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HomeCauseWhat Causes The Prostate Gland To Become Enlarged

What Causes The Prostate Gland To Become Enlarged

Minimal Invasive Treatments Continued: Tumt

ENLARGED PROSTATE GLAND, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

One of the most popular methods of minimally invasive treatments that are used is transurethral microwave thermotherapy or TUMT. This form of therapy treats mild to moderate blockage and helps to reduce some of the serious symptoms of BPH including urinary frequency, urgency, straining, and intermittent flow, but does not correct any bladder-emptying issues. The procedure is done with computer-regulated microwaves that heat portions of the prostate to destroy the affected tissues, where a cooling system helps to protect the urethras walls during treatment.

This type of therapy is usually done in a doctors office and requires only topical anesthesia and pain medications. There are some side effects associated with this procedure though, such as painful urination for a few weeks, as well as temporary urgency and frequency of urination. Unfortunately, many men may need to have the procedure redone as their symptoms either return or do not get any better.

What Is Swollen Prostate

A swollen prostate is the enlarging of the prostate gland in men. It is medically termed as benign prostatic hyperplasia that describes the increase in the cells in the prostate making it appear swollen. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is interchangeably used with benign prostatic hypertrophy . The two are interchangeably used by urologists, although the exact mechanism is different.

When the prostate swells, it causes significant obstruction of the urethra, which passes through the prostate in men. The prostate may partially or completely impede urine flow in the urethra depending on the severity.

The presence of a swollen prostate is initially identified by manifestations in the urinary tract. Despite the swelling or enlarging of the prostate, it does not result to cancer or malignancies.

Most affected men experience swelling and enlargement beginning 30 years of age. However, histologic evidence of BPH is significantly observed in men aged 50 to 80 years old. Most men are asymptomatic, but about 40% has clinically significant manifestations.

The prevalence of swollen prostate as a result of BPH is 2.7% in men aged 45 to 49 years old and it is increased by 9 fold by 80 years of age. The prostate of men usually enlarges as they age.

Location of Prostate Gland

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About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition

As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.

BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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What Causes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia is not well understood however, it occurs mainly in older men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not develop in men whose testicles were removed before puberty. For this reason, some researchers believe factors related to aging and the testicles may cause benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Throughout their lives, men produce testosterone, a male hormone, and small amounts of estrogen, a female hormone. As men age, the amount of active testosterone in their blood decreases, which leaves a higher proportion of estrogen. Scientific studies have suggested that benign prostatic hyperplasia may occur because the higher proportion of estrogen within the prostate increases the activity of substances that promote prostate cell growth.

Another theory focuses on dihydrotestosterone , a male hormone that plays a role in prostate development and growth. Some research has indicated that even with a drop in blood testosterone levels, older men continue to produce and accumulate high levels of DHT in the prostate. This accumulation of DHT may encourage prostate cells to continue to grow. Scientists have noted that men who do not produce DHT do not develop benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Do Prostatitis And Bph Cause Pain

5 Home Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Gland ...

Both BPH and prostatitis may cause pain. However, if BPH causes pain, it usually occurs with urination .

Prostatitis may cause painful urination, painful ejaculations, and generalized groin/abdominal pain. Prostatitis pain may be more constant and may be due to the inflammation of the prostatic tissue and/or adjacent tissues. Experts point out that often the source of pain from prostatitis is unclear.

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First Understand What Is Prostate

The small walnut-sized reproductive system Prostate has a crucial role in mens life. Its a muscular gland that surrounds the urethra. Besides, the prostate works in providing sexual satisfaction to men.

For instance, it propels the fluid and semen from the penis for a great sexual experience. But as said above, over time, the prostate grows bigger in size. Consequently, the complication starts threatening the quality of a mans life.

When Does A Prostate Problem Need Treatment

BPH requires treatment only if the symptoms are severe enough to be troublesome to the patient, if the function of the urinary tract is seriously affected or if there are other complications, such as bleeding, kidney infections or kidney damage. An enlarged prostate by itself is not enough reason to need treatment.

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Problems With Enlarged Prostate Gland

Benign enlargement of the prostate gland is more common as men get older. It can cause troublesome symptoms, although it doesnt always.

The urethra passes through the prostate gland, so men may have problems urinating if the enlarged gland restricts the flow of urine. If the flow stops completely, a catheter is required to empty the bladder. It is rare for this form of acute urinary retention to cause kidney damage.

An enlarged prostate doesn’t always cause urinary problems. Studies indicate that the size of a man’s prostate gland has little influence on the type or severity of his urination problems. BPH is just one possible cause of urinary symptoms.

Another cause of urinary symptoms can be changes to the muscular wall of the bladder, which may cause spasms of the bladder or weaken the bladder, causing problems passing urine.

Diagnosing Benign Prostate Enlargement

Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/BPH) Q& A

You might have several different tests to find out if you have an enlarged prostate.

A GP may do some of these tests, such as a urine test, but others might need to be done at a hospital.

Some tests may be needed to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms to BPE, such as prostate cancer.

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Lifestyle And Diet Root Causes Of Bph And Ed

The root cause of erectile dysfunction, whether it comes as a result of BPH or not, is almost always a blood circulation issue.

To achieve a satisfactory erection, a man must have relatively decent blood circulation throughout his body. The penis becomes erect through a series of neurological and physical processes.

The neurological process occurs in the brain when the man becomes sexually aroused. It initiates physical, sexual arousal, which then triggers the process of inflating the penis with blood to achieve a sufficient erection.

However, if arteries are clogged with plaque deposits, they certainly cannot deliver adequate blood flow to the penis for an erection. Thus, the erection is either weak, subsides quickly, or is non-existent. The most common circulatory issues that cause ED include but are not limited to the following conditions:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Cardiac Insufficiency.

Any effort to improve symptoms of either BPH or ED must address the circulation issue if there is to be any degree of improvement. Note that BPH is not included on the list above because it usually occurs in a combination of one or more of the other listed items.

Contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction is not a benign condition. An erection is wholly dependent on good blood circulation. The penis requires unimpeded blood circulation to produce an erection for sexual activity.

Talking With Your Doctor

Different kinds of doctors and other health care professionals manage prostate health. They can help you find the best care, answer your questions, and address your concerns. These health care professionals include:

  • Family doctors and internists
  • Physician assistants and nurse practitioners
  • Urologists, who are experts in diseases of the urinary tract system and the male reproductive system
  • Urologic oncologists, who are experts in treating cancers of the urinary system and the male reproductive system
  • Radiation oncologists, who use radiation therapy to treat cancer
  • Medical oncologists, who treat cancer with medications such as hormone treatments and chemotherapy
  • Pathologists, who identify diseases by studying cells and tissues under a microscope

View these professionals as your partnersâexpert advisors and helpers in your health care. Talking openly with your doctors can help you learn more about your prostate changes and the tests to expect.

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Is A Prostate Massage The Same Thing As Trying For A Prostate Orgasm

Yes. If you massage the prostate in a way that feels good, youre probably going to have an orgasm if you keep at it.

Some doctors recommend prostate massage therapy to help relieve the symptoms of certain conditions, such as painful ejaculation prostatitis.

Yep! Though evidence on the efficacy of prostate massage for certain conditions is somewhat limited, it does appear to have some benefits.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Enlarged Prostrate Gland Illustration Poster Print by Gwen ...
  • Frequent urge to pass urine, especially at night
  • Weak or interrupted urine stream
  • Pain or burning when passing urine
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Nagging pain in the back, hips, or pelvis

Prostate cancer can spread to the lymph nodes of the pelvis. Or it may spread throughout the body. It tends to spread to the bones. So bone pain, especially in the back, can be a symptom of advanced prostate cancer.

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Causes Of Swollen Prostate

There are vast causes of swelling of the prostate. These include:

  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia As discussed earlier, the occurrence of BPH is a significant cause of swelling of the prostate. The increase in size and the increase in cells usually mimic swelling of the prostate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia results from an increase in the dihydrotestosterone levels, a metabolite of testosterone. The presence of high levels of dihydrotestosterone acts in the stromal cells of the prostate leading to activation of growth factors that causes increase in the size of the prostate. Men with high testosterone levels, for example, hairy men, may experience BPH when they get old.
  • Prostatitis Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland that results from possible infection. Presence of unmanaged urinary tract infection may spread in the prostate and cause infection in the area. The swelling that results from the infection also causes similar affectation of the urinary tract.
  • Exogenous testosterone therapy Similar to the mechanism of BPH, exogenous testosterone leads to increased circulating dihydrotestosterone as a metabolite.

Tips For Relieving Bph Symptoms

Four simple steps can help relieve some of the symptoms of BPH:

  • Some men who are nervous and tense urinate more frequently. Reduce stress by exercising regularly and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.
  • When you go to the bathroom, take the time to empty your bladder completely. This will reduce the need for subsequent trips to the toilet.
  • Talk with your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you’re taking some may contribute to the problem. Your doctor may be able to adjust dosages or change your schedule for taking these drugs, or he or she may prescribe different medications that cause fewer urinary problems.
  • Avoid drinking fluids in the evening, particularly caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Both can affect the muscle tone of the bladder and stimulate the kidneys to produce urine, leading to nighttime urination.
  • For more on advances in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases, read the Annual Report on Prostate Diseases from Harvard Medical School.

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    Can Prostatitis And Bph Be Cured

    The prognosis for BPH for most patients that undergo treatment is good to fair, depending upon how well patients respond. BPH that requires surgery may result in complications such as erectile dysfunction. The prognosis for patients with more severe BPH symptoms that require surgery and medication for symptom relief is fair. There is no cure for BPH.

    Most men with prostatitis may have significant symptom relief, and most men can be cured with long-term appropriate antibiotic treatments. The prognosis for prostatitis ranges from good to fair because some patients have a tendency to have recurrent bouts of the condition.

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    Symptoms Of Urinary Problems

    symptoms & Diagnosis of Enlarged Prostate

    Urinary symptoms commonly experienced with prostate problems include:

    • the need to urinate frequently during the night
    • urinating more often during the day
    • urinary urgency the urge to urinate can be so strong and sudden that you may not reach the toilet in time
    • the urine stream is slow to start
    • urine dribbling for some time after finishing urination
    • a sensation that the bladder isn’t fully emptied after urination
    • lack of force to the urine flow, which makes directing the stream difficult
    • the sensation of needing to go again soon after urinating.

    Although these symptoms often do not need treatment, see your doctor if they are causing you difficulty, as they can be successfully treated.

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    What Are The Available Treatments For Bph

    As men get older, their prostates tend to become enlarged. This is usually from a lifetime of bad habits. However, prostate enlargement does not equate to prostate cancer. Having an enlarged prostate does not inevitably mean you will get cancer.

    Once diagnosed, doctors usually recommend medication. It is essential you know that some of the drugs used to treat BPH have side-effects. Some of these include erectile dysfunction and a diminished sex drive.

    Men who take alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase are prone to develop erectile dysfunction.

    Studies show that approximately 3% of men who took Dutasteride and 6.4% of men who took Finasteride experienced a loss of libido.

    Therefore, it is not uncommon for men to experience flagging sexual desire and compromised erectile after initiation of treatment.

    Recent scientific research has pointed out that medicine such as blue pills will also have a relaxing effect on the prostate.

    30% of men facing BPH will encounter compromised sexual function. One-third of men suffering ED have troubling symptoms related to the prostate.

    How Is Bph Treated

    In some cases, in particular where symptoms are mild, BPH requires no treatment. At the opposite extreme, some men require immediate intervention if they cannot urinate at all or if kidney/bladder damage has occurred. When treatment is necessary, many men will simply require daily medication. If this fails to completely treat the symptoms, or if there are signs of damage from BPH, the doctor may recommend minimally invasive endoscopic surgery . Or, in some cases, traditional surgery may be recommended.

    • Drug treatment: The FDA has approved several drugs to relieve common symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, including drugs that inhibit the production of the hormone DHT and drugs that relax the smooth muscle of the prostate and bladder neck to improve urine flow.

    For surgery, there are many procedures to choose from, and the choice depends largely on your specific prostate anatomy, and surgeon preference and training. These procedures all have a common goal of widening the urethral channel as it passes through the prostate. Procedures include the following:

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    Natural Supplements For An Enlarged Prostate

    At Bens Natural Health, we have formulated natural supplements to improve prostate health and reduce prostate size. When it comes to managing your BPH, we firmly believe that natural is the way to go. Not only will natural remedies help to heal your prostate, relieving you of uncomfortable symptoms, but they will do so without any adverse side effects.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Enlarged Prostate Gland: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ...

    Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

    • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day
    • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination
    • trouble starting a urine stream
    • a weak or an interrupted urine stream
    • dribbling at the end of urination
    • nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep
    • urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine
    • pain after ejaculation or during urination
    • urine that has an unusual color or smell

    Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from

    • a blocked urethra
    • a bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage

    The size of the prostate does not always determine the severity of the blockage or symptoms. Some men with greatly enlarged prostates have little blockage and few symptoms, while other men who have minimally enlarged prostates have greater blockage and more symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower urinary tract symptoms.3

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    How Common Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common prostate problem for men older than age 50. In 2010, as many as 14 million men in the United States had lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia.1 Although benign prostatic hyperplasia rarely causes symptoms before age 40, the occurrence and symptoms increase with age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 50 percent of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men older than 80.2

    When To Seek Help

    Urologists use a set of questions developed by the American Urological Association to determine if a mans symptoms from BPH require treatment. Here are a few questions to ask before seeking help: How severe are the symptoms? Do they disruptive to normal daily activities? Are they worsening? Do the symptoms affect the quality of life? How long have the symptoms been present? Is it finally time to seek treatment? Are the risks associated with treatment worth it?

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