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HomeNewsProstate Removal Pros And Cons

Prostate Removal Pros And Cons

Surgical Treatments Prostate Operations

Prostate Cancer: Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy Pros and Cons

If the symptoms are severe or you have serious complications , you may be recommended for a prostate operation straight away. There are three main types of prostate operation:

  • TURP – is the most common operation for BPH and is done under a general anaesthetic. A long thin camera, known as a resectoscope, is passed into the urethra to give the surgeon a clear view of the prostate. An electric current is then applied to shave off sections of the enlarged gland.
  • TUIP – is performed on less severe cases, under a general or spinal anaesthetic. Instead of removing a portion of the prostate, small cuts are made in the neck of the bladder and prostate, to improve the flow of urine.
  • Open prostatectomy – is only used on men whose prostate is very large. It is a major operation in which an incision is made in the lower abdomen to remove the central part of the prostate.

Where Are Your Wisdom Teeth Anyway

You should know that the wisdom teeth those third and final set of molars typically start to emerge when you reach the late teen years or reach the early adulthood days. Naturally, they wont always fit rightly behind the molars due to the way the jaw grows and develops in us.

So, the teeth lacking enough room may get blocked below the gum line. They may push the existing teeth out of alignment. Thats why, dentists often advise their removal. This is the best way to avoid any damage caused by the emerging structures.

Not all dentists, however hold the view of the removal, as most recommend retention by keeping the teeth under observation. You can thus consult the dentist near you and know their view on the matter for more knowledge on the subject.

Lets look at the pros and cons of wisdom teeth removal to decide on own

Reduced Risk Of Infections

There is an episode of tonsillitis when there is a viral or bacterial attack in the throat. Once the infection spreads to the tonsils, these inflame resulting in various symptoms. Thus, if the tonsils are removed completely, the chances of infection developing reduces to almost zero. The person may still be at the risk of colds and flu, but these will cure fast as there are no chances of the infection being chronic.

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Cryotherapy For Prostate Cancer

During this procedure, your doctor will use a transrectal ultrasound to guide multiple needles directly into your prostate. Very cold gases are sent through the needles to create ice balls that freeze and destroy the prostate. A warming catheter is then inserted in the urethra to protect it. You will use a catheter for around 3 weeks to help drain your bladder while you heal.

Often Recommended for:

  • Bladder issues and loss of control
  • Bleeding or infection in treated area

Pros & Cons of Cryotherapy for Prostate Cancer


  • Less blood loss and pain
  • Shorter hospital stay and recovery
  • Concentrated treatment on cancer cells


  • Relatively new, and long-term outcomes are unknown
  • Higher probability of erectile dysfunction
  • Not recommended for those with larger tumors, normal sexual function or who previously had surgery for rectal or anal cancer

True North Testicular Cancer

Prostate Surgery TypesMEC
  • Orchiectomy is the removal of one or both testicles due to underlying pathology. Testicular cancer, undescended testicles, or other pathologies are some of the causes that may warrant a removal of the testicle. During the testicle removal procedure one or both testis are removed without any damage to the penis or the scrotum
  • Testicular torsion: The spermatic cord can twist, displacing the testicle and potentially leading to obstruction of blood flow, which can cause loss of the testicle if not properly corrected. This condition is a surgical emergency that needs to be urgently addressed. Undescended testes: Usually diagnosed during childhood, this condition occurs when one or both testes remain in the abdomen.
  • A small incision is made in the front of the scrotum and the testicles are removed. If the cancer has already reached the bones, this is the quickest way to slow tumor growth and pain.Testosterone levels drop dramatically and the patient often has rapid relief from cancer symptoms. For sleep apnea, what are the pros/cons of the full (nose.

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When Is Brachytherapy Alone The Right Choice

For a patient with disease that is confined to the prostate and not too aggressive, brachytherapy alone is a good option. With the use of sophisticated real-time computer-based planning, we can use brachytherapy to deliver radiation in an extraordinarily precise way, with minimal exposure to the surrounding normal tissues. It is also convenient for the patient as it is done in an outpatient setting and most people are able to get back to work the next day.

But brachytherapy is not right for everyone. For some patients with less-aggressive disease, a watch-and-wait approach would also be very reasonable. At MSK, our philosophy is that when the disease is caught very early meaning a low PSA level, or nonaggressive disease as reflected by a Gleason score of 6 with evidence of cancer in only a few of the biopsy samples and no evidence from the MRI of a significant amount of disease then it would be very appropriate to do active surveillance and hold off on treatment.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Removing Tonsils

Tonsillectomy is a common procedure that several patients around the globe undergo almost every year. Even after equipping themselves with the knowledge about the possible risks that can occur during the procedure, several patients still oscillate between the decision of opting or not opting for tonsil removal surgery.

This blog can guide you into making the appropriate decision of removing the tonsils as it discusses the pros and cons of tonsil removal surgery and gives a brief account of the surgery.

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About Tonsil Removal Surgery

It can be said that the benefits of choosing tonsillectomy outweigh the drawbacks. This brief account of the surgery can aid in ascertaining your decision of removing the tonsils permanently.

Tonsil removal surgery or Tonsillectomy is the removal of the tonsils surgically. People who suffer from frequent episodes of tonsillitis should consider a tonsillectomy as tonsillitis can cause difficulty in swallowing or cause other complications. People who snore heavily and suffering sleep apnea are also suggested to consider this option.

The doctors perform the whole procedure under the influence of anesthesia making it a painless procedure. During the surgery, the doctor either burns away the tissue or removes the tonsils with a scalpel. The patient recovers within 2-5 days if they follow the post-operative instructions properly.

At Pristyn Care, we offer tonsillectomy with state-of-the-art equipment. Our ENT specialists are highly trained as well as experienced in treating tonsillitis. If you are planning to get rid of tonsillitis permanently, do not wait anymore. Consult with our specialists today by booking an appointment today!

Testicular Surgery: Preparation Recovery Long

Radiation vs Surgery – What is the best treatment for prostate cancer?
  • The word ‘castration’is applied only to males and means removal of the testicles. Spaying, is only applied to female cats and involves the removal of the ovaries and commonly the uterus too. Now that we’ve got the medical terms covered, let’s consider why it’s worth doing..
  • The Pros of Testosterone Therapy. There are a lot of positives to testosterone therapy. According to a 2009 metareview, reports indicate that TRT may produce a wide range of benefits for menthat include improvement in libido and sexual function, bone density, muscle mass, body composition, mood, erythropoiesis, cognition, quality of life.
  • Whether you’ve talked about it in the weight room, read about it in a magazine, or seen a commercial on TV, chances are you’ve heard about testosterone replacement. The current media storm might lead one to believe this treatment is nothing but positive. But before you begin any kind of treatment, it’s important to understand the various therapies and discuss the pros and cons with your.
  • al testicles an opening is created into the abdomen and the testicle located and removed. This is a much more involved and complex surgery, as the abdomen is entered and requires full surgical sterility it can be a prolonged procedure as.
  • This procedure involves the surgical removal of the testicles of a male dog. It is also called sterilization, castration, or fixing a dog. It is best to weigh down the pros and cons of neutering before making the final decision
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    Surgery To Remove The Testicles Prostate

    In addition, unlike most alpha – 1 blockers, Flomax does not cause a massive drop in blood pressure. Flomax works exceptionally well in males with moderately enlarged prostatic hyperplasia in the absence of any health issue. However, in some cases, Flomax use can lead to some untoward effects such as: Low blood pressure. Headaches and dizziness Testicular cyst removal includes administration of anesthesia. This way patients will not feel any pain and will be properly sedated and unaware of the entire procedure. Such surgery requires general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, during which you’ll be awake but sedated from the waist down. The surgeon makes a cut in the scrotum, reaches the.

    What Is A Radical Prostatectomy

    Surgery to remove the prostate is called a radical prostatectomy. Before the operation, the surgeon will explain what will happen and tell you about the possible side effects. They may also tell you about other treatments that may help in your situation, such as radiotherapy.

    The aim of the surgery is to remove all of the cancer cells. It is usually only done when the cancer is contained within the prostate and has not spread to the surrounding area.

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    Prostate Cancer Treatment Advances: Can They Help You

    While the 10-year survival rate for men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States is approximately 98 percent, many men face difficult decisions about their treatment options. They worry not only about which treatment may be appropriate in fighting their cancer, but also about the impact treatment may have on their quality of life.

    In 90 percent of cases, prostate cancer is diagnosed at the local or regional stage, meaning it hasnt spread beyond the prostate or nearby organs. Men diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer may have several treatment options with similar outcomes. Men diagnosed with distant cancer, meaning its already spread to other areas of the body, face different treatment decisions. Either way, its normal to feel anxious after a diagnosis and to want to take action right away.

    But you may regret rushing into a treatment plan without considering your options carefully. Prostate cancer treatment has common side effects, especially urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, that may negatively impact your quality of life. Because prostate cancer often progresses slowly, most men have time to investigate their options.

    Whether youre already receiving treatment for prostate cancer, or youre considering new treatment decisions, its worth learning about prostate cancer treatment advances that may affect your choices.

    Potentially beneficial advances in prostate cancer treatment include:

    Radiation Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

    What Are The Pros And Cons Of Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Radiation along with hormone therapy may be used at several different stages of your treatment. It may be your first treatment option for low-grade cancers or for cancers that have grown outside of your prostate gland and into nearby tissues. It can also be a second treatment option if your cancer cant be removed completely or returns to the prostate area after surgery. Lastly, if your cancer is advanced, radiation can also be used to help keep your cancer under control and help prevent or relieve symptoms. Due to advancements in the field, there are several radiation treatment options, including but not limited to: standard X-ray radiation, proton therapy and brachytherapy. Treatment times vary based on your cancer and treatment option, but sessions typically take place at an outpatient center and cause minimal treatment-related side effects.

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    What Does Active Surveillance Involve

    During active surveillance, certain exams and tests are done on a regular schedule. The tests you have, and how often you have them, will depend on your doctor. These include:

    These tests are used to find any changes that suggest the cancer may be growing. You may have a PSA test every 3-4 months, a DRE exam after 12 months of monitoring and an MRI scan even more rarely. Starting with the second year of active monitoring, a PSA test, for example, can be done each 6 months. If any changes are found, then your doctor will recommend treatment to get rid of cancer.

    There are men who decide upon treatment even though there are no changes that may suggest that the cancer is growing. Talk to your doctor about your concerns.

    Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer

    This is also known as implantation or interstitial radiation therapy because small radioactive seeds are placed directly in your prostate. Seldom do the seeds cause discomfort. Most doctors use Permanent Brachytherapy, but some opt for Temporary Brachytherapy. If Permanent Brachytherapy is recommended, your doctor will use a needle to insert around 100 seeds in your prostate. Seeds will release low doses of radiation for weeks or months until the radioactive material is completely dissolved. Temporary Brachytherapy delivers high doses of radiation through a catheter. Seeds are removable and kept in for only 5 to 15 minutes. Generally, there are 3 treatments given over the course of 2 days. The catheter is removed after your final treatment.

    Often Recommended for:

    • No surgical risks or hospital stays
    • Radiation concentrated in the prostate
    • Little damage to surrounding tissues, nerves, bladder and rectum


    • Internal radiation may demand you to stay away from children and pregnant women, limit children and pets sitting on your lap for prolonged time periods, refrain airport travel and require a condom during sex
    • Seeds may require you strain urine
    • Might not work as well in men with large prostate glands, urinary problems or post-TURP surgery
    • May not cure the cancer

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    Watchful Waiting Or Active Surveillance

    Your doctor might suggest waiting to see if your tumor will grow or spread before you treat it. Most prostate cancer grows slowly. Some doctors think itâs better not to treat it unless it changes or causes symptoms. In watchful waiting, your doctor will closely track how the disease makes you feel. With active surveillance, youâll also get regular tests to check on the cancer.

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    Prostate Cancer: Surgery vs. Radiation Treatment

    After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting American men. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. This year alone, 164,690 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed.

    Prostate cancer is a serious diseaseand is the second leading cause of cancer death for American men . However, most men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer dont die from it. Thats because in most cases, prostate cancer grows very slowly, and you can live with it for years if not decades without symptoms.

    Of course, as with all cancers, the sooner detected and treated, the better the outcome. Thats why we offer mammograms and PAP tests for women to detect cancers that may not yet show symptoms. For men, the PSA blood test is used the same way, but because of the nature of prostate cancer and the reliability of the test, its important to weigh the pros and cons on how useful the test is.

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    New Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

    New technologies, scientific advancements and clinical trials continue to develop and test additional and alternative forms of classical treatments. Often, the only way to access these newer treatments and procedures is through a clinical trial. Participating in these carefully controlled research trials is another way to get state-of-the-art care that you might not be able to get otherwise. Still, certain factors may cause ineligibility or personal discomfort with a lesser known treatment plan.

    Surgery To Remove The Testicle Cancer Council Ns

    Pros and Cons of Spaying and Neutering in Dogs. Neutering is the removal of the testicles. Without these organs, testicular cancer is no longer a concern and the risk of prostate problems is reduced. For those people who would like to sterilize their dog but do not wish to alter his appearance, testicular implants are available.. Pros: 1. No parts are off limits You can have laser hair removal performed anywhere on your body. Legs, bikini line, under-arms and even your face. 2. You can take it the pain, that is. Most people describe the pain level as moderate and no worse than waxing. The pain level also decreases with every treatment. 3. Fast and precis Spaying is a de-sexing procedure for female dogs. The female’s ovaries and uterus are removed through surgery. Neutering, also known as castration, is a de-sexing procedure that involves the removal of a male dog’s testicles. Should I Spay / Neuter My Dog? Pros of Spaying Your Dog #1. No Pregnanc

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    When To Call Your Doctor Or Nurse

    Its important to tell your doctor or nurse if:

    • your bladder feels full or your catheter isnt draining urine
    • your catheter leaks or falls out
    • your urine contains blood clots, turns cloudy, dark or red, or has a strong smell
    • your wound area or the tip of your penis becomes red, swollen or painful
    • you have a fever
    • you feel sick or vomit
    • you get cramps in your stomach area that will not go away
    • you get pain or swelling in the muscles in your lower legs.

    Your doctor or nurse will let you know if you should go to the hospital.


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