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What Causes Prostate To Swell

What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have An Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

While the exact cause of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is not entirely understood, we do know that what you eat can have a big influence on the health of your prostate. While some foods can help to reduce the risk of developing BPH, as well as lessening the severity of your symptoms, there are others which can actually aggravate the problem including:

  • Red meat
  • Dairy
  • Alcohol.

Unfortunately gentlemen, as we can see, it is often some of our favourite foods that can cause inflammation flare-ups and bladder problems however, knowing the main culprits could help you to manage your symptoms better.

Diagnosing An Enlarged Prostate

As with all incontinence conditions, a thorough diagnosis must be developed before action can be taken. You may have heard of some of these exams. And if you havent, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with them. Not only is knowledge power, but it also eliminates surprises.

Because those with BPH can experience symptoms from mild to severe, the treatment options featured here are organized from least invasive to more intense.

Cause Of Urinary Problems As Men Age

Many men experience urinary symptoms as they age, which may be caused by inflammation of the prostate gland . In older men, symptoms may be due to a blockage in the tubes due to a benign enlargement of the prostate gland . The most common symptom is difficulty emptying your bladder. Urinary symptoms may become bothersome enough that they require treatment. Not all urinary symptoms are due to changes to the prostate. Also, some men have enlarged prostates and yet experience few, if any, symptoms.

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Research Into Prostate Cancer Screening

Many prostate cancers grow very slowly and dont cause men any problems in their lifetime. Overall, evidence from trials of prostate screening has shown that prostate cancer screening does not reduce the number of men dying from prostate cancer.

The Cancer Research UK CAP trial looked at whether a single PSA blood test would reduce the number of men dying of prostate cancer. This was a large UK study with over 400,000 men between the ages of 50 and 69 taking part. Around half the men were offered a PSA blood test the other half werent.

The results in early 2018 showed that the number of men dying from prostate cancer was the same in both groups. This was after 10 years of follow up. The researchers say that this trial doesnt support PSA testing as a screening test for prostate cancer. They say we need more research to find a better screening test.

This supports what the 2013 Cochrane review found. This looked at screening research from a number of trials and concluded that prostate cancer screening did not reduce the number of men dying from prostate cancer.

Research looking at doing more than one test doesnt show that this would help either. Increasing the number of tests could increase the level of harms such as diagnosing those cancers that wouldnt cause any harm . Many men have side effects from treatment and the risks of routine PSA screening outweigh the benefits.

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When To See A Doctor


If you don’t see a reduction in symptoms or if your symptoms worsen, you may need to undergo a different treatment plan.

Prescription Medications

The first higher-level treatment is to begin taking prescription drugs for an enlarged prostate. One class of medication is an alpha blocker. These medications, such as Flomax, Rapaflo, and Cardura, work by relaxing the affected muscles around the prostate to encourage urine flow.

Another type of medication is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Examples of these medications include Proscar and Avodart, which are long-term medications that help to block the production of dihydrotestosterone and shrink the size of the prostate.

Surgery and Minimally Invasive Procedures

For moderate to severe BPH, you may need a medical procedure to relieve your symptoms. There are a variety of procedures, including laser therapy, microwave heat, or prostate tissue compression. Partial prostate removal and full removal are more invasive but may be necessary for extremely large prostate glands.

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Tips For Dealing With Bph

Harvard Medical School recommends four tips for relieving BPH. The first is to reduce stress by exercising or practicing meditation as men who are tense may need to urinate more frequently. Do not rush any trips to the bathroom and take the time to completely empty the bladder. This will cut down on the number of trips to the bathroom. As some medications may cause frequent urination, talk to a doctor about adjusting dosages or changing prescriptions. The last tip is to avoid drinking too close to bedtime and cutting back on caffeinated beverages throughout the day.

How Is Yale Medicines Approach To Treating Enlarged Prostate Unique

“Urologists at Yale Medicine can give you a personalized approach to prostate care for both benign and malignant conditions,” says Dr. Honig.

Doctors at Yale Medicine work closely with specialists across all disciplines at Yale New Haven Hospital. Our doctors are dedicated to providing the latest treatmentsall personalized to meet the needs of each patient. This collaboration between different departments and teams sets Yale Medicine apart in its standard of care.

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Less Common Testicular Swelling Causes

Less common causes of swollen testicles include the following.

  • Torsion: This is twisting of the testicle on its spermatic cord .
  • Accumulation of fluid in a sac that forms around the testicle: This usually occurs in infants but can happen in adult men as well.
  • Inguinal hernia: With an inguinal hernia, a loop of intestine pushes through a weak spot in the tissue that lines the abdominal wall. The loop drops down into the scrotum, creating pain and what looks like a large swelling.
  • If the veins on and within the scrotum become enlarged: This will interfere with blood supply and can affect fertility.

How Can I Tell The Difference Between Prostatitis And Bph

4 Things to Avoid if You Have an Enlarged Prostate – Dr.Berg

If you do not have any symptoms of BPH or any of the types of prostatitis, which can be the situation for some men, you may not be able to tell if you have either problem. However, a doctor or other health care professional can detect enlargement of the prostate with a digital rectal exam , even if you dont have any symptoms.

If you do have symptoms, they are related to the increase in size of your prostate gland. When the gland enlarges, it can constrict the urethra and produce one or more of these symptoms.

  • The need to urinate frequently during the day or night
  • The sudden urgent need to urinate
  • Difficulty initiating urinary stream
  • Feeling like you still need to urinate even though you recently urinated
  • Feeling like you need to push or strain to empty your bladder
  • A decrease in the force of the urine stream
  • Loss of small amounts of urine

The symptoms of prostatitis depend upon the type of prostatitis.

Acute bacterial prostatitis symptoms

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

Some men may have some of these symptoms with both BPH and prostatitis. If you are over age 50, it is more likely BPH than prostatitis, and if you are under age 35, acute bacterial prostatitis is more likely than BPH. In some patients, prostatitis may be recurrent .

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What Are The Symptoms Of Prostatitis

Each type of prostatitis has a range of symptoms that vary depending on the cause and may not be the same for every man. Many symptoms are similar to those of other conditions.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome can include pain or discomfort lasting 3 or more months in one or more of the following areas:

  • between the scrotum and anus
  • the central lower abdomen
  • the scrotum
  • the lower back

Pain during or after ejaculation is another common symptom. A man with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome may have pain spread out around the pelvic area or may have pain in one or more areas at the same time. The pain may come and go and appear suddenly or gradually. Other symptoms may include

  • pain in the urethra during or after urination.
  • pain in the penis during or after urination.
  • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day. The bladder begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination.
  • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination.
  • a weak or an interrupted urine stream.

Acute bacterial prostatitis. The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis come on suddenly and are severe. Men should seek immediate medical care. Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis may include

What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasiaalso called BPHis a condition in men in which the prostate gland is enlarged and not cancerous. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign prostatic obstruction.

The prostate goes through two main growth periods as a man ages. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. The second phase of growth begins around age 25 and continues during most of a mans life. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often occurs with the second growth phase.

As the prostate enlarges, the gland presses against and pinches the urethra. The bladder wall becomes thicker. Eventually, the bladder may weaken and lose the ability to empty completely, leaving some urine in the bladder. The narrowing of the urethra and urinary retentionthe inability to empty the bladder completelycause many of the problems associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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What Causes An Enlarged Prostate

We still dont really know all the things that cause the prostate to grow. But we do know about two risk factors that can increase your risk of having an enlarged prostate.


Your risk of having an enlarged prostate increases as you get older. Many men aged 50 or over have an enlarged prostate, but they dont all get symptoms. And some men have symptoms that don’t bother them.

Hormone levels

The balance of hormones in your body changes as you get older. This may cause your prostate to grow.

Other factors

Some studies show that obese men and men who have diabetes may be more likely to develop an enlarged prostate. Regular exercise may help to reduce your risk of urinary symptoms. But we still need more studies into the causes of enlarged prostate to know for certain if, and how, we can prevent it.

There is also some research that suggests you may be more at risk of developing an enlarged prostate if your father or brother has one. Again, further studies are needed to confirm this.

How Common Is Prostatitis

Enlarged Prostate: When To Get Worried and When To Just Relax

Prostatitis is the most common urinary tract problem for men younger than age 50 and the third most common urinary tract problem for men older than age 50.1 Prostatitis accounts for about two million visits to health care providers in the United States each year.2

Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is

  • the most common and least understood form of prostatitis.
  • can occur in men of any age group.
  • affects 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population.3

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Treatment And Prognosis Of Swollen Prostate

The treatment plan for a swollen prostate takes into consideration patients age, and severity of the symptoms, and physicians may from watchful waiting, lifestyle changes, medicines, or surgery. The most common drugs are alpha 1-blockers, which relax the muscles of the bladder neck and prostate, making urination easier, while finasteride and dutasteride can also lower the levels of hormones produced by the prostate, reducing its size. Antibiotics may be prescribed in the case of swollen prostate and inflammation of the prostate. Also, the surgical options for the treatment of enlarged prostate are transurethral resection of the prostate , the most common and most proven surgical treatment, and simple prostatectomy.

Regarding self-care for a swollen prostate, the NIH recommends urinating when first feeling the urge, avoid alcohol and caffeine, spread out fluids during the day and do not drink a lot of fluid all at once, not to take over-the-counter cold and sinus medicines that contain decongestants or antihistamines since these drugs can increase the symptoms, as well as keep warm and exercise regularly, do Kegel exercises and reduce stress. If the swollen prostate is already aggravated for a long time and the symptoms are worsening, patients may develop sudden inability to urinate, urinary tract infections, urinary stones, damage to the kidneys, or blood in the urine.

Southern Cross Medical Library

The purpose of the Southern Cross Medical Library is to provide information of a general nature to help you better understand certain medical conditions. Always seek specific medical advice for treatment appropriate to you. This information is not intended to relate specifically to insurance or healthcare services provided by Southern Cross. For more articles go to the Medical Library index page.

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What Are The Types Of Prostatitis

Types of prostatitis include:

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis : A UTI causes an infection in the prostate gland. Symptoms include fever and chills. You may experience painful and frequent urination or have trouble urinating. Acute bacterial prostatitis requires immediate medical treatment.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis : Bacteria become trapped in the prostate gland, causing recurrent UTIs that are difficult to treat.
  • Chronic pelvic pain syndrome, or CPPS : CPPS is the most common prostatitis type. Prostate gland inflammation occurs in approximately 1 out of 3 men. As the name implies, this type causes chronic pain in the pelvis, perineum and genitals.
  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis : This condition causes prostate gland inflammation but no symptoms. You may learn you have this condition after getting tests to find the cause of other problems. For example, a semen analysis for infertility may detect asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. This type doesnt need treatment.

The Differences Between Bph And Prostatitis

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or Enlarged Prostate Causes and Treatment

Although BPH and prostatitis have similar symptoms, they are also different.

  • BPH is not caused by infection or inflammation as prostatitis often is .
  • Prostatitis is often painful, causing burning urination, ejaculation, and constant pain in the lower back, pelvis, and groin.
  • BPH is often painful only during urination.
  • Prostatitis can have flu-like symptoms, BPH doesnt.
  • BPH is more common in men 50 or above, whereas bacterial prostatitis often affects men below 35.

Sometimes, prostatitiss inflammation is not caused by an underlying infection . Sometimes the prostate may not be inflamed at all, but only enlarged. And sometimes prostatitis doesnt have any symptoms at all .

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What Other Problems Might An Enlarged Prostate Cause

A small number of men may find it difficult to empty their bladder properly this is called urine retention. If youve been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, your doctor will look at your test results to see if youre at risk of urine retention. You may be more likely to get urine retention if:

  • youre aged 70 or over
  • your prostate is very large
  • you have a raised prostate specific antigen level
  • you have severe urinary symptoms and a very slow flow.

Chronic urine retention

This is where you cant empty your bladder fully, but can still urinate a little. It usually develops slowly over time. Chronic means long-lasting. The first signs often include a weak flow when you urinate, or leaking urine at night. You may feel that your abdomen is swollen, or that youre not emptying your bladder fully.

Chronic urine retention is usually painless. But the pressure of the urine can slowly stretch your bladder muscle and make it weaker. This can cause urine to be left behind in the bladder when you urinate. If you dont empty your bladder fully, you might get a urine infection, need to urinate more often, leak urine at night, or get painful bladder stones. You might also see some blood in your urine. Chronic urine retention can damage your bladder and kidneys if it isnt treated.

There are treatments for chronic urine retention, including:

  • passing a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to drain urine from your bladder
  • surgery to widen the urethra.

Acute urine retention

What Is A Prostate Infection

A prostate infection occurs when your prostate and the surrounding area become inflamed. The prostate is about the size of a walnut. Its located between the bladder and the base of the penis. The tube that moves urine from the bladder to the penis runs through the center of your prostate. The urethra also moves semen from the sex glands to the penis.

Several types of infections can affect the prostate. Some men with prostatitis experience no symptoms at all, while others report many, including intense pain.

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Stay Clear Of The Cold

Cold temperatures can make you feel like you need the toilet so during the winter months , make sure you wrap up warm when going outside. Also, when you are outside try not to sit on any cold benches as the chill may worsen any existing BPH symptoms a hat, scarf, warm jacket and gloves should help to counteract this further.

Foods To Avoid: Red Meat

UroLift: New Relief From Enlarged Prostate

A juicy steak, a Sunday roast or some Italian meatballs are just a few popular dinner choices that make use of red meat however, if these are some of your favourites then I have some bad news – they won’t help the health of your prostate!

The problem with red meat is that it elevates levels of arachidonic acid in your body and this, in turn, increases inflammation – the very thing your enlarged prostate does not need! The more inflammation present in your body generally, the more likely you are to have inflammation in the prostate. Therefore, avoiding or limiting your intake of foods which trigger an inflammatory response is a good place to start when dealing with the problem.

The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to red meat that won’t cause such issues including fish. Why not swap that Sunday roast for a tasty fish stew?

If this doesn’t take your fancy though, simply have a look at our Recipe Hub for some cooking inspiration. Our Healthy Fish and Chips with Mushy Peas is extremely popular, as is our Trout with Creamy Potato Salad.

When cooking from scratch, beans also make a good alternative to meat, plus they happen to be high in protein and fibre.

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