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How To Heal Enlarged Prostate

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How to Treat An Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): 12 Natural Treatments

To no fault of your own, and as no sign that you cant enjoy G-spot orgasms, some men might not be able to reach their own prostate, simply because their fingers arent long enough or your prostate is sitting higher.

The prostate lies 2 to 4 inches into your rectum , says Alvear. If your prostate is positioned higher than average and/or your fingers are shorter than average, it can get a little tricky.

If this is the case for you , its time to go shopping. While you might roll your eyes at the idea, theres no need for purse-holding in this situation. Instead, set your sights online, where many goodies for your sex toolbox are waiting. In this case, you need to opt for toys that can give you the extra reach back into your G-spot that you cant reach on their own.

Depending on your flavor, preference and kink level, use one of these vibes to get your party started:

The Path To Better Prostate Health

Because the PAE procedure does not involve surgery or physical removal of part of the prostate, patients will not see results immediately. The first changes are seen most commonly one to two months after the procedure, with continued improvement until about four months.

The most common side effects of PAE immediately after the procedure include urethral burning and increased urinary frequency. These side effects usually stop within a week.

The good news? According to Dr. Isaacson, about 75 to 80 percent of men treated with PAE experience a significant and lasting improvement.

UNC Medical Center is one of just a few hospitals in the U.S. that offers PAE to patients who are not enrolled in a clinical trial. Appointments for evaluation are available in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Hillsborough and Siler City. You can make an appointment or .

Natural Home Remedies For Bph

An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , is a disorder that generally tends to affect men as they age. With age, the cells of the gland begin to multiply, leading to an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate is problematic because it presses on the urethra, creating difficulties with urination and weakening the bladder. BPH will produce symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine stream, inability to urinate, difficulty starting or holding urination, and the need to frequently urinate, especially at night.

Ignoring prostate problems, as some men tend to do, isnt a smart idea. If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine out of the bladder, leading to other complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage. Below are some natural remedies you can try at home to ease symptoms of BPH.

Also Check: What Causes Your Prostate To Enlarge

Resistance And Aerobic Exercises

It is said that staying active is good for the prostate along with general health. So you should practice some simple exercises if you are serious about learning how to treat enlarged prostate at home. The fact is, inactivity leads to obesity, which is among the potential risk factors of enlarged prostate. Even a small amount of exercise such as resistance and aerobic exercise could help in reducing urinary problems resulted by an enlarged prostate and could even prevent this condition.

You can incorporate aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, walking, tennis, basketball, and rowing into your everyday exercise regime.

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How Is Enlarged Prostate Diagnosed

Best Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

The first step is a standard physical exam which often involves a urine analysis and a digital rectal exam, which involves a doctor inserting a finger into the rectum. The physician will assess the size and contour of the prostate and determine if any nodules are present, which may suggest the presence of prostate cancer.

The physician may also assess for tenderness, which can be found when the prostate is inflamed. Tests may be done in the office to assess strength of urine flow or to check for residual urine in the bladder.

Next, doctors may run one or several tests to make an accurate diagnosis. These can include a PSA blood test, urodynamic tests , cystoscopy and transrectal ultrasound .

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Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate And Ed

While an enlarged prostate can cause ED, there are treatment options available to you to facilitate normal sexual function. Luckily many forms of enlarged prostate-associated erectile dysfunction are treatable, and by tackling the underlying problem of an enlarged prostate, many men can restore or greatly improve their sexual performance.

When To See A Doctor

If you don’t see a reduction in symptoms or if your symptoms worsen, you may need to undergo a different treatment plan.

Prescription Medications

The first higher-level treatment is to begin taking prescription drugs for an enlarged prostate. One class of medication is an alpha blocker. These medications, such as Flomax, Rapaflo, and Cardura, work by relaxing the affected muscles around the prostate to encourage urine flow.

Another type of medication is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Examples of these medications include Proscar and Avodart, which are long-term medications that help to block the production of dihydrotestosterone and shrink the size of the prostate.

Surgery and Minimally Invasive Procedures

For moderate to severe BPH, you may need a medical procedure to relieve your symptoms. There are a variety of procedures, including laser therapy, microwave heat, or prostate tissue compression. Partial prostate removal and full removal are more invasive but may be necessary for extremely large prostate glands.

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Signs Of Prostate Problems

There are many things that can tip you off that your prostate needs some healing. Some common signs of prostate problems include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Reduced force of urine stream
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Inability to urinate at all
  • Low sex drive
  • Balding

Do these resonate with you? If so, look into the following natural remedies so you can heal your prostate.

Derek Henry is the real deal! He just helped me take my PSA numbers from 10.6 to 0.6 in about 6 weeks! Believe me 2 months ago I hardly even knew was a prostate was, let alone high PSA! Its amazing how your body can heal with the right nutrition and proper guidance. If you have any type of health issues, Derek is your man!Joe L. Carlsbad, CA

A Guide To Prostate Massage

How to Treat an Enlarged Prostate Naturally – Enlarged Prostate Cure

Caitilin Kelly, MD, is a clinical physician at Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital and is board-certified in internal medicine.

Prostate massage is a procedure in which a finger is inserted into the rectum to stimulate the prostate gland. The goal is to release excess seminal fluidthe fluid that mixes with sperm to create semenfrom the ducts of the prostate gland.

Alternative medical practitioners claim that prostate massage can ease prostate inflammation while alleviating pressure on the urinary tract. Among the conditions prostate massage is said to treat are:

Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation to help achieve arousal, enhance an erection, or relax the rectum in advance of anal sex.

This article will discuss the medical and sexual purposes of prostate massage. It also covers how the procedure is done, along with the risks and side effects that may come with it.

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Natural Ways To Treat An Enlarged Prostate

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland are most of often mild at first, but usually will get more bothersome over time. It’s very reasonable and safe to just keep an eye on it until it becomes bothersome enough to justify further treatment.

If the symptoms are getting worse, you and your doctor can then discuss medications. If you begin to have serious complications like urinary retention, it may be time to have a surgical procedure.

In follow-up visits every six to twelve months, your primary care doctor or urologist will measure your symptoms and perform a physical exam . He or she may also do a bladder scan after you use the bathroom to urinate to be sure your bladder is emptying as it should. This test measures what is called “post void residual.”

Your doctor also may order blood and urine tests. Blood tests could include a blood urea nitrogen and creatinine to check your kidney function and a prostate specific antigen . He or she might also ask for a urine sample to be sure there is not any prostate inflammation or infection.

Large Prostate With Few Symptoms

Patients with very enlarged prostates may have few symptoms or mild symptoms. Doctors verify that there are no problems with kidney or bladder function. If not, they know that the enlarged prostate is not harming the body. In this case, doctors may recommend just watching the prostate or doing non-surgical treatments. Options include changing certain eating and drinking habits and urinating less often. Patients can take medications that relax the prostate, such as tamsulosin, or shrink the prostate, such as finasteride or dutasteride. Patients also may try supplements like saw palmetto to help their symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Prostate Cancer And Urinary Incontinence

What Are The Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can block the urethra and impair bladder function. Symptoms that may indicate this is happening include:

  • Urinating many times a day and being unable to hold off urination
  • Problems starting a urine stream or a weak or interrupted stream, followed by dribbling at the end
  • Waking at night to urinate and accidental loss of urine

How To Stimulate Prostate For Maximum Pleasure

6 effective home remedies to treat prostate enlargement ...

There are a number of ways to achieve the goal. Here is how you should proceed for maximum effects.

Step 1: Prepare the Things That You Need

You need to pay attention to certain things before you even think of stimulating your prostate internally or externally. If you are have someone massaging it for you, then he/she should make the preparations. For instance:

  • You should trim your nails and use a filer to get rid of any sharp edges. You will be using your finger to learn how to stimulate prostate and sharp nails can hurt your sensitive tissues.
  • You should wash your hands thoroughly using an antiseptic solution to reduce the chances of infection.
  • You should get a good quality lube and lubricate your hand properly. You may even consider lubricating the anus.
  • You should spend some time massaging your perineum and anus from the outside before taking it to the next step.

Step 2: Prepare your Body and Sexual Organs

You need to understand that rushing through things may lead to complications. You need to be patient and always start with an external massage. The perineum, the area located between the anus sand the scrotum, should be massaged lighting from the outside. Even though you dont feel your prostate when massaging the perineum, youre still giving a massage to your prostate in an indirect way. Maintain a rhythmic, circular motion when massaging the anus it is fine to gently push on your anus without inserting your finger in for now.

Step 3: Find the Prostate

Also Check: How To Shrink Prostate Gland

Best Prostate Massagers Will Hit Your Spot Perfectly

Best Prostate Massagers Review: When you hear the phrasemale sex toy, then you probably think about fleshlights and maybe even gender dolls. But theres still another form of male sex toy that is starting to find more attention these days: the prostate massager. Comfortability of butt play has been endorsed by both direct and bisexual men and due to this relief, the scientists have been motivated to bring a huge diversity in prostate massagers technology than it was conjectured previously..

The regular prostate stimulation, in men, has ended up having a fitter prostate gland than those men who dont and it also has helped them to understand how they can have the pleasure of multiple orgasms, one after the other. Adding more to it, it can be effective in both ways, either doing solo or with a mate.

In this article, we shall have a look at our favorite brands, and we shall also try to discuss some dos and donts for noobies. Before starting the review of prostate massagers, let us make you guys aware of how this is going to work.

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How Does Prostate Growth Occur

One of the central and important body organs in the male reproductive system is the prostate. It is located below the bladder and borders the urethra. The prostate takes urine from the bladder. Its function is to assist in making fluid in the semen, which bears sperm from the testicles. After men age, the size of the prostate goes from a walnut to an apricot.

The prostate gland goes through two stages of growth. The first is when you are in your teen years. During this time, it grows bigger by two sizes than it is. After twenty-five years, it grows more, although it turns out to be a complication if the growth continues. It is termed prostate enlargement, which exhibits negative implications on prostate functions.

Prostate growing is a noncancerous disease. The tissue layer that borders the prostate stops it from external growth. It results in the prostate gland thrusting the urethra. But, there are natural remedies for enlarged prostate.

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Traditional Treatments For Bph

Until recently, treatments for BPH were limited to medications such as alpha blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors or surgical procedures such as transurethral resection of the prostate . In TURP, a surgical instrument is inserted into the tip of the penis and then used to trim and remove excess prostate tissue.

There are pros and cons to both treatment approaches.

Medications can help relieve symptoms and reduce the size of the prostate. However, the medications can have unpleasant side effects, including chronic stuffy nose, lightheadedness and loss of libido.

In comparison, TURP surgery is better at improving symptoms more quickly. But in some cases, a prostate is too large to be removed through a TURP procedure. TURP also carries a risk of causing new problems such as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation .

How To Prevent Prostate Cancer Naturally

3 Easy Ways To Shrink An Enlarged Prostate Naturally

Follow these prostate cancer prevention tips:

#1. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle ideally protects you from various diseases, including prostate cancer.

Hence, smoking and drinking should be avoided as much as one can do!

In fact, smoking is one of the major causes responsible for the widespread menace of cancer.

Hence its ideal to stay away from smoking.

And that is, obviously, independent of the fact whether celibacy can cause prostate cancer or not.

#2. Following a Proper Meal Plan

A healthy diet rich in fruits and veggies and low in refined foods is ideal for a healthy prostate.

It protects as well as promotes the healthy functioning of your gland.

According to experts, you can have a diet plan containing whole grains, fruits, veggies, tomatoes, and yogurt.

#3. Do Not Use Supplements

People usually prefer going for nutrient supplements or for supplements that boost performance.

But such supplements may have a negative impact on your glands increasing the risk of prostate cancer.

Hence, try taking foods rich in specific nutrients instead of supplements.

#4. Using Medicines Right

People often skip the medications or overdo them the wrong way.

Apart from this, it has also been seen that people take medicines without proper consultation.

For example, long usage of aspirin.

Such practices harm your glands.

#5. Have More Sex and Masturbate Less

Ejaculatory frequency has a controversial link with reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

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Bph Prostate Health And Lifestyle

As with any condition, minimizing stress, clocking a good nightâs sleep, avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy BMI and exercising regularly will benefit your prostate health.

âAnything that’s good for your heart and good for your brain is also good for your prostate,âsays Dr. Feller.

âSome people kind of joke around that if it’s good for the big brain, it’s also good for the little brain.â

However you choose to proceed with your prostate care, the good news is that BPH is a manageable condition, and that whether you choose medicine, surgery or natural therapies, a better quality of life is possible.

Does Masturbation Improve Prostate Health

ByRajgopal Venkataraman | Submitted On July 23, 2008

Masturbation has been long associated with numerous myths and it is often a taboo subject in many parts of the world. It is as if humans are meant to derive pleasure from others and not on their own!

The world of sex has undergone paradigm shifts and masturbation is today viewed as a channel for stress relief, a tool for sexual stimulation and an outlet for a better prostate health. There is a definite risk of sexually transmitted diseases and infections during sexual intercourse and masturbation is free from these dangerous consequences of sexual intercourse.

Hitherto masturbation was wrongly associated with an enlarged prostate. Research has shown a positive correlation between increased frequency of ejaculations and good prostate health. The prostate contributes to a major share of the volume of the semen. Animal studies have shown that carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and environmental toxins concentrate in the prostatic fluid and the more often one flushes out the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts the less are the chances of cancer of the prostate.

So go ahead, please yourself! Preventing prostate cancer and prostate enlargements can be a truly pleasurable experience!

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What Causes An Enlarged Prostate

Ask a doctor and he will tell you it just happens in men over 50. No reason just men ageing. Personally I think that is total rubbish. It is a whole other blog post on the causes for enlarged prostate but I will summarise my opinion here. Diet. Thats it. Your diet. If I can have an enlarged prostate and reverse that by eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, juicing, fasting etc then why cant any other man? Thing is most doctors will tell you it cant be reversed. They would rather convince you to have surgery or take Big Pharmas expensive pills for the rest of your life.

If you are eating lots of processed junky food, drinking alcohol heavily and smoking for example your health will suffer big time. That is common sense. What caused my prostate issues? Please read on.


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