerns or questions, please contact your doctor.

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An Abnormal Psa Test: What Comes Next

If your PSA score is in the abnormal range, your doctor may recommend yourepeat the PSA test. If your levels are still high, your doctor mightrecommend one of the newer prostate cancer screening tests available today.

These tests can help better assess your risk for prostate cancer anddetermine whether a biopsy is necessary. Only a prostate biopsy candefinitively diagnose prostate cancer.

For individualized recommendations that suit you, ask your doctor about:

  • What age you should start prostate cancer screening
  • New blood, urine and imaging tests that are available
  • Improved biopsy techniques, if applicable

Can You Refuse A Prostate Exam

MÄ?ori men urged to get checked for prostate cancer

A rectal exam for tone, sensation and volition, plus a check of the bulbocavernosus reflex for completeness sake is the best and quickest way to confirm your suspicions and send him packing. Unfortunately, you cant do the rectal without his consent.

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Editorial Sources And Fact

  • Can prostate cancer be found early? American Cancer Society.
  • What’s new in prostate cancer screening and prevention? Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, August 2009 vol. 76 8 439-445.
  • Interview with Dan Zenka.

Why Does Prostate Cancer Happen

The causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown. But certain things can increase your risk of developing the condition.

The chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you get older. Most cases develop in men aged 50 or older.

For reasons not yet understood, prostate cancer is more common in men of African-Caribbean or African descent, and less common in Asian men.

Men whose father or brother were affected by prostate cancer are at slightly increased risk themselves.

Recent research also suggests that obesity increases the risk of prostate cancer.

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Check Your Sugar Levels

Sugar levels arent something that we often check but no matter where you are or what you do you need to keep a strict eye on what you are eating and is your glucose level higher than the normal range?

For that you can get a fasting blood sugar or a random blood sugar test every 3 years or so but if you are at a higher level of predisposition then you can time your tests more frequently. In one of our blog, we have discussed Control Blood Sugar with Running. So, you can check that out.

Why Do The Prostate Gland Increase In Size

12 Deadly Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer That Must Not Be ...

The prostate gland has two main growth phases. The first is induced by sex hormones secreted by the testicles during puberty. This causes the gland to gain an average weight of 20 grams in adulthood.

The second growth phase starts when men are in their 30s. Its unclear why this happens. The prostate continues to grow with age until it weighs 40 grams when males reach their 70s.

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Finding Prostate Cancer Early

There is no national screening program for the early detection of prostate cancer. Doctors have different opinions about whether all men without symptoms of prostate cancer should be tested.

There is concern that testing healthy men will cause unnecessary harm and lead to treatments that may not offer long-term benefits. Treatment for prostate cancer can leave men with side effects such as erectile dysfunction and continence issues, which can affect their quality of life.

Testing may identify fast-growing or aggressive cancers that have the potential to spread to other parts of the body and would benefit from treatment. It may also detect very slow-growing cancers that are unlikely to be harmful.

Weigh up all the risks and benefits before deciding whether to be tested for prostate cancer, particularly if you dont have symptoms. Talking to your doctor can help.

Prostate Cancer Screening Ages 55 To 69

This is the age range where men will benefit the most from screening.Thats because this is the time when:

  • Men are most likely to get cancer
  • Treatment makes the most sense, meaning when treatment benefits outweigh any potential risk of treatment side effects

Most men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough. Some prostatecancers are more aggressive others can be slow-growing. Doctors will takeyour age and other factors into consideration before weighing the risks andbenefits of treatment.

You should ask your doctor how often he or she recommends you get screened.For most men, every two to three years is enough.

Depending on the results of your first PSA test, your doctor may recommendyou get screened less frequently.

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Diagnosis Of The Enlarged Prostate And Urinary Difficulties

Its essential to seek a doctors help if you have urinary issues regardless of your age. If your doctor approves that you need further examination and treatment, there are a few tests you may need to take:

  • The general analysis involves examining your medical history and a survey of your health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, depression, obstructive sleep apnoea and erectile dysfunction.
  • A rectal exam to measure the size and shape of your prostate gland.
  • A urine test to check the state of your prostate gland.
  • A flow-rate test provides data to estimate the pressure and speed by which the urine is excreted out.
  • An ultrasound examination is required to check the urinary bladder and kidneys.
  • Urodynamics is a series of urinary bladder tests to check if your excretory system is functioning correctly.

When Should You Get Tested

Dan Explains Getting Your Prostate Checked – Shaw TV Victoria

Prostate Cancer UK recommend PSA blood testing from age 45 and up for men who are at higher risk, and from 50 upward for men at normal levels of risk

Dr Rodgers said: Risk of prostate cancer is increased for people of African Carribean ethnicity and those with a family history of prostate cancer.

If you develop symptoms that suggest prostate enlargement, or your symptoms change over time then you should be discussing this with your doctor.


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Identifying Potential Prostate Problems

  • 1Watch for urination-related symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Many men, especially age 50 and older, experience an enlarged prostate . In most cases, its not caused by cancer, and many men have no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms like the following, however, contact your primary care doctor:XResearch source
  • Weak flow during urination.
  • When Should I Go Back

    The answer to how often you should get a prostate exam depends on your medical history, but if youve got the all-clear, when you return depends on your age. The recommendations are as follows:

    Age 50 59:

    • If your PSA was between 1 and 3ng/mL: return every 2 to 4 years
    • If your PSA was under 1ng/mL: return aged 60

    Age 60 70:

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    How Does Prostate Pain Feel Like

    In addition, you may have pain around the base of the penis and behind the scrotum, pain in the lower back, and the feeling of a full rectum. As the prostate becomes more swollen, you may find it more difficult to urinate, and the urine stream may become weak.

    How To Find A Gp

    Why You Should Get Your Prostate Checked Earlier Rather ...

    If you dont have a GP, you can find a doctors surgery in your local area by going to:

    Try different times of the day if it’s difficult to get through by phone. It could be particularly busy at the beginning of the day. You dont have to tell the receptionist what you want to see the doctor for, although sometimes it might help to explain your situation.

    You might be able to go in person to book an appointment at some GP practices. But at the moment most practices do not provide this service. It may help to see if your GP practice has a website, this will explain the best way to get an appointment.

    The receptionist at your GPs practice will usually offer you a telephone or video appointment first. Your GP will ask you to make another appointment if they need to see you again. You may be asked to attend in person, especially if they need to examine you. The receptionist will give you a date and time for this.

    Accept a booked appointment, even if you think its a long time to wait. You could ask about cancellations if you are able to get to the practice at short notice. Do check that they have the right contact details for you, including your telephone number and email.

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    Are You Seeing Prostate Cancer Becoming More Prevalent In Younger Patients

    Its pretty rare. Its less common that men in their 40s have prostate cancer, but, we also are very rarely screening them. The young men who come in to be screened tend to have one of those high-risk features. They most likely had a father who had prostate cancer, so theyre nervous about it. Or theyre African-American, and theyve been flagged by their health care providers.

    If youre young, your quality of life is even more important to you right now. We know that, if diagnosed with low-grade prostate cancer, a person will need treatment at some time in life. If we can delay treatmentwhich could negatively impact urinary or sexual functionby several years, then we should do that and obviously discuss that there is a low but possible chance of metastasis developing during that time.

    Symptoms Of Urinary Problems Due To The Prostate Gland

    • Urinary urgency the urge to urinate can be so intense and abrupt that you may not be able to control it and pass out the urine before reaching the toilet.
    • A constant need to urinate during night-time.
    • Urinating more frequently during the day-time.
    • Dissatisfaction after urination. Having a feeling that the bladder hasnt emptied properly.
    • Feeling the need to go to the toilet repeatedly shortly after urinating.
    • Not enough pressure in the urine flow, which makes the urine stream difficult to direct accurately.
    • Urination starts slowly. There is a lack of force in the urine stream.
    • Urine dripping for some time after finishing urination.

    Usually, these symptoms are not problematic and often dont require treatment. But if they are causing you discomfort and pain, seek professional help as they can be treated with proper medication and care.

    There are specific urinary symptoms that, if you have, need immediate medical attention:

    • Unable to urinate
    • Presence of blood in the urine
    • Uncomfortable and painful urination
    • Having constant or severe urinary urgency
    • Any kind of unusual discharge from the penis
    • Fever
    • Pain in the lower back
    • Painful groin

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    What Is Prostate Cancer

    The Prostate

    The prostate is a gland that is usually the size and shape of a walnut. It sits under the bladder and surrounds the urethra . Itâs main job is to help make semen. It grows as you get older.

    Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer causes abnormal cells to develop in the prostate gland which creates a tumour and can sometimes spread to other parts of the body.

    Sometimes the cancer will grow too slowly to cause any problems or affect how long you live. You may never need any treatment.

    However, some types of prostate cancer are very aggressive and are more likely to grow and spread quickly. This seems to be even more likely in black men. This will require treatment to stop it spreading.


    Most men with early prostate cancer donât have symptoms. You can check your risk using the Prostate Cancer UK Risk Checker.

    If you notice changes in how you urinate, it might not be prostate cancer, but itâs best to get it checked out. Early symptoms could be:

    • difficulty starting to urinate or emptying your bladder

    • a weak flow when you urinate

    • a feeling that your bladder hasnt emptied properly

    • dribbling urine after you finish urinating

    • needing to urinate more often than usual, especially at night

    • a sudden need to urinate you may sometimes leak urine before you get to the toilet.

    More advanced symptoms or signs that the cancer has spread could be:

    • back pain, hip pain or pelvis pain

    • problems getting or keeping an erection

    • blood in the urine or semen

    • unexplained weight loss.


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