Determining The Proper Treatment
There are a number of treatment options for prostate cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.
- Radiation. Radiation therapy can be delivered in a few different ways. One is external beam radiation, in which a machine outside the body delivers radiation to the prostate tissue. Another form of therapy, known as brachytherapy, involves using radioactive seeds to deliver a low dose of radiation directly to the prostate tissue.
- Hormones. The hormone testosterone acts as fuel for prostate cancer cells inside the body. By blocking the production of testosterone, you can kill off the cancer. Possible treatments include medications that stop the production of testosterone, medications that block testosterone from reaching cancer cells or, in extreme cases, surgery to remove the testicles.
- Surgery. For life-threatening prostate cancer, surgery to remove the prostate gland and surrounding tissues may be recommended.
- Biological therapy. Biological therapy uses your bodys own immune system to fight cancer. In the case of prostate cancer, your bodys immune cells are engineered in a lab to fight prostate cancer, and then injected back into your body.
- Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a traditional cancer treatment thats used to stop its spread. It may be needed for prostate cancer that has spread to other areas of the body.
- Cryosurgery or cryoablation. Freezing prostate tissue and then thawing it out has shown some success in killing prostate cancer when other treatments have failed.
Signs And Symptoms Of Testicular Cancer
Many of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by something other than testicular cancer. A number of non-cancerous conditions, such as testicle injury or inflammation, can cause symptoms a lot like those of testicular cancer. Inflammation of the testicle and inflammation of the epididymis can cause swelling and pain of the testicle. Both of these also can be caused by viral or bacterial infections.
Some men with testicular cancer have no symptoms at all, and their cancer is found during medical testing for other conditions. For instance, sometimes imaging tests done to find the cause of infertility can uncover a small testicular cancer.
But if you have any of these signs or symptoms, see your doctor right away.
What Causes Prostate Cancer
The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown. One in three men older than 50 years has some cancer cells in the prostate. Luckily, eight out of 10 tumors are found to be small and harmless after the biopsy. Although the reason for prostate cancer is unknown, there are many risk factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer:
- Age over 55 years
- Ethnicity: Common in blacks as compared to Caucasians.
- Genetic/family history
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Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer
There are certain lifestyle choices that can help lower the risk of prostate cancer, such as maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular exercise. It has also been shown that men with diets very high in dairy and calcium have a higher risk. Some studies show that certain medications, such as taking aspirin daily, may help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Early Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
The prostate is a small gland that sits under the bladder and in front of the rectum. Due to its proximity to these organs, prostate cancer can cause a variety of urinary problems. It is important to know that urinary problems can also be caused by other non-cancerous prostate conditions, such as prostatitis or BPH . A prostate tumor may press on the urethra and obstruct the urine flow. When an urethral blockage occurs, it causes several symptoms that men should not ignore.
These early signs and symptoms of prostate cancer represent a warning signal and it is advisable for men to get tested for prostate cancer starting at the baseline of 40 years old. Also, it is worth noting that BPH or UTI can cause similar symptoms. Only a urologist can determine the underlying cause of your symptoms and provide specific treatment.
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Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer
Because prostate cancer tends to not show symptoms in its early stages, risk factors are another useful tool to identify candidates for screening. The Mayo Clinic notes that risk certainly increases as you grow older, and obese men may be more likely to have prostate cancer that is aggressive or difficult to treat.
For unknown reasons, black men are also at a greater risk of prostate cancer than men of other races. Not only are they more likely to get prostate cancer, but the risk of prostate cancer being aggressive or advanced is also higher.
Finally, your family history or genetics can also help determine your prostate cancer risk. For example, men with close relatives who had prostate cancer are more likely to get it. Also, a family history of breast cancer or the presence of the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 within the family also raises the likelihood of a man developing prostate cancer.
How Do You Know If You Have Prostate Cancer
Theres no way of knowing if you have prostate cancer without visiting your doctor, as most men with early prostate cancer dont have any symptoms. And if you do have symptoms they can be caused by other things.
And you cant check for prostate cancer yourself.
You may want to speak to your GP if you’re over 50 , even if you don’t have any symptoms. These are all things that can increase your risk of prostate cancer. Your GP can give more information or tests if necessary.
If youre not sure about what to say to your GP, print and fill out this form and show it to them. This will help you have the conversation.
I thought I could be at risk after learning that African Caribbean men are more likely to get prostate cancer than white men.
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What Should I Do If I Have Prostate Cancer Symptoms
If you are displaying one or more signs of prostate cancer, be sure to promptly consult with a physician. Even benign prostate conditions like prostate enlargement warrant timely medical attention, so dont delay seeking treatment. And, like most other malignancies, prostate cancer is usually more easily treated when it is detected at an early stage.
Signs Of Cervical Cancer
“Early on, cervical cancer may not cause signs and symptoms. Advanced cervical cancer may cause bleeding or discharge from the vagina that is not normal for you, such as bleeding after sex. If you have any of these signs, see your doctor. They may be caused by something other than cancer, but the only way to know is to see your doctor,” says the CDC. And to protect your life and the lives of others, don’t visit any of these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.
Eat This, Not That!
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What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
If you have any symptoms that worry you, be sure to see your doctor right away. They may be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer.
Different people have different symptoms for prostate cancer. Some men do not have symptoms at all.
If you have any of the following symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away
- Difficulty starting urination.
- Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
- Frequent urination, especially at night.
- Difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
- Pain or burning during urination.
- Blood in the urine or semen.
- Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis that doesnt go away.
- Painful ejaculation.
Keep in mind that these symptoms may be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer.
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What Are 5 Common Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer
In many cases, prostate cancer does not produce clear symptoms in its initial stages of development. In fact, many men may have prostate cancer without even realizing it. However, there are some common warning signs that could indicate a person has prostate cancer. Five of the most common ones include:
Of course, these five symptoms are not the only potential warning signs of prostate cancer. Other possible indicators could include weak urine flow, and unexplained pain deep in the groin area when sitting down. If cancer has spread beyond the prostate, a man may also suffer lower body swelling, abnormal urinary or bowel habits, or inexplicable weight loss.
It’s important to note that most of these symptoms are not unique to prostate cancer, and may indicate a different condition that is not life-threatening.
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Prostate Cancer Signs And Symptoms
Many men withprostate cancer have no symptoms. For others, symptoms may only appear once prostate cancer reaches moderate to severe stages. That is why it is important to know yourrisk factors and ask your doctor if they recommend a prostate screening. Diagnosing prostate cancer in its early stages may make it easier to treat, or even cure.
Key risk factors are:
- Age. Men over 50 are at a higher risk.
- Race and nationality. Prostate cancer is more common in African-American men and less common in Asian American and Hispanic men.
- Family History. Men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer are at a higher risk.
- Diet. Diets high in red meat and/or high-fat dairy foods.
- Obesity. Obese men are at a higher risk.
- Chemical exposure. Men who work with toxic chemicals may be at a higher risk.
- Genetics. Genetics may increase risk.
Key signs and symptoms of prostate cancer that you should be aware of are:
- A need to urinate often, especially at night
- Weak or interrupted urine flow
- Trouble starting to urinate
- A painful or burning feeling when you urinate
- Blood in your urine or semen
- Pain or stiffness in your lower back, hips, ribs, or upper thighs
- Not able to have an erection
- Weakness or numbness in legs or feet
- What type of symptoms you have
- How long you have experienced symptoms
- How frequently you have experienced symptoms
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What Is The Survival Rate For Prostate Cancer
Most of the men diagnosed with prostate cancer will not die from it. Other medical conditions along with prostate cancer can cause death.
Survival rates for men with prostate cancer have increased over the years due to increased screening and treatment options. Ninety-nine percent of men with prostate cancer will survive for a minimum of five years after diagnosis.
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Recurrent Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Prostate cancer that returns after treatment is considered recurrent. When it returns to the area around the prostate, the disease is classified as a local recurrence. If the cancer is found in another part of the body, the recurrent cancer is considered metastatic. If the cancer metastasizes outside the prostate, it most likely develops in bones first. Metastatic prostate cancer most often spreads to the liver, bones and lungs.
After initial treatment for prostate cancer, PSA levels are expected to drop dramatically. The first sign of recurrent prostate cancer may be a rise in the PSA level. Other symptoms of recurrent cancer may depend on whether and where the cancer has spread. Symptoms include:
- Blood in the urine
- Difficulty breathing
- Jaundice
Patients should discuss any symptoms with their doctor and ask about scheduling regular PSA tests after treatment.
Soreness In The Groin
When prostate cancer spreads, its common for cancer cells to go to your lymph nodes and then move to more areas of your body. The lymph nodes are a network of glands that help your body filter fluids and fight infections.
There are several lymph nodes in your groin. These are the ones closest to your prostate, so its common for the cancer to spread to them first. Cancer cells prevent your lymph nodes from draining fluid and working properly. When this happens, your lymph nodes swell. As a result, you might experience pain or soreness in the area.
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Signs Of Uterine Cancer
“Uterine cancer may cause vaginal discharge or bleeding that is not normal for you. Bleeding may be abnormal because of how heavy it is or when it happens, such as after you have gone through menopause and between periods. Bleeding is never normal after your periods stop. Uterine cancer may also cause other symptoms, such as pain or pressure in your pelvis,” says the CDC. “If you have bleeding that is not normal for you, especially if you have already gone through menopause, see a doctor right away. Also see a doctor if you have any other signs or symptoms for two weeks or longer. These things may be caused by something other than cancer, but the only way to know is to see your doctor.”
Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer may not cause any signs or symptoms in its early stages. Signs and symptoms often appear as the tumour grows and causes changes in the body such as changes in bladder habits. Other health conditions can cause the same symptoms as prostate cancer.
The signs or symptoms of prostate cancer include:
- more frequent urination , especially at night
- a strong or sudden urge to urinate
- difficulty starting the flow of urine
- weak or slow urine stream
- interrupted urine stream
- being unable to empty the bladder completely
- having difficulty controlling the bladder , which can cause urine to leak and dribble
- blood in the urine or semen
- burning or pain during urination
- discomfort or pain when sitting, caused by an enlarged prostate
- painful ejaculation
- trouble getting an erection
- pain or stiffness in back, hips or pelvis that doesn’t go away
- fatigue
In rare cases, prostate cancer can cause paraneoplasticsyndrome. This is a group of symptoms including high blood pressure, fatigueand weight loss that may happen when substances released by cancer cellsdisrupt the normal function of nearby or distant organs or tissues.
In some cases, prostate cancer can cause serious problems.These cancer-related emergencies are uncommon but need to be treated right awayand are usually a sign of advanced cancer:
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Painful Or Burning Urination
Prostate cancer causes the gland to enlarge in size, affecting the normal flow of urine. Impedance to urine flow is the reason for painful micturition. It is also possible that painful urination occurs due to cancer spreading to surrounding structures. Prostate cancer is notorious for its nature of local invasion of surrounding structures like the urethra, bladder, and rectum. Burning during urination can be due to suppurative infection or side effects of the treatment of prostate cancer. The enlargement of the gland causes urinary obstruction and retention. Undue retention of urine inside the bladder can lead to infection of urethra and bladder leading to burning during urination.
Antibiotics can relieve the situation for a while, but the doctor needs to start treating prostate cancer to avoid further risks and complications. Discussing this problem with your doctor is the best possible choice to ward off the complications of undiagnosed prostate cancer. Family history and genetics are major risk factors of prostate cancer, but lifestyle changes and diet can make these warning signs more conspicuous as obesity can worsen your condition of painful micturition.
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What Else Can Cause These Symptoms
As men get older their prostate gland enlarges. It isn’t normally cancer. But instead a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia . BPH is when the prostate gland grows and presses on the urethra. The urethra is the tube that empties out urine from the bladder.
BPH does not develop into cancer. But you can have an enlarged prostate at the same time as having areas in the prostate gland that contain cancer cells.
See your doctor if you have any of the changes described here.
The changes don’t mean that you have cancer but it is important to get them checked so your doctor can help with you cope with them.
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Detecting Prostate Cancer: 7 Signs And Symptoms
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men according to the National Cancer Institute. The term “prostate cancer” refers to any cancer that begins in your prostate. What is the prostate? It’s a walnut-sized gland near the penis and bladder responsible for making seminal fluid.
As you age your risk of developing cancer in your prostate gland increases. That means it’s a good idea to discuss the pros and cons of prostate screening with your doctor once you reach 50.
This type of cancer usually progresses very slowly and often with few signs or symptoms. The Prostate Cancer Foundation says many of the symptoms people associate with cancer could actually signal a benign disease like benign prostate hypertrophy or BPH for short. However some forms of aggressive prostate gland cancer grow quickly so let your doctor know if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:
1. Weak or stop-and-start urine flow – If you are having trouble passing urine it could be a sign of an enlarged prostate a tumor or cancer.
2. Frequent need to urinate – It might be more than just an annoyance to find that you need to urinate more frequently especially at night.
3. Burning or pain when urinating – Several different conditions could cause pain or burning when you urinate including infections prostatitis or cancer.
4. Blood in the urine or semen -If you notice blood in your urine or semen call your doctor right away.