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Enlarged Prostate Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

A New Treatment Option For Bph

Prostate Health and Erectile Dysfunction (Enlarged Prostate, Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer)

Experts at University Hospitals now offer a new, minimally invasive approach to treat BPH called UroLift®.

Instead of removing prostate tissue, this procedure implants a device that pulls the prostate away from the urethra on both sides and holds it in place. This widens the urethra and restores normal urine flow.

Its like opening a curtain, says UH urologist Irina Jaeger, MD.

This procedure is a nice alternative, because the side effects are very minimal, it can be done in the doctors office in 15 minutes or less and very little sedation is required, she says. And the results are pretty instant.

UroLift®has been in use for six years. Studies have shown that the procedure is safe, effectively relieves symptoms and does not affect sexual function.

The only side effects are a little irritation immediately after the procedure. Patients are typically back to their normal routines within a day or two.

For more information about UroLift® and other treatments for BPH, or to schedule a consultation with a mens health expert, call or visit our website.

Treating An Enlarged Prostate

If you find yourself with any of these symptoms, Dr. Cornell performs a thorough evaluation to determine whether BPH has developed and where.

Based upon this information, he recommends a treatment plan that could include:

  • Medications to improve urinary flow and shrink your prostate
  • Prostiva® RF Therapy to open the passageways
  • PlasmaButton vaporization to remove prostate tissue

If youre struggling with any of the symptoms we describe above, we urge you to contact our office in Houston, Texas, as soon as possible. Through early intervention, we can restore your quality of life by restoring your urinary function.

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Cause And Risk Factors

The prostate gland can enlarge as men grow older. The exact reasons for continued growth are unclear but may be related to changes in sex hormones as men age. While the exact cause of BPH or an enlarged prostate remain unclear, there are risk factors that are important to keep in mind, including aging, family history, obesity and underlying conditions that may increase the risk of BPH like diabetes and heart disease.

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How Can Prostate Surgery And Radiation Therapy Cause Ed

Both prostate surgery and radiation therapy can damage tissue around the prostate and cause ED. In fact, it is estimated that 25% 75% of men will have ED after the removal of the prostate, called a prostatectomy. Similarly, radiation therapy can also cause damage to the tissue around the prostate. If nerves get damaged, signals from the brain may not be able to reach the penis to initiate an erection. And even when sexual stimulation is present, if blood vessels are damaged, that might mean that blood cant flow properly to the penis to maintain an erection.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

BPH Is Causing Erectile Dysfunction, Not Its Treatments ...

The severity of symptoms in people with BPH varies, but tends to worsen over time. Common symptoms include:

  • urgent or frequent need to urinate
  • nocturia
  • difficulty starting urination
  • inability to completely empty the bladder
  • weak urine stream or a urine stream that stops and starts
  • straining while urinating
  • dribbling at the end of urination

The less common symptoms of BPH are:

  • inability to urinate
  • urinary tract infection
  • blood in the urine

You may never get all of these symptoms. In fact, some men with an enlarged prostate do not get any symptoms at all. In some men, the symptoms eventually stabilize and may even improve over time, while in others they may get worse. Some of these symptoms may be caused by other conditions, like anxiety, cold weather, lifestyle factors, certain medicines and other health problems. Therefore, if you have any of the above symptoms, visit your physician to find out what could be causing them.

If the condition cant be controlled with medication, such as in severe BPH or when you have complications like bladder stones, urinary tract blockages or kidney problems, your doctor may suggest surgery. Various forms of surgery include laser therapy, transurethral prostatic incision, needle ablation or microwave therapy. It is important to speak with your urologist about the different surgical options before you are treated. For more information on diagnosis and treatment of BPH, visit the Advanced-Urology-Institute site.

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The Sexual Side Effects Of An Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is a small gland situated between a man’s bladder and urethra. During sex, the gland’s primary function is to secrete the fluid that makes up a major portion of the semen which contains sperm necessary for reproduction. Prior to ejaculation, the prostate’s muscles push this fluid into the urethra. In addition, prostatic fluid contains an important enzyme known as Prostate Specific Antigen . Following ejaculation, semen has a tendency to thicken, which could threaten sperm efficacy and quality. However, PSA has semen-thinning properties that enable sperm to swim more freely upon entering a female’s reproductive tract.

Medication For Urinary Problems

Your doctor may suggest various medications to help ease your urinary problems, including:

  • medications to reduce the tone of the muscles of the urethra and prostate to minimise any constriction to urine flow caused when these muscles contract
  • medication to reduce the size of the prostate gland. These medications work by blocking the action of male hormones produced by the prostate gland
  • medications to relax the bladder, making unwanted contractions less likely and reducing the symptoms of urgency and frequency of urination
  • the over-the-counter preparation ‘saw palmetto’ is sometimes used. This may help some men, especially if frequent urination at night is a problem.

However, recent reviews of the evidence for using saw palmetto as a treatment for mild or moderate urinary symptoms did not show any improvement, compared to no treatment, in men with BPH.

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Its Complicated: Enlarged Prostate And Sex

BPH and sexual function

Prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , and erectile dysfunction are separate problems. Both increase with age, but one causes problems in the bathroom and the other in the bedroom. However, the two are somewhat linked.

BPH happens when your prostate becomes enlarged, but cancer isnt the cause. A mans prostate continues growing throughout most of his adult life. This is why many older men are affected by the condition.

ED is the inability to get or maintain an erection. It can be caused by physical conditions such as:

It can also be caused by psychological issues.

These two conditions dont necessarily seem linked, but certain treatments that relieve BPH can cause ED and other sexual side effects. On the other hand, treating ED can improve enlarged prostate symptoms.

  • inability to empty the bladder
  • a weak urine stream

A surgery called transurethral resection of the prostate can help relieve these symptoms. Men who have this procedure often experience sexual side effects after surgery.

Between 50 and 75 percent of men experience retrograde ejaculation after TURP, according to Harvard Medical School. This means that semen released during orgasm enters the bladder rather than exiting the penis. Retrograde ejaculation is sometimes called dry orgasm. Its not harmful but can affect male fertility.

Treatment For Urinary Problems

Enlarged Prostate Medication and Erectile Dysfunction

If your urinary problems are caused by infection or enlargement of the prostate gland, treatment may include:

  • a long course of antibacterial medication because infection is difficult to get rid of, the antibacterial medication will need to be taken for many weeks
  • medication to improve urine flow and other symptoms
  • surgical procedures the type of surgery required depends on the size of the prostate and the condition of the urethra. Types of procedures include:
  • transurethral resection of the prostate
  • transurethral incision of the prostate
  • laser resection of the prostate
  • open surgery prostatectomy
  • removal of prostate tissue using water jets or steam
  • UroLift® for men for whom medication has not been successful but their prostates are not so enlarged that they need more invasive surgery. This procedure involves the transurethral insertion of staples to separate the lobes of the prostate. It has minimal side effects and preserves ejaculatory and erectile function
  • a number of other procedures that have been developed to reduce urinary symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your options.
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    Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

    Because the prostate is positioned so close to the bladder, penis and rectum, most disorders which cause enlargement of the prostate share several basic symptoms. These include:

    • An urgent, at times uncontrollable, need to urinate, which may lead to incontinence if the person canât make it to the bathroom in time
    • Trouble urinating
    • Sexual problems and loss of sex drive
    • Postcoital pain

    In the case of prostate cancer there may be no immediate symptoms, or there may be urinary symptoms like those listed above. In addition, there may be symptoms such as:

    • Hematuria or blood in semen
    • New onset of erectile dysfunction
    • Back, especially lower back, hip or pelvic pain
    • Unexplained weight loss

    Good to know: A lot of the urinary symptoms above could also be caused by diabetes or may be related to the use of certain medications. If any of these symptoms are detected, it is of paramount importance that a physician is consulted and the cause diagnosed, so that appropriate next steps can be taken.

    Worried you may have an enlarged prostate? Start your free symptom assessment in the Ada app.

    What Are The Available Treatments For Bph

    As men get older, their prostates tend to become enlarged. This is usually from a lifetime of bad habits. However, prostate enlargement does not equate to prostate cancer. Having an enlarged prostate does not inevitably mean you will get cancer.

    Once diagnosed, doctors usually recommend medication. It is essential you know that some of the drugs used to treat BPH have side-effects. Some of these include erectile dysfunction and a diminished sex drive.

    Men who take alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase are prone to develop erectile dysfunction.

    Studies show that approximately 3% of men who took Dutasteride and 6.4% of men who took Finasteride experienced a loss of libido.

    Therefore, it is not uncommon for men to experience flagging sexual desire and compromised erectile after initiation of treatment.

    Recent scientific research has pointed out that medicine such as blue pills will also have a relaxing effect on the prostate.

    30% of men facing BPH will encounter compromised sexual function. One-third of men suffering ED have troubling symptoms related to the prostate.

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    The Link Between Bph And Sexual Problems

    Men with BPH have an enlarged prostate — the gland that surrounds the tube that carries urine. Symptoms include:

    • Often feeling like you need to urinate
    • Trouble starting and stopping urination
    • Weak stream of urine

    The symptoms may wake you up at night.

    Scientists aren’t sure why, but they agree that the worse your BPH symptoms are, the more likely you’ll have sexual issues such as:

    • Trouble keeping an erection
    • Less sexual satisfaction

    It may have something to do with genetics or age. It’s also possible that the sleeplessness or anxiety that can come from an enlarged prostate makes sexual problems worse.

    History And Laboratory Tests

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    Urinary symptoms can usually be categorized as obstructive or irritative . Notably, these symptoms are not specific for BPH, and a careful history must be obtained to rule out other conditions, such as urethral stricture, bladder neck contraction, calculi, neurogenic bladder, cystitis, prostatitis, and prostate or bladder cancer. A medical and surgical history should focus on any past urologic instrumentation or procedures, urethritis, neurologic conditions, and prescribed or over-the-counter medications being taken currently, especially those with anticholinergic or -adrenergic properties.,, Urinalysis and prostate-specific antigen concentration tests, should be included in the workup of any man who presents with LUTS.

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    Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate And Ed

    While an enlarged prostate can cause ED, there are treatment options available to you to facilitate normal sexual function. Luckily many forms of enlarged prostate-associated erectile dysfunction are treatable, and by tackling the underlying problem of an enlarged prostate, many men can restore or greatly improve their sexual performance.

    What Are The Symptomatic Effects Of Enlarged Prostate

    An enlarged prostate pushes against both the bladder and urethra. This complication often might precipitate several urinary tract symptoms such as frequent urination, an uneasy feeling of always having to urinate, an inconsistent, unsteady stream of urine flow, urination difficulties, a painful or burning sensation while urinating, blood in the urine and frequent nighttime urination. In addition, men stricken with BPH may be at greater risk of developing urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence and bladder or kidney damage. Arguably the most uncomfortable and potentially life-altering problems associated with BPH are the sexual side effects. Such manifestations include:

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    How Can An Enlarged Prostate Be Treated

    Medical treatment for BPH focuses on addressing both its urinary and sexual manifestations. Alleviating or eliminating the urinary symptoms in men with mild to moderate BPH might be accomplished through the use of various medications. However, in those with more severe presentations producing potentially dangerous symptoms like urinary retention, a surgical procedure known as Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate may be recommended.

    The use of medications to reduce the sexual manifestations associated with BPH have met with mixed results. Drugs commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction have been prescribed to men diagnosed with BPH. Studies involving some of these well-known preparations have been conducted and concluded that some men with BPH experienced an improvement in sexual performance. However, it is important to note that these investigations only examined the effects of these medications over short periods. Therefore, the effectiveness of these drugs over the long haul are not known.

    Medications specifically prescribed to address BPH have been found to produce sexually counterproductive symptoms like erectile dysfunction, decreased ejaculation and problems with sperm count, strength and motility . TURP has produced retrograde ejaculation in anywhere from one-half to three-quarters of the men who have undergone the procedure.

    Ways To Avoid Urological Issues As You Age

    Enlarged Prostate, ED, and Urine Retention Cured

    Urology problems can affect people of any age, but these tend to be more common among older adults. While not all issues can be prevented, there are steps you can take to look after your urological health as you age.

    Urology focuses on conditions that affect the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, as well as male reproductive health. Both men and women can be susceptible to urological conditions and diseases, but certain conditions are more common for men and older adults. Read on to find out more about common urological issues and how to avoid them.

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    Prevalence Of Erectile Dysfunction

    On the contrary, the prevalence of ED in this study is higher than the finding obtained in a population-based multinational study in regions of the UK , Netherland , France , Korea linking ED and LUTS due to BPE in 4800 men aged 40 to70 years. The study observed a prevalence of 21.1%. The difference in this observation may be due to the fact that larger group of patients with LUTS due to BPE were enrolled compared to the 117 patients with symptomatic BPE enrolled in this study . However, the consistent observation is that ED and symptomatic BPE were significantly associated with increasing age .

    What Are The Symptoms Of Prostatitis

    These are the most common symptoms of prostatitis:

    • Need to urinate often
    • Burning or stinging while urinating
    • Pain when urinating
    • Less urine when you urinate
    • Rectal pain or pressure
    • Fever and chills
    • Pain in your lower back or pelvis
    • Discharge through the urethra during bowel movements
    • Erectile dysfunction or loss of sex drive
    • Throbbing sensations in the rectal or genital area

    The symptoms of prostatitis may look like other medical conditions or problems. Always see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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    Prostate Problems In Men

    If you have had to undergo treatment for prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate, you are probably wondering if youll ever regain full sexual function. At Trident Health Group we are compassionate about providing our revolutionary Acoustic Wave Therapy Protocol for men suffering from erectile dysfunction as a result of prostate cancer treatments. To learn more about how Trident Health Group can help you, call now.

    Can An Enlarged Prostate Cause Erectile Dysfunction

    Importance of Maintaining Prostate Health

    benign prostatic hyperplasia . BPH rectile Dysfunction An enlarged prostate may have a number of effects on a person’s health, including their sex life.

    a frequent need to urinate a feeling of not emptying the bladder intense urges to urinate a weak urine stream problems starting or stopping urinationProstate issues can also cause sexual problems. The extent of any sexual problem varies according to the condition of the prostate. Some common sexual side effects include:

    • erectile dysfunction
    • age
    • genetics
    • anxiety

    Cialis ,Many men will develop an enlarged prostate as they age, because the gland does not stop growing throughout their lifetime. As men age they should get regular prostate screenings to check for prostate cancer. Several medications, lifestyle changes, and surgical options are available to help reduce the effects of living with an enlarged prostate. With proper treatment, men can usually maintain a regular sex life.

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