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Extreme Fatigue After Prostate Removal

Orgovyx Lowered Psa Levels On Average By 92% After 3 Months

How long does fatigue last after prostate surgery?

In the clinical trial, PSA levels were also monitored. The longer men were on treatment, the more their PSA levels were lowered and remained low throughout the 48 weeks of treatment.â¡

In the clinical trial, PSA levels were also monitored. The longer men were on treatment, the more their PSA levels were lowered and remained low throughout the 48 weeks of treatment.â¡

Itâs important to know that everyone is unique and may see different results. Talk to your doctor about what these clinical trial results may mean for you.

â¡Even though it wasnât the main focus of the clinical trial, PSA levels were monitored. Because the clinical trial included many different types of patients, the results of PSA monitoring should be interpreted with caution. How quickly PSA is lowered should not be used to determine the clinical effectiveness of ORGOVYX.

Itâs important to know that everyone is unique and may see different results. Talk to your doctor about what these clinical trial results may mean for you.

â¡Even though it wasnât the main focus of the clinical trial, PSA levels were monitored. Because the clinical trial included many different types of patients, the results of PSA monitoring should be interpreted with caution. How quickly PSA is lowered should not be used to determine the clinical effectiveness of ORGOVYX.

Diet Stress And Sleep Loss

In my effort to maintain a saturated fats and reduced sodium diet, I denied myself red meat and other protein rich foods, becoming borderline anemic. My oncologist advised me to treat myself to a hamburger one a week, yielding a return of my hematocrit and hemoglobin to well within the “normal” range.

Stress and sleeplessness, due to worry about damn near everything also continues to sap my body of energy leaving me fatigued, despite my dietary progress. What generally happens is that I become totally worn out to the point of falling asleep on the couch early in the evening and sleeping for 10 or 12 hours to catch up on the sleep I didn’t get that week.

I find that keeping my life as simple as possible is my key to retaining what remains of my sanity. I now work in a low-paying field that allows me to conclude my work day by 3PM keep my monthly expenses low by not subscribing to either cable or cell phone service and, using my car only for getting to and from work, getting in my cardio by hauling my groceries in an old gym bag. By keeping it frugal and simple, I can have more energy for what counts!

Love and Courage!

Chronic Fatigue In Adult Cancer Survivors

National Advisory Unit on Late Effects after Cancer Treatment

Oslo University Hospital

Kristin Valborg Reinertsen , specialist in oncology and senior consultant. She completed her PhD in 2011 on long-term effects after treatment for breast cancer.

The author has completed the ICMJE form and reports no conflicts of interest.

Regional Advisory Unit for Palliative Care

Oslo University Hospital

Jon HÃ¥vard Loge , specialist in psychiatry and in child and adolescent psychiatry. He heads the Regional Advisory Unit for Palliative Care, South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. He is professor II at the Department of Behavioural Sciences in Medicine. He was head of the National Advisory Unit on Late Effects after Cancer Treatment from 2011 to 2014. He has worked with late effects after cancer treatment since the mid 1990s with particular focus on chronic fatigue in cancer survivors.

The author has completed the ICMJE form and reports no conflicts of interest.

Department of General Practice/Family Medicine

Institute of Health and Society

University of Oslo

Mette Brekke , specialist in general practice and professor. She also works as a GP at the Kurbadet group practice, Oslo.

The author has completed the ICMJE form and reports no conflicts of interest.

National Advisory Unit on Late Effects after Cancer Treatment

Oslo University Hospital

Cecilie E. Kiserud , PhD and senior consultant in oncology. She heads the National Advisory Unit on Late Effects after Cancer Treatment.

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Prostate Cancer And Fatigue

Men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer may experience fatigue as a serious side effect of both their prostate cancer and its associated treatments. Physically speaking, being fatigued can leave your body feeling drained, lethargic and weak. It can also adversely affect your energy levels as well as your ability to maintain daily normal function. The specific reason for cancer related fatigue is unknown. However when being treated for prostate cancer your body will undergo a number of physical changes and any one factor by itself or combined can contribute to prostate cancer fatigue.

Remission And The Chance Of Recurrence

Prostate Cancer Treatment &  Prevention  What is the ...

A remission is when cancer cannot be detected in the body and there are no symptoms. This may also be called having no evidence of disease or NED.

A remission can be temporary or permanent. This uncertainty causes many people to worry that the cancer will come back. Although there are treatments to help prevent a recurrence, such as hormonal therapy and radiation therapy, it is important to talk with your doctor about the possibility of the cancer returning. There are tools your doctor can use, called nomograms, to estimate someone’s risk of recurrence. Understanding your risk of recurrence and the treatment options may help you feel more prepared if the cancer does return. Learn more about coping with the fear of recurrence.

In general, following surgery or radiation therapy, the PSA level in the blood usually drops. If the PSA level starts to rise again, it may be a sign that the cancer has come back. If the cancer returns after the original treatment, it is called recurrent cancer.

When this occurs, a new cycle of testing will begin again to learn as much as possible about the recurrence, including where the recurrence is located. The cancer may come back in the prostate , in the tissues or lymph nodes near the prostate , or in another part of the body, such as the bones, lungs, or liver . Sometimes the doctor cannot find a tumor even though the PSA level has increased. This is known as a PSA-only or biochemical recurrence.

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Extreme Fatigue 2 Years After Prostrate Radiation Treatment


PLEASE BE PATIENT I AM A NEW MEMBER —I was 69 years young –very athletic–healthy —–Two years ago , I went to a urogolist to get a very cumbersome hydrocele repaired . Before the surgery he requested my permission to do a prostrate bioposy The surgery went well , but the bioposy results showed that cancer was present — 8 samples drawn showed cancer in varying rates of 80 % down to 10% with 2 samples showing 0% . A bone scan showed no spreading to the bone marrow . I went thru 45 days of radiation treatment and since then I have been on lupon injections every 90 days . PSA now at near 0 levels and the digital rectal exams are very normal as per the doctor’s reports .

My problem is the fatigue levels that began with the radiation and lupon injections . I am at a point that I can hardly function at all —Extreme fatigue , muscle soreness over my whole body , no muscle tone at all , very , very short of breath , after a simple chore , I have to sit and gasp for breath —- urologist says he suspects a heart problem —- I returned for a series of tests with 3 different heart specialists and everything showed up normal .

I am at wits end —- has anyone experienced any of these problems ?? please respond with any advice . THANKS SO MUCH

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Loss Of Libido And Erectile Dysfunction

The hormones that are often used to treat advanced prostate cancer can decrease libido and cause erectile dysfunction , which occurs when a man isnt able to have or keep an erection to have sex, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.

As a result, for couples, theres a real struggle to recover that sense of life together how to be intimate without having sex, says Michael J. Morris, MD, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

Depending on the type of treatment that caused the ED, the ability to have an erection may improve over time, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. You and your partner may want to explore other ways to be intimate in your relationship. A sex therapist or couples counselor may be able to help. There are also treatments available for erectile dysfunction, such as medications and implants.

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Box 1 Suggestions For Screening Of Chronic Fatigue In Adult Cancer Survivors The Overview Is Based On International Guidelines And The Norwegian Directorate Of Health’s Recommendations

Assessment of fatigue level

General history of fatigue: onset, pattern, duration, change over time, factors that exacerbate/improve the symptoms, pattern of activity throughout the day and week

Other factors:

  • psychological factors, particularly high anxiety level and catastrophising sleep, pain, medication, abuse of alcohol or narcotics

  • somatic comorbidity

  • cancer treatment can predispose for comorbidity, for example cardiomyopathy after cardiotoxic chemotherapy or hypothyreosis following radiotherapy targeting the lower neck

A general physical examination should be undertaken to detect somatic conditions as an underlying cause. Recurrence of the cancer should be considered if a patient who has been in good shape develops fatigue

Additional examinations must be considered individually:

  • Relevant blood tests are: haematological profile, hormone tests , electrolytes, liver/gallbladder function

  • Radiological examinations should be performed if clinical signs of somatic disease

  • Referral to other medical specialists must be based on findings and clinical evaluation. Referral to the following may be needed:

  • Cardiologist after completion of cardiotoxic treatment

  • Neuropsychologist in cases of memory and/or concentration difficulties, particularly in younger patients

  • Psychologist/psychiatrist if signs of mental disorders

  • Pain management team

Dealing With Fatigue At Work

Curing incontinence after radical prostatectomy with minimal kegels

There are laws that protect anyone who has cancer or has had cancer. Even if you no longer have cancer, you are still protected against discrimination.

If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, then the Equality Act protects your rights. If you live in Northern Ireland you have protection under the Disability Discrimination Act.

Under these laws your employer has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to where and how you work, to make sure you get the same chances as the people you work with. For example, a reasonable adjustment could be:

  • giving you time off to go to medical appointments
  • allowing extra breaks if you feel tired
  • changing your job role to remove tasks that cause problems
  • providing suitable toilet facilities.

You can find out more about your rights at work during and after cancer treatment from Macmillan Cancer Support.

What else can help?

If your employer learns more about prostate cancer and its treatment, they might be more understanding. You could show them this website or order our fact sheet, Fatigue and prostate cancer.

Take a look at your company policies and employee handbook. Talk to your occupational health service for advice.

Go to your employer with suggestions about what would help you. For example, taking extra breaks, working from home, flexible hours, or changing your job role or duties for a while.

If you are self-employed or looking for work, you can get more specific information from Macmillan Cancer Support or Disability Rights UK.

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What Causes Fatigue And Weakness

In people with cancer, weakness might be caused by having and recovering from surgery, low blood counts or low electrolyte levels, infection, or changes in hormone levels.

However, the causes of cancer-related fatigue are often harder to determine because there are often many factors involved. It might be from the cancer itself and/or a side effect of the cancer treatment. How cancer and treatment might cause fatigue is not well understood, but some possible reasons are:

  • Cancer and cancer treatment can change normal protein and hormone levels that are linked to inflammatory processes which can cause or worsen fatigue.
  • Treatments kill normal cells and cancer cells, which leads to a build-up of cell waste. Your body uses extra energy to clean up and repair damaged tissue.
  • Cancer forms toxic substances in the body that change the way normal cells work.

Besides direct effects of cancer and its treatment, people with cancer often also experience other things that can add together to increase fatigue. These are things like surgery, stress and worry, changes in activity level, and changes in blood counts, electrolytes, and hormone levels.

What Can I Do To Combat Fatigue

The best way to combat fatigue is to treat the underlying medical cause. Unfortunately, the exact cause is often unknown, or there may be multiple causes.

Some treatments may help improve fatigue caused by an underactive thyroid or anemia. Other causes of fatigue must be managed on an individual basis. You can use the following to help combat fatigue:

Assessment. Evaluate your level of energy. Think of your personal energy stores as a “bank.” Deposits and withdrawals have to be made over the course of the day or the week to balance the amount of energy you store and the amount you need each day. Keep a diary for one week to identify the time of day when you are either most fatigued or have the most energy. Note what you think may be contributing factors. Be alert to your personal warning signs of fatigue. These may include tired eyes, tired legs, whole-body tiredness, stiff shoulders, decreased energy or a lack of energy, inability to concentrate, weakness or malaise, boredom or lack of motivation, sleepiness, increased irritability, nervousness, anxiety, or impatience.

Energy conservation. You can conserve your energy in several ways. Here are some suggestions:

  • Plan ahead and organize your work. Change storage of items to reduce trips or reaching. Delegate tasks when needed.

Other ways to combat fatigue include:

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How Might Fatigue Make Me Feel

You might use some of these words to describe how fatigue makes you feel: tired, exhausted, weak, lethargic, drained, knackered, shattered, whacked, beat, spent, weary, drowsy, weighed down, done in

Fatigue can make it hard to carry out your daily activities. It can make it difficult to do some things, such as:

  • everyday tasks, such as getting dressed, having a shower or preparing food
  • social activities, such as seeing friends and family
  • sleeping

Travelling to the hospital or GP surgery for treatments and check-ups can make your fatigue worse.

Symptoms of advanced prostate cancer

Some problems that can be caused by advanced prostate cancer, such as pain or anaemia, can cause fatigue.

Pain or pain-relieving drugs

You might have pain caused by your prostate cancer or by another health problem. Pain can make your fatigue worse. Some pain-relieving drugs can also cause fatigue(. Speak to your doctor to make sure youre on the best pain-relieving drugs for you.

Other health problems

Some other health problems, such as kidney disease or arthritis, can cause fatigue.

Not sleeping well

Not sleeping well at night can make your fatigue worse. And having fatigue can make it harder to sleep well. You might have worries that keep you awake at night. Or you might wake up in the night because of symptoms of prostate cancer or side effects from your treatment, such as having a hot flush or needing to urinate.

Lack of physical activity

Other things that use up energy

Fatigue Isoften Treated By Relieving Relatedconditions

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Treatment of fatigue depends on the symptoms and whether the cause of fatigue is known. When the cause of fatigue is not known, treatment is usually given to relieve symptoms and teach you ways to cope with fatigue.

Treatment of anemia

Anemia causes fatigue, so treating anemia when the cause of anemia is known, helps decrease fatigue. When the cause is not known, treatment for anemia is supportive care and may include the following:

Treatment of pain and depression

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Life After Treatment: Alan Weiners Story

When Alan Weiner found out he had prostate cancer, it was a huge and frightening emotional bomb blast.

The New York native was diagnosed in February 2014 at age 69. After seeking out opinions from various doctors, Weiner underwent robotic prostatectomy in April at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

Because of the emotional toll his diagnosis took, Weiner says he found a support group that helped him through that uncertain time in his life. I joined Gildas Club after surgery, but if I had known about it, I would have attended sessions prior to deciding treatment, he says. I found a friend who went through the process and was understanding of my anxieties, fears, and projections.

I never thought that the emotional aspects of this would be so difficult to deal with, Weiner adds. I never believed that the mortality rate of prostate cancer was very low, and I believed that I would be the one who would not make it. I now know that my fears and negative thinking were things most men go through, however.

Today, Weiner goes for routine checkups, and two years after his initial diagnosis, his PSA level is undetectable. He deals with persistent sexual dysfunction, but the bladder control issues he first experienced after his surgery have resolved.


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