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What Does Prostate Cancer Smell Like

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What does cancer SMELL like? How the sense of smell might help doctors diagnose cancer!

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Warning Signs For Prostate Cancer You Shouldnt Ignore

If you are a man over 50, the following information could help save your life. In fact, prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer for men in America. And its the leading cause of cancer-related death in men over age 75. A lot of prostate cancer clinical trials have been done.

Sadly, many men don not find out they have prostate cancer until the cancer has spread, making it more difficult to treat. This is because in the early stages, prostate cancer often doesnt have many symptoms. Go directly for prostate bladder cancer treatment. The list of symptoms are well organized, you should press the next button below each symptom to move to the next one.

What To Look For

Taste and smell changes can often affect your appetite. They might be described as:

  • Not being able to smell things other people do, or noticing a reduced sense of smell.
  • Noticing things smell different or certain smells are stronger
  • Having a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Food tasting too salty or sweet.
  • Food not having much taste.

Usually these changes go away after treatment ends, but sometimes they can last a long time.

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What Can You Do About Fatigue

The first step in helping to manage fatigue is recognizing and controlling any symptoms that make it worse, like pain, nausea, neuropathy, or constipation. Another step is to try to prevent more fatigue by carefully balancing rest and activity. If you feel tired, stop and rest. Your health care team and your caregivers can help you find ways to manage the things that can make you feel more fatigued. Tell them how you feel, and try different things to see if they help you feel less tired.

Some medicines can make you feel tired, too. They may be needed, but you may want to talk with your health care team to find out if switching to new ones or taking them at different times may help. You might even be able to stop taking certain medicines that arent helping or arent needed any more.

Keep safe when youre active. If youre unsteady on your feet, make sure you have help when walking. You may feel safer if you have a walker or wheelchair. Your doctor or hospice team can help you get the equipment you need to be comfortable and safe. If you’re shaky, don’t use sharp utensils or other things that might cause injury. If you’re able to drive, be careful to not drive when you are feeling fatigue.

Plan activities around the times you feel the best and have the most energy. Sit outside, listen to music, go for a ride in the car, spend time watching a meal being prepared distractions and stimulation of your senses may help ease fatigue.

You can learn more in Cancer-related Fatigue.

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Cholesterol Fuels Growth Of Prostate Cancer Cells ...

Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesnât mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

  • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
  • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a manâs relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
  • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

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Recurrent Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Prostate cancer that returns after treatment is considered recurrent. When it returns to the area around the prostate, the disease is classified as a local recurrence. If the cancer is found in another part of the body, the recurrent cancer is considered metastatic. If the cancer metastasizes outside the prostate, it most likely develops in bones first. Metastatic prostate cancer most often spreads to the liver, bones and lungs.

After initial treatment for prostate cancer, PSA levels are expected to drop dramatically. The first sign of recurrent prostate cancer may be a rise in the PSA level. Other symptoms of recurrent cancer may depend on whether and where the cancer has spread. Symptoms include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Jaundice

Patients should discuss any symptoms with their doctor and ask about scheduling regular PSA tests after treatment.

What Is The Survival Rate For Prostate Cancer

Most of the men diagnosed with prostate cancer will not die from it. Other medical conditions along with prostate cancer can cause death.

Survival rates for men with prostate cancer have increased over the years due to increased screening and treatment options. Ninety-nine percent of men with prostate cancer will survive for a minimum of five years after diagnosis.

Also Check: What Surgery Is Done For Enlarged Prostate

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Urinary Tract Infections In Men: Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment

Understanding Prostate Cancer

Nonbacteria microbes may cause a different type of chronic prostatitis, known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, which may also develop as a result of chemicals in the urine, a urinary tract infection, or pelvic nerve damage.

Affecting 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population, chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most common type of prostatitis, but also the least understood.

Symptoms vary depending on the type of prostatitis, but can include urination problems, pain , fever, and body aches, among other things.

Some people develop asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, in which the prostate is inflamed but doesnât produce any symptoms or require treatment.

Bacterial prostatitis is most often treated with antibiotics. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome may require drugs, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

Over time, prostatitis may cause sexual dysfunction, abscesses in the prostate, inflammation of nearby reproductive organs, and infection of the bloodstream.

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How Does The Doctor Know I Have Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer tends to grow slowly over many years. Most men with early prostate cancer dont have changes that they notice. Signs of prostate cancer most often show up later, as the cancer grows.

Some signs of prostate cancer are trouble peeing, blood in the pee , trouble getting an erection, and pain in the back, hips, ribs, or other bones.

If signs are pointing to prostate cancer, tests will be done. Most men will not need all of them, but here are some of the tests you may need:

PSA blood test: PSA is a protein thats made by the prostate gland and can be found in the blood. Prostate cancer can make PSA levels go up. Blood tests will be done to see what your PSA level is and how it changes over time.

Transrectal ultrasound : For this test, a small wand is put into your rectum. It gives off sound waves and picks up the echoes as they bounce off the prostate gland. The echoes are made into a picture on a computer screen.

MRI: This test uses radio waves and strong magnets to make detailed pictures of the body. MRI scans can be used to look at the prostate and can show if the cancer has spread outside the prostate to nearby organs.

Prostate biopsy: For a prostate biopsy, the doctor uses a long, hollow needle to take out small pieces of the prostate where the cancer might be. This is often done while using TRUS or MRI to look at the prostate. The prostate pieces are then checked for cancer cells. Ask the doctor what kind of biopsy you need and how its done.

Dogs Sniff Pee For Signs Of Prostate Cancer

When researchers combined the canine olfactory results with GC-MS, bacterial profiling and artificial intelligence analysis, the multisystem approach proved a more sensitive and more specific means of detecting lethal prostate cancer than any of the methods alone.

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Dogs can learn to detect chemicals in a mans urine that may signal a higher risk of having aggressive prostate cancer, according to a new study.

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the developed world. Clinicians have sought accurate and reliable noninvasive diagnostic tools to differentiate early stage, less dangerous, and more treatable stages of the disease from the aggressive, high-grade, and likely-to-spread forms.

Standard blood tests for early detection, such as the prostate specific antigen test, often miss cancers in men whose PSA levels are within normal levels or overdiagnose men with clinically insignificant tumors or no cancer at all.

In a small study in PLOS ONE, researchers had two dogs sniff samples of urine from men diagnosed with high-grade prostate cancer and from men without cancer.

Adding the AI analysis, helped the researchers filter the more than 1,000 VOCs present in a typical urine sample down to those most beneficial for cancer diagnosis, Partin says.

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Theres A Surface Area Effect Going On Here

When you look at the two electrodes and compare them, the surface of one say the ECup is so much larger than the CockCap. Youre going to feel the sensation near the one with the smaller surface area because its more concentrated. You can think of it like the sharpened tip of a pencil. If you were to touch yourself with the sharp tip youd feel it more strongly than if you touched the same place with the soft rubber eraser on the other side. The difference there isnt just because of the different materials, but due to the difference in the surface areas. One has a much larger surface area than the other so you can feel the difference with that analogy.

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Can Treatment For Prostate Cancer Affect Smell And Taste

Prostate cancer: Symptoms, treatment, and causes

3/31/2021 3:32:00 PM

One in six men being treated for advanced prostate cancer reported experiencing a reduced sense of smell and taste, according to a study published by Alonzi et al in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer. The study authors noted that a reduced sense of smell and taste among some patients with prostate cancer may be associated with poor appetite and weight loss. The results may have important implications for patients with cancer undergoing hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and/or bone antiresorptive therapy during the coronavirus crisis.

We wanted to make sure the article mentioned the significance of patients with advanced prostate cancer experiencing losses in taste/smell as a side effect of their cancer treatment during the pandemic, said Laura Perry, a Tulane doctoral student in psychology and one of the studys authors. Since a commonly known symptom of COVID-19, the experience may be appraised by patients as especially stressful at this time.

Ms. Perry said most symptom assessments in patients with cancer do not ask about their sense of taste or smell.

Our findings suggest these could be a valuable addition to routine assessments in prostate cancer, she said.

Rates of Changes in Taste and Smell

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What Is An Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate occurs when menâs prostate gland slowly grows bigger as they age. More than half of men over age 60 have this condition, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia . Some men have symptoms and others donât. The exact causes are unknown, but one thing is sure: BPH is not cancer and it does not lead to cancer. The prostate sits below the bladder and produces fluid for semen.

What Is A Male Orgasm

In most mainstream pornography, the male orgasm is the literal and figurative climax of the story, acting as the goal towards which all the participants are working. In real-life sex, thats often the case, too, but it doesnt need to be. It is something that requires work, however, since you cant just orgasm accidentally, First, you need to enter into a state of physical arousal, i.e. achieve an erection.

Then, what happens next relies on your brain in a big way.

The male orgasm is a sensation that is basically driven by the sympathetic nervous system, activated by your five senses, says Dr. Koushik Shaw, MD of the Austin Urology Institute. It is a complex interplay between your brain, your brain stem and your spinal cord. It can be heightened through your sense of touch, smell, and visuals. All your senses can activate the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn helps trigger the sensation of orgasm.

And how long does this sensation last?

That is going to be varied between different people and across various excitement states, says Shaw. Usually between a few seconds to 30 seconds.

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What Should I Do If I Have Prostate Cancer Symptoms

If you are displaying one or more signs of prostate cancer, be sure to promptly consult with a physician. Even benign prostate conditions like prostate enlargement warrant timely medical attention, so dont delay seeking treatment. And, like most other malignancies, prostate cancer is usually more easily treated when it is detected at an early stage.

Neural Innervation Of The Prostate

What it’s like to go for a rectal screening for prostate cancer

The gland is abundantly innervated by the parasympathetic and by the sympathetic . According to Gupta and McVary there is widespread agreement that expulsion of the contents of the gland during emission is under adrenergic control while cholinergic nerves are secretomotor. In regard to the sensory innervation of the prostate, McVary et al. state that the majority of the afferents to the ventral prostate is localised to sensory nerves from the L5 and L 6 segments of the spinal cord but there is a smaller degree of innervation from T13 to L2.

A collection of nerves that is located in the fascia covering the prostate is named the prostatic plexus. They arise from the lower portion of the pelvic plexus and are distributed not only to the prostate but also to the corpora cavernosa of the penis and urethra. Injury or damage to these nerves impacts on the mechanisms of erection and can thus cause erectile dysfunction .

Dense neuropeptide Y innervation is present throughout the prostatic stroma but most studies have not found the neuropeptide to be involved in the contraction of the prostate .

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Will Doctors Use Dogs To Help Detect Cancer Anytime Soon

Probably not. While the idea of using dogs to detect cancer is attractive, given that it is noninvasive, until much more research and training is done, it is not yet accurate enough, nor practical, says Dr. Stenzel.

For one thing, the dogs cant tell us exactly what they are smelling, says Kirsten Moysich, PhD, MS, Distinguished Professor of Oncology and Epidemiology at Roswell Park. We know that cancer causes a state of disarray in cells. There is growing evidence that elevated levels of a signature of volatile organic compounds , also known as odorants, are associated with disease growth and the accompanying accumulation of cell debris and decomposing dead tissue.

One promising area of research aims to develop sensors and nanotechnology that mimic dogs highly developed sense of smell to detect minute odorant changes in the cells of cancer patients.

But, until developments like these are perfected, Drs. Moysich and Stenzel offer this advice regarding cancer detection. I wouldnt necessarily leave all of my health screening to my dog, Moysich says. But if you or your dog notice something unusual about your body, be it a lump, a sore or an odor, have it checked out by a doctor.

Or, as Lauren Gauthier puts it: Pay close attention if your dog starts to intensely sniff and react to a certain part of your body. Your dog might know something that you dont, so dont brush their unusual behavior aside. I truly believe that Victoria saved my life.


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