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Why Is Prostate Cancer So Deadly

Myth: If The Cancer Comes Back It Cant Be Treated Again

Why Prostate Cancer Survivor John Shearron Thinks Its Important To Do Your Research | PCRI

Fact: Recurrence of prostate cancer can be wrenching. But just because a cancer comes back doesnt mean you cant reach remission again. What it does mean is that youll likely have to try another approach to treatment.

Your first cancer cure is always the best, says Sartor. But you do have a possibility for cure if it comes back particularly if youve had an initial radical prostatectomy, in which case if you catch early, you can radiate and get a pretty good cure rate.

Sartor adds that one of the reasons he often recommends surgery before radiation is for this reason so that people get a second chance at cure if the cancer comes back and they monitor their condition appropriately.

When Should You Get Immediate Treatment For Prostate Cancer

If your cancer is advanced or higher-risk, you will probably need treatment right away. Signs of higher-risk cancer include:

  • PSA value that is high or rapidly rising.
  • Test results show that the tumor is outside the prostate gland. Or the tumor is growing rapidly and is likely to spread outside the gland.
  • Gleason score is high-risk.

Ask your team if your cancer shows any of these signs. If so, active surveillance may not be a good choice.

Surgery For Prostate Cancer

There are many types of surgery for prostate cancer. Some are done to try to cure the cancer others are done to control the cancer or make symptoms better. Talk to the doctor about the kind of surgery planned and what you can expect.

Side effects of surgery

Any type of surgery can have risks and side effects. Be sure to ask the doctor what you can expect. If you have problems, let your doctors know so they can help you.

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Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Is Evolving

Aside from the fact that it is hard to catch early, pancreatic cancer is also deadly because it can be tough to treat. This is because pancreatic cancer tumors dont respond as well to commonly used cancer therapies as other, less lethal types of cancer.

But there are treatment options, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Depending on the specific type of pancreatic cancer and when its diagnosed, treatment generally involves some combination of these three therapies.

Recently, a new combination of chemotherapy drugs collectively known as FOLFIRINOX has shown promise for patients with pancreatic cancer that has metastasized, or spread to other parts of the body.

How Active Surveillance Works

A Prostate Cancer Vector Illustration

The Gleason score is just one way that doctors monitor prostate cancer during active surveillance. They also do periodic follow-up biopsies and measure PSA levels, which may rise if cancer starts to spread in the prostate. Doctors may recommend treatment sooner if PSA begins to rise quickly or if a follow up biopsy reveals a higher Gleason score or more widespread cancer within the prostate. Its an inexact science that depends on a doctors skill and experience and a mans willingness to wait for signs that a cancer poses a clear threat before opting for treatment and its potential for side effects.

Penney says she and her Harvard colleagues are among the many scientists now searching for better ways to predict which prostate cancers are likely to be lethal and which can be monitored and not treated. The answer may be found in genetic changes in prostate cancer cells that signal a higher threat. But finding a better way to predict which prostate cancers are likely to turn lethal is far from guaranteed.

Some believe its not possible, Penney says. After the cancer is diagnosed, so many things can change in unknown ways. Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors, for example, could affect whether low-risk prostate cancers become more aggressive or threatening over time.

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Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented

There are no clear prevention strategies for prostate cancer. There is some conflicting evidence that a healthy diet composed of low fat, high vegetables and fruits may help reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Routine screening, with PSA blood test and physical exam, is important to detect prostate cancer at an early stage. A healthy diet and regular exercise are also critical in maintaining good health and preventing disease in general.

What Are The Treatment Options For Aggressive Prostate Cancer

The majority of people with prostate cancer nearly 80% are diagnosed early and cured by their treatment, most often radiation or surgery.

But one in five of those diagnosed with prostate cancer has a more aggressive form of the disease. Even before the individual has received any treatment or experienced a recurrence, doctors can identify whether the cancer is likely to be more dangerous and aggressive.

Prostate cancer is determined to be high risk if it is distinguished by any of the following characteristics:

  • A larger primary tumor
  • A prostate-specific antigen blood test result higher than 20
  • Very abnormal cells in the prostate biopsy when looked at under a microscope, placing the cancer at Gleason grade 4 or 5.
  • Physicians perform biopsies or take X-rays to determine a cancers grade and stage. The stage is based on the size of the primary tumor or the extent it has spread in the body. The grade describes the appearance of the cancer cells and tissue under a microscope: the more abnormal they are, the higher the grade.

    What are the main treatment options for people with aggressive or high-risk prostate cancer and can the sequencing, or order in which different treatments are given, make a difference in overall effectiveness of these therapies?

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    Find out what makes Roswell Park unique in treating prostate cancer.

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    What About Other Treatments I Hear About

    When you have cancer you might hear about other ways to treat the cancer or treat your symptoms. These may not always be standard medical treatments. These treatments may be vitamins, herbs, special diets, and other things. You may wonder about these treatments.

    Some of these are known to help, but many have not been tested. Some have been shown not to help. A few have even been found to be harmful. Talk to your doctor about anything youre thinking about using, whether its a vitamin, a diet, or anything else.

    Fast Facts On Prostate Cancer

    10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer
    • Prostate cancer rarely reaches an advanced stage.
    • People with the condition normally have a very good outlook when they receive an early diagnosis and treatment.
    • Hormone therapy is a treatment option for advanced prostate cancer, as are chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
    • Prostate cancer can spread to the bones, brain, and lungs.

    Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland mutate and start to develop abnormally, multiplying at an uncontrolled rate. In some instances, the cancerous cells can spread to other body parts through tissue, the blood, or the lymphatic system.

    After a doctor diagnoses prostate cancer, they will test to see if the cancer has spread to other areas of the body, or how much of the body is affected.

    The doctor will assign a stage of prostate cancer from 1 to 4. Stage 4 is the most advanced form.

    Stage 4 prostate cancer has spread to pelvic lymph nodes or is blocking the ureters. The ureters are the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Stage 4 prostate cancer may also have spread to the bladder, the rectum, the bones, or distant lymph nodes.

    Doctors will test any cancerous cells in the body to determine if the additional cells came from the prostate. Even if they detect cancer in the bones, doctors still consider this prostate cancer if that is where the cancer originated.

    There are two types of stage 4 prostate cancer:

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    What Black Men Need To Know About Prostate Cancer

    Weve known for a long time that prostate cancer disproportionately affects black men. In fact, the rate of prostate cancer is about 60 percent higher than in white men, and their chances of dying from it are two to three times higher, too.

    The higher rates of prostate cancer in black men isnt new, but this paper also shows that their prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive and to grow faster, says lead study author Ruth Etzioni, Ph.D., a principal investigator at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

    The jurys still out on why this disease develops in African Americans at such a high rate. Unlike other cancers with modifiable risk factorslike smoking and lung cancer, sunlight and skin cancer, and alcoholism and liver cancerexperts only know of three fixed risk factors for prostate cancer: age, race, and family history.

    The Preponderance Of Risk Factors

    Apart from the theory explained above, another reason as to why prostate cancer is so common is as a result of the preponderance of the risk factors that cause prostate cancer. Considering how common these risk factors are, it does not come as a surprise that this malignancy is common. For example, one of the risk factors here is having black ancestry.

    In a world where blacks form a considerable portion of the population, it is not a surprise really that this type of cancer is common. Africa alone has over 1.3 billion people and about half are men. That is not even taking into consideration African-Americans, Africans in the Caribbean, Latin America or people of African ancestry in other parts of the globe.

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    How Is Cancer Treated

    Once your medical team has given you a diagnosis, theyll design a personalized treatment plan based on their findings. Cancer treatment may include:

    • Chemotherapy. One of the most common cancer treatments, chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be given through an IV or in pill form.
    • Radiation therapy. This treatment kills cancer cells with high dosages of radiation. In some instances, radiation may be given at the same time as chemotherapy.
    • Surgery. In some cases, your surgeon can surgically remove the tumor.
    • Hormone therapy. Sometimes hormones can block other cancer-causing hormones. For example, men with prostate cancer might be given hormones to keep testosterone at bay.
    • Biological response modifier therapy. This treatment stimulates your immune system and helps it perform more effectively. It does this by changing your bodys natural processes.
    • Immunotherapy. Sometimes called biological therapy, immunotherapy treats disease by using the power of your bodys immune system. It can target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
    • Bone marrow transplant. Also called stem cell transplantation, this treatment replaces damaged stem cells with healthy ones. Prior to transplantation, youll undergo chemotherapy to prepare your body for the process.

    Where Can I Get Support

    MA Prostate Cancer

    Being diagnosed with any kind of prostate cancer can be frightening and overwhelming. If you are told you have a rare prostate cancer you may worry about what this means and feel frustrated that there isnt much information available about your diagnosis and treatment.

    No matter what youre feeling or thinking, there is support available if you want it. You can speak to our Specialist Nurses, in confidence or chat with them online. Our Dealing with prostate cancer page looks at things you can do to help yourself and people who can help.

    Visit our wellbeing hub for information to help support you in looking after your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. If you are close to someone with prostate cancer, find out more about how you can support someone with prostate cancer and where to get more information.

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    What Is The First Sign Of Cancer

    Cancer symptoms can vary significantly for each person. However, there are a few things that could indicate the early signs of disease. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider if you experience:

    • Unexplained weight loss.
    • A mole or wart that changes in appearance.

    Please note that these symptoms do not mean that you definitely have cancer. However, if any of these symptoms appear, you should see your healthcare provider right away.

    How Do I Know If I Have Prostate Cancer

    Doctors use two tests to look for prostate cancer: a digital rectal exam and a PSA blood test.

    The PSA blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen in the blood. Experts are divided on who should have a PSA test and when to have it:

    • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that for men aged 55 to 69, the decision to have PSA testing should be an individual one based on a conversation about risks and benefits with their doctor.
    • The American Cancer Society recommends a discussion between the doctor and patient about the pros and cons of PSA tests. Men shouldn’t get the test unless their doctor has given them this information, the group says. It also recommends that the discussion start at age 50 for most men at average risk for prostate cancer, or ages 40 to 45 for those at high risk of prostate cancer.
    • The American Urological Association also recommends that men talk with their doctor about the pros and cons of the PSA test. That discussion should typically take place between the ages of 55 and 69. For those at higher risk for prostate cancer, the discussion can take place as early as ages 40 to 54.

    PSA levels in blood are higher if there is prostate cancer, making it a valuable tool in finding early prostate cancer. But PSA levels can also be high from infection or inflammation in the prostate or from an enlarged prostate.

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    Ability To Control Microenvironment

    Cancer cells can control their microenvironments, meaning they can instruct normal cells in the body to change their function, for example, forming tumors that develop their own supply of oxygen and nutrients, as well as a waste removal system that can support it. Being able to create and sustain these microenvironments means that an otherwise healthy body can be at risk for deadly cancers to take up residence there.

    Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series

    Treating High-Risk Gleason 8: A Modern Approach | Mark Scholz, MD | PCRI

    We are proud to announce a new podcast series geared toward helping give support, hope and guidance to prostate cancer caregivers. The goal of this Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series is to help others connect with a diverse group of people who have felt the impact of prostate cancer in their lives and empower them on their journey.

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    Talk To Your Cancer Care Team

    Your team is an important source of advice. Some men may benefit from having a low-risk tumor treated right away, even if they might have side effects. Discuss your treatment options and quality-of-life issues with your team.

    This report is for you to use when talking with your health-care provider. It is not a substitute for medical advice and treatment. Use of this report is at your own risk.


    What Are The 5 Types Of Cancer

    There are five main types of cancer. These include:

    • Carcinoma. This type of cancer affects organs and glands, such as the lungs, breasts, pancreas and skin. Carcinoma is the most common type of cancer.
    • Sarcoma. This cancer affects soft or connective tissues, such as muscle, fat, bone, cartilage or blood vessels.
    • Melanoma. Sometimes cancer can develop in the cells that pigment your skin. These cancers are called melanoma.
    • Lymphoma. This cancer affects your lymphocytes or white blood cells.
    • Leukemia. This type of cancer affects blood.

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    What Does It Mean For Prostate Cancer To Spread

    Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. Doctors say the cancer has âmetastasizedâ or spread if this occurs.

    Prostate cancer can spread to:

    These symptoms can also occur with aging and an enlarged prostate. As a result, some people may ignore them instead of seeking medical attention.

    According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, age is the biggest contributing factor to prostate cancer risk. Doctors diagnose an estimated 60% of all prostate cancers in males older than 65 years of age.

    It states that additional risk factors for prostate cancer include:

    • Family history: People with a close relative who has had prostate cancer may be twice as likely to get prostate cancer as those who do not.
    • Race: Males of African descent are about 75% more likely to develop prostate cancer than white males and more than twice as likely to die from the condition.
    • Smoking: A history of smoking is associated with a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

    Researchers are also studying a link between diet and increased prostate cancer risk. Diets high in calcium or low in vegetables may cause an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

    Survival For All Stages Of Prostate Cancer

    Pin on Nandina

    Generally for men with prostate cancer in England:

    • more than 95 out of 100 will survive their cancer for 1 year or more
    • more than 85 out of 100 will survive their cancer for 5 years or more
    • almost 80 out of 100 will survive their cancer for 10 years or more

    Survival of prostate cancer is also reported in Scotland and Northern Ireland. But it is difficult to compare survival between these countries because of differences in the way the information is collected.

    Cancer survival by stage at diagnosis for England, 2019Office for National Statistics

    These statistics are for net survival. Net survival estimates the number of people who survive their cancer rather than calculating the number of people diagnosed with cancer who are still alive. In other words, it is the survival of cancer patients after taking into account the background mortality that they would have experienced if they had not had cancer.

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