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What Foods Are Good For Shrinking The Prostate

Superfoods For A Healthy Prostate

12 Best Foods That Are Good for Shrinking Enlarged Prostate Fast

A balanced diet may reduce your risk for prostate problems.

The prostate, which is part of the male reproductive system, is a gland that surrounds the bladder and urethra. It is about the size of a walnut and grows throughout a mans life. As you age, its important to maintain a healthy prostate. The gland can become enlarged, and prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men.

Theres no definitive evidence that good nutrition can prevent prostate problems, but eating a healthy balanced diet may reduce your risk. Building a meal and snack around veggies and fruit is a smart idea for health in general, and particularly a healthy prostate, says Chris Mohr, PhD, RD, nutrition expert for New York Times bestseller LL Cool Js Platinum Workout and advisory board member for Mens Fitness magazine.

Here are six foods you can eat to boost your prostate health.

So If Drugs And Surgery Are A Bad Option How Do You Effectively Treat And Defeat Bph


Its time for a new approach.

One that doesnt rely on outdated medical treatments but uses the latest research studies to map out an action plan.

A step-by-step action plan that lets you take back control of your prostate health.

We have the exact game plan that will help you lower your PSA level, shrink your prostate , and get rid of your prostate problems once and for all.

How To Reduce Prostate Size

This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Litza is a board certified Family Medicine Physician in Wisconsin. She is a practicing Physician and taught as a Clinical Professor for 13 years, after receiving her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in 1998.There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 75,392 times.

The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system that can enlarge with age, putting uncomfortable pressure on the urethra. This can cause urinary difficulties, urinary tract infections , and even bladder stones. By making lifestyle changes and using medication, most men can reduce their urinary troubles. A few men, though, may need to consider minimally invasive or traditional surgery options to feel their best.

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How Your Diet Promotes A Healthy Prostate

The Mediterranean Diet has a strong association between lowering cancer risk and preventing heart disease. This is attributed to the fact that this diet is focused on whole foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans while also focusing on healthy unsaturated fats from plants. With this style of eating, theres also an emphasis on decreasing processed or refined foods along with lowering intake of red meat or processed red meats. It allows alcohol in moderation and its focus on whole foods supports adequate fiber intake. It also allows for a wide range of foods, which means its more of a lifestyle rather than just a fad diet.

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Since this style of eating has a positive impact on cancer prevention, adopting healthy eating habits now could help prevent prostate problems down the road. Some nutrients and vitamins can have a very positive effect on the health of your prostate. Making sure youre getting the right nutrients as part of a balanced diet can play an important role in the health of your prostate.

What The Research Says


A recent study has also evaluated a possible connection. The authors explored the link between prostate enlargement and vitamin D. They did it through the hormone testosterone. Their results show that higher vitamin D levels in the blood reduce the PSA levels. They also hypothesize that testosterone levels and function depend on vitamin D status. If thats the case, low vitamin D levels would also have a hormonal consequence that explains BPH and BPH symptoms .

Other studies explored a more direct association between the prostate tissue and vitamin D. Interestingly the prostate epithelial cells can activate vitamin D. Moreover, these cells have a vitamin D receptor, even prostate cancer cells. Upon binding, vitamin D sends signals to control the proliferation of cells.

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What Is Your Prostate Diet Like

So there you have it. Foods you must incorporate into your enlarged prostate diet if you are serious about improving your prostate health. Do you eat these foods? Have you ever eaten these foods? Now you know what the best enlarged prostate diet is will you change your diet and maybe even your lifestyle? I would also encourage you to exercise, meditate, drink raw juices and non dairy smoothies, get plenty of sunshine, fresh air and good healthy relationships.

Let me know in the comments below what your diet is and if you plan on changing. Any questions please just fire away. Your prostate health is really important.

Is Wine Good For Prostate

A new study shows men who drink four or more glasses of red wine per week have a nearly 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than non-drinkers. In addition, researchers found that red wines protective effects appear to be even stronger against the most dangerous and aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

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Shrink The Prostate Without Expensive Drugs Surgery Or Side Effects

Prostate problems affectmost men over 50.

For some men it means increased urgency and waking up 3 or 4 times a night. For other men it means public incontinence, pain or even prostate cancer.

Eventually, many men give up and wrongly believe that their only options are expensive pills their doctor kept pushing them to take.

These men often end up enduring the nasty side effects, only to discover that the medication they were prescribed is very often a temporary solution at best. Other men are so desperate, they let a surgeon slice into them, digging and scraping and cutting out the prostate gland.

Other men are so desperate, they let a surgeon slice into them, digging and scraping and cutting out the prostate gland.

These men suffer high rates of sexual dysfunction or even permanent impotence .

Many men think that prostate disease is a natural part of getting older, that its inevitable and just something they have to suffer with.

These men couldn’t be more wrong.

Because Prostate Disease is not a symptom of age.

its a metabolic disease, which means…

Prostate problems can be defeatednaturally without drugs, surgery or side effects.

Foods High In Vitamin D

7 Best Foods For Prostate Health (2021)

So, what vitamin D foods that shrink the prostate gland do we recommend?

Heres a list you can consider for your next visit to the grocery store:

  • Salmon: 3 ounces provide your body with 647 IU of vitamin D, which is a lot. It also has omega 3 fatty acids that aid in the absorption of vitamin D. Other types of fish are excellent, too, including cod, tuna, and halibut.
  • Soymilk: Regular milk has vitamin D when fortified, and soymilk is an alternative for vegetarians. It has up to 119 IU of vitamin D for each cup.
  • Eggs: If you do not take out the yolk, you get a total of 118 IU of vitamin D for each cup of boiled eggs.
  • Foods fortified with vitamin D: Other foods such as breakfast cereals and dairy are fortified with vitamin D. You can find fortified foods by looking at the labels.

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Remedies For An Enlarged Prostate

Even if you have an enlarged prostate, that does not mean you must live with the symptoms for the rest of your life. Your doctor might advise one of several approaches to coping with BPH, including lifestyle changes, medication changes, and other treatments. The remedies and treatments available will depend on your own health situation and how disruptive the symptoms have become.

Get Sufficient Exercise

Exercise can improve with your overall fitness, as well as benefit your prostate health. Studies have shown a connection between increased physical activity and reduced risk of BPH, with exercise of any type having some degree of benefit.

Seated activities, such cycling, can put pressure on the perineum and groin. This can lead to numbness or pinched nerves. To avoid these issues, make sure you utilize a wide seat and engage in a variety of activity types.

You can also try Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles and reduce urine dribbling. To do these exercises, squeeze the muscles that affect urine flow and then release, repeating several times to train the muscles.

Slow Down

When you head to the bathroom, make sure you slow down. When you relax your muscles and leave time to account for delayed urine and possible dribbling, youre much more likely to completely empty your bladder. Urine that remains in the bladder because of an enlarged prostate can lead to urinary tract infections or painful bladder stones.

Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

What Is Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate.

The prostate is a small gland located between the bladder and the penis.

As a natural part of aging, a mans prostate gland grows larger. For some men, this growth is uneventful, but for others, it can lead to BPH.

Studies show that 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and 90% of men over 80 are diagnosed with BPH.

One study suggested that an estimated 612 million men globally have BPH.

As the prostate enlarges, it can squeeze down on the urethra, creating a thicker bladder wall.

This enlargement may obstruct the flow of urine and causes a variety of symptoms.

Symptoms of BPH include:

  • Urinary retention or inability to urinate
  • Painful urination

Treating BPH may depend on the severity of the symptoms.

Mild to moderate BPH symptoms may be treated with lifestyle changes that include following an enlarged prostate diet.

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How Do You Self Drain Your Prostate

While some people find massaging their prostate unpleasant and painful to perform it themselves, others like to be more private. You can also ask your partner for help, but getting help from a healthcare provider is the best solution depending on your condition.

Finding your prostate is the first thing you need to do before starting to perform the massage. This walnut-sized organ in your rectum wraps around the urethra and sits below the bladder. For this reason, finding the prostate involves inserting a lubricated finger in the rectum and slightly pushing on the wall looking for a slight bulge.

To drain your prostate at home, start by applying enough lubricant on your finger and lay sideways with your feet bent to mimic a fetal position. Wearing gloves makes the insertion smoother, and its also a good idea to remain hygienic.

When in position, gently insert your lubricated finger in the anus while slowly pushing against the rectums walls. Most people need to insert their index finger halfway before touching the prostate, while others prefer to use their thumb. Either way, touching the prostate might produce a pleasurable sensation.

After applying for several seconds, slowly press the finger towards the opening, and youll feel a certain fluid coming out. At this point, youll get a sensation like youre trying to urinate.

How To Add More Legumes And Soybeans To Your Diet

How to Treat an Enlarged Prostate: 5 Home Remedies

To add more legumes and soybeans to your diet, consider swapping meat for plant protein in at least some meals. This could mean trying Meatless Mondays or moving toward a plant-based diet.

Try making a black bean burger with lots of veggies. Alternatively, homemade hummus made with blended chickpeas makes a delicious dip for vegetables or whole grain bread.

Finally, tofu is an excellent source of soy. Try flavoring tofu with sauces and baking it or browning it on the stove, or adding it to stir-fries.


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Maintaining Good Nutrition During And After Treatment

Maintaining a healthy diet can help you prepare for and recover after cancer treatment. It may also help to prevent the prostate cancer from coming back.Watching your weight may also reduce your risk of dying from prostate cancer. Recent studies have indicated that the risk of dying from prostate cancer is more than double in obese men diagnosed with the disease compared with men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis. Obese men with local or regional disease have been shown to have nearly four times the risk of their cancer spreading beyond the prostate or metastasizing.

Prostate cancer treatment may affect your appetite, eating habits, and weight, but it is important for you to maintain a healthy weight, get essential nutrients, and remain as physically active as possible.If you have difficulty eating due to side effects from treatment, there are ways to make eating more comfortable. Working with a registered dietitian/nutritionist can help make sure you are getting the nutrition you need.

Unfortunately it is possible for the side effects of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy to cause you to lose your appetite, eat less and lose weight. On the other hand, some treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy may cause weight gain for some men.

, Prostate Cancer and Nutrition featuring Margaret Martin, RD, MS, LDN, a nutrition educator from PearlPoint Nutrition Services.

Diet & Exercise Tips For Prostate Health

“What can I eat to reduce my risk of developing prostate cancer?” This is one of the most common questions physicians hear from men concerned about prostate health. Undoubtedly, many hope that their doctor will rattle off a list of foods guaranteed to shield them from disease. Although some foods have been linked with reduced risk of prostate cancer, proof that they really work is lacking, at least for now.

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Natural Remedies To Ease Enlarged Prostate Symptoms

African plum extract has been shown to contain a wide range of sterols, alcohols, and fatty acids for example, beta-sitosterol which have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the urogenital tract. There are a few studies that indicate consuming around 100 to 200 mg of pygeum extract daily could help reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate. If a person chooses to use this remedy, it is recommended to split the dosage into two 50 mg or 100 mg if taking 200 mg daily twice a day.

The most studied remedy is the herbal supplement saw palmetto. This supplement inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone and decreases the size of the inner lining of the prostate.

A remedy that is still being tested is the Zi-Shen Pill which contains three plants, including Chinese cinnamon. This ancient Chinese medicine dates back to the 13th century. Researchers have found that the Zi-Shen recipe has reduced rates of BPH in rats.

Some people have used a rye-grass pollen supplement called Cernilton. It has been included in several registered pharmaceutical treatments for enlarged prostate. Cernilton has not been proven to reduce the impact of BPH on a large scale. Some people indicate it could reduce the overall size of the prostate.

Indigenous Brazilian tribes and communities have used the babassu or Orbignya speciosa a species of palm tree native to Brazil to alleviate urogenital symptoms and conditions. To do this the natives use dried or ground kernels from the tree.

Natural Ways To Shrink The Prostate

Best Foods to Eat with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Risk of Symptoms, Enlargement & Cancer

Men, Prostate

If you are one of the 14 million men who suffer from an enlarged prostate due to benign prostatic hyperplasia , it is understandable that you would like to find a way to shrink your prostate or at least reduce its symptoms. You may wonder how to take the prostate back to a younger, more normal size that doesnt keep you running to the bathroom all night long.

When enlarged, the prostate gland can put pressure on the urethra and cause symptoms such as frequent urination and nighttime urination. The growing prostate can also keep the bladder from completely emptying and can affect the flow of urine, making for a weaker flow, starting and stopping of the flow, and urinary tract infections. More severe cases of BPH can make it difficult to urinate.

Even though BPH is not cancerous, it does affect a man and his familys quality of life. If you are waking up several times a night to urinate, chances are you are waking up your family members at least some of the time. Having to stop activities due to urinary urgency can have an effect and cause stress and annoyance for everyone involved.

Growth of the prostate with age is normal. One-third of men experience symptoms of an enlarged prostate by age 50. By age 70, 70 percent of men are affected, according to Johns Hopkins. So what can you do about it? Actually, there is a lot you can do.

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How Does Diet Affect Urological Health

The male urinary system consists of many important organs aside from the prostate. The kidneys, ureter, Vas Deferens the tube that is modified during a vasectomy, bladder, urethra, testicles, and penis make up the male urinary structure from top to bottom.

Eating a healthy diet can help the urinary system prevent bacteria, inflammation, and decrease the acidity levels within your urine. These issues, especially if chronic, can lead to many serious health concerns that men of all ages must stay on top of. Again, prevention is key in this case.

Using Medication To Reduce Symptoms

  • 1Recognize the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Look for a weak stream of urine, dribbling at the end of urination, or an increased need to urinate at night. You may also have difficulty starting urination or need to strain to empty your bladder. If you notice these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor for an official diagnosis.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • 2Try alpha-blockers if you have trouble urinating. Talk to your doctor about alpha-blockers, which can relax muscles around the bladder and prostate. These drugs help increase the flow of urine when you use the bathroom and keep you from needing to urinate too frequently.XResearch source
  • While adverse side effects are infrequent, alpha-blockers can cause dizziness. The good news is, they typically help relieve symptoms within a few weeks.
  • Take alpha-blockers, like tamsulosin, as directed by your doctor.
  • Most alpha-blockers are safe to take with other medications. Consult your pharmacist for any potential drug interactions with your current medication regimen.
  • 3Explore enzyme-inhibitors if you have a very enlarged prostate. Ask your doctor if enzyme-inhibitors, like finasteride and dutasteride, would be a good fit for your symptoms. These drugs shrink prostate tissue to reduce urinary problems and are often most effective on severely enlarged prostates.XResearch source
  • Like alpha-blockers, dizziness is the most common side effect.
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