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Surgical procedures to remove the diseased prostate are usually necessary. Surgical procedures are not always necessary. If the disease is caused by bacterial infections, a doctor can treat the symptoms using alpha-blockers or surgery. Physical therapy, relaxation exercises, and warm baths are all recommended. A physician may also prescribe antibiotics to cure the infection. A bacterial infection can also cause a recurrence of the condition.
An enlarged prostate can be uncomfortable for both men and women. Some of the symptoms of an enlarged male reproductive organ include a weakened urine stream, urgent need to urinate, and urinary tract infections. BPH can also cause damage to the kidneys. A sudden inability to urinate can be life-threatening, as it can lead to bladder and kidney damage. Unfortunately, most men with enlarged prostrates put up with the symptoms for years before they seek treatment. However, many of the men with symptoms finally decide to go to a doctor for proper gynecological evaluation and to begin enlarged prostatic therapy.
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An enlarged prostate can also be the cause of other problems. If the enlarged prostate is causing symptoms, the best treatment would be a natural remedy. In the meantime, there are treatments for a wide range of conditions that cause a man to experience pain. A common surgical procedure involves an electric loop, laser, or electro-stimulation. The procedure is a safe and effective option for treating enlarged or symptomatic BPH.
How Is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Managed Or Treated
Prostatitis treatments vary depending on the cause and type. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis doesnt require treatment.
For chronic pelvic pain syndrome , your healthcare provider may use a system called UPOINT to classify symptoms into six categories. Your provider uses multiple treatments at the same time to treat only the symptoms youre experiencing.
Approximately 80% of men with CPPS improve with the UPOINT system. The system focuses on these symptoms and treatments:
- Urinary: Medications, such as tamsulosin and alfuzosin , relax muscles around the prostate and bladder to improve urine flow.
- Psychosocial: Stress management can help. Some men benefit from counseling or medications for anxiety, depression and catastrophizing .
- Organ: Quercetin and bee pollen supplements may relieve a swollen, inflamed prostate gland.
- Infection:Antibiotics kill infection-causing bacteria.
- Neurologic: Prescription pain medicines, such as amitriptyline and gabapentin , relieve neurogenic pain. This pain can include fibromyalgia or pain that extends into the legs, arms or back.
- Tenderness: Pelvic floor physical therapy may include myofascial release . This therapy can reduce or eliminate muscle spasms.
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What You Need To Know About The Prostate Can Prostatitis Lead To Prostate Cancer
A enlarged prostate can also cause blockages in the urethra. A blocked urethra can also damage the kidneys. A patient suffering from an enlargement of the prostate may have pain in his lower abdomen and genitals. If pain is present, a digital rectal examination will reveal hard areas. A doctor may prescribe surgery or perform an endoscopic procedure. If the enlarged prostate is not completely removed, it will shrink.
While the size of an enlarged prostate will influence the extent of urinary symptoms, men may experience a range of urinary symptoms. Some men have minimal or no symptoms at all. Some men will have a very enlarged prostate, whereas others will have a mild enlargement. Generally, the symptoms can stabilize over time. Some men may have an enlarged prostate but not notice it. If they have an enlarged colon, their physician can perform a TURP procedure.
Association Between Prostatitis And Bph
Case-control studies and a cohort studies described the epidemiological relation of prostatitis with BPH. Significant results were obtained in the overall analysis . In addition, both the case-control study and the cohort study supported that prostatitis could enhance the risk of BPH.
Figure 4
Forest plots of association between prostatitis and PCa after adjustment for heterogeneity based on Galbraith plot associated with funnel plot and sensitive analysis. Overall analysis The subgroup analyses of ethnicity study design sample size.
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Identification Of Human Papillomaviruses In Prostate Tissues
Confirmation of the identity of a pathogen is an essential causal criterion.
HPV DNA is circular, double stranded and is surrounded by a protein capsid coat. Eight genes are organised into early and late . E1 and E2 are involved with genome replication, transcription, segregation, encapsulation and apoptosis regulation of the cell. E4 is involved with cell cycle arrest and virion assembly. E5 controls cell growth and differentiation and modulates the immune system. E6 inhibits apoptosis and regulates cell signalling. E7 is involved with cell cycle control. L1 and L2 contribute to viral assembly. A persistent infection of high risk HPVs, can increase the risk of cancer via HPV oncogenes E6 and E7 which inactivate p53 and pRB. The disease progression of latent infection in the basal epithelial layer of organs such as the cervix, progresses from low-grade lesions, to later invasive cancer. This can take several years to decades.
Table 1 Identification of high risk human papilloma viruses in prostate cancer. Case control studies with normal and benign prostate tissues as controls
What Should I Do If I Think I Have Prostate Problems
Men need to ensure they understand what symptoms can occur when they have prostate problems. By recognizing the symptoms, the patient can ensure they take appropriate actions. We have listed the common symptoms associated with both prostate cancer and prostatitis. These, however, are not the only conditions that can affect the prostate gland.
This is why men need to ensure they consider any symptoms related to their prostate or urinary tract. The presence of these symptoms does not always signal something serious, but the risk still exists. When such symptoms present themselves, the patient should ensure they make an appointment with their doctor. A doctor can do a digital rectal exam as an initial diagnostic tool. Once completed, the doctor may advise on additional tests to be conducted.
It is also important that men realize both prostatitis and prostate cancer can be asymptomatic at an early stage. When these conditions are in an early stage, it is generally much easier to treat them. Thus, diagnosis during such a state should be prioritized. With this in mind, men should ensure they visit a doctor for a prostate check-up every year.
But, older men may need to go for a check-up more frequently. A doctor can advise the patient on the best interval for these check-ups. During a rectal exam, the doctor can feel for anomalies with the prostate gland and initiate early treatment if they detect a problem.
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What Is The Prognosis For People Who Have Prostatitis
Antibiotics can cure acute bacterial prostatitis. These medications also ease chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms in approximately 30% to 60% of men. Up to 80% of men with chronic pelvic pain syndrome feel better after receiving appropriate treatments for their symptoms using the UPOINT system. Men with asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis dont need treatment.
Prostatitis Vs Prostate Cancer: How To Tell The Difference
The prostate gland is an integral part of the male reproductive system. The gland secretes prostate fluid, which nourishes sperm. The gland sits around the urethra, which forms part of the urinary tract.
A prostate problem can result in complications with the functioning of this gland. In some cases, prostate conditions can also lead to urinary symptoms.
Multiple conditions can affect the prostate gland. Prostatitis vs prostate cancer is a common comparison, particularly due to the common symptoms in many cases.
Understanding the signs that signal a prostate condition is important. Men should also understand the difference between these two conditions. In this post, we take a look at how they differ and the available treatments.
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Does Prostatitis Lead To Cancer
with a lifetime prevalence of 1.8% to 8.2%, Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a subacute infection, The most common risk factors include stress, Prostatitis is a benign ailment, the incidence of prostatitis is higher than that of prostate cancer, infecting anUrinary tract and prostatic infections are common in men, which is the second-most common cancer-related cause of death in Australian men .It is also one of the potential risks of a prostate biopsy: this is why all men who undergo a prostate biopsy require antibiotics before and after to reduce the risk of a symptomatic urinary tract infection and acute bacterial prostatitis is really an acute urinary tract infection.
Does Prostatitis Lead To Prostate Cancer
So, does prostatitis lead to prostate cancer?One study showed an increased risk of prostate cancer in men with symptomatic prostatitis. See:
Nakarta S: Study of risk factors for prostatic cancer. Hinyokika Kiyo 1993 39:1017-1024.
Another study found that: “The relative odds of prostate cancer were elevated in men with history of any type of prostatitis.” But the study was not good enough to be conclusive. See:
Roberts RO, Bergstralh EJ, Bass SE, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Prostatitis as a risk factor for prostate cancer.Epidemiology. 2004 Jan 15:93-9.
Another study found that: “Inflammation is frequently present in prostate biopsies, radical prostatectomy specimens and tissue resected for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.” See:
Platz EA, De Marzo AM. Epidemiology of inflammation and prostate cancer.J Urol. 2004 Feb 171:S36-40.
Another study decided to look at whether antiinflammatories to curb prostatitis, i.e. inflammation of the prostate, might help treat prostate cancer. See:
Pruthi RS, Derksen JE, Moore D. A pilot study of use of the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib in recurrent prostate cancer after definitive radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy.BJU Int. 2004 Feb 93:275-8.
See also this talk:
Prostatitis is often found when prostate cancer is removed. See:
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Who Is More Likely To Develop Prostatitis
The factors that affect a mans chances of developing prostatitis differ depending on the type.
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Men with nerve damage in the lower urinary tract due to surgery or trauma may be more likely to develop chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Psychological stress may also increase a mans chances of developing the condition.
Acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Men with lower UTIs may be more likely to develop bacterial prostatitis. UTIs that recur or are difficult to treat may lead to chronic bacterial prostatitis.
Transformation And Causal Mechanisms
Information about transformation and causal mechanisms have been added to the original Hill causal criteria.
Exposure of cultured normal and benign prostate epithelial cells to HPV 16 and 18 induces immortalisation of these cells . Schutze et al. have experimentally demonstrated the immortalisation capacity of 11 different HPV types . This capacity varies according to the HPV type. This immortalisation, seen initially in cervical cells, is not confined to prostate epithelial cells. Oral epithelial cells, human embryonic fibroblasts and primary human keratinocytes can also be immortalised.
The joint action of E6 and E7 oncoproteins target cellular pathways which involve cell cycle control and apoptosis and thus enable cell proliferation. Upon integration these genes drive cellular immortalisation. E5 can cooperate with E6 and E7 enhancing transformation activity in precancerous lesions .
Immortalised benign prostate cultured cells can acquire neoplastic properties when further exposed to other viruses, such as the murine sarcoma virus and also components of HPVs such as lipopolysaccharides .
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Does Prostatitis Eventually Lead To Cancer Of The Prostrate
Just wondering the long term effects of prostatitis.
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I have had two rounds of antibiotics but no sign mine is getting much better. I am now using quercitin and have order bee pollen. These are old herbal remedies. I have hade it 3 times in the past 15 years,very hard to cure but don’t think it is a cancer threat.
Hi @jherl. You bring up an interesting question. I wanted to share this article from Mayo about Prostatitis.I wanted to highlight the Complications section that states: “There’s no direct evidence that prostatitis can lead to prostate cancer.”
@jherl do you have this condition?
Hi @jherl. You bring up an interesting question. I wanted to share this article from Mayo about Prostatitis.I wanted to highlight the Complications section that states: “There’s no direct evidence that prostatitis can lead to prostate cancer.”
@jherl do you have this condition?
I have had two rounds of antibiotics but no sign mine is getting much better. I am now using quercitin and have order bee pollen. These are old herbal remedies. I have hade it 3 times in the past 15 years,very hard to cure but don’t think it is a cancer threat.
Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer
Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.
- Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
- Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
- Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a man’s relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
- Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.
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Symptomatic treatment of an enlarged prostate usually involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be the best option if you suffer from chronic urination. It will help the body adjust to the increased size of the prostate. Also, taking regular urination intervals will help retrain the bladder to function properly. Inactivity also contributes to urine retention, and cold temperatures can increase the urge to urinate.
Invasive treatment of enlarged prostate includes medication that relieves the pressure on the urethra and bladder. However, if the condition is severe, it may require surgical intervention. If treatment is not successful, the enlarged prostate can become a potentially life-threatening disease. As the hormone levels in the body change, the enlarged prostate can lead to various complications, including urinary retention and even cancer. This is why it is critical to see a doctor for further evaluation.
How Can You Get Tested For Prostate Cancer And Prostatitis
Digital rectal exam . For both conditions, your doctor may perform this exam. Theyâll use a glove and lubricant to insert their finger into your rectum. Your doctor can examine your prostate this way. If they notice any abnormal features in the texture, shape, or size of your prostate, they might suggest more tests.
Blood tests. They also may do blood tests for either prostate cancer or prostatitis. These measure prostate specific antigen , a natural substance that your prostate makes. High levels might mean that you have prostatitis, prostate cancer, or benign prostatic hyperplasia .
If you are at risk for cancer, your health care provider may order a blood test to check your PSA level. But if you have a prostate infection, your PSA can be falsely raised. Because of this, doctors are careful about how they read your PSA test results
For prostatitis, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and do a physical exam on you to check for prostatitis. They may also do a few different tests. These might include:
Urinalysis. This test checks your pee for bacteria and UTIs.
Cystoscopy. A cystoscopy looks for other urinary tract issues. It canât diagnose prostatitis, but it can help find what other things may cause your symptoms. Your doctor will use a cystoscope to look inside your urethra and bladder.
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Prostate Cancer Risk Factors
A risk factor is anything that raises your risk of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Some risk factors, like smoking, can be changed. Others, like a persons age or family history, cant be changed.
But having a risk factor, or even several, does not mean that you will get the disease. Many people with one or more risk factors never get cancer, while others who get cancer may have had few or no known risk factors.
Researchers have found several factors that might affect a mans risk of getting prostate cancer.
What If My Prostatitis Is Not Caused By Infection
Because we do not understand what causes prostatitis without infection, it can be hard to treat. Your doctor might try an antibiotic to treat a hidden infection. Other treatments are aimed at making you feel better. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, and hot soaking baths may help you feel better. Some men get better by taking medicines that help the way the bladder or prostate gland work. These medicines include oxybutynin, doxazosin, prazosin, tamsulosin and terazosin.
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