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HomeCancerSigns Of Prostate Cancer In Dogs

Signs Of Prostate Cancer In Dogs

Treatment For Enlarged Prostate In Pets

My dogs journey through prostate cancer.

Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause. Your veterinarian will prescribe treatment options including medications or surgical procedures best suited to your dogs individual needs.


Preventive measures ideally begin with neutering pets at an early age, usually before puberty, to prevent the normal growth of the gland. If your pet is neutered later in life, the gland will shrink after the testosterone is removed.

Dogs with benign enlargement caused by excess hormone levels may undergo surgical castration to relieve symptoms. BPH responds very well to hormone therapy. Testosterone and estrogen form in the testicles, so neutering is usually effective. After neutering, the prostate typically returns to its normal size within a month after surgery. If not treated, BPH can lead to infertility and serious infections.

Bacterial infections

Abscesses or cysts can be surgically drained.


Prostate cancer is rare and usually occurs only in neutered male dogs. Both adenocarcinoma and transitional carcinoma have poor prognosis and are life-threatening. Surgery is not usually an option, and medicine may only help briefly. These types of canine cancers are confirmed via biopsy. Ultrasound-guided biopsy can be used instead of more invasive surgical procedures. In dogs with prostatic carcinoma, external beam radiotherapy may help relieve pain.

How Is Canine Prostate Cancer Diagnosed

Diagnosis of prostate cancer in dogs is not easy since, unlike humans, dogs do not produce prostate specific antigens . These are markers that can be used to identify prostate tissue.

Instead, dogs produce canine prostate specific esterase .

The problem is, CPSE does not allow easy diagnosis since it is difficult to determine the origin of the cancer. That is, it doesnt show if the cancer started in the prostate or somewhere else in the body but has spread to the prostate.

Diagnosis involves the use of urinalysis, X-rays and abdominal ultrasound to check for abnormalities in the prostate.

If the vet suspects a dog has prostate cancer, he will do a biopsy of the rectal wall to get a definitive diagnosis.

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Intermittent pre-putial bloody discharge without urination is one of the most common clinical signs. Haematuria may occur mostly towards the end of urination . Unlike in humans, dysuria is uncommon in dogs. In men, dysuria is caused by an increase in pressure on the urethra due to concentral hypertrophy of the prostate. In dogs, prostatic hyperplasia is diffuse and the enlarged prostate will change position by moving into the abdominal cavity. Urinary retention in dogs is reported when large cavities and neoplasia are present in the prostate.

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Sudden Weakness Or Collapse

While weakness can arise from a number of factors, sudden collapse is an alarming but common symptom of hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the cells lining the blood vessels.

Hemangiosarcoma is a rapidly spreading form of malignant cancer that most frequently targets the heart, skin, spleen and liver.

This form of cancer is most common in the German Shepherd, Golden Retriever and other large breeds.

Since dogs usually show only mild warning signs, cases of hemangiosarcoma may not be detected until the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

Unfortunately, one of the most common initial signs of hemangiosarcoma involves sudden collapse due to massive internal bleeding, usually from a ruptured spleen.

Prostate Cancer In Dogs Neutered And Non

Prostate Problems in Dogs  Hypertrophy, Prostatitis, Cancer &  Cysts

You will be learning about Prostate Cancer in Dogs including information regarding the Cure for Prostate Cancer Dogs. This informative piece is a response to those asking Can a Dogs Prostate be Removed? Prostate cancer develops in dogs but its occurrence is rare and it is very deadly as it can easily metastasize and spread to other body areas including the lungs, bones, and lymph nodes. Ensure you read through to the end especially if you want to learn about Neutered Prostate Cancer in Dogs.

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    Treatment For Prostate Cancer In Dogs

    If caught very early in the disease process, before metastasis has occurred, surgical removal of the diseased portion of the prostate may be considered. Surgery is often followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

    If metastasis has already occurred, then palliative care should be considered. The goal of palliative care is to relieve pain and any clinical symptoms that may be present, while also trying to improve your dogs quality of life for as long as possible.

    If a urinary obstruction is present, a small tube called a stent may be placed within the urethra to keep it open so the dog can urinate. Surgery of the prostate is not often performed when advanced disease is present because of the high risk of complications. Radiation therapy may be considered in certain cases.

    Your veterinarian may also recommend a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug to relieve pain. Any urinary tract infection that may be present will be treated with appropriate antibiotics. Chemotherapy may be considered, but long-term efficacy has not been established.

    Detection Of Prostate Cancer

    When a veterinarian examines the prostate for any cancer ormalignancies it will feel firm, irregular, and cause some pain. It willalso be immovable within the pelvis. Canine prostate cancer is one ofthe few cancers that affect dogs that have been castrated. In fact,many believe that castrated dogs have a higher incidence of thedisease.

    Helpful tests to confirm a cancer in dog prostate includex-rays , biopsy viafine needle aspirates, cytology, and histology. On x-rays thedog prostate will look enlarged.

    Unfortunately, canine prostate cancer is usually diagnosedlate in the disease’s progression. After diagnosis, most dogs only live30 days. Human treatment options such as antiandrogens are noteffective since the cancer is not dependent on hormones. Also unlikehumans, tests that screen for prostate cancer are also not reliablesuch as human PSA tests. Canine prostates need to be tested for CPSE.

    Source: Washington State UniversityCollege of Veterinary Medicine

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    Signs Of Cancer In Dogs

    Cancer is a topic that no pet parent wants to think about. But the fact is that one in three dogs will eventually develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.

    If caught early, roughly half of all canine cancers are treatable. Thats why its so important to learn the most common signs of cancer in dogs.

    Just remember that many conditions, not just cancer, can cause similar clinical signs, and that the signs may vary depending on the type of cancer.

    Identifying these symptoms is the first step, and the next step is to visit your veterinarian to make the correct diagnosis.

    What Can I Do To Prevent Prostate Cancer In Dogs

    Dogs Could Detect Prostate Cancer With 98 Percent Accuracy

    Sadly, there is no conclusive answer on how to prevent cancer in dogs. This is because the exact cause of prostate cancer in dogs is poorly understood.

    As a pet parent, the best thing you can do is take proper care of your pet provide a high-quality diet, ensure physical activity, use health-boosting supplements, and practice regular veterinary checkups. Considering the incidence of prostate disease in older dogs, seniors need more than one annual veterinary visit.

    Last but not least, it is a good idea to invest in a reliable pet insurance plan. Our top pick is OneVet. With OneVet, you get 24/7 access to licensed veterinarians, up to $3.000 in emergency funds, and equal conditions for insured pets regardless of pre-existing diseases.

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    How Is Bph In Dogs Treated

    If your dog develops an enlarged prostate and isnât neutered, proceeding with neutering is the treatment of choice for BPH. Approximately one month after the castration procedure, your vet will be able to determine during a rectal exam if your dogâs prostate has shrunk. This treatment route avoids extensive diagnostics and can discover if the underlying cause of the prostate growth was, in fact, BPH.

    When mild benign prostatic hyperplasia in dogs exists with no signs and the dog is being used for mating, monitoring alone may be chosen. If you have plans to breed your dog, benign prostatic hyperplasia responds very well to medical therapy with finasteride. This medication blocks testosteroneâs effect on the prostate, and in approximately two to three months, it can trigger a marked reduction in the glandâs size.

    Keep in mind that if your dog stops taking finasteride, BPH will return. Additionally, you shouldnât handle this drug if youâre pregnant or are looking to become pregnant.

    Signs Of Prostate Cancer In Dogs

    Prostate cancer in humans is well-known, but what about prostate cancer in dogs? Although prostate cancer in dogs is not as common as in humans, in dogs it is more insidious. It is important that dogs have routine examinations so that problems can be detected early which often makes for a better prognosis. Prostate cancer can affect all dogs, but some breeds appear to be particularly predisposed. Learning more about the symptoms of prostate cancer in dogs is important. Signs of prostate cancer in dogs should prompt a veterinary examination so to rule out or confirm this condition. Following is information about prostate cancer in dogs by veterinarian Dr. Ivana Crnec.

    A Lesson in Anatomy

    To make things clear, we need to say a word or two about the dog’s prostate anatomy and physiology. A dog’s prostate gland is an integral part of the male reproductive system.

    This organ wraps around the top of the urethra at the bladder outlet. The dog’s prostate has a walnut-like appearance and its size is determined by the testosterone levels.

    Categorized as an accessory sex organ, the prostate is responsible for producing the fluid that carries sperm and makes up semen. In addition, the prostate fluid nourishes the sperm cells.

    As dogs age, the prostate gland naturally increases in size, usually reaching its maximum size between six and ten years of age. This gradual increase in size is commonly known as prostate enlargement.

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    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Stomach Cancer In Dogs

    Diagnosis of stomach cancer in dogs can be started based on past information, such as excessive vomiting, weight loss, and loss of appetite. An X-ray of the abdominal region may be required, as well as an endoscopy . If a tumor is seen, a biopsy may be required, and it can be done during the endoscopy.

    The best treatment option is a combination of surgery, used to remove affected parts of the stomach, with radiation and chemotherapy.

    Diagnosing Enlarged Prostates In Dogs

    Prostate Cancer in Dogs

    Though it does require more diagnostics to confirm the cause, an enlarged prostate in dogs is most commonly found during a rectal exam. An X-ray can also be used to diagnose an enlarged prostate.

    An abdominal ultrasound may be recommended, as it can confirm that the internal architecture of the prostate is preserved, even when the gland is enlarged. Urinalysis and urine culture may be performed to rule out a urinary tract infection.

    Rarely, a biopsy is needed to distinguish benign prostatic hyperplasia in dogs from other causes of prostatic disease, such as an infection or cancer.

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    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Hemangiosarcoma In Dogs

    Diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma can sometimes be difficult. It starts with a physical examination of the dog, checking for pale gums and abdominal swelling, among other things. The next step is performing x-rays of the abdominal region and checking for tumorous masses to see if any other organs are affected by the tumor. Blood tests, urinalysis, thoracic radiography, and ultrasonography may also be required. A definitive diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma is done by biopsy.

    The treatment of hemangiosarcoma depends on the location of the tumor. If the tumor is located in the skin, surgical removal is the best treatment. If the surgeon was not able to remove the tumor completely, or if he suspects that some cancerous cells have spread to the nearby area, chemotherapy may be required. If the tumor is located in the internal organs of the dog, the standard treatment becomes a combination of surgery and chemotherapy.

    Treatment For Dog Prostate Cancer

    Unfortunately, treatment options are very limited for prostate cancer in dogs.

    Castration usually has no effect on dogs that have prostate cancer. Removing the prostate gland by surgery is not recommended in dogs because of its location. Very often surgery can cause numerous complications .

    The only option available is using chemo drugs such as Piroxicam to try to shrink down the tumor.

    Painkilling drugs such as Tramadol and NSAIDs may also be prescribed to control pain and inflammation caused by the tumor.

    However, chemotherapy is not so effective and usually fails to give the dog patient any relief of discomfort. It also does not significantly extend the patient’s life.

    Canine prostate cancer is rare, but when it strikes, it is a fatal disease with a very poor prognosis. Average life expectancy on diagnosis is only 6 weeks to one year.

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    Types Of Prostate Diseases In Dogs

    • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : Also known as prostatic enlargement, prostatomegaly, or cystic BPH. It often occurs in older intact male dogs as a normal aging process. BPH usually isnt painful, but it can lead to prostatic cysts, acute or chronic prostate infection, and abscess.
    • Acute Prostatitis is a sudden infection of the prostate caused by bacteria.
    • Chronic Prostatitis is an ongoing infection of the prostate caused by bacteria which can lead to bladder inflammation, inflammation of the testicles, and inflammation of the testicular tube where sperm is stored.
    • Prostatic Abscess is an area of fluid and pus within the prostate, which often develops when a dog has chronic untreated prostatitis.
    • Prostate Cancer: There is an increased risk for certain breeds including the Bouvier des Flandres, Doberman Pinscher, Shetland Sheepdog, Scottish Terrier, Beagle, Miniature Poodle, German Short-Haired Pointer, Airedale Terrier, and Norwegian Elkhound.

    Highly Effective Noninvasive Treatment For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Virginia Tech’s therapy dog diagnosed with prostate cancer

    The prostate gland produces seminal fluid and older male dogs commonly have enlarged prostate or BPH . There is little difference from humans in anatomy, physiology and symptoms of this disease . It is more common in intact dogs, but there is no clear reason why it affects some male dogs and not others. The most common clinical sign of BPH in dogs is bloody fluid dripping from the penis not associated with urination. In severe cases it can obstruct the colon and result in constipation. Treatment in dogs usually involves castration or medication.

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    Treatments For Canine Prostate Cancer

    Normally, prostate cancer in dogs is non-amenable to surgery because of its location. So, the other options available include chemotherapy and radiation therapy. But if the cancer is hormone-responsive, it can be treated with castration. Unfortunately, prostate cancers are not hormone-responsive. So they do not respond to anti-androgen medicines .

    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Breast Cancer In Dogs

    The diagnosis of breast cancer is fairly simple. With firm nodular tumors, another examination is required to determine whether they are benign or malignant. A veterinarian may use fine-needle aspiration and evaluate the content under a microscope. In some cases, the whole tumor needs to be taken out and examined by a veterinary pathologist.

    Treatment for benign breast tumors is usually just surgical removal, but for malignant cases that may have spread to other areas, other treatments, such as chemotherapy, may be required.

    About 50% of dogs with malignant mammary tumors have a good prognosis, even after only going through surgery.5Canine Mammary Tumors. VNC State Veterinary Hospital. Retrieved 14 April 2021.

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    Causes Of Canine Prostate Cancer

    The exact cause of prostate cancer in dogs remains unknown. Some vets suspect a combination of risk factors, such as environmental, genetic, and age.

    This cancer is not influenced by testosterone and as such it can affect all male dogs, whether they are neutered or not. Neutering does not protect a dog from developing prostate cancer.

    In fact, in a 2007 study, it was found that neutered dogs had a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than intact ones.

    Prostate cancer occurs more frequently in older dogs .

    This cancer can occur to all breeds of dogs, but seems to be more prevalent in certain breeds, including Beagle, Doberman Pinscher, Sheltie, Terrier , Mini-Poodle, and German Shorthaired Pointer.

    Neutering does not protect a dog from developing prostate cancer.

    Dog Skin Cancer Types And Signs

    Sign Of Prostate Cancer In Dogs : Prostate Cancer Fitzpatrick Referrals ...

    Skin cancers are one of the most common cancers that can affect your dog, not only because the skin is the largest organ, but also because it is the most exposed organ to environmental factors, sun radiation, different chemicals, and viruses. What most owners usually notice first is the appearance of a lump. Luckily, 60 to 80% of skin tumors are benign and can be cured early with surgical removal.25 Types of Skin Cancer in Dogs. VNC State Veterinary Hospital. Retrieved 13 April 2021. However, if the tumor is malignant, further treatment may be required.

    There are indications that genetics is the number one factor for developing skin cancer. Other factors such as a sunburn, exposure to different chemicals, and environmental factors can also lead to skin cancer. Dogs with no fur or with light skin have a higher chance of having a skin tumor due to sun radiation.

    Here are some of the most common skin cancers in dogs.

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    Signs & Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer In Dogs

    Dogs with this cancer show similar signs and symptoms as those with other prostate problems, such as prostate enlargement, although for prostate enlargement, the intensity of the signs is much lower.

    Watch out for these symptoms if you have a male dog, especially an older dog:

    • Urination Problems: A dog with prostate cancer has difficulty urinating. He has to strain to urinate and has to urinate frequently. You may find blood in his urine. Sometimes you may also see blood or pus dripping from the dog’s penis.
    • Bowel Problems: A dog with prostate cancer may also suffer from constipation. Quite often, you will see the dog straining during bowel movements.
    • Gait Abnormality: If a dog has prostate cancer, he will walk unnaturally. His steps are short and his rear legs are stiff.
    • Other Systemic Problems: Other problems are rather indistinct, and may include fever, weakness, and lethargy.


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