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How To Reduce Prostate Cancer

Eat Tomatoes And Other Red Foods

How To Prevent Prostate Cancer

Tomatoes, watermelon, and other red foods owe their bright color to a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Some recent studies show that men who consume this fruit and tomato-based products have a lower risk of prostate cancer than those who dont. However, the American Institute for Cancer Research cautions that studies linking tomatoes to prostate cancer prevention are limited and ongoing.

A 2018 study from Spain suggest that cooking tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb lycopene. The redder the tomato, the better because lycopene accumulates during ripening. That means that pale, store-bought tomatoes that are picked too early have less lycopene than vine-ripened tomatoes.

  • Drinking four to five cups of coffee every day can lower your chances of fatal and high-grade prostate cancer, according to a 2014 review of clinical studies.
  • Regardless of how many cups you drink overall, every three cups of coffee you drink can reduce your risk of fatal prostate cancer about 11 percent.

This describes a dose-response relationship between prostate cancer and coffee. That means the effect on prostate cancer goes up or down with the amount of coffee you drink. These effects may not extend to someone who only grabs an occasional cup.

However, high doses of caffeine can cause major health issues, such as irregular heartbeat and seizures. The Mayo Clinic cautions against ingesting more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, the equivalent of four cups of brewed coffee.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Topics:

Sex is Fun!

A study by the National Institutes of Health in 2004 initially suggested that frequent sexual activity might reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

The Health Professionals Follow-up Study, which followed 32,000 men for 18 years, also supports this. Men with frequent sexual activity showed a 20% lower risk of prostate cancer. Jennifer Rider, the studys lead author, suggests, Safe sexual activity could be good for prostate health. Studies also show that regular sexual activity reduces stress and improves mood.

How can exercise prevent prostate cancer?

Evidence is mounting that inflammation and oxidation both play key roles in the development of prostate cancers and other conditions. Fortunately, research from the prevention side suggests that regular exercise may be one of the best natural antioxidants.

A study published recently in the Journal of Clinical Oncology specifically evaluated the effects of exercise in prostate cancer patients. They studied men who exercised vigorously for at least 3 hours per week. 49% showed reduced overall mortality, and 61% reduced prostate cancer mortality, compared to men having less than 1 hour per week of vigorous activity.

And, dont forget that intense exercise can actually alter your DNA. A period of intense exercise can positively change your gene regulation.

Medications Proscar and Avodart

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Things You Cant Change: Age Race And Genes

Prostate cancer is primarily a disease of aging. As you get older, your chances of developing prostate cancer increase. Race and genetics also play a significant role. If you are African American, your chances of developing prostate cancer are double those of white American men. If your father, brother or multiple blood relatives had prostate cancer, you are more likely to get it, too.

Preventing prostate cancer might be difficult if you have these risk factors, but screening early and often can help ensure that if you do get cancer, its diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

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How Common Is Prostate Cancer

About one in nine men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis during his lifetime. Prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer affecting males. Close to 200,000 American men receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer every year. There are many successful treatments and some men dont need treatment at all. Still, approximately 33,000 men die from the disease every year.

Prostate Cancer Prevention With Proper Nutrition

Prostate Cancer Prevention: 12 Ways to Protect Your Prostate

Did you know that, not counting some forms of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men? In the United States, one in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during the course of their life. There is no way to know for sure if you will get prostate cancer, and men have a greater risk of prostate cancer if they are 50 years old or older, are African-American, or have a father, brother or son who has had prostate cancer.

Can You Reduce the Risk?

While it’s recommended that men discuss the benefits and risks of prostate cancer screening with their doctors, there’s also the question if there’s a way to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in the first place. Lycopene, vitamin E and selenium are marketed to men as tools to reduce the chance of developing the disease. But is supplementation beneficial? Can eating specific foods help?

Most experts agree that men should get the recommended amounts of selenium and lycopene from foods rather than supplements. A general, healthful eating pattern contains both selenium and lycopene which are naturally available in a variety of foods. Eating plentiful vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds contributes to overall health, including reducing risk of many types of cancer.

No Magic Bullet

Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD, is co-owner of Mohr Results, Inc. in Louisville, KY.


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The Basics Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is just like any other type of cancer. It occurs when the body starts to produce abnormal cells that multiply at an alarming and uncontrollable rate. These blood cells damage the body and organ tissues. Prostate cancer is much the same. Over time, the abnormal blood cells can overwhelm the prostate, cause it to swell, and eventually erode at the glands tissue.

Prostate cancer can be fatal. It is estimated that one man dies from cancer every 15 minutes. That is a rate of about 93 deaths caused by prostate cancer every day. It is no wonder every man wants to know how to prevent prostate cancer.

However, prostate cancer can be treated, and some believe that it can be avoided altogether. Prostate cancer isnt always fatal especially when detected early. Thats why its crucial to keep up with prostate exams as you get older.

The only surefire method on how to prevent prostate cancer seems to be to stop aging. And since thats impossible, you have to be extra careful and vigilant. Thats because prostate cancer primarily affects men over the age of 60.

It is recommended that men should have their first prostate exam around the age of 50. However, if you display certain prostate cancer risk factors, you should have your first prostate exam around the age of 40.

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The Facts Of Prostate Cancer

The prostate, an organ located under the bladder, produces semen. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States. About 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

The risk of developing prostate cancer progressively increases with age. About 60 percent of all prostate cancers in the United States are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older. It is rare for men to develop prostate cancer before age 40.

Theres no absolute prostate cancer prevention, but evidence suggests diet plays a key role. Keep reading for diet tips and more information.

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How Can Diet Affect Bph

Similar to prostate cancer, BPH is a multifactorial disease. Many hormones and growth factors act in the prostate tissue to cause enlargement. But some epidemiologic studies have also identified dietary factors associated with BPH.

For example, a study in China showed that overeating animal proteins could increase the risk.

Another study from Japan showed that regular milk consumption has the same effect. Thats why a plant-based diet is recommended for preventing prostate enlargement and reducing the number of prostate cancer cells

According to other research, Asian men have a lower incidence of BPH. Such a lower incidence responds to a high-fiber diet compared to Western men . But why is diet so important?

The amount and proportion of nutrients we take influences the function of the body. Among many other things, they modulate hormone concentrations. They also modulate the role of the sympathetic nervous system, which acts directly in the urethra. Thats why changing your diet can improve your urinary tract symptoms if you have them .

In this article, we will discuss 3 foods that shrink prostate gland. The following foods, nutrients and diets are recommended to shrink the size of the prostate gland. You can always look for food sources or prostate supplements that include them in the list of ingredients.

Guidelines For A Healthy Diet

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Your diet should be:

  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • High in fiber
  • Low in fat
  • Limited in the amount of simple sugars

In addition, drink adequate fluids and be physically active to help achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

A diet that is primarily plant-based includes the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Other plant protein sources

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What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Early-stage prostate cancer rarely causes symptoms. These problems may occur as the disease progresses:

  • Frequent, sometimes urgent, need to urinate, especially at night.
  • Weak urine flow or flow that starts and stops.
  • Painful urination .
  • Painful ejaculation and erectile dysfunction .
  • Blood in semen or urine.
  • Lower back pain, hip pain and chest pain.
  • Leg or feet numbness.

Aim For A Healthy Eating Pattern

Instead of focusing on specific foods, dietitians, physicians, and researchers tout an overall pattern of healthy eating and healthy eating is easier than you might think. In a nutshell, here’s what experts recommend:

  • Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Go for those with deep, bright color.
  • Choose whole-grain bread instead of white bread and choose whole-grain pasta and cereals.
  • Limit your consumption of red meat, including beef, pork, lamb, and goat, and processed meats, such as bologna and hot dogs. Fish, skinless poultry, beans, and eggs are healthier sources of protein.
  • Choose healthful fats, such as olive oil, nuts , and avocados. Limit saturated fats from dairy and other animal products. Avoid partially hydrogenated fats , which are in many fast foods and packaged foods.
  • Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks, such as sodas and many fruit juices. Eat sweets as an occasional treat.
  • Cut down on salt. Choose foods low in sodium by reading and comparing food labels. Limit the use of canned, processed, and frozen foods.
  • Watch portion sizes. Eat slowly and stop eating when you are full.
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    What Is The Prognosis For People Who Have Prostate Cancer

    Because prostate cancer tends to grow slowly, most men die from something other than the disease. Early detection is key to better outcomes. Almost all men 97% to 98% diagnosed with localized cancer that hasnt spread outside of the prostate live at least five years after diagnosis. When metastatic cancer has spread outside of the gland, one-third of men continue to survive after five years.

    The Grade Group And Psa Level Are Used To Stage Prostate Cancer

    Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

    The stage of the cancer is based on the results of the staging and diagnostic tests, including the prostate-specific antigen test and the Grade Group. The tissue samples removed during the biopsy are used to find out the Gleason score. The Gleason score ranges from 2 to 10 and describes how different the cancer cells look from normal cells under a microscope and how likely it is that the tumor will spread. The lower the number, the more cancer cells look like normal cells and are likely to grow and spread slowly.

    The Grade Group depends on the Gleason score. See the General Information section for more information about the Gleason score.

    • Grade Group 1 is a Gleason score of 6 or less.
    • Grade Group 2 or 3 is a Gleason score of 7.
    • Grade Group 4 is a Gleason score 8.
    • Grade Group 5 is a Gleason score of 9 or 10.

    The PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA is a substance made by the prostate that may be found in an increased amount in the blood of men who have prostate cancer.

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    Avoiding Risk Factors And Increasing Protective Factors May Help Prevent Cancer

    Avoiding cancerrisk factors may help prevent certain cancers. Risk factors include smoking, being overweight, and not getting enough exercise. Increasing protective factors such as quitting smoking and exercising may also help prevent some cancers. Talk to your doctor or other health care professional about how you might lower your risk of cancer.

    Body Weight Physical Activity And Diet

    The effects of body weight, physical activity, and diet on prostate cancer risk aren’t completely clear, but there are things you can do that might lower your risk.

    Some studies have found that men who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of developing advanced prostate cancer or prostate cancer that is more likely to be fatal.

    Although not all studies agree, several have found a higher risk of prostate cancer in men whose diets are high in dairy products and calcium.

    For now, the best advice about diet and activity to possibly reduce the risk of prostate cancer is to:

    • Get to and stay at a healthy weight.
    • Keep physically active.
    • Follow a healthy eating pattern, which includes a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and avoids or limits red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, and highly processed foods.

    It may also be sensible to limit calcium supplements and to not get too much calcium in the diet.

    To learn more, see our American Cancer Society Guideline for Diet and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention.

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    What Is Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is common among American men. Your chance of getting prostate cancer may be affected by your:

    • Age. Men age 50 and older run a greater risk.
    • Race. Prostate cancer is most common among African-American men.
    • Family history. If your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you are more likely to have it, too.
    • Diet. Eating high-fat food with few fruits and vegetables may raise your risk.

    About Dr Dan Sperling

    How to Reduce Prostate Cancer Recurrence

    Dan Sperling, MD, DABR, is a board certified radiologist who is globally recognized as a leader in multiparametric MRI for the detection and diagnosis of a range of disease conditions. As Medical Director of the Sperling Prostate Center, Sperling Medical Group and Sperling Neurosurgery Associates, he and his team are on the leading edge of significant change in medical practice. He is the co-author of the new patient book Redefining Prostate Cancer, and is a contributing author on over 25 published studies. For more information, contact the Sperling Prostate Center.

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    Also Check: What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Men’s Health

    What Is The Prostate

    Your prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut that sits in front of the rectum and below the bladder and surrounds part of the urethra, the tube that moves urine out of the bladder. A part of the male reproductive system, the prostate is responsible for producing some of the fluid that contains semen.

    As men age, their prostate gland can get bigger. And when the prostate becomes larger, it can add extra pressure on the urethra, making you urinate more often, especially at night, or making it harder to go in general.

    An enlarged prostate is a natural part of getting older, says Dr. Matthew Meissner, a urologist at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville. Thats why its important for men to understand what happens as they age and watch for symptoms such as frequent urination, straining to urinate or feelings of incomplete bladder emptying.

    How Masturbating Can Help Lower Your Prostate Cancer Risk By A Third

    • 6:08 ET, Aug 3 2021

    MEN who ejaculate at least 21 times a month can lower their prostate cancer risk by a third, doctors have found.

    A study revealed that aside from boosting your mood and giving some much needed relief, masturbating or having sex can help ‘prevent cancer’.

    Around one in eight men in the UK will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.

    It’s the most common cancer in men and 47,500 men are diagnosed with it each year.

    Recently, Luton Town legend Mick Harford revealed he was battling prostate cancer and that he would be having radiotherapy.

    Friends star James Michael Tyler also revealed he has stage four prostate cancer and is paralysed from the waist down.

    Cancer will strike anyone, but doctors think men who ejaculated more are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

    Therefore ejaculating more often could actually help you look after your health.

    The study was published in European Urology, with experts saying its worth taking note of the other benefits of frequent ejaculation.

    The US scientists looked at data from 31,925 men who logged their monthly ejaculation.

    They said: “We found that men reporting higher compared to lower ejaculatory frequency in adulthood were less likely to be subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer.

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    Foods High In Curcumin

    In this case, we are talking about a spice instead of a nutrient. Thus, we do not have a long list of foods that contain curcumin. The primary source is turmeric, but you can also find curcumin as a powder in the market. Its what gives mustard its yellow color, too.

    However, since the daily dose is rather high compared to what we usually have, we recommend using a supplement instead. Other ways you can increase your intake of curcumin is through one of these daily hacks:

    • Turmeric smoothie: They taste great if you add whey powder, almond milk, peanut butter, and 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
    • Turmeric salad dressing: Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and any other spices that go along with the taste.
    • Curry sauce recipes: Its an Indian sauce you can find already made in the market or do it yourself with turmeric, margarine, peanut oil, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cilantro, chili peppers, and yogurt.


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