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HomeNewsIs Green Tea Good For Prostate

Is Green Tea Good For Prostate

Can Green Tea Cure Bph

6 Cups of Green Tea for Prostate Cancer

Green tea contains antioxidants that reduce the levels of dihydrotestosterone , the hormone that promotes the growth of the prostate. A reduction in the levels of DHT lowers the risk of developing an enlarged prostate. The catechins in green tea regulate the secretion of DHT and PSA, promoting normal prostate size and volume and reducing the risk of BPH. Likewise, the catechins in green tea have demonstrated efficacy in relieving urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, nighttime urination and problems with urinary flow. Improved urine flow, relief of annoying urinary symptoms and reduced prostatic inflammation lead to a higher quality of life. Besides, the catechins in green tea can kill certain viruses and bacteria, reducing the risk of urinary tract infections that may occur in men with enlarged prostate.

Antioxidants May Lower The Risk Of Some Cancers

Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. Its one of the worlds leading causes of death.

Research has shown that oxidative damage can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases, including cancers. Antioxidants can help protect against oxidative damage .

Green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

Research has linked green tea compounds with a reduced risk of cancer, including the following studies:

  • Breast cancer. A comprehensive review of observational studies found that women who drank the most green tea had an approximately 2030% lower risk of developing breast cancer, one of the most common cancers in women (
  • 23 ).

Many observational studies indicate that green tea drinkers are less likely to develop several types of cancer, but more high quality research is needed to confirm these effects .

To get the most health benefits, avoid adding milk to your tea. Some studies suggest it can reduce the antioxidant value in some teas .


Green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.

What Does Green Tea Do To The Prostate Gland

Studies focusing on EGCG show how that this antioxidant affects the prostate gland however, there are two functions in particular that are worth highlighting:

  • Research shows that three to five cups of green tea a day can reduce inflammation in the prostate gland. After a period of study, levels of kappa B, a protein linked with inflammation, were lower in men who had been drinking green tea regularly in comparison to those who had not. Reducing inflammation of the gland relieves pressure on the urethra and therefore improves symptoms associated with BPH
  • Green tea has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, helping to defend the bladder against infection. For men who suffer from BPH it can be a struggle to empty the bladder and urine left behind can grow stagnant and increase chances of bacterial infection. Studies suggest that regular consumption of green tea can significantly reduce your chances of contracting urinary tract infections .
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    Additional Treatments For Bph

    When an enlarged prostate starts to impact someones quality of life, theyll likely turn to a doctor for relief. There are numerous medications that can help treat BPH.

    Surgery is also an option. Surgery for BPH typically removes tissue pressing against the urethra. This surgery is possible using a laser, entrance through the penis, or with an external incision.

    Far less invasive are lifestyle measures that may assist in managing BPH. Avoiding alcohol and coffee, avoiding certain medications that can worsen symptoms, and practicing Kegel exercises may relieve BPH symptoms.

    Erectile Dysfunction And Ginger Root

    Green Tea Benefits For Prostate Health

    Pete Campbell

    Erectile dysfunction, defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to facilitate intercourse, is one of the most common problems that men face all over the world. This particular problem is not pleasant and it is quite psychologically troublesome for all men.

    In some cases, erectile dysfunction is temporary, often a sign of extraordinary stress, and will resolve on its own spontaneously. In other cases, it is a long-term problem, which can also result from underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Parkinsons disease, or multiple sclerosis.

    Because erectile dysfunction can have a large negative impact on a mans quality of life, experts are looking for various ways to solve this problem and help men have proper sexual intercourse once again. Nowadays, there are a lot of medications that will help men treat the problem of erectile dysfunction.

    Viagra is the best known medication for erectile dysfunction. Apart from medications, there are also a lot of natural remedies that help in getting rid of erectile dysfunction. Ginger root is thought to be one such remedy. However, people should first get to know as much as they can about the ginger root.

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    Green Tea Reduced Inflammation May Inhibit Prostate Cancer Tumor Growth Research Finds

    American Association for Cancer Research
    Men with prostate cancer who consumed green tea prior to undergoing prostatectomy had reductions in markers of inflammation, according to new data

    Men with prostate cancer who consumed green tea prior to undergoing prostatectomy had reductions in markers of inflammation, according to data presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, held in Anaheim, Calif., Oct. 16-19, 2012.

    “Our study showed that drinking six cups of green tea affected biomarkers in prostate tissue at the time of surgery,” said Susanne M. Henning, Ph.D., R.D., adjunct professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles. “This research offers new insights into the mechanisms by which green tea consumption may reduce the risk for prostate cancer by opposing processes such as inflammation, which are associated with prostate cancer growth.”

    Prior epidemiological data have been inconclusive about the relationship between green tea and prostate cancer. However, one recent intervention study conducted in Italy revealed that men with a precursor to prostate cancer called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia who consumed a green tea extract reduced their risk for progression to prostate cancer.

    The researchers found no differences in markers of tumor cell proliferation between the two treatment groups.

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    Effective Against Prostate Cancer

    Studies have shown that this miraculous tea is effective in treating prostate problems. The powerful antioxidants and other few compounds in green tea reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement.

    The antioxidants also slow down prostate cancer growth and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The catechins in green tea have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They can stop the growth of bacteria, which can induce prostate swelling.

    Prostate cancer is also related to high hormone levels. More than 50 epidemiological studies were done between green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk. Results show that green tea can control abnormal hormone levels, and this helps reduce the risk.

    A meta-analysis published in 2017 reveals that prostate cancer risk may be reduced by higher green tea intake.

    Data from this analysis found a reduction of prostate cancer risk in men who drank green tea. The more green tea men drank, the lower their prostate cancer risk based on linear analysis.

    When this study evaluated green tea polyphenol intake, there was an associated 62% reduction in prostate cancer risk based upon three randomized controlled human trials.

    In addition, green tea helps control excess urination. Since coffee is not good for the prostate, it is a good substitute for it. It has a milder diuretic effect. So drinking green tea daily is a great home remedy for the prostate.

    According to the researchers:

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    Health Benefits Of Green Tea

    This great tea is packed with many nutrients that make it an excellent superfood. Experts say that consuming at least one cup per day or at least 150 mg in supplements has many health benefits.

    However, there is evidence that suggests that even higher doses have some truly incredible benefits for your prostate. Moreover, I have included 500mg of green tea extract is one of my most popular supplements. But more about that later.

    First off, green tea contains caffeine, but at very low levels. If properly processed, it typically contains half the caffeine of regular coffee. This is great news for people who love coffee but get wound up with too much caffeine. Drinking this tea effectively speeds up our metabolism.

    It also helps us lose weight, and improves our brain function, reduces your risk of a heart attack or a stroke.

    A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that drinking this tea reduces the death rate due to cardiovascular disease. This includes heart attack, stroke, and diseases of blood vessels.

    The study was done in Japan and followed over 40,000 participants for 11 years. The participants who consumed at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a much lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who consumed less than one cup of tea per day. It is also packed with polyphenols and flavonoids.

    Polyphenols are a large group of plant chemicals that include catechins.

    Get Your Fill Of Green Tea

    Green Tea Benefits For Prostate Health

    While watermelon seed and hibiscus teas need to be prepared from scratch, you can buy green tea at the supermarket. You can find flavored green tea and decaf green tea, which is ideal, since high levels of caffeine often make BPH symptoms worse.

    If drinking cups of tea isn’t your thing, there are other ways you can fit plenty of green tea into your diet. Use it instead of juice or milk in your morning smoothie or as the base for your oatmeal or add 1/2 teaspoon of matcha powder to the mix. Add brewed green tea leaves to your soup, stir-fry, or lasagna.

    Prostavol Prostate Support contains 50 milligrams of green tea leaf, along with a variety of other ingredients shown through research to promote prostate health.

    A healthy diet is your first line of defense against a number of health conditions, including prostate problems. Adding green, watermelon seed, or hibiscus tea to your daily diet can go a long way toward better prostate health.

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    Green Tea Intake And Risk Of Pca

    A total of 7 observational studies including 4 cohort studies and 3 casecontrol studies investigated the relevant risk of PCa with green tea intake. As shown in Fig. , the overall pooled RR of the highest versus lowest category of green tea intake was 0.75 for all studies, 0.977 for cohort studies, and 0.453 for casecontrol studies. There was no statistical significance in the comparison of the highest versus lowest category. Because of the high heterogeneity , sensitivity analysis was performed. Most studies did not influence the result when excluded sequentially, except 1 casecontrol study conducted by Jian et al. After this study was excluded, the pooled RR for all studies changed to 0.92 with no heterogeneity and the RR for casecontrol studies became 0.623 . However, no statistical significance was found either.

    Forest plot for the association of highest versus lowest category of green tea intake and PCa. The association was indicated as RR with the corresponding 95% CI. The RR estimate of each study is marked with a solid black square. The size of the square represents the weight that the corresponding study exerts in the meta-analysis. The CIs of pooled estimates are displayed as a horizontal line through the diamond. RR< 1 indicates decreased risk of PCa. CI=confidence interval, PCa=prostate cancer, RR=relative risk.

    How Much It Costs

    You can find green tea in health food shops, supermarkets, chemists and over the internet. Prices can vary depending on the amount you buy and where you buy it.

    The quality or grade of green tea can also vary. Usually better quality green tea costs more. The best quality tea is made from the first leaf buds that come in the spring.

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    Minimal Processing Leaves Nutrients Intact

    Unlike soda, another common source of caffeine, tea is relatively unprocessed. After picking the leaves, they are allowed to soften before being rolled to wring out their juices . After heat is applied to the leaves, they are dried and ready to use. This minimal amount of processing means that green tea retains many of the phytonutrients that are available in the actual tea plant.

    Green Tea Is A Natural Stimulant

    8 Foods That Protect Your Prostate

    Green tea is a natural source of caffeine, making it a great way to perk yourself up when youre feeling tired. The good news is that green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, meaning that you can sip this beverage throughout the afternoon without significantly disturbing your sleep or suffering through the jittery side effects of a caffeine overdose .

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    Green Tea & Breast Cancer: Perspective

    The new research on green tea and breast cancer adds to growing evidence of its benefits, according to Joanne Mortimer, MD, director of the Women’s Cancer Program at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    “There really does seem to be something there,” she says. The new study provides a potential explanation for why green tea may help, she says.

    Green Tea May Help You Chill Out

    Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which is found almost exclusively in tea plants . L-theanine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, meaning that it sends signals to neurons. Several studies have shown that L-theanine appears to increase alpha-wave generation in the human brain, signalling a state of relaxation .

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    The Possibility Of Preventive And Therapeutic Use Of Green Tea Catechins In Prostate Cancer

    Volume 19 , Issue 10 , 2019

    Page: Pages: 9


    Background: Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer. Despite the existence of varioustreatment strategies, treatment of prostate cancer still presents serious difficulties .Polyphenols have been extensively assessed in terms of their potential use for prostate cancer treatment and prevention.Catechins are among the most well-known polyphenols in this respect.

    Objective: In this review, we summarize clinical study results concerning catechin applications with regard to prostatecancer treatment and prevention. We discuss some of the main mechanisms of the anticarcinogenic action ofcatechins.

    Referencesin vitroin vivo.J. Biol. Chem., 2001276Int. J. Cancer, 2004108Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev., 20162016Anticancer. Agents Med. Chem., 201616Eksp. Klin. Farmakol., 201679Urol. Clin. North Am., 200229Phytomedicine, 201017In: Antioxidants in Sport Nutrition2015Cancer Res., 200666Oncotarget, 20178Effect. Pharmacother. Urol. Nephrol., 20084Cancer, 200397Urol. Oncol., 200523in vitro.Cancer Prev. Res. , 20092Cancer Prev. Res. , 20125Planta Med., 200066Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis., 201417Cancer Prev. Res. , 20158Medicine , 201796Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 2017329F1000 Res., 2017J. Infect. Chemother., 201117Antioxidants , 20176J. Nutr., 2003133Int. J. Nanomedicine, 201611Genome Biol., 201415Carcinogenesis, 200425Adv. Cancer Res., 2009105, 17

    Nettle Tea For Prostate

    Green Tea and Prostate Health – Nutrition Medicine Update # 15

    Nettle is the common name given to all plants of the urtica genus. This medicinal plant is very popular due to its diuretic property, since its content in chlorophyll, potassium and organic acids allows to stimulate the production of urine and thus to get rid of the water that accumulates in the body, that is to say, it prevents the retention of liquids. In addition, nettle allows to eliminate accumulated toxins in the blood by improving circulation and diminishing altered levels of sugar, cholesterol and uric acid in fluid.

    Nettle tea is definitely the best herbal tea for prostate health precisely because of its ability to stimulate the expulsion of urine, which is suitable for the treatment of prostatitis, as it helps to improve the difficulty to urinate. To take advantage the nettle’s properties for prostatitis, you can consume fresh nettle leaves by immersing them in some broth or soup, or you can also prepare a nettle tea for prostatitis. Moreover, studies have found that nettle root extract can also aid BPH as the steroidal component in stinging nettle root can suppress prostate-cell growth, thus preventing further complications such as the appearance of carcinoma.

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    Green Tea Vs Black Tea

    After tea leaves have been picked they can be treated in two ways. The first is a process called oxidation where the leaves are left out in the fresh air. As the leaves react to the fresh air around them they turn brown and develop a slightly bitter flavour. These brown leaves are used to make your everyday black tea, otherwise known as English Breakfast Tea.

    In the second process the leaves are heated gently to prevent oxidation and to ensure the leaves do not turn brown. These leaves are used to make green tea which has a milder flavour and aroma.

    So, is green tea better for the prostate gland than black tea?

    As the leaves are heated to produce green tea they release catechins and antioxidants which have a range of particularly formidable sounding titles such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate . These titles can be a little hard to get your head around so we dont need to understand them in any great detail however, what is worth knowing is that these substances can bring relief from prostate symptoms.

    These substances are not released when the leaves are left to oxidise, as in the production of black tea, and without these chemical structures, the drink has significantly less impact on the prostate gland, making green tea the better choice of drink.

    Doesn’t green tea contain caffeine?

    Green Tea Keeps You Looking Youthful

    Not only is green tea good for your physical health, but it could also keep you looking great! Beauty experts commonly use green tea products for their anti-inflammatory effects. For instance, a combined regimen of 10% green tea cream and green tea supplements improves the elasticity of skin, which keeps your skin looking more youthful as you age .

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