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Prostate Cancer Treatment In Israel

Israeli Researchers Shed Light On Prostate Cancer Treatment

Da Vinci Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City

Professors Avigdor Scherz and Yoram Saloman of the Weizmann Institute in their lab We see that the therapy results in the complete destruction of the blood vessels connected to the tumor.Announcing his diagnosis of prostate cancer on Monday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was able to speak calmly about his condition.

There is nothing about the tumor which is life-threatening or liable to impair my performance, he assured the waiting media in Jerusalem.

But just a few years back, it would have been difficult to remain so clear-headed about the disease. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men, other than skin cancer.

One man in six will get prostate cancer in his lifetime. While today, more than 99 percent of patients are alive five years after diagnosis of prostate cancer, a couple of decades ago that survival rate was more like 40 percent, or lower.

Even given such promising leaps and bounds, prostate cancer remains nothing to treat lightly. So Olmert might be glad to know that a scientific development that has emerged from Israeli labs is proving to be an effective treatment for prostate cancer when radiation proves unsuccessful.

Chlorophyll is designed by nature to harvest solar energy for photosynthesis, so it has high absorption of light, explained Prof. Avigdor Scherz of the Weizmann Institutes Plant Sciences Department, who together with Prof. Yoram Salomon of the Biological Regulation Department, invented the new photo-sensitive drug.

Treatment Of Ovarian Cancer In Israel

Treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel is carried out annually by thousands of women of all ages. Ovarian cancer is a group of neoplasms that appear from the tissues of the sexual glands. Ovarian cancer is rightly considered the most dangerous cancer. Mortality in this pathology is on the fifth place among other gynecological lesions.

For the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in Israel, conduct a mandatory gynecological examination and the following diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the pelvic organs, abdomen and chest.
  • A blood test to determine the level of hormones and the presence of onco-markers.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy.
  • Biopsy with histology and cytology.
  • Cytological examination of washings from the cavity of the small pelvis and cystoscopy.

The method of treatment of ovarian cancer depends on the stage of the disease, its spread and the general condition of the patient. The following methods can be used for treatment:

As a rule, in the treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel, doctors use a comprehensive method. As it allows to achieve effective result of treatment. The price of laboratory tests for ovarian cancer from $ 1,000, and a full set of diagnostic methods, will cost 3000 cu. Consultation of an oncologist costs from 500 cu, a course of chemotherapy from 4000 cu, surgical removal of ovaries and a uterus – from 15000 cu. The final cost depends on the clinic in which the treatment and the type of cancer will be treated.

How Is Prostate Cancer Treatment Performed

Treatment for prostate cancer can be divided into early stage and advanced stage. Your doctor will choose the best suitable treatment for you, depending on the stage and classification of prostate cancer, your age, and overall health status. Although, your feelings, expected lifespan, and your opinion will play a major role in choosing the right kind of treatment.

The most common treatment options for prostate cancer include the following:

Watchful waiting or active surveillance

No immediate treatment is carried out, but the patient is followed up at regular intervals to see the progression of the disease. This method is used in elderly patients with short life expectancy and in case of an early disease.


The main type of prostate surgery is called radical prostatectomy. In this, cancerous tissues are removed by a surgical operation. A long cut in the abdomen is needed in this surgery, depending on the extent and stage of cancer.

However, a keyhole surgery for prostate cancer using a laparoscope or robot is also available. These treatments have good success rates but may result in certain long-term side effects such as sexual dysfunction, narrowing of the urethra, and urinary incontinence.


There are two types of radiotherapy for prostate cancer:

Conformal radiotherapy
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy:
Hormone therapy
Other local ablation

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New Research And Perspectives

Our experts work closely with leading research institutes of Oncology, allowing to immediately put into practice innovative methods of cancer treatment. The hospital has been using a new generation of immunotherapeutic agents, and soon the use of the drug Alpharadin will be started, which allows delivering radioactive isotopes in metastatic lesions throughout the body, effectively killing the cancer cells without significant side effects.

Herzliya Medical Center leads a professional approach to help cope with prostate cancer and a rapid return to a normal lifestyle.

What Is Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows from the alveolar cells of the glandular epithelium. Delayed diagnosis may lead to the spread of the disease , which greatly complicates the treatment and worsens the prognosis of a full recovery. However, current treatments for this cancer in Israel, successfully practiced here, can effectively treat a tumor, even in advanced stages.

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Newer Treatments For Early

Researchers are looking at newer forms of treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. These new treatments could be used either as the first type of treatment or after unsuccessful radiation therapy.

One treatment, known as high-intensity focused ultrasound , destroys cancer cells by heating them with highly focused ultrasonic beams. This treatment has been used in some countries for a while, and is now available in the United States. Its safety and effectiveness are now being studied, although most doctors in the US dont consider it to be a proven first-line treatment for prostate cancer at this time.

An Emerging Treatment Option For Men With Recurring Prostate Cancer After Radiation Therapy

  • By Charlie Schmidt, Editor, Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases

Prostate cancer is often a multifocal disease, meaning that several tumors can be present in different parts of gland at the same time. Not all of these tumors are equally problematic, however. And its increasingly thought that the tumor with the most aggressive features called the index lesion dictates how a mans cancer is likely to behave overall. That concept has given rise to a new treatment option. Called partial gland ablation , and also focal therapy, it entails treating only the index lesion and its surrounding tissues, instead of removing the prostate surgically or treating the whole gland in other ways. Emerging evidence suggests that PGA controls prostate cancer effectively, but with fewer complications such as incontinence.

In February, researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York published findings that could pave the way for focal therapy in men with reoccurring prostate cancer. They focused specifically on men whose cancer had returned three to four years on average after initial treatment with radiation.

Their findings, while preliminary, suggest that MRI and biopsy results can allow doctors to select which patients with reoccurring prostate cancer might be eligible for PGA. The research was headed by Dr. Gregory Chesnut, an MSKCC urologist.

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Israeli Helps Pioneer New Prostate Cancer Treatment

A new procedure to treat prostate cancer has improved the quality of life for many men facing surgery for the disease.

Focal laser ablation therapy was developed at Princess Margaret Hospital by doctors Uri Lindner, a urologic oncology fellow from Israel, and John Trachtenberg.

FLA is considered the middle ground between radical surgery and active surveillance. By targeting only the tumour, focal therapy offers effective treatment without the lifestyle-altering side effects of radical, whole-gland removal.

Lindner said that because of PSA, the screening test for prostate cancer, the disease is now being diagnosed in more and more younger men. Whereas as it used to be only older men, now men in their 40s and 50s are being diagnosed.

With FLA, we are mitigating the side effects of prostate surgery, including erectile dysfunction and incontinence, he said.

We used to remove the prostate, and it is a tough surgery. Recovery is not that easy, and the majority of men suffer side effects.

The new procedure is done in day surgery, and within a few days patients are up and fully active, he said.

Lindner, the son of a urologist, was born in Israel in 1973, and graduated from the Tel Aviv Universitys Sackler faculty of medicine. He served as a physician in the Israel Defence Forces.

During his training, he said, he was approached by a scientist who developed a drug to treat prostate cancer and told him he might benefit from a research stint in Toronto.

Recent Israeli Breakthroughs In Cancer Research And Detection

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments – Kelvin Moses MD

Israeli scientists and researchers have been at the forefront of extensive studies on cancer and cancer treatment over the past several decades. With the disease being the main cause of death in Israel, universities, medical centers, hospitals, and labs have taken the lead in developing innovative care plans and undertaking sophisticated research to help advance understanding and knowledge of cancer, of which there are over 100 types, and for which there is no known cure.

Israeli biotech startups too have been on the cutting-edge of innovative solutions for early detection and clinical pathology systems.

Although hundreds of projects and trials are ongoing, here are seven recent developments in cancer research and treatment from Israel so far this year.

1. Israeli researchers kill a cancerous tumor with synthetic cells

Israeli scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have successfully treated a cancerous tumor, eradicating its cancer cells using a nano-factory a synthetic cell that produces anti-cancer proteins within the tissue, the Technion announced in February

Synthetic cells, the prestigious Haifa-based university says, are artificial systems with capacities similar to, and, at times, superior to those of natural cells.

Cancer Cells via Bigstock

SEE ALSO: Israeli Startup Freezing Cancer In Its Tracks Now Tackling Kidney, Liver, Bone Tumors

Health news- pancreas cancer research, via Wikimedia Commons

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In A Trial A Photosynthesis

Scientists at the Weizmann Institute may have found the cure for prostate cancer, at least if it is caught in its early stages â via a drug that doctors inject into cancerous cells and treat with infrared laser illumination.

Using a therapy lasting 90 minutes, the drug, called Tookad Soluble, targets and destroys cancerous prostate cells, studies show, allowing patients to check out of the hospital the same day without the debilitating effects of chemical or radiation therapy or the invasive surgery that is usually used to treat this disease.

The drug has been tested in Europe and in several Latin American countries, and is being marketed by Steba Biotech, an Israeli biotech start-up with R& D facilities in Ness Ziona. The drug and its accompanying therapy were developed in the lab of Weizmann Institute professors Yoram Salomon of the Biological Regulation Department and Avigdor Scherz of the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department.

Based on principles of photosynthesis, the drug uses infrared illumination to activate elements that choke off cancer cells, but spares the healthy ones.

The therapy was recently approved for marketing in Mexico, after a two-year Phase III clinical trial in which 80 patients from Mexico, Peru and Panama who suffered from early-stage prostate cancer were treated with the Tookad system. Two years after treatment, over 80% of the studys subjects remained cancer-free.

Treatment Of Kidney Cancer In Israel

Treatment of kidney cancer in Israel is carried out in modern clinics under the full control of oncologists and urologists. Cancer of the kidney is a malignant neoplasm that appears from the mucous membrane of the kidneys. Since the main function of the kidneys is purification of blood and urine production, in cancer this function is complicated. This disease affects both adults and children. At the same time, women are twice as likely to get sick than men. The danger of kidney cancer is that it metastasizes into the lungs, bones, regional lymph nodes, liver.

Diagnosis of cancer begins with palpation and external examination, after that the doctor prescribes additional methods:

  • Analyzes of urine and blood – can determine the activity of alkaline phosphatase, identify anemia, hematuria and increased ESR.
  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT of kidneys.
  • Angiography and radiography of the lungs.
  • Internal pyelogram, urography.
  • Nephroscintigraphy.
  • Biopsy followed by cytological and histological examination.

Kidney cancer is treated by a urologist-oncologist. In Israel, for the treatment of this pathology, these methods are used:

With regard to the cost of cancer treatment in Israel, the price of detailed blood tests, as well as diagnostics, will cost $ 1000-1500. Consultation of an oncologist costs from $ 500, and partial or complete resection of the kidney – from $ 30,000. The above prices are a guide, the final cost can be found in the clinic chosen for treatment.

  • Herzliya Medical Center

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Tourist Visas In Israel

All visitors must hold a passport valid for at least six months after the date of departure from Israel. Citizens of 99 countries including the European Union, Canada, Singapore, Russia, and the United States do not require a visa to enter the country for up to 3 months. Nationals not listed on the visa exemption agreement need to obtain a visa and should contact their nearest embassy of Israel. Citizens of 25 countries require a confirmation from the Israeli government before a tourist visa is issued.

Treatment Of Prostate Adenoma In Israel

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Israel

Prostate adenoma often begins to develop in men after 30 years. The disease is characterized by a slow course, which is why the symptoms begin to appear after 50 years.

Most of the problems with the prostate gland can be treated and does not lead to a violation of erectile function in men. Adenoma is not a harbinger of cancer and does not increase the likelihood of its development, but serious symptoms disrupt the patient’s life and require mandatory therapy.

Treatment of prostate diseases in Israel is already prescribed, usually for patients with severe symptoms .

When an adenoma is often used, albfa-blockers – doxazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin, etc.

In general, medications ease a patient’s condition in a few weeks, but do not reduce the size of the prostate gland and are often part of a comprehensive treatment.

With prostate adenoma, surgical intervention, microwave thermotherapy, transurethral or laser resection of the prostate gland can be prescribed.

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Cost Of Prostate Treatment In Israel

Treatment of the prostate in Israel, as a rule, consists of two stages – full diagnostics and individually selected methods of treatment.

The cost of the full course of therapy depends on the additional methods of research and analysis prescribed by a specialist, and also on the chosen course of treatment.

On average, diagnostics will cost from $ 1,000, surgery intervention – from $ 17,000, brachytherapy – from $ 20,000.

Weather And Climate In Israel

Israel is a year-round destination but the temperatures in the city vary widely. The coastal areas such as Tel Aviv and Haifa experiences a typical Mediterranean climate where the winters are rainy and the summers are hot. The area around Northern Negev has a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cool winters. The Southern Negev has a desert climate with extremely hot summers and mild winters. On the other hand, mountainous regions have pleasant summer and cold winters with a little snowfall.

Generally, the winter months from November to March are the coldest months in the country. When mountainous areas such as Jerusalem receives snowfall, the coastal areas experience heavy rainfall. Summer starts in June and ends in August and it is the hottest season in every part of the country, especially in the desert area where the heat can be overbearing. The seasons of spring and autumn have the best weather, with pleasant temperatures and fewer rainy days.

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Drug Therapy For Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

Antibacterial therapy is insufficient for chronic prostatitis. This is why patients are also prescribed pathogenetic treatment. If there are signs of obstruction, physicians recommend alpha-blockers.

NSAIDs are used for apparent inflammation alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate enlargement heparinoids for prevailing pain in the bladder area and primary urination issues.

Another part of pathogenetic treatment is represented by immune correction. Immunomodulators increase the activity of the immune system, improve antibiotic therapy results and prevent recurrence.

Patients with the chronic pelvic pain syndrome or degenerative-dystrophic prostatitis are prescribed medication that helps eliminate the pain:

  • Analgetics
  • Alpha-blockers
  • Antispasmodic drugs.

Symptomatic therapy is used to improve the patients condition and may include antispasmodic medication, painkillers and psychotropic drugs. Chronic disease is sometimes treated with physical therapy .

Nutrition And Lifestyle Changes

Only 90 minutes to kill early stage prostate cancer tumours

Many studies have looked at the possible benefits of specific nutrients in helping to treat prostate cancer, although so far none have shown a clear benefit. Some compounds being studied include extracts from pomegranate, green tea, broccoli, turmeric, flaxseed, and soy.

One study has found that men who choose not to have treatment for their localized prostate cancer may be able to slow its growth with intensive lifestyle changes. The men in the study ate a vegan diet and exercised frequently. They also took part in support groups and yoga. After one year the men saw, on average, a slight drop in their PSA level. It isnt known if this effect will last since the report only followed the men for 1 year. The regimen may also be hard for some men to follow.

It’s important for men thinking about taking any type of nutritional supplement to talk to their health care team first. They can help you decide which ones you can use safely while avoiding those that might be harmful.

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