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Fish Oil And Prostate Cancer

Results Are Completely Inconsistent With The Known Biology Pathophysiology And Biochemistry Of Prostate Cancer

Day 2 | Advanced Treatments, LU-177, Extended Q+A | 2022 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference

A fundamental aspect of quality research is consistency, and repeatability.

Stated another way, for a medical finding to be considered valid, the results should not contradict well-established facts involving known biology, physiology, biochemistry, etc. Furthermore, the finding should be repeatable by other scientists.

The report attacking omega-3s is inconsistent with a variety of aspects of the well-established scientific and medical literature.

For example, upon close inspection of the data , non-smokers had more aggressive prostate cancer, and non-drinkers had higher risk of prostate cancer, and prostate cancer case subjects were less likely to report a history of diabetes than controls.

Based upon these results, the implication is that men who wish to avoid prostate cancer should consume excess calories and develop diabetes, drink alcohol heavily, and abuse tobacco.

This is completely inconsistent with well-established science, and utter nonsense.

In fact, numerous scientific studies show fish oil omega-3 fatty acids offer significant protective benefit for prostate health.

Green Tea: Questions And Answers

In This Section
  • What is green tea?

    Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The way tea leaves are processed determines whether green tea, black tea, or oolong tea is made. Green tea is made by steaming and drying the leaves.

    The health benefits studied in green tea are thought to be from compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols are a group of plant chemicals that include catechins . Catechins make up most of the polyphenols in green tea and vary based on the source of the tea leaves and how they are processed. This makes it hard to identify most of the chemical factors linked to the health benefits of green tea.

    Some studies have suggested that green tea may protect against heart and blood vessel disease.

  • How is green tea given or taken?

    People usually drink green tea or take it as a dietary supplement.

  • Have any laboratory or animal studies been done using green tea?

    For information on laboratory and animal studies done using green tea, see the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements.

  • Overall, population studies suggest that green tea may help protect against prostate cancer in Asian populations. Prostate cancer deaths in Asia are among the lowest in the world.
  • Clinical trials

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    In Vitro Cell Culture Experiment

    PC3 and DU145 human prostate cancer cell lines were directly purchased from the ATCC and cultured in EMEM with 20% FBS . TRAMP-C2 cells were obtained from the ATCC and cultured in DMEM media 5% FBS added with 5% NUserum growth medium supplement , 0.03% insulin and 0.01 nmol/L dihydrotestosterone . All cell lines used in experiments were Mycoplasmas-free and regularly tested using PCR. Cells were cultured for 812 passages after been thawed. For cell proliferation assay 12,500 cells/well were seeded in 12-well plates. The day after, cells were treated with 6.12 and 12.5 mol/L MAGEPA and MAGAA along with HOSO and vehicle control . MAGDHA was used at 3 mol/L because cell death was observed at higher concentration. Proliferation was measured by cell count using Cytation-5 scanner plate . For spheroids assay, 1,500 cells were plated on agarose pre-coated 96-well plates to promote cellcell adhesion, plates were swirled and the next day each well contained a single spheroid mass. Tumor spheroid size was assessed via bright field imaging using Zeiss Axio Vert or Motic microscope. Spheroid diameter was measured every 48 hours and media changed at the same frequency. For the endothelial cell tube formation assay, immortalized human umbilical vein endothelial vascular cells cells, kindly provided by Dr. Olivier Barbier , were seeded on Matrigel . HUVECs were incubated with serum-free conditioned media from prostate cancer cells pretreated with MAGEPA or control HOSO.

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    Too Much Of A Good Thing

    There are cases where, at excessive intakes, beneficial nutrient supplements, such as antioxidants, may have detrimental effects.

    But that doesnt explain the present finding. The levels of omega-3 that the prostate cancer study authors refer to are not extreme they can be achieved through consumption of fish alone, without popping capsules.

    The range of omega-3 levels from low risk to high risk as described in the study are within the range attainable by variations in the amount of omega-3 consumed in typical Australian diets.

    While this observation raises concern, theres a lot more we need to understand before we can properly balance the risk-versus-benefit equation for omega-3 consumption.

    In the absence of trials that can demonstrate a causal relationship, we need to have a clearer understanding of possible underlying mechanisms. Its known, for example, that omega-3 oils can influence certain male reproductive mechanisms, such as sperm production and motility, but there is currently no hypothesis to explain how they might influence prostate cancer risk.

    At the same time, evidence is mounting for protective effects of omega-3 consumption in breast and other cancers

    What The Research Says

    Fish Oil and Prostate Cancer

    The jury is still out on whether fish oil is beneficial for prostate cancer prevention and treatment. In fact, some research suggests it could be a factor of increasing risk when it comes to the prostate.

    A 2014 study found a link between consuming omega-3 fatty acids and a higher risk of prostate cancer, but the findings are still preliminary. More research is needed to determine the possible connection between prostate cancer and omega-3s.

    Overall, doctors recommend adding fish oil and other omega-3 fatty acids to your diet because of its effects on heart health and other types of cancer. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and have been thought to ward off certain diseases.

  • Large amounts of fish oil may cause nausea.
  • Ingesting too much may also cause a loose stool.
  • Fish oil can interfere with certain medications.
  • As with any medication or supplement, fish oil isnt for everyone. You shouldnt add fish oil to your diet if youre taking:

    • certain chemotherapy drugs, including ones that are platinum-based
    • glucocorticoids, a type of steroid hormones
    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Fish oil may affect how these medications work and cause more side effects.

    Most people can take fish oil without having any side effects, though side effects are possible. You may experience loose stools and nausea after ingesting large amounts of fish oil.

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    Message For The Clinic

    Great inconsistence in study design limits meta-analysis. When considering fish consumption there is no direct link with prostate cancer incidence but relationships with reduced mortality have been demonstrated.

    Different fish oils present differing results regarding reductions in prostate cancer risk, aggression and mortality, thus more extensive research is required before consideration in nutritional therapy and cancer prevention.

    Is There A Link Between Rancid Fish Oil And Prostate Cancer

    In 2013, a study from Ohio State University found that men with the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood also had the highest risk of getting prostate cancer.

    The national media craze that ensued created a lot of worry about fish oil. And five years later, we still get questions about whether omega-3 supplements are safe for men at risk of getting prostate cancer.

    Here is whats important to know about that Ohio State University study and the more recent findings on prostate cancer and omega-3s:

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    Does Fish Oil Cause Prostate Cancer

    I was very upset to read about the study showing that fish oil raises the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Ive been taking omega-3 supplements for heart health but stopped when I heard the news about its effect on prostate cancer. Whats your take on the study?

    Andrew Weil, M.D. |July 26, 2013

    I know of no reason why you shouldnt resume taking your fish oil supplements. The study in question, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Wash., made headlines and snagged lots of sound bites, but much of the news coverage including that in medical publications did not accurately reflect the findings. Aside from the sensationalist way it was reported, the study itself has serious shortcomings.

    As reported, the study found that men who had high concentrations of omega-3s in their blood had a risk of developing prostate cancer that was 43 percent higher than men who had the lowest blood levels of these fatty acids. Even more alarming was the finding that men with the highest blood levels of omega-3s had a 71 percent higher risk of aggressive, possibly fatal prostate cancer than those with the lowest levels. The study was published online on July 10, 2013, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

    Andrew Weil, M.D.

    Any Verified Invasive Cancer

    Mayo Clinic Explains Prostate Cancer

    Among 2,157 participants and 5,562.4 person-years of follow-up , 119 invasive cancer events were self-reported during the in-person interviews every 3 months . Of those, 29 could not be verified with a medical report, and for three cases, the independent physician committee could not decide if the neoplasm was benign or malignant. Furthermore, for six reported cancer cases, a medical report verified a noncancerous nature of the neoplasm. This left 81 cases with verified invasive cancer for the main intent-to-treat analysis.

    FIGURE 1. Flow chart cancer cases DO-HEALTH.

    Given that there was no significant effect modification of the treatment effects by pre-defined subgroups, we did not proceed with subgroup analyses .

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    Eligibility Criteria And Study Selection

    These excluded studies which did not address human subjects but which examined cell lines or animal models. Studies not relevant to prostate cancer incidence, aggressiveness or mortality were disregarded. Non-original research, editorials and reviews were also excluded. Duplicate findings were eliminated.

    The Link Between Omega 3 And Prostate Cancer

    The study was conducted by researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Ohio State University, who set out to look at the correlation between Omega 3 levels and the risk of prostate cancer.

    Through a case-control study, comparing blood samples from 834 men diagnosed with prostate cancer with those from 1,393 men not diagnosed with the disease, the study found that there was an increased risk of prostate cancer among men with high blood concentrations of Omega 3 fats, resulting in the following:

    • 44% increased the risk of low-grade prostate cancer
    • 71% increased the risk of high-grade prostate cancer
    • 43% increased the risk of total prostate cancer

    But dont panic!

    It is also important to know that this is just one study, and there are several other studies that suggest fish oil is actually linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer.

    Although the results of this study may have you throwing away your fish oil capsules, it should be noted that there are several inconsistencies.

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    Combined Vitamin D Omega

    Objective: The aim of this study was to test the individual and combined benefit of vitamin D, omega-3, and a simple home strength exercise program on the risk of any invasive cancer.

    Design: The DO-HEALTH trial is a three-year, multicenter, 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design double-blind, randomized-controlled trial to test the individual and combined benefit of three public health interventions.

    Setting: The trial was conducted between December 2012 and December 2017 in five European countries.

    Participants: Generally healthy community-dwelling adults 70 years were recruited.

    Interventions: Supplemental 2000 IU/day of vitamin D3, and/or 1 g/day of marine omega-3s, and/or a simple home strength exercise programme compared to placebo and control exercise.

    Main outcome: In this pre-defined exploratory analysis, time-to-development of any verified invasive cancer was the primary outcome in an adjusted, intent-to-treat analysis.

    Results: In total, 2,157 participants were randomized. Over a median follow-up of 2.99 years, 81 invasive cancer cases were diagnosed and verified. For the three individual treatments, the adjusted hazard ratios were 0.76 for vitamin D3, 0.70 for omega-3s, and 0.74 for SHEP. For combinations of two treatments, adjusted HRs were 0.53 for omega-3s plus vitamin D3 0.56 for vitamin D3 plus SHEP and 0.52 for omega-3s plus SHEP. For all three treatments combined, the adjusted HR was 0.39 .

    Fish Oil And Prostatic Cancer

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    An Interview with Jørn Dyerberg, M.D., Dr. Med. Sc.

    In our book, The Missing Wellness FactorsEPA and DHA, Jørn Dyerberg, M.D., Dr. Med. Sc., and I discuss how EPA and DHA have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers having an inflammatory component . We discussed the 2010 review by Helena Gleissman, Ph.D., and coworkers of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden that associated the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids with decreased risk of cancers of the breast, prostate, colon and kidneys . We also described the supportive animal study by Kelavkar et al. . While we did not specifically discuss prostate cancer in detail, this cancer does seem to have an inflammatory component and early studies support the premise that EPA and DHA can be protective.

    Recently, a report claimed that omega-3s are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer . The report does not show cause and effect, but only association. Since the body of scientific evidence about the benefits of fish oil shows this to be unlikely, it is not surprising that Dr. Dyerberg and I received many requests for clarification of what the new report does and does not show about fish oil benefits. Most readers know that Dr. Dyerberg and Dr. H.O. Bang are the original pioneers in the benefits of fish oil and human health research.

    Passwater: I find it interesting that the total cancer result was lower than either of its components.

    Passwater:What does the existing body of science tell us?

    Editor’s Note:

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    What Is The Relation Between Fish Oil And Prostate Cancer

    A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute checked the omega-3s levels in blood among men participating in the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial , which was a trial looking at whether selenium or/and vitamin E would lower prostate cancer risks. The study showed that high levels fish oil in blood increased the risk of prostate cancer by 43%, and the risk for aggressive prostate cancer by 71%. However, this study did not take the participants diets into consideration, so its unclear whether the high levels of fish oil were due to food or supplements.

    But why is fish oil and prostate cancer related?

    Its still not fully understood. One possible explanation would be that some unknown properties of omega-3s, when in excessive levels, may result in oxidative stress, causing DNA damage.

    Quick Note

    Just like other supplements, moderation is key. Its always a better idea to get what your body needs from foods. Keep a balanced diet and that wouldnt be a big issue. If you really need to take fish oil, discuss it with your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks and determine the acceptable amount that would be safe for your body.

    Further Clarification Is Needed

    Papers published since the Brasky study question the message promoted by media. First, correlation does not necessarily mean cause-and-effect. Second, omega-3 fatty acids have 3 components: eicosapentaenoic acid , docosapentaenoic acid , and docosahexaenoic acid if analyzed separately, there seems to be a greater correlation with DHA than the other two. Many have pointed out that more research is needed on whether the source makes a difference. Others have demonstrated a lower risk of PCa among men with higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids. More research is needed to ultimately clarify whether fish oil supplements pose a PCa protection or hazard.

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    Too Much Fish Oil Might Boost Prostate Cancer Risk

    Often-fatal aggressive disease of particular concern

    HealthDay Reporter

    WEDNESDAY, July 10 — Eating a lot of oily fish or taking potent fish oil supplements may increase a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer, new research suggests.

    Moreover, marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids may also raise the risk for aggressive prostate cancer, according to the study by scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

    “These anti-inflammatory omega-3s were associated with a 43 percent increased risk for prostate cancer overall, and a 71 percent increased risk in aggressive prostate cancer,” said study lead author Theodore Brasky, a research assistant professor at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center in Columbus, who was at Hutchinson at the time of the study.

    Aggressive prostatecancer is often fatal, he added.

    Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon, trout and fresh tuna and in fish oil capsules, are widely reputed to have health benefits because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

    But this new research, published online July 11 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, confirms damaging evidence reported in two prior studies.

    Just why are these omega-3 fatty acids associated with prostate cancer? “That’s the million dollar question,” Brasky said.

    Oxidative stress plays a role in other cancers, Brasky said.

    Show Sources

    Could It Be Fish Oil And Not Fish Thats To Blame

    Treatments for Advanced Prostate Cancer in 2022 | Evan Yu, MD | PCRI

    Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory effects, and thats part of the reason they have been seen as dietary good guys and possibly having an anticancer effect. Why they might have a dark side that increases prostate cancer risk is anybodys guess.

    One important point to keep in mind, though, is that there may be a difference between eating fish and taking fish-oil supplements. Over and over again, nutrition research has shown that diets full of food and drink that supply vitamins, minerals, and healthful fats are correlated with good health, whereas studies of supplements that try to isolate what are believed to be the healthful constituents of the food have consistently been disappointing.

    Just to be clear: this latest study correlated blood levels of omega-3 fats to prostate cancer. It wasnt able to prove that omega-3 fats cause prostate cancer, nor did it go into how those blood levels came about and whether men with high blood levels were big fish eaters, took fish-oil supplements, or both.

    We like what our colleague, Dr. Howard Lewine, chief medical editor for Internet publishing for Harvard Health Publishing, wrote about the Fred Hutchinson research:

    Peter Wehrwein is a freelance writer and editor.

    About the Author

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