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HomeFoodFoods That Irritate The Prostate Gland

Foods That Irritate The Prostate Gland

How Your Diet Promotes A Healthy Prostate

Beverages to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The Mediterranean Diet has a strong association between lowering cancer risk and preventing heart disease. This is attributed to the fact that this diet is focused on whole foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans while also focusing on healthy unsaturated fats from plants. With this style of eating, theres also an emphasis on decreasing processed or refined foods along with lowering intake of red meat or processed red meats. It allows alcohol in moderation and its focus on whole foods supports adequate fiber intake. It also allows for a wide range of foods, which means its more of a lifestyle rather than just a fad diet.

RELATED: How the Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Since this style of eating has a positive impact on cancer prevention, adopting healthy eating habits now could help prevent prostate problems down the road. Some nutrients and vitamins can have a very positive effect on the health of your prostate. Making sure youre getting the right nutrients as part of a balanced diet can play an important role in the health of your prostate.

Prostate Cancer Prevention Tips

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. Healthy eating is one example of how prostate cancer may be prevented and, in turn, how you can help keep your sex life humming along. According to Prostate Cancer Canada, a diet high in red meat or full-fat dairy products and low in fruits and vegetables seems to increase the risk of the disease. So theres one cancer-preventing tip already. Out with the Philly cheesesteak sandwiches and meat-lovers pizza, and in with the apples and asparagus!

Foods To Avoid When You Have An Enlarged Prostate

When most men reach middle age, their prostate gland begins to expand. Often, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia may occur. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate gland. BPH typically begins in a man’s 30s, slowly evolves, and usually only causes symptoms after he turns 50. In some men, it doesn’t ever become a problem, but for many men this condition causes much discomfort and needs to be treated.

Symptoms include difficulty urinating, increased urination and weak urination streams. There can be other symptoms such as pain during urination, depending on the individual. Many men with BPH may find that certain foods can aggravate or trigger their symptoms. Lets look into what foods you may wish to avoid, and which may help. You should also use the process of elimination to see how different foods affect you.

Foods to Avoid

Some foods may cause a strong reaction or flare-up of enlarged prostate symptoms. These foods may contain tyramines, vaso-active amines, and/or MSG.

Spicy Food

Spicy and acidic foods bother many men with enlarged prostates. If you notice more problems after eating chili, hot pepper sauce or other spicy or acidic foods, then youre among those men and you should tone it down.


· Blue-veined such as Roquefort, Stilton, Gorgonzola, Oregon blue, Maytag blue and French Bleus


· Citrus *the exception is pink grapefruit

· Bananas

BPH symptoms may also be aggravated by soups.

Foods that can help

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How To Add More Legumes And Soybeans To Your Diet

To add more legumes and soybeans to your diet, consider swapping meat for plant protein in at least some meals. This could mean trying Meatless Mondays or moving toward a plant-based diet.

Try making a black bean burger with lots of veggies. Alternatively, homemade hummus made with blended chickpeas makes a delicious dip for vegetables or whole grain bread.

Finally, tofu is an excellent source of soy. Try flavoring tofu with sauces and baking it or browning it on the stove, or adding it to stir-fries.


The Mediterranean Diet For Prostate Health

Is Salt, Coffee &  Sugar Bad for Prostate Problems?

The Mediterranean diet for prostate health incorporates the traditional healthy living habits of people from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Italy, France, Greece, and Spain.

A large fraction of Mediterranean cuisines are generally based mainly on vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, cereal grains, olive oil, and fish.

It is a diet that has been associated with good health, including a healthier heart.

A 2013 study found that people following a Mediterranean diet had a 30% lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Large sums of fruit and vegetables.
  • More fish.
  • Less meat.
  • Products made from vegetable and plant oils, such as olive oil.

Many of you are aware that we strongly advocate a ketogenic diet for men with prostate cancer and metabolic disease.

However, we also know that many men struggle with the ketogenic diet or that it is not practical for some.

The Mediterranean or Paleo Diet is the best alternative option for men who cannot maintain the ketogenic diet.

Therefore, below, I explain everything you need to know about The Mediterranean Diet.

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How Does Diet Affect Prostatitis

Diet is the cornerstone of good health, and although no single diet for prostatitis has been established, many studies have shown that certain foods and drinks can trigger symptoms.

A study in Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice reviewed 2,385 patients with symptoms of prostatitis or the urethral syndrome.All patients were treated with a strict diet, which eliminated caffeine, alcohol, and hot, spicy foods for 12 weeks. Overall, the results showed an 87% success rate in men and an 89% success rate in women after 12 weeks of dietary treatment only.

Further, spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol were again identified as symptom aggregators in a 2013 study. The study in the Journal of Urology found that about half of 95 CP/CPPS patients surveyed reported that certain foods and beverages aggravated their symptoms.These include spicy foods , coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages.

It was also determined that water, herbal teas, fiber, and stool softeners alleviate symptoms. Experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids and eating high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Is It Easy To Orgasm This Way

Lets say it may take some practice and patience.

Actual clinical research on prostate-induced orgasms is seriously lacking, so we dont know how common it is or if its possible for everyone with a prostate to have this type of orgasm.

Every body is different, so some experimenting to see what feels good is in order. If you do manage to have one, reproducing it will be easy.

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Lentil Walnut Bolognese With Spaghetti

This recipe was specially crafted to support cancer prevention and survival. It adheres to . Learn more about our .

Tomato products provide just the right amount of pizzazz to pasta recipes, such as this hearty, plant-based spaghetti dish. The deep red color of tomatoes is a calling card for lycopenethe plant compound linked with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. In fact, lycopene is better absorbed by the body in its cooked form, such as cooked pasta sauce, canned tomatoes and tomato paste. Including this healthy plant food in your diet more often is linked with prostate cancer protection. Eating more pulsesbeans, lentils, dried peasis a healthy, cancer-fighting strategy, too. In this easy, one-dish meal, you swap out a traditional meat-based sauce for a tomato, lentil and walnut Bolognese sauce over spaghetti.

Also Check: How To Heal Enlarged Prostate

Foods To Eat And Avoid To Prevent An Enlarged Prostate

How to Lower PSA Levels Naturally | Reduce Prostate INFLAMMATION Naturally

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

As we get older, our bodies can sometimes become more susceptible to certain perilstake for example an enlarged prostate.

Fifty percent of men who are over the age of 60, and 95% of men over the age of 85, suffer from an enlarged prostate gland or benign prostatic hyperplasia . BPH typically occurs as a man agesthe prostate gland can enlarge and compress the urethra, obstructing the flow of urine.

In men, urine flows from the bladder through to the urethra. BPH blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells will slowly begin to multiply, creating an enlargement that places pressure on the urethra . The bladder needs to use more force to push urine through the body as the urethra narrows.

Eventually, the bladder muscle will become stronger and thicker, yet much more sensitive, resulting in the need to urinate frequently. Since the bladder muscle cant overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra, urine remains in the bladder and is not completely emptied.

Youre probably asking: What can I do to prevent an enlarged prostate?

I have good news for you: If you follow a diet that is rich in certain vitamins and minerals, you can keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk of developing BPH.

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Five Foods To Protect Your Prostate

Good news if youre worried about your prostate health: What you eat can make a difference. There is plenty of strong evidence that good nutrition and an active lifestyle can reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer and slow its progression, says Mitchell Sokoloff M.D., Chair of the Department of Urology and Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

There are a few categorical changes you can make to your diet that make a big difference in overall health, as well as prostate health. What you eat can potentially disadvantage your prostate health e.g. foods you might want to avoid or protect the prostate in various ways. The Science of Living Well, Beyond Cancer recommends a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein . Some might refer to this as a version of the Mediterranean Diet. PCF-funded epidemiologist Lorelei Mucci, M.P.H., Sc.D., at Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health notes that people in Mediterranean countries not only eat more vegetables and fruits they also eat less fatty foods, processed food, and red meat categories that can increase insulin resistance, increase inflammation, raise cardiovascular risk and be a part of a dietary pattern that may increase obesity, as well.

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Foods To Avoid: Sugary Foods

Refined sugar is another no-go for those with prostate problems as this can increase inflammation.

Sugar is abundant in some obvious sources such as fizzy juice and cake, but don’t forget it is also added to processed foods to give them extra flavour. This includes ready meals, crisps, some cereals, white bread and ready-made sauces. You could try cutting down your intake of these things in order to reduce the pressure on your prostate.

They say fresh is best for a reason, so try swapping these processed foods for wholegrain products, fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Not only are these better for the prostate, they are also highly nutritious and healthy too!

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How Sugar Causes Cancer

The body is not designed to eat sugar in the quantities we give it today. Just a hundred years ago, the average person ate 10 times less sugar than what we eat today. Several centuries back, even eating the fruit was considered a sweet and rare treat.

While honey was available in many countries, it was not added to every food like sugar is today. Since the body is not designed to handle large doses of sugar, it is harder to process. When we use sugar, it is processed with more reactive oxygen, creating free radicals.

Free radical damage can cause mitochondrial disruption, DNA damage, and impairment in cells and proteins. A large number of free radicals in the body are linked with the increased spread and development of cancer. Additional studies indicate that obesity also causes more free radical damage in the body, which means both eating sugar and gaining weight increases cancer risk.

Over 1 Million Participants

salty and spicy foods to avoid for enlarged prostate

Two researchers independently reviewed the relevant literature that is available. After discussing their reviews, they decided to include 16 studies in their meta-analysis. The studies collectively involved 1,081,586 men. Of them, 57,732 developed prostate cancer.

In the studies, the participants self-reported their coffee consumption. As many as 15 of the studies compared the highest level of coffee consumption with the lowest level.

However, the amount of coffee consumption these categories represented varied from two to nine cups for the highest category, to none to one for the lowest.

After analyzing the data across the studies, the researchers found that the highest category of coffee consumption was associated with a 9% decrease in the risk of prostate cancer when compared with the lowest category.

Each single cup of coffee was associated with a 1% decrease in prostate cancer risk.

More specifically, the researchers found that localized prostate cancer cancer that has not spread to another part of a persons body was 7% less likely to develop in the highest category of coffee consumption compared with the lowest.

For advanced prostate cancer, the highest category of coffee consumption was associated with a 12% reduction in risk compared with the lowest. For fatal prostate cancer, the highest category was associated with a 16% reduction in risk compared with the lowest.

Dr. Kefeng Wang, of China Medical University in Shenyang, and his co-authors explain:

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Diet And Prostate Cancer

We are what we eat this is a phrase that has become quite popular, yet many people fail to realize how true it is. While many references to the phrase relate to evolution, the foods we eat ultimately contribute to good or bad health.

Certain foods can contribute to low-grade inflammation, obesity, and even the development of cancer. Some experts believe that a poor diet is behind some of the most common chronic diseases.

With this in mind, we should consider a possible relationship between diet and prostate cancer. With the right diet, the body gains access to the nutrients it needs to function properly. This type of diet would also reduce exposure to chemicals that may lead to the growth of cancerous cells.

Sugar And Artificial Sweeteners

Sugar has not been proven to be a direct cause of cancer of the prostate or otherwise. But there are very solid arguments for leaving it out of your diet.

The link between excessive consumption of sugar and the onset of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes has long been established, and the health problems that these conditions cause can be ruinous for the individual involved.

Additionally, in 2009, the Huntsman Cancer Institute released findings that illustrated how cancerous tumor cells use sugar in much greater quantities than normal cells.

The findings seemed to confirm that extra sugar and sweeteners were best left alone for the maintenance of robust health.

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What Is The Prostate

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to make a fluid that goes into semen. Prostate fluid is essential for a mans fertility. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The bladder and urethra are parts of the lower urinary tract. The prostate has two or more lobes, or sections, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue, and it is in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis.

Diet & Exercise Tips For Prostate Health

Foods to Avoid for Enlarged Prostate Prevent Cancer Urinary Incontinence

“What can I eat to reduce my risk of developing prostate cancer?” This is one of the most common questions physicians hear from men concerned about prostate health. Undoubtedly, many hope that their doctor will rattle off a list of foods guaranteed to shield them from disease. Although some foods have been linked with reduced risk of prostate cancer, proof that they really work is lacking, at least for now.

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How Does The Doctor Know I Have Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer tends to grow slowly over many years. Most men with early prostate cancer dont have changes that they notice. Signs of prostate cancer most often show up later, as the cancer grows.

Some signs of prostate cancer are trouble peeing, blood in the pee , trouble getting an erection, and pain in the back, hips, ribs, or other bones.

If signs are pointing to prostate cancer, tests will be done. Most men will not need all of them, but here are some of the tests you may need:

PSA blood test: PSA is a protein thats made by the prostate gland and can be found in the blood. Prostate cancer can make PSA levels go up. Blood tests will be done to see what your PSA level is and how it changes over time.

Transrectal ultrasound : For this test, a small wand is put into your rectum. It gives off sound waves and picks up the echoes as they bounce off the prostate gland. The echoes are made into a picture on a computer screen.

MRI: This test uses radio waves and strong magnets to make detailed pictures of the body. MRI scans can be used to look at the prostate and can show if the cancer has spread outside the prostate to nearby organs.

Prostate biopsy: For a prostate biopsy, the doctor uses a long, hollow needle to take out small pieces of the prostate where the cancer might be. This is often done while using TRUS or MRI to look at the prostate. The prostate pieces are then checked for cancer cells. Ask the doctor what kind of biopsy you need and how its done.


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