Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented
There are no clear prevention strategies for prostate cancer. There is some conflicting evidence that a healthy diet composed of low fat, high vegetables and fruits may help reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Routine screening, with PSA blood test and physical exam, is important to detect prostate cancer at an early stage. A healthy diet and regular exercise are also critical in maintaining good health and preventing disease in general.
Les Labs Prostate Health
LES Labs is laser-focused on only the most effective prostate supplement ingredients, but they are all delivered at fairly solid dosages.
Youll get zinc and copper for trace elements , and saw palmetto, stinging nettle, beta sitosterol, and pumpkin seed for the herbal ingredientsall proven prostate supplements.
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Where Is The Prostate Gland Located
The location of the prostate gland is important. The prostate gland is situated in the pelvis area, along with the other primary parts that make up the male reproductive system. The gland is located just below the neck of the male patients bladder.
It surrounds the urethra that comes out of the bladder neck. Nerve supply to the prostate is derived from the prostatic plexus and arterial supply by the branches of the internal iliac artery.
This is why the patients urine abilities may change when problems develop with their prostate gland. There are also urinary tract symptoms that tend to develop when the prostate gland becomes enlarged, for example.
This is because the prostate glands tissue sits around the urethra. An enlargement can cause a constriction effect in the urethra. This may also cause the prostate gland to push against the bladders neck.
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Lifestyle Tips For Managing Bph
People can take steps to manage the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These include:
- attempting to urinate at least once before leaving the home to avoid urinary leakage or other potentially stressful incidents in public
- double voiding, which involves trying to urinate a few minutes after urinating the first time to drain the bladder as much as possible during bathroom visits
- trying not to drink fluids in the 2 hours before bedtime to avoid going to sleep with a full bladder
Most males have a 50% chance of having BPH by the age of 60 years and a 90% chance by the age of 85 years.
Limited research has associated BPH with an increased risk of prostate cancer and bladder cancer, with the risk of prostate cancer being particularly high in Asian people with BPH. However, the limitations of the included studies mean that there is a need for additional prospective studies with a strict design to confirm the findings.
Several types of foods and nutrients can reduce or trigger BPH and its associated symptoms.
Foods that may be beneficial for people with BPH include:
- fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, beans, and dark, leafy greens
- fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which are usually dark red, yellow, or orange
- foods rich in zinc, such as eggs, most types of seafood, and nuts
- products that contain phytoestrogens, such as soy foods, chickpeas, alfalfa, and fava beans
Foods that people with BPH, or those at risk of developing it, should avoid or limit include:
Prostate Disease And Ageing
Around 25 per cent of men aged 55 years and over have a prostate condition. This increases to 50 per cent by the age of 70 years. Early stages of prostate disease may have no symptoms.
If you are a man and you are in your 50s or 60s, talk to your doctor about whether you need to have your prostate gland checked and, if so, how often. If you have a family history of prostate disease , talk to your doctor earlier about when prostate checks might be suitable for you.
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What Does The Prostate Gland Do And Why Is It Important
The prostate is responsible for producing prostatic fluid, which is full of enzymes, proteins, and minerals that are vital for the proper functioning of sperm.
During climax, smooth muscle fibers of the stroma contract, forcing the prostatic fluid through the ejaculatory ducts and into the urethra.
In the urethra, the prostatic fluid mixes with fluid from the seminal vesicle, sperm from the testes, and secretions from the bulbourethral gland, a pea-sized gland below the prostate.
Prostate Massage And Stimulation
The prostate is a small gland, about the size of a walnut, located underneath the bladder and inside the rectum. It plays an important part in the male reproductive system.
Self prostate stimulation, sometimes known as prostate massage or prostate milking, is a healthy, easy to perform a procedure whose benefits include positive effects to health, namely relieving an inflamed prostate and reducing the risk that the prostate will become inflamed in the first place. Prostate massage refers to both external and internal massage of the prostate gland, but this text deals mostly with the former.
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Taking Everything Into Account
Now that you know the basics about prostate health and common prostate problems, you must do your best to keep your prostate healthy. Make a deliberate effort to improve your diet, drink more water, and exercise regularly. If there is a history of prostate problems in your family, ensure you get your prostate checked by a doctor at least once a year. Avoid smoking as it can put you at risk of prostate cancer.
Where Is The Prostate Located
The prostate may be felt by inserting a finger into the rectum and pushing it toward the front of the body.
The urethra, a tube that takes urine and sperm out of the body, travels through the prostate. Since the prostate surrounds this duct, any prostate issues may affect urine flow.
This organ is part of the male sexual, or reproductive, anatomy.
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Prostate Massage Therapy And Why It May Be Helpful
Prostate massage therapy , in which the prostate is stimulated through the rectum, was once a popular treatment for prostatitis.
The procedure is similar to a digital rectal exam, except rather than briefly looking for abnormalities on the prostate, the person performing the prostatic message rubs the prostate with light to moderate pressure until it secretes fluid through the urethra .
It was once thought that people could relieve symptoms related to prostatic congestion by expelling inflammatory cells and fluid from the obstructed glands. But this therapy largely fell out of favor in the 1960s, once antibiotics became available.
A study published in the journal Neurology tested whether prostate massage could be used as an adjunct treatment for people with chronic prostatitis, but the researchers found that the treatment did not significantly help patients.
In some cases, doctors have used prostate massage therapy to obtain sperm from men with spinal cord injuries, leading to successful pregnancies. But electroejaculation stimulating the prostate using an electric current delivered through a probe inserted into the rectum typically yields more sperm, noted an article published in the journal Nature Reviews Urology.
When To See A Doctor
Most people begin to feel better and have an improved urine flow within 4 to 6 weeks after TURP surgery.
Overall, the risk of serious complications after TURP surgery is quite low. But as with all surgeries, there are some potential health risks associated with the procedure that require medical attention and intervention.
Reasons to seek medical attention after TURP surgery include:
- reduced urine flow or urinary symptoms, such as incontinence or urinary urgency 6 weeks post-surgery
- blood in the urine that is severe or lasts longer than 4 to 6 weeks
- severe clots of blood in urine or urine that is entirely red
- weakness and fatigue that does not improve after 4 weeks
- impotence or erectile dysfunction
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Is Sex Good For Your Prostate
Whether or not sex is good for prostate problems is a question many men wonder, and its an important one that needs answering.
The prostate plays an active role during sexual activity.
The effect regular ejaculations have on the prostate should become a significant talking point, especially amongst men who are experiencing prostate problems.
This article will determine whether a healthy sex life can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Clinical Relevance Prostatic Carcinoma
Prostatic carcinoma represents the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, especially in countries with high sociodemographic index. The malignant cells commonly originate from the peripheral zone, although carcinomas may arise from the central and transition zones too. It is still debatable that the latter tumors may present with lower malignant potential.
However the proximity of the peripheral zone to the neurovascular bundle that surrounds the prostate may facilitate spread along perineural and lymphatic pathways, thus increasing the metastatic potential of these tumors. Malignant cells may invade adjacent structures and/ or lymphatic and blood vessel routes to give distant metastases. Prostate carcinoma also commonly spreads via the Batson venous plexus to the vertebral bodies and cause skeletal metastases.
A DRE may reveal a hard, irregular prostate gland. In most cases the serum PSA values will be increased. However, due to the peripherally-advancing tumor, symptoms may be minimal, as obstruction occurs usually at late stages. One should also keep in mind that the high incidence of prostate carcinoma is found in elderly men, who may already have symptoms due to BPH.
Fig 4 Prostate cancer has the potential to invade nearby structures.
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It Keeps Out The Bad Stuff
The prostate also filters and removes toxins for the protection of the sperm, which enhances the chance of impregnation and ensures that men seed with the optimum quality of sperm.
Related: Concerned about possible prostate cancer symptoms? Learn more about treatments and SMART Robotic Prostate Surgery in NY.
What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
In most cases, prostate cancer causes no symptoms.
In rare cases, men may experience certain symptoms when they have advanced prostate cancer. However, these symptoms are also present in many men who do not have cancer, so it is best to discuss them with a doctor before jumping to any conclusions. Some of these symptoms can include difficulty emptying the bladder, blood in the urine, and bone pain.
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What Is The Prostate Gland Structure Functions And Diseases
The prostate gland isnt that big about the size of a walnut but it plays an important role in male reproductive health. Located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, it wraps the top of the urethra, which drains urine from the body. Due to its location, the prostate gland can affect urination and sexual function.
How Does The Prostate Work
The prostate is located directly below the bladder and above the muscles of the pelvic floor. The rectum is behind the prostate, making it possible to feel the gland from the rectum using the finger. The ducts in the prostate gland flow into the urethra, which passes through the prostate. The word prostate is taken from the Greek expression meaning one who stands before, which describes the position of the prostate gland. Viewed from below, where the urethra leaves the gland, the prostate stands before the bladder.
The tissue of the prostate gland can be divided into three different zones, listed here from innermost to outermost, which encircle the urethra like layers of an onion:
The prostate has various functions:
Production of fluid for semen:
Hormone metabolism: In the prostate the male sex hormone testosterone is transformed to a biologically active form, DHT .
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What Does It Do
You could live without your prostate , but it plays a key part in fertility and reproduction, and grows during adolescence under the influence of the male hormone testosterone and its byproducts.
There are nerves and blood vessels that run along each side of your prostate called the neurovascular bundle. These are involved the process of getting and maintaining an erection.
Treatment For Prostate Disease
Treatment for prostatitis may include antibacterial drugs and supportive treatments, depending on the type of prostatitis.Treatment for BPH may include medications to relax the smooth muscle of the gland or to shrink the size of the prostate, and surgery to produce a permanently widened channel in the part of the urethra that passes through the prostate.Treatment for prostate cancer is tailored to suit individual circumstances. The nature of the cancer, other health problems the person may have, and their wishes will all be taken into account.Management approaches for prostate cancer include:
- active surveillance
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Biopsies From The Same Patients Before And After Treatment Reveal How A Specific Drug Reprograms Prostate Tumors
- Date:
- Michigan Medicine – University of Michigan
- Summary:
- A new study suggests androgen receptor inhibitors can fundamentally rewire and reshape how prostate tumors function, and in certain cases even make them more aggressive.
Drugs like enzalutamide that inhibit male hormones from activating the androgen receptor have been used to treat advanced prostate cancer for more than a decade. While successful in most cases, these drugs can eventually stop working, but there is a limited understanding about how this change occurs.
A new study from the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center suggests androgen receptor inhibitors can fundamentally rewire and reshape how prostate tumors function, and in certain cases even make them more aggressive. These findings will be published in Nature Communications on Sept. 15.
Male hormones function as fuel, turning on the androgen receptor that acts as the engine of prostate cancer cells. For the past 80 years, treatment for patients with advanced prostate cancer has focused on interfering with these hormone levels — now typically done through hormone lowering shots and drugs like enzalutamide. Eventually, nearly all tumors develop workarounds and escape treatment, and in most cases, tumors remain dependent on male hormones to power their growth. Other examples of treatment resistance remain poorly understood.
Alumkal’s sequential sampling method provided a much clearer picture of how enzalutamide resistance might emerge.
Story Source:
Dont Hide From The Sun
A lack of sun exposure might raise your chances of developing prostate cancer, as the sun provides a significant amount of vitamin D, vitamin that is known to lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Vitamin D is also beneficial to our health in other ways. Its helpful for your heart and kidneys, as well as your pancreas and liver.
Just remember to always use sunscreen!
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How To Do A Prostate Massage
At that point:
When To Contact A Medical Professional
- Less urine than usual
- Back, side, or abdominal pain
- Blood or pus in your urine
Also call if:
- Your bladder does not feel completely empty after you urinate.
- You take medicines that may cause urinary problems, such as diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, or sedatives. DO NOT stop or change your medicines without talking to your provider.
- You have tried self-care steps for 2 months and symptoms have not improved.
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Prostate Histology And Pathology
When a patient is suspected of suffering problems with their prostate tissue, there are certain things that a doctor needs to take into account. This helps the doctor determine what the patient might be suffering from.
This process generally starts even before any major tests are conducted. The doctor begins to collect data on prostate pathology and histology when the patient initially complains about specific symptoms.
Certain conditions can affect prostate gland function. This is why it is important for a male patient to ensure they consult with a physician when they have symptoms that may signal prostate problems.
Histology helps a doctor determine the specific risks that affect the patient. This can be an important part of choosing the right diagnostic tools. For example, with histology, the physician needs to consider the history of conditions like BPH and prostate cancer in the patients family.
Some studies have liked these conditions to certain hereditary and genetic factors. For this reason, a man with a family history of the conditions may be at a higher risk of developing these problems themselves.
This also helps to reduce the risk of unnecessary tests being conducted. For example, if a man has a family history of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a physician may consider testing for this condition first. This reduces the risk of a needle biopsy being performed, which can have serious side effects.
Side Effects And Risks
The tissues lining the prostate and rectum are delicate and vulnerable to cuts, tears, and abrasions. Massaging the prostate too intensely can easily lead to soreness. In the study described above, for example, 8.3% of participants reported discomfort after prostate massage.
Overly aggressive prostate massage can also cause rectal bleeding, creating a risk of bacterial infection or aggravating hemorrhoids.
Furthermore, manual prostate massage is discouraged for men with acute bacterial prostatitis. The massage increases inflammation and may promote the spread of bacteria to the urethra, other parts of the urinary tract, and the bloodstream.
That said, a few small studies of the effects of prostate massage performed by a physician have shown it to be beneficial as a therapy for chronic prostatitis when paired with antibiotics.
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