Prostate Cancer As A Presumptive Condition
Veterans who meet specific service criteria may be approved for disability benefits as a presumptive condition. Prostate cancer is a presumptive condition for veterans exposed to Agent Orange or burn pits.
Agent Orange and prostate cancer
Veterans exposed to the tactical herbicide Agent Orange during their service may be eligible for disability benefits for prostate cancer as a presumptive condition. Agent Orange was primarily used during the Vietnam War to remove leaves, plants, and other vegetation that provided cover for the opposition. However, chemical compounds in the herbicide were toxic, and anyone exposed could have adverse health effects.
Veterans seeking disability benefits for prostate cancer as a presumptive condition to their Agent Orange exposure must submit a medical record showing their diagnosis and military records to prove they served in an area known for exposure to the herbicide.
Veterans with other prostate conditions or health conditions related to Agent Orange exposure that are not listed as one of the presumptive conditions may still be eligible for disability benefits. However, these veterans must provide a medical nexus connecting their service to their health condition.
Burn pits and prostate cancer
The VA estimates that over the last two decades, more than 3.5 million troops were exposed to burn pits. The toxic smoke from burn pits has been known to cause health issues for veterans living and working near them.
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I was not drinking water before I started having problems. The only time Id drink water was when Id be really thirsty. That was rarely because I had quite playing sports & other activities that involved exercise. Water is a major player in prostate health & health in general terms. Did you know that water is the most natural cleanser for the body?
You should drink 8-10 glasses a day of water. If youre not getting water or enough water then this should be a change you need to make immediately. I now drink over 10 glasses of purified/bottled water daily. A lot of prostate sufferers are scared to drink more because theyre afraid it will make them go to the bathroom too much. I was there & didnt want to make things worse.
I was wrong in my thinking because drinking more water actually made things much better after a while. At first upon water increase I did see a spike in symptoms but that was part of the cleansing process for a few weeks.
Linking Agent Orange And Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is more common among Veterans who were exposed to the toxic herbicide Agent Orange. The adverse effects of Agent Orange exposure have been well documented in recent years, with more and more illnesses becoming associated with the chemical. One of those illnesses is prostate cancer. If you are a Veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange and you developed prostate cancer, you are entitled to disability compensation.
In fact, prostate cancer is on the presumptive service connection list for Agent Orange. Presumptive service connection means the VA presumes your service caused the disability, meaning you do not need to prove the two are linked. Therefore, you only need to have a current diagnosis of Hodkins Lymphoma and prove that you were exposed to Agent Orange in service to receive disability compensation.
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Service Connection For Cancer
In order to receive VA disability benefits for cancer, you must establish service connection. For direct service connection, you must prove to VA that you are currently diagnosed with cancer and that it is at least as likely as not the result of your military service.
In general, VA requires evidence of these three elements of service connection:
- An in-service event, injury, or illness
- A current diagnosis by a medical professional
- A medical nexus, or link, between the in-service event and current diagnosis.
Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits With Prostate Cancer
The Journal of The National Cancer Institute reports there are nearly 2 million men living in the America today who are prostate cancer survivors, and the Prostate Cancer Foundation reports more than 220,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the U.S.
While prostate cancer is among the leading causes of cancer-related death for American men as well, it is also among the most treatable and curable forms of cancer, which is why it may or may not qualify you for disability benefits.
If your prostate cancer was advanced when diagnosed or has recurred after initial treatment, then you automatically medically qualify Social Security Disability. If it is not advanced, you will need to meet Blue Book listing 13.24 to qualify. Either way, you will need to apply and provide medical records to back up your claim though.
If your prostate cancer is caught early and responds to treatment, then you wont qualify for benefits through the typical review process. Instead, youll have to show that your cancer symptoms, treatments, and complications severely disrupt your ability to function on a daily basis.
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Va Disability Erectile Dysfunction Secondary To Prostate Cancer
If a veterans injury during service immediately caused erectile dysfunction , it would be considered directly service connected. However, ED would be a secondary service connection in any other scenario.
Veterans with prostate cancer may also experience erectile dysfunction. The diagnosis can reduce sexual desire, and the treatment of prostate cancer can increase the frequency of ED. As a result, erectile dysfunction can be a secondary service connection for veterans with prostate cancer.
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I have always been an active person all my life. I grew up playing various sports & was active all the time. I played some type of sport almost every day. If I wasnt playing one of the major sports I was either hunting or fishing.
However, after our son was born in 2001 those things changed. I basically quit playing sports & all other activities. My life had changed & it seemed like I didnt have time for any sports or regular exercise. I found out that was a big mistake in my life. You can make time for things that make you more healthy.
I also was the type that didnt seem to watch what I ate. If I was at home Id eat too much junk food. If I was out on the road Id eat too much fast food. I really wasnt eating healthy at all but didnt realize it because I didnt have any health problems. Va Disability Rating for Prostate Cancer
I never have been a soda person but did drink Sprite at times. I only drank one cup of coffee in the mornings. I was the type that always thought I needed a meat with every meal. I ate meat with breakfast,lunch,& supper. If I didnt get meat then I wouldnt get full, right? Well, thats not the case & this is far from the truth about eating healthy.
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What To Do If You Receive A Denial Or Unacceptable Rating Decision From The Va
If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability and you feel that the VA has made an unfair determination regarding your disability benefis, we urge you to contact us right away. With decades of combined experience appealing unfair Regional Office and Board of Veteran’s Appeals’ decisions, we are confident we can win you the benefits you deserve. When you are ready, send us a note or give us a call at -629-1712.
Va Disability For Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the 2nd most common type of cancer in men. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes.
As with other cancers, prostate cancer is caused by cells with abnormal DNA. Abnormal DNA can come from inflammation in the prostate, which can damage cell DNA, or exposure to cancer-causing material, which causes DNA mutations.
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Va Disability For Enlarged Prostate
A noncancerous, enlarged prostate is referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia . It is one of the most common diseases for men and a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms.
BPH is not commonly ruled a service-connected condition since it is so common in many men. However, some service-connected diseases can cause or worsen BPH, making it a secondary condition for male veterans receiving disability benefits.
How To Prove Service Connection If You Dont Qualify For Presumptive Service Connection
If you served in an area that doesnt qualify for presumptive service connection, you might still have an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Here are some ways you can strengthen your claim:
Show that your cancer began while serving
If you have any screening or testing that shows that your cancer began while you were still serving, this will help prove your case.
Get a statement from your doctor
If your doctor is willing to provide a statement linking your cancer to your military service, this will also help strengthen your claim.
Find out what chemicals you were exposed to during your service
Specificity will also help improve your chances of the VA granting direct service connection. If youre claiming exposure to toxic substances, naming the chemicals and dates that you were exposed to these toxins will help the VA decide in favor of service connection. Include this in your evidence to the VA. Examples could include:
- PFAS firefighting foam and chemicals contained within
- Depleted uranium
- Ionizing radiation exposure
If you only include that you were exposed to toxins, the VA may deny your claim. Several appeals in the past have directed the VA to help veterans find out which specific toxins they may have been exposed to.
When this happens, the VA turns to the Joint Services Records Research Center for research. Unfortunately, this process can take months to years. Its better to make every attempt to find this information before submitting an initial claim.
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Making A Disability Insurance Claim With Cancer
If you have received a cancer diagnosis and need to learn about disability insurance options, the first step is to survey what coverage you may already have. There are three primary types of disability coverage:
Social Security disability insurance, provided as a benefit through the federal government.
Talk to your HR department about what coverage you have through work. If you have a private disability insurance policy that youâve purchased on your own outside of work, look into claim requirements.
A cancer diagnosis doesnât guarantee that you can receive disability benefits. To make a successful disability claim and claim benefits, a diagnosis has to lead to a disability that keeps you from working.
To make a claim, youâll have to get a statement from your doctor that explains your health status and that youâre disabled and unable to work. That information has to meet your policyâs definition of disability. Some insurers may also require a statement from your employer.
How Is Service Connection Established For Prostate Cancer
Veterans who served in Vietnam or on a ship that operated in Vietnams waterways between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, do not need to prove a nexus to service in order to establish service connection for their prostate cancer. The VA has established a presumption of exposure to Agent Orange that provides for automatic service connection for prostate cancer. The same is true for those who served in the Korean demilitarized zone between September 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971, as well as certain veterans who served in Thailand between 1961 and 1975.
Although one of the chemicals in Agent Orange is also found in smoke from burn pits, the VA has not established a presumption of exposure for all veterans. Instead, the VA evaluates prostate cancer claims for those exposed to burn pits on a case-by-case basis. This often means veterans need the help of an experienced VA benefits attorney to present evidence that supports their claim to establish a service connection to their prostate cancer diagnosis.
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Dic Benefits For Surviving Spouses
If you had boots on the ground in a place with Agent Orange, your prostate cancer is presumed to have come from your Agent Orange exposure. Since those veterans are eligible for benefits, their surviving spoused may be eligible when they pass.
If you are the surviving spouse of a veteran that died from prostate cancer, you may be eligible for DIC benefits for widows. According to a VA study, veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at a higher risk for prostate cancer, but are also more likely to develop aggressive forms of the disease. Woods & Woods DIC veteran widow benefits lawyers have fought the VA in many DIC claims for Agent Orange related illnesses.
Applying For Disability With Prostate Cancer
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are unable to work, you may be worried about making ends meet. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration provides financial benefits for people who are unable to work due to an illness.
Metastatic, late stage, and terminal prostate cancers automatically meet the SSAs medical eligibility requirements for disability benefits. Prostate cancer that is diagnosed early and response to treatment, however, may or may not qualify you for benefits.
If your cancer is advanced, has recurred, or is inoperable or resistant to treatment, then you can typically get a decision on your application within just a few weeks. If your prostate cancer was caught early and treated appropriately but has nonetheless has left you unable to work, you will have an uphill battle ahead to get approved for disability benefits.
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Residual Rating For Frequent Urination
Ratings for frequent urination are given depending on the amount of time between urinations and include:
- 10 percent. Requires a daytime voiding interval of between two and four hours or awakening to urinate at least two times per night.
- 40 percent. Requires a daytime voiding interval of less than one hour or awakening to urinate five or more times per night.
What Causes Prostate Cancer
A question you might be asking yourself after a diagnosis may be, How did I get this disease? Cancer can be caused by a variety of factors. Cancer is simply the uncontrolled reproduction of cells. One cell mutates and continues to reproduce other mutated cells. These cells produce more and more until there is not enough room for the healthy cells to perform their intended functions.
Cancer can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the more common ways cancer can begin is by exposure to harmful chemicals or toxins, like Agent Orange. These chemicals can leave little or no immediate impact on a person but come back later in life as a serious disease.
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Vietnam Veterans Need To Know About Va Benefits
When I got sick and could no longer work, my wife and I were really getting nervous. Bills were piling up and, though we have health insurance from her job, it didnt cover everything. It really was by chance that I found out I could get help from the VA because Im a Vietnam veteran. I dont know why I didnt think of it. I suspect that there are many Vietnam veterans who are seriously sick and dont know that their conditions could have been caused because they were in Vietnam. They need to know that they can apply for financial help, and get it, like I did.
Va Benefits Provide For My Family
My main concern is for my family. I had been worried about how they will continue on if Im not here. But I got back benefits from the date my Alpha advocate filed the claim. I got a lot of money. And Im getting a special monthly compensation for being house bound, as well as medical aid and attendance when I need it. My 100 percent rating also gets my wife tax-free survivor benefits of $1,154 a month. Thats another thing I didnt know about survivor benefits )
I cant say it enough. I really appreciate everything my Alpha advocate has done for me and my family. I am so grateful. Leon
Note: Exposure to the killer herbicide Agent Orange has been found to have caused many serious conditions in veterans who stepped foot on Vietnam soil during the Vietnam War. Prostate cancer is one of those conditions. Find out more in the Wartime Veterans section of this Web site.
An appeal was not required for this initial claim therefore, no fee was paid to Alpha for winning the most in compensation benefits possible for this veteran. The Advocates fee is subject to review by the VAs Office of the General Counsel . The VA/OGC generally considers a fee of 20% of the retroactive award as a reasonable payment and we agree. Subject to the review of the OGC, and only if we win an appeal, your Alpha Advocate will be paid a one time fee of 20% of your retroactive award.
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Is Prostate Cancer Presumptive
Yesand no. As mentioned above, prostate cancer is a presumptive condition for veterans exposed to Agent Orange. Presumptive means that veterans do not have to provide a nexus to prove service connection.
Veterans who were exposed to burn pits in the Southwest theatre of operations after September 11, 2001 have also gone on to develop prostate cancer. While VA does not acknowledge disabilities as presumptively caused by burn pits, veterans can provide a nexus opinion from a medical professional to argue for service connection for their prostate cancer.