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HomeHealthHow To Make Your Prostate Healthy

How To Make Your Prostate Healthy

How To Do Prostate Milking Yourself

How To Keep Your Prostate Healthy | Functional Nutrition with Dr. Bek

Self-prostate milking can be performed in the privacy of your home. You can do it alone, or with the help of your partner / spouse. If youre going solo, make sure to trim your nails and wash your hands and body beforehand. Here are the steps youll need to take:

  • You might want to consult your doctor before performing prostate milking. In some cases milking is NOT recommended and may cause harm particularly in case with acute or severe Prostatitis or being under increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Make sure to empty your bladder and ideally have a bowel movement to eliminate discomfort and provide relaxation.
  • Wash your hands and put on a rubber glove. Use water-based lubricant on your fingers.
  • Make sure your finger nails are trimmed to avoid injury.
  • Carefully insert your finger or fingers into your anus. Move your fingers slowly and gently at first in the direction of your navel. Be careful and get used to the sensation.
  • Move your fingers gradually back and forth along the area of the rectum.
  • Find the prostate gland, which is like a small round ball, size of a large walnut. Gently massage and dont press too hard, as it is very sensitive.
  • Continue for a few minutes. You may feel like you want to go to the bathroom, but ignore that feeling. When the prostate gland is stimulated enough for ejaculation to occur, you might even experience sexual pleasure or orgasm.
  • How Is Epididymitis Diagnosed

    Your doctor will first complete a physical examination. Theyll look for swelling of the testicles, swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin area, and abnormal discharge from the penis. If theres discharge, your doctor will use a cotton swab to collect a sample and test for STIs.

    Your doctor may also perform the following tests and procedures:

    • rectal examination, which can show if an enlarged prostate caused your condition
    • blood tests, such as a CBC , to determine whether theres an infection in your system
    • urine sample, which can indicate if you have a urinary tract infection or an STI

    Imaging tests may be done to rule out other conditions. These tests produce detailed images that allow your doctor to see structures in the body very clearly. Your doctor might order a testicular ultrasound to get images of the testicles and the surrounding tissues in the scrotum.

    Treatment for epididymitis involves treating the underlying infection and easing symptoms.

    Common treatments include:

    • antibiotics, which are administered for 4 to 6 weeks in chronic epididymitis, and can include doxycycline and ciprofloxacin
    • pain medication, which can be available over-the-counter or can require a prescription
    • anti-inflammatory medication like piroxicam or ketorolac
    • bed rest
    • wearing an athletic cup for support
    • avoiding lifting heavy objects

    In cases of an STI, you and your partner should abstain from sexual intercourse until youve completed your course of antibiotics and are fully cured.

    What About Prostate Milking

    When people use the term prostate milking they are referring to massaging the prostate for sexual pleasure. You would keep on this message until fluid comes out of the prostate. This fluid, officially called prostatic fluid, is a milky fluid, which basically is ejaculate without the sperm.

    When you see some milk keep doing whatever it is youâre doing because youâre getting close. Some people also enjoy masturbating their penises at the same time. This can take you to another level of pleasure and make you orgasm faster.

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    What Does A Prostate Orgasm Feel Like

    P-spot orgasms are said to feel similar to penile orgasms, only way more intense and felt through the entire body.

    There are reports of people having super orgasms, which are a stream of fast, continuous orgasms that cause the body to shudder.

    Not everyone ejaculates during a prostate orgasm, but some release a dribble of milky fluid from the urethra.

    A little bit of prep can help make the experience a good one whether youre flying solo, or on the giving or receiving end of things.

    Achieve Or Maintain A Healthy Weight

    4 Superfoods to Improve Your Prostate Health

    Maintaining a healthy body weight is important not only for your overall health but also for your prostate. If you need to lose weight, aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week for healthy weight loss.

    Following the New American Plate guidelines is a simple way to create healthy meals to help manage your weight. YourNew American Plateshould consist of 2/3 vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans, and 1/3 of animal protein .

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    To be clear, this isnt a kidney stimulator its a large butt plug that looks like a kidney bean. Why would you choose a kidney bean to model your sex toy from? I have no idea. It looks awful.

    Aesthetics aside, this large butt plug for men packs quite a punch, with 6 inches of insertable length and 2.22 inches of width! It might not look sexy, but its one of the best mens butt plugs Ive ever seen.

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    Is Going To The Bathroom Frequently A Sign Of Prostate Cancer

    Thats one of the challenging things having urinary symptoms is very rarelyalmost nevera sign of prostate cancer. Having urinary symptoms means you should probably be evaluated for an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia . We can treat your urinary symptoms and help you pee better.

    If urinary symptoms bring men to the doctor, we can discuss screening for prostate cancer. Thats important because not all men will go to a doctor until theres something wrong with them. And prostate cancer screening really is the only way to detect prostate cancer, because its almost always asymptomatic.

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    How Do You Find The Prostate

    Now for the how-to: You can first access the prostate via the perineum, a spot right in between the testicles and the anus. Communication is important during every step. Even before you begin, consider talking to your partner about what feels right for both of you. You can decide on things like how many fingers might feel best. You can agree on whether a firm touch or a lighter touch is in order. Maybe as you talk things through, youll discover you both feel comfortable enough to explore and see what feels right in the moment. That way, even if prostate massage isnt something you regularly want to incorporate into your sex life, youll have explored it in a way that feels safe and fun for everyone involved.

    Is It Easy To Orgasm This Way

    How to Make Pizza for a Healthy Prostate

    Lets say it may take some practice and patience.

    Actual clinical research on prostate-induced orgasms is seriously lacking, so we dont know how common it is or if its possible for everyone with a prostate to have this type of orgasm.

    Every body is different, so some experimenting to see what feels good is in order. If you do manage to have one, reproducing it will be easy.

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    No : Strive For Balance

    Experts believe that the hormone dihydrotestosterone promotes the growth of prostate cells. When testosterone and estrogen are imbalanced, DHT activity can increase and encourage the growth of prostate cells. That is why it is important to keep an eye on and manage your hormones, which you might have noticed begin to change after the age of 40.

    Both exercising and maintaining a healthy weight help to keep your testosterone and estrogen balanced, but there are natural supplements that are worth looking into as well. Both pygeum and plant sterols like as beta-sitosterol contain active components that can inhibit DHT production. Another supplement, 3,3-diindolylmethane , naturally supports the balance of testosterone and estrogen and promotes normal prostate size.

    Ejaculation May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

    The findings, published in the April 7 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, are based on data collected from nearly 30,000 predominately white men aged 46 to 81.

    At the start of the study, men provided information on ejaculation frequency in their 20s, 40s, and in the previous year . Ejaculation frequency included sexual intercourse, masturbation, and nighttime ejaculations that can occur during sleep. The men were then monitored for eight years.

    Researchers found most categories of ejaculation frequency were unrelated to prostate cancer risk. But when they looked at men in the highest category of ejaculation frequency, they found evidence of a protective effect.

    “When you look at the data in a little bit more detail, you do see that not only is there not an increased risk, but there is potentially even the possibility of a slight decrease in risk with high ejaculation frequency,” says researcher Michael Leitzmann, MD, an investigator at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md. Leitzmann conducted the research during a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University.

    Leitzmann says researchers suspected that ejaculation frequency might be a marker of a healthier, more active lifestyle. But when they accounted for diet, exercise, and other risk factors for prostate cancer, the link between frequent ejaculation and lower prostate cancer risk remained.

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    How To Avoid Prostate Problems With Cucurmin

    In a series of articles published in the journal Nature and others, Dr. Dorai evaluated the topic thoroughly. The articles mentioned 4 different reasons why curcumin is a potential agent to help avoid prostate problems:

    • It induces apoptosis: This is cellular death, which is a natural body response. It is lost in prostate cancer and BPH. But curcumin is capable of increasing the rate of apoptosis in prostate tissue .
    • It reduces tyrosine kinase activity: In this regard, it acts similar to a prostate cancer drug called tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This reduces the cell signals that favor prostate overgrowth .
    • It inhibits proliferation and angiogenesis: This function of curcumin is particularly important in patients with prostate cancer. Curcumin slows down cell proliferation but also contributes in another aspect. It wont allow cancer to build new blood vessels to keep on growing. This inhibits angiogenesis and prevents more advances in phases in prostate cancer .
    • It reduces the rate of bone metastasis: The effect from these foods does not have to do with helping to shrink the prostate gland, but it is very important, too. Prostate cancer cells mimic bone cells and cause bone metastasis. But curcumin interferes with this property and may reduce the rate of bone metastasis .Thats why a 2016 review on the topic revisited each one of these mechanisms and recommended curcumin as a side therapy in patients with prostate cancer and other prostate health issues .

    Tips For A Healthy Prostate

    12 Ways to Improve Your Prostate

    More than 190,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. each year, according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to keep your prostate healthy as you ageand stay ahead of the game. Heres what Christopher Saigal, MD, an assistant professor of urology at UCLAs Jonsson Cancer Center, says to do:

    1. Keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

    2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes, watermelons, pink grapefruits, guava and papaya contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale also are good choices.

    3. Let your doctor know if you have a family history of prostate cancer. Having a father or brother with prostate cancer more than doubles a mans risk of developing this disease.

    4. Include more soy in your diet from sources such as tofu, soy nuts or soy flour or powders.

    5. Dont smoke.

    6. Eat more selenium-rich foods such as wheat germ, tuna, herring and other seafood and shellfish, beef liver, kidney, eggs, sunflower and sesame seeds, cashews, mushrooms, garlic and onions. Selenium reduces risk of prostate cancer.

    7. Get a PSA blood test and digital rectal exam annually, beginning at age 50. Men at high risk, such as African American men or men with a strong family history of prostate cancer should begin testing at age 45.

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    How Can Diet Affect Bph

    Similar to prostate cancer, BPH is a multifactorial disease. Many hormones and growth factors act in the prostate tissue to cause enlargement. But some epidemiologic studies have also identified dietary factors associated with BPH.

    For example, a study in China showed that overeating animal proteins could increase the risk.

    Another study from Japan showed that regular milk consumption has the same effect. Thats why a plant-based diet is recommended for preventing prostate enlargement and reducing the number of prostate cancer cells

    According to other research, Asian men have a lower incidence of BPH. Such a lower incidence responds to a high-fiber diet compared to Western men . But why is diet so important?

    The amount and proportion of nutrients we take influences the function of the body. Among many other things, they modulate hormone concentrations. They also modulate the role of the sympathetic nervous system, which acts directly in the urethra. Thats why changing your diet can improve your urinary tract symptoms if you have them .

    In this article, we will discuss 3 foods that shrink prostate gland. The following foods, nutrients and diets are recommended to shrink the size of the prostate gland. You can always look for food sources or prostate supplements that include them in the list of ingredients.

    Symptoms Of Advanced Testicular Cancer

    Even if testicular cancer has spread to other parts of the body, many men might not have symptoms right away. But some men might have some of the following:

    • Low back pain, from cancer spread to the lymph nodes in back of the belly.
    • Shortness of breath, chest pain, or a cough may develop from cancer spread in the lungs.
    • Belly pain, either from enlarged lymph nodes or because the cancer has spread to the liver.
    • Headaches or confusion, from cancer spread in the brain.

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    When Do I Need To See A Doctor

    You should immediately call your doctor if you have testicular pain or swelling, especially if the pain gets worse or if you feel sick. If you have any symptoms of testicular torsion, make sure to seek immediate medical attention.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/28/2016.


    How Will I Know That My Hormone Therapy Is Working

    How To Make The Prostate Health Smoothie!

    Doctors cannot predict how long hormone therapy will be effective in suppressing the growth of any individual mans prostate cancer. Therefore, men who take hormone therapy for more than a few months are regularly tested to determine the level of PSA in their blood. An increase in PSA level may indicate that a mans cancer has started growing again. A PSA level that continues to increase while hormone therapy is successfully keeping androgen levels extremely low is an indicator that a mans prostate cancer has become resistant to the hormone therapy that is currently being used.

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    Top 3 Supplements For Stronger Orgasms:

    If youre not quite ready for prostate milking, consider one of the products above to start enjoying stronger orgasms and bigger semen loads. Maybe over time youll become more comfortable with the idea of prostate milking and consider giving it a try either alone or with some help from your partner.

    Prostate milking is really just the act of stimulating your prostate glands. Although you may never have heard of it up until now, prostate milking is proven to have many important benefits, and can add a very enjoyable new twist to your sex life. One of the great things about prostate milking is that it benefits men of all ages.

    We encourage you to explore this website for other resources and tips on improving both your overall sexual health and especially your semen production and sperm health. There are many things you can do to help improve your sexual pleasure and shoot more semen, enjoy stronger orgasms, and enjoy improved erections. Check out this website and find out how you can elevate your sexual performance right now!


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    Other Symptoms When Your Testicles Hurt

    When finding out the cause why your testicles hurt, doctors will usually want to know about associated symptoms with testicular pain.

    Testicular pain is pain that is felt anywhere in the scrotum or testicles. According to Dr. Steven Doerr on eMedicineHealth, discomfort and swelling in the scrotum could indicate a serious condition like testicular torsion. Usually, an infection will cause your testicles to feel tender and you may notice redness on your scrotum.1

    Other conditions like a urinary tract infection or kidney stones can also make your testicles hurt. These medical conditions will often result in a fever, nausea, and an itchy penis and burning sensation when you pee.

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    Maintain A Healthy Prostate Diet

    Following a proper diet can help relieve prostate related problems. The main goal is to bring specific minerals and nutrients into your system. Zinc is vital mineral for the health of your prostate. It is found in chocolate, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower oil and sesame oil. Oysters also are great full of zinc and are an aphrodisiac. . Meats such as veal liver, low fat roast beef and lamb are great sources as well.

    Omega 3 fatty acids help control cholesterol, which is a big enemy for healthy hormonal exchanges. Look for eggs that are enriched with Omega 3s. Among other products rich in Omega 3s are linseed oil, wheat germ and fish oil. Take fish oil capsules as a supplement.

    Avoid prostate irritators such as black tea, coffee, alcohol, greasy food. Try to eat organic foods if possible, they contain less chemicals, which are known to lead to excess of masculine hormones, the elements that are responsible for hypertrophy of the prostate. Drink 8 glasses of water a day to speed up toxin elimination.


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