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Prostate Infection Treatment In Home

Is Prostatitis A Sexually Transmitted Disease

How to Treat An Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): 12 Natural Treatments

Yes, prostatitis can be contracted through sex, so the more sexual partners a man has, the higher his odds of developing the condition. 34567

Interestingly, Trichomonas vaginalis, a parasite and STD, has been found in prostate biopsies of men with prostatitis, and although it seems that E. Coli is a much more regular culprit, the prostates susceptibility to Trichomonas vaginalis colonization has been linked to zinc levels. The prostate is the number one home for zinc in a mans body, and when levels get low, studies have shown these types of pathogens can take a greater foothold.

Mineral deficiencies are common in the U.S., which means supplementing with small amounts of zinc to see whether conditions improve could be worthwhile. As far as food is concerned, pumpkin seeds and oysters are both high in zinc.

As an added benefit, zinc supplementation has also shown some promise in maintaining the cell lining of the gut, which can prevent or help to heal leaky gut, a condition that often accompanies prostatitis, and that is marked by a breakdown of the epithelial wall of the gut lining, which allows pathogens and undigested food particles to enter the blood stream. 89 I will touch more on leaky gut later in this post.

Ruling Out Fungal Infection

Consider this study which appeared in the Central European Journal of Urology. The authors found that most young men presenting with prostatitis, who also had low prostate specific antigen numbers , were suffering from a yeast infection, not bacterial prostatitis, although E. Coli was thought to be the bridge that brought yeast to the prostate region in the first place.

Treating Prostatitis Not Caused By Infection

Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome , is inflammation of the prostate without any detectable infection. The cause is unknown, making it difficult to treat.

Even though no bacteria are implicated in this kind of prostatitis, a physician will sometimes prescribe antibiotics in case there is a hidden infection. Most often, however, therapy involves treating the symptoms. Options include:

  • Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or naproxen
  • Soaking in a hot bath
  • Medications such as phenazopyridine , oxybutynin, or tolterodine to help with frequent, urgent, or painful urination
  • Psychological counseling to help with the ongoing pain

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Do Kegel Exercises To Treat An Enlarged Prostate

While we are on the subject of exercise, lets discuss the benefits of Kegel exercises. Though typically an activity to firm up vaginal muscles in women, men can also do Kegel exercises which will strengthen the pelvic floor and reduce an enlarged prostate.

What to do:

  • Before doing Kegel exercises, make certain that you empty your bladder.
  • Lay down on the floor with your knees bent and about shoulder-width apart.
  • Locate the muscles you use to cut of urination in midstream.
  • Clench those muscles and hold them for 5 seconds, and then relax them for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle 20 times per session.
  • Repeat the entire session 3 to 4 times daily.

Home Remedies To Treat Prostate Problems

22 Natural Home Remedies For Prostatitis Pain Treatment And Control

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Did you know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men in the U.S.? Its estimated that one out of every seven American men will get prostate cancer during his lifetime and one in every 38 American men will die of this disease.

Your prostate is an essential part of your bodyits the gland that is part of the reproductive system. Its small and sits below the bladder, in front of the rectum area. The prostate assists in making semen when a man ejaculates.

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Natural Ways To Relieve Prostatitis Symptoms

1. Take Quercetin

Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and pain associated with nonbacterial prostatitis. Research suggests that quercetin can be helpful for men with bladder or prostate symptoms and pelvic floor pain or spasms.

In one study, 500 milligrams of quercetin was administered twice a day for four weeks. Patients with chronic prostatitis showed significant improvement and reduced inflammation over the placebo group.

2. Try Bee Pollen

Studies show that bee pollen may be effective in prostatic conditions because of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-androgen effects. In fact, the efficacy of bee pollen has been compared to anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen and indomethacin. According to research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, clinicians confirm that, in nonbacterial prostate inflammations, pollen improves the condition of patients by effectively removing the pain.

The most common way to use bee pollen is to mix ground pollen with foods, like cottage cheese, yogurt, juices or smoothies. To reduce inflammation and boost your prostate health, I suggest taking 1 teaspoon of ground pollen three times a day.

3. Take Saw Palmetto

You can find saw palmetto capsules in most health food stores. Make sure the product label indicates that the contents are standardized and contain 85 to 95 percent fatty acids and sterols.

4. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

5. Eat Healing Foods

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate

Natural remedies for enlarged prostate have proved to be efficient in relieving BPH symptoms. Regardless of whether you are taking BPH drugs or not, these natural remedies will help you shrink your prostate in a matter of seconds!

But, first of all, lets understand what exactly prostate enlargement is!

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Key Points About Prostatitis

  • Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland caused by infection. It can be one of several types.
  • Prostatitis is not contagious and is not an STD.
  • Any man can get prostatitis at any age. Symptoms of prostatitis may include urinating more often, burning or stinging during urination, pain during urination, and fever and chills. Your healthcare provider usually diagnoses prostatitis by your symptoms and by checking your urine and semen for signs of infection.
  • Antibiotics are used to treat prostatitis. In rare cases, you may need surgery.

Take Zinc Supplements To Protect Your Prostate

Top 6 Home Remedies For Prostatitis

Zinc is one of the most important essential minerals for maintaining prostate health. It has both a protective role to prevent PSAs from forming as well as an anti-inflammatory role. Zinc deficiency is a leading cause of BPH.

What to do:

  • Adding a zinc supplement to your regimen in the amount of 30 mg three times per day is one way to make certain you are getting enough zinc.
  • In addition, you should be mindful of the zinc rich foods that are available and add them into your diet on a daily basis. Eat zinc-rich foods like oysters, crab, fortified breakfast cereals, beans, cashews and yogurt.

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What Is A Prostate Infection

A prostate infection occurs when your prostate and the surrounding area become inflamed. The prostate is about the size of a walnut. Its located between the bladder and the base of the penis. The tube that moves urine from the bladder to the penis runs through the center of your prostate. The urethra also moves semen from the sex glands to the penis.

Several types of infections can affect the prostate. Some men with prostatitis experience no symptoms at all, while others report many, including intense pain.

Lifestyle Tips For Managing Bph

People can take steps to manage the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These include:

  • attempting to urinate at least once before leaving the home to avoid urinary leakage or other potentially stressful incidents in public
  • double voiding, which involves trying to urinate a few minutes after urinating the first time to drain the bladder as much as possible during bathroom visits
  • trying not to drink fluids in the 2 hours before bedtime to avoid going to sleep with a full bladder

Most males have a 50% chance of having BPH by the age of 60 years and a 90% chance by the age of 85 years.

Limited research has associated BPH with an increased risk of prostate cancer and bladder cancer, with the risk of prostate cancer being particularly high in Asian people with BPH. However, the limitations of the included studies mean that there is a need for additional prospective studies with a strict design to confirm the findings.

Several types of foods and nutrients can reduce or trigger BPH and its associated symptoms.

Foods that may be beneficial for people with BPH include:

  • fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, beans, and dark, leafy greens
  • fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which are usually dark red, yellow, or orange
  • foods rich in zinc, such as eggs, most types of seafood, and nuts
  • products that contain phytoestrogens, such as soy foods, chickpeas, alfalfa, and fava beans

Foods that people with BPH, or those at risk of developing it, should avoid or limit include:

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How Is Prostatitis Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will review your past health and sexual history. He or she will also do a physical exam. Other tests may include:

  • Urine culture. This test collects prostatic fluid and urine. They are checked for white blood cells and bacteria.
  • Digital rectal exam . In this test, the healthcare provider puts a gloved finger into the rectum to check the part of the prostate next to the rectum. This is done to look for swelling or tenderness.
  • Prostate massage. The healthcare provider massages your prostate gland to drain fluid into the urethra. This fluid is then checked under a microscope to look for inflammation or infection. This test is usually done during a digital rectal exam .
  • Semen culture. A semen sample is tested in the lab for bacteria and white blood cells.
  • Cystoscopy. A thin, flexible tube and viewing device is put into the penis and through the urethra. Your healthcare provider uses the device to look at your bladder and urinary tract for structure changes or blockages.
  • Transrectal ultrasound. A thin transducer is inserted into the rectum next to the prostate to show images of the prostate.
  • CT scan. This is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs.

See Your Doctor If You Have Symptoms

Best Home Remedies for Enlarged Prostate

If you cant urinate at all, you should get medical help right away. Sometimes this problem happens suddenly to men after they take certain cold or allergy medicines.

You should see your doctor if you have one or more of these symptoms:

  • a weak urine stream
  • unable to empty your bladder completely
  • urinating eight or more times a day
  • urine that has an unusual color or smell
  • waking often to urinate when you sleep

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Turmeric: Natural Remedy For Enlarged Prostate

One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory herbs known is turmeric. Its potent anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin, can reduce an enlarged prostate as well as improve your bodys overall inflammatory response. It also contains antioxidant properties to treat and lower the risk of prostate cancer.

What to do:

  • Make a batch of turmeric golden paste and keep it on hand.
  • Add this golden paste to your favorite foods and drinks on a daily basis to obtain the power of turmeric.

What Are The Complications Of Prostatitis

Men with acute bacterial prostatitis may develop . This widespread inflammation can be life-threatening. It requires immediate medical treatment.

Antibiotics can cause an upset stomach. Men with chronic bacterial prostatitis may need lots of antibiotics to treat recurring infections. Some people develop antibiotic resistance, making treatment ineffective.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis can lower sperm count, affecting fertility.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Problems

The symptoms of a prostate problem may include problems with urinating and bladder control. Bladder control is how well you can delay, start, or stop urination. These problems can cause you to

  • go to the bathroom frequently
  • feel as if you need to rush to the bathroom, only to find you cant urinate or you urinate only a little
  • leak or dribble urine
  • have a weak urine stream

Depending on the cause of your prostate problems, you may have other symptoms.

Ways To Relieve Prostatitis Symptoms

Best Treatment For Enlarged Prostate – Home Remedies That Can Shrink The Prostate Naturally

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

If youre like many adult men, youve thought about your prostate health at some point in your life. Its an important issue because 90 percent of men experience some kind of problem with their prostate by the time they are 70 years old. And one of these problems is prostatitis.

Prostatitis is a common condition that involves inflammation or an infection of the prostate gland. Its estimated that prostatitis symptoms affect 35 to 50 percent of men during their lifetime. And unlike an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer, which commonly affect older men, prostatitis affects men of all ages, especially those between the ages of 20 and 40.

The severity of symptoms vary, but most men with prostatitis suffer from painful urination pain in the pelvic area, groin and lower back flu-like symptoms and issues during intercourse, such as painful ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, there are natural and safe ways to relieve prostatitis symptoms that will help you to feel like yourself again.

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Test For Diagnosing Bacterial Infections

Diagnostic tests to assess for infection will likely include:

  • Digital rectal exam. With this procedure, your health care provider inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to detect inflammation of the prostate.
  • Urine test. You’ll need to provide a urine sample to be tested for the presence and type of bacterial infection.
  • Blood test. Blood samples may be tested for signs of infection and other prostate problems.
  • Prostatic specimen test. In some cases, a health care provider may gently massage the prostate during a rectal exam to release prostate fluid into your urethra. A urine sample after the massage expels the prostate fluid for bacterial testing.

Natural Treatments For Prostatitis

Below are two natural techniques that can help allivate prostatitis:

  • Prostate massage A drug-free alternative treatment for chronic prostatitis. It can be used for prostatitis or general prostate health and to improve sexual health. Like massage of any organ, it can be helpful to enhance blood flow and maintain tissue integrity. Prostate massage can be performed by the patient or by any other person. It is sometimes included as an item of sexual foreplay between partners.
  • Orgasm A normal result of sexual activity, orgasms are an integral part of prostate health. The prostate is an organ whose primary purpose is to provide fluid for lubrication and nourishment of the sperm cells released through sexual intercourse. Orgasm and ejaculation serve to release the prostatic fluid, which is termed semen when combined with sperm cells. When the internal secretions are not released regularly, the prostate can become congested, swollen, and painful. Thus, a lack of regular orgasms can actually result in prostatitis.
  • Exercise and Diet -The vast majority of men that visit urologists for prostate problems are overweight, have poor diets and get a little exercise. Prostatitis is a condition whereby inflammation has affected an organ. While several disease conditions can cause this, improvements in diet and exercise may have a significant positive effect on many of these men. 1

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Causes Of Chronic Prostatitis Or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

The true cause of chronic prostatitis is not known. Medical experts suspect any of the following causes that may vary depending on the individual:

  • Due to the blockage of flow or urine
  • Immune system attacking the prostate
  • Irritation of the prostate due to the acids or other components present in the urine
  • Nerve or muscle problems in the pelvic area.
  • How Will Your Doctor Diagnose A Prostate Infection

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    A prostate infection diagnosis is based on your medical history, a physical exam, and medical tests. Your doctor can also rule out other serious conditions such as prostate cancer during the exam. During a physical exam, your doctor will conduct a digital rectal exam to test your prostate and will look for:

    • discharge
    • enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the groin
    • swollen or tender scrotum

    Your doctor may also ask about your symptoms, recent UTIs, and medications or supplements youre taking. Other medical tests that can help your diagnosis and treatment plan include:

    • urinalysis or semen analysis, to look for infections
    • a prostate biopsy or a blood test for prostate-specific antigen
    • urodynamic tests, to see how your bladder and urethra store urine
    • cystoscopy, to look inside the urethra and bladder for blockage

    Your doctor may also order an ultrasound to get a closer look. The cause will help determine the correct course of treatment.

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    How Common Is Prostatitis

    Prostatitis is the most common urinary tract problem for men younger than age 50 and the third most common urinary tract problem for men older than age 50.1 Prostatitis accounts for about two million visits to health care providers in the United States each year.2

    Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is

    • the most common and least understood form of prostatitis.
    • can occur in men of any age group.
    • affects 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population.3

    Are There Any Side Effects Of Remedies For Enlarged Prostate

    Commonly, these remedies cause no side effects if necessary precautions are followed. However, ensure that you seek the help of a doctor before undergoing them. To avoid complications and allergies, buy products from a medical store or trusted sources. When using Stinging nettle leaves, make sure that the leaves are free of impurities and are properly washed.

    When using the sitz bath method, use treated water and make sure it is devoid of impurities. The corn silk preparation must also be carried out carefully. If you don’t witness any alleviation of the problem, contact a doctor.

    Summary: Despite being effective, certain home remedies have some side effects which vary from person to person, so choose your home remedy only if you are not allergic or sensitive to the particular substance. Do not use any home remedies in excess as it may be harmful to health.

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