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How Do You Know If You Have Prostate Problems

Prostate Problem Warning Signs

Enlarged Prostate – What You Need To Know

At Advanced Urology Institute, we frequently see first-time visitors with symptoms of advanced stage prostate problems. For us, that is quite heartbreaking because it means the patients come too late, when only limited treatment options are available for their conditions.

As urologists, we always want the best for our patients. We want to see them leave when they can pee better and are free from the embarrassment of accidental urine leaks. And because early detection and treatment of prostate problems whether prostate cancer or non-cancerous condition improve the chances of cure and of long-term survival, we always encourage men to be more mindful of their bodies, especially when it comes to their urinary function and habits. By doing that, they are able to detect warning signs of prostate issues early and can seek treatment.

Warnings signs of prostate problems include:

  • Frequent urination or frequent urge to pass urine.
  • Passing urine more often than usual, particularly at night.
  • Pain, discomfort or burning sensation when passing urine.
  • Dribbling urine
  • Weak or interrupted urine streams.
  • Accidental urine leakage.
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Frequent stiffness or pain in your lower back, rectal area, hips, upper thighs or pelvic area.
  • Difficulty or inability to urinate
  • Trouble with starting or stopping your urine stream.
  • Painful ejaculation
  • A feeling that you arent able to empty your bladder completely.
  • Swelling of lower extremities.
  • What Is An Enlarged Prostate

    Your prostate gland is located underneath your bladder and urethra. When you pee, your bladder pushes its contents into the prostate and then into the urethra, the tube through which urine exits your body.

    The opening within the prostate acts as a continence mechanism, says Dr. Ramin, so you only pee when you want to. Without your prostate, youd likely be dealing with urine leaking out of the bladder and incontinence issues.

    What Are The Complications Of Prostatitis

    • abscess of the prostate gland,
    • spreading of the infection to the blood stream , and rarely
    • death.

    Prostatitis can elevate the PSA level. There is no evidence that prostatitis leads to prostate cancer. If the acute inflammation/episode of prostatitis has resolved, the PSA level will usually return to baseline levels.

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    Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

    Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

    • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
    • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
    • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a man’s relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
    • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

    Other Conditions That Can Cause Urinary Symptoms

    Cause of Prostate Cancer
    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH is when the prostate gland grows larger. BPH is common in middle-aged and elderly men because the prostate gland often gets bigger as you get older. BPH is not cancerous but it may cause prostate urinary symptoms.
    • ProstatitisProstatitis means that the prostate gland has become inflamed. It can be caused by an infection in the prostate gland. It is not a form of prostate cancer. Symptoms can include pain in your testicles, pain when passing urine or an uncomfortable feeling when sitting down.

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    Signs And Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

    An enlarged prostate presses, pinches or causes a blockage in the urethra. The urethra carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. The direct effects of an enlarged prostate are manifested by difficulty in the discharge of urine. These difficulties could be in the form of:

    1. Frequent and sudden urges to discharge urine

    2. Difficulty starting a urine stream

    3. Weak urine stream and

    4. Dribbling urine.

    If left untreated, the effects of an enlarged prostate can cause the following complications:

    1. Acute Urine retention. This is a complete inability to pass urine. Medical attention must be sought immediately if this occurs

    2. Urinary tract infections

    Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is the enlargement of the prostate gland. About half of men over age 75 will experience symptoms of BPH. BPH is a very minor condition and is not related to prostate cancer. However, symptoms can cause discomfort and be inconvenient.

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    Tests At The Hospital

    Your GP will refer you to hospital if they think you need more tests. You may have tests at a Rapid Access Prostate Clinic. These are special clinics set up to reduce waiting times for prostate cancer testing. Find out more about Rapid Access Prostate Clinics.

    Tests you might have include:

    • Mp-MRI This is a type of MRI scan that creates more detailed pictures of your prostate than a standard MRI. It may be done before you have a biopsy to help your doctors decide where to take samples of cells from.
    • Trans-rectal ultrasound An ultrasound probe is put into your back passage. It uses sound waves to produce pictures of your prostate.
    • Prostate biopsy A sample of the cells is taken from the prostate through your back passage using a needle. The cells are looked at under a microscope in the lab to see if there are any cancer cells. The biopsy can be done during the TRUS.
    • Template biopsyA template biopsy takes more samples than a TRUS biopsy. It is done through the skin between your testicles and back passage . You doctor may recommend this test if your biopsy results show no sign of cancer but your doctor is still suspicious.

    A urologist is a doctor who specialises in treating prostate, bladder and kidney problems.

    Causes And Signs Of Prostate Problems In Dogs

    How do I know whether I have aggressive prostate cancer?

    An enlarged prostate is a common condition that affects men in their senior years. But men are not the exception because male dogs and other male mammals all have prostate and can thus suffer from prostate problems. These problems are mostly common in older non-fixed male dogs.

    While enlarged prostate in dogs can be a health condition itself, it can also be a symptom of some other prostate disease. In this article, we will take a closer look at the prostate, the common symptoms of prostate problems in dogs, and what you can do to prevent or fix these issues.

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    Advanced Prostate Cancer Symptoms

    Men with advanced prostate cancer may experience additional symptoms. Thats because the cancer has spread from the prostate to other parts of the body, such as the bones or lymph nodes.

    A wide range of treatment options are available for managing advanced cancer. These treatments kill cancer cells, but they may also help patients manage pain.

    Signs of metastatic prostate cancer may include:

    • Swelling in legs or pelvic area
    • Numbness or pain in the hips, legs or feet
    • Bone pain that persists or leads to fractures

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    How Is Bph Diagnosed And Evaluated

    Early diagnosis of BPH is important because if left untreated it can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones and incontinence. Distinguishing BPH from more serious diseases like prostate cancer is important.

    Tests vary from patient to patient, but the following are the most common:

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    Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

    Though early warning signs of prostate cancer are rare, sometimes men experience symptoms before they are diagnosed. The severity of symptoms may depend on where the cancer is located in the prostate and how advanced it has become. However, having any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer or that the disease has progressed beyond its early stages.

    Sign : Hesitancy To Start Urinating

    What are the symptoms of prostate cancer in men?

    It sometimes happens. You go to urinate, and nothing comes out immediately. However, if it occurs regularly, something might be amiss.

    When the prostate pushes too much against the urethra, the narrowed tube can prevent you from even starting. You stand there ready, yet it takes a while to get going. This is particularly frustrating if it has happened when youve urgently wanted to go.

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    Deciding If You Need A Prostate Screening

  • 1Determine the necessity of a screening based on your age. The American Cancer Society suggests a yearly prostate screening for all men age 50 and over. However, select circumstances may warrant screenings beginning at an earlier age. These include:XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Cancer SocietyNonprofit devoted to promoting cancer research, education, and supportGo to source
  • Age 40 for men with more than one first-degree relative who had prostate cancer before age 65.
  • Age 45 for men with a single first-degree relative who had prostate cancer before age 65.
  • Age 45 for African American men due to carrying a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • 2Note any symptoms associated with your urinary system. Problems associated with your bladder, urethra, and penis can all potentially have ties to prostate problems.XExpert SourceRobert Dhir, MDBoard Certified Urologist & Urological SurgeonExpert Interview. 23 September 2020. Due to the proximity of the prostate to these systems it can grow and press against them causing dysfunction. With prostate issues you may experience the following:XResearch sourceBickley, Lynn S. Techniques of Examination. Chapter 15 The anus, rectum and prostate. Bates Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. sixth edition. P 262-264. © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health- Lippincott Williams & amp Wilkins.
  • Slow or weak urine streams
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Lower back pain
  • A biopsy may also be necessary to confirm or rule out cancer.
  • Genetic Testing For Prostate Cancer

    You may hear a lot about genetics or genomics. Both terms are related to genes and cell DNA, but they are different. These tests are being used to learn more about the DNA of cancer cells, and link DNA mutations with treatments. In the future, genetic testing may be the first step doctors take when diagnosing prostate cancer.

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    Sign : Frequent Urge To Urinate

    You feel sudden urges to go anytime, even if you have little or no urine in your bladder. The urge may be so strong that you feel like you cant hold it until youre in the bathroom.

    These urges can significantly impact your life. If you wake up to go 2-3 times or more per night because of them, you could suffer from fatigue, loss of focus, moodiness, and lack of energy.

    What Kind Of Treatment Will I Need

    4 Things to Avoid if You Have an Enlarged Prostate â Dr. Berg

    There are many ways to treat prostate cancer. The main kinds of treatment are observation, active surveillance, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, and chemo. Sometimes more than one kind of treatment is used.

    The treatment thats best for you will depend on:

    • Your age
    • Any other health problems you might have
    • The stage and grade of the cancer
    • Your feelings about the need to treat the cancer
    • The chance that treatment will cure the cancer or help in some way
    • Your feelings about the side effects that might come with treatment

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    Do Prostate Problems Cause Other Problems

    Yes, a prostate problem may cause other problems, such as

    • problems having sex
    • feeling stressed due to chronic pain
    • inflammation in areas near your prostate
    • bladder stones
    • kidney failure

    Which problem you may get depends on the type of prostate problem you have. Other problems may vary from man to man for each type of prostate problem.

    Drugs To Treat Cancer Spread To Bone

    If prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it almost always goes to the bones first. These areas of cancer spread can cause pain and weak bones that might break. Medicines that can help strengthen the bones and lower the chance of fracture are bisphosphonates and denosumab. Sometimes, radiation, radiopharmaceuticals, or pain medicines are given for pain control.

    Side effects of bone medicines

    A serious side effect of bisphosphonates and denosumab is damage to the jaw, also called osteonecrosis of the jaw . Most people will need to get approval from their dentist before starting one of these drugs.

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    Should I Be Screened For Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer screening is controversial. Some doctors and organizations recommend regular screening while others don’t.

    The American Cancer Society says men should talk to their doctors about the benefits, risks, and limitations of prostate cancer screening before deciding whether to be tested. The group’s guidelines make it clear that prostate-specific antigen blood testing should not occur unless this discussion happens. The discussion about screening should start at age 50 for most men with average risk for prostate cancer and earlier for men at higher risk.

    The American Urological Association recommends that men ages 55 to 69 who are considering screening should talk with their doctors about the risks and benefits of testing and proceed based on their personal values and preferences. The group also adds:

    • PSA screening in men under age 40 is not recommended.
    • Routine screening in men between ages 40 and 54 at average risk is not recommended.
    • To reduce the harms of screening, a routine screening interval of two years or more may be preferred over annual screening in those men who have decided on screening after a discussion with their doctor. As compared to annual screening, it is expected that screening intervals of two years preserve the majority of the benefits and reduce over diagnosis and false positives.
    • Routine PSA screening is not recommended in men over age 70 or any man with less than a 10-15 year life expectancy.

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    With A Massager Strap

    UroLift Procedure for BPH (Enlarged Prostate)

    If youre playing with sex toys, you can really mix it up by playing with the different vibration settings, as well as pressure and depth.

    • Pressure. Controlling pressure when using a toy is easier, especially when youre playing solo. Try pressing the toy against the prostate using more or less pressure till you find your sweet spot.
    • Depth. Depth is another area where toys win out since reaching can make it hard to go deep, if thats what you crave. Try different sized anal toys or get a longer one that you can insert as deep as your bottom desires.
    • Vibrations. You can buy prostate massagers that offer up multiple speed and pulse settings. Play with the different settings to find your preference. Up the vibes as you get closer to orgasm.
    • Sensation. Some prostate massagers have an attached external stimulator to give your perineum some sweet lovin while the other end penetrates. Who doesnt love a hard worker?

    Want a little more?

    If your partner has a penis, you can kick things up a notch with penis-in-anus penetration. Prostate stimulation for you, penile stimulation for them and a happy ending for you both.

    Different positions can make reaching and pleasuring the prostate easier. These positions work for external and internal prostate stimulation, alone and with a partner.

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    What Are The Stages Of Prostate Cancer

    Your healthcare provider uses the Gleason score and Grade Groups to stage prostate cancer based on its projected aggressiveness. To get this information, the pathologist:

    • Assigns a grade to each type of cell in your sample. Cells are graded on a scale of three to five . Samples that test in the one to two range are considered normal tissue.
    • Adds together the two most common grades to get your Gleason score .
    • Uses the Gleason score to place you into a Grade Group ranging from one to five. A Gleason score of six puts you in Grade Group 1 . A score of nine or higher puts you in Grade Group five . Samples with a higher portion of more aggressive cells receive a higher Grade Group.

    Symptoms Of Prostate Disease

    In its earliest stages, prostate disease may or may not be associated with symptoms. The symptoms of prostate disease depend on the condition, but may include:

    • difficulties urinating, such as trouble starting the flow of urine
    • the urge to urinate often, particularly at night
    • feeling as though the bladder can’t be fully emptied
    • painful urination
    • blood in the urine or blood coming from the urethra independent of urination.

    Blood in the urine is often due to causes not related to the prostate. Always see your doctor if you find blood in your urine.

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    Talking With Your Doctor

    Different kinds of doctors and other health care professionals manage prostate health. They can help you find the best care, answer your questions, and address your concerns. These health care professionals include:

    • Family doctors and internists
    • Physician assistants and nurse practitioners
    • Urologists, who are experts in diseases of the urinary tract system and the male reproductive system
    • Urologic oncologists, who are experts in treating cancers of the urinary system and the male reproductive system
    • Radiation oncologists, who use radiation therapy to treat cancer
    • Medical oncologists, who treat cancer with medications such as hormone treatments and chemotherapy
    • Pathologists, who identify diseases by studying cells and tissues under a microscope

    View these professionals as your partnersâexpert advisors and helpers in your health care. Talking openly with your doctors can help you learn more about your prostate changes and the tests to expect.


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