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Prostate Cancer Family History Risk

Does A Family History Of Prostate Cancer Affect Screening Behavior In Jamaican Men

Advice If You Have a Family History of Prostate Cancer

Objective. To determine 1) the characteristics of males with a family history of prostate cancer who presented for screening and 2) the association between family history and diagnosis of prostate cancer in a cohort of screened Jamaican men.

Methods. The study consisted of a prospective cohort of black men who screened at the Jamaica Cancer Society in Kingston between 2006 and 2016. Data were collected on: 1) age at screening and age at diagnosis of prostate cancer, 2) family history of prostate cancer, and 3) prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination findings.

Results. Approximately 600 of screened men who reported data on family history said they had a family history of prostate cancer. Men with a family history of prostate cancer 1) commenced screening at a younger age than men without a family history and 2) tended to have a younger age at diagnosis of prostate cancer . There was no significantly increased risk of prostate cancer in men with a reported family history of prostate cancer .

Who Is At Risk

All men are in danger of prostate cancer. Out of each 100 American men, around 13 will get this disease during their lifetime, and around 2 to 3 men will bite the dust from prostate malignant growth.

The most well-known danger factor is age. The more seasoned a man is, the more noteworthy the shot at getting prostate cancer.

A few men are at expanded danger for prostate cancer. You are at expanded danger for getting or passing on from prostate cancer in case you are African-American or have a family background of

A few men are at expanded danger for prostate cancer. You are at expanded danger for getting or passing on from prostate cancer in case you are African-American or have a family background of this disease.

When To Consider Genetic Counseling For Prostate Cancer

Experts recommend that men with a family history suggesting an increased risk of prostate cancer engage in shared decision-making with their physicians about genetic counseling and testing. Genetic testing can educate you about your inherited risk of prostate cancer, and it also can inform your family members that they may have genetic mutations that increase their cancer risk. Here are 7 factors that warrant a referral to a certified genetic counselor:

  • A personal or family history of aggressive prostate cancer, including metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
  • Having multiple first-, second-, or third-degree relatives on the same side of the family with the same or related types of cancer prostate, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, or colorectal suggestive of hereditary prostate cancer, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, or Lynch syndrome.
  • Men of Ashkenazi Jewish background with a personal or family history of these cancers.
  • A personal history of male breast cancer.
  • Genetic mutations already identified in other family members.
  • Diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 55 or younger in the patient or a first-degree relative.
  • Death from prostate cancer in a first-degree-relative before age 60.
  • Journal of Clinical Oncology, Feb. 1, 2018).

    This article originally appeared in Cleveland Clinic Mens Health Advisor.

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    Why Is It Important For Men With A Family History To Be Tested For Genetic Mutations

    Morgan: Morgan: Primary care doctors are no longer consistently recommending routine prostate cancer screening to their patients, which seems to be sending the message that men dont need to worry about prostate cancer.

    The reality is that prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in men in the United States. Men who have inherited mutations are much more likely to have aggressive prostate cancer. We know that treatment of aggressive prostate cancer works and prevents death and suffering from prostate cancer. Thats what this is about more than anything else: preventing death and suffering from prostate cancer.

    Learn more about genetic testing and prostate cancer

    Inherited Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    that family history of prostate cancer adjusted for age ...

    Over past decades, scientists have learned that some prostate cancer that runs in families is hereditary. In these cases, mutations in genes that raise the risk of prostate cancer occur in every cell of the body and are passed on from either a mother or father to a child, said Elias Obeid, MD, MPH, medical oncologist and director of the Prostate Risk Assessment Program at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

    These inherited alterations in genes may be responsible for up to 10 percent of all prostate cancers, according to the American Cancer Society, and often occur in genes that repair damage to DNA, including BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

    Mutations in these two genes are best known for causing breast and ovarian cancer in women. But they also raise prostate cancer risk in men who inherit them, especially faulty BRCA2 genes, which are tied to aggressive prostate cancer, Obeid said.

    Other genes that can cause prostate cancer through mutations include those related to DNA repair, such as CHEK2 and ATM HOXB13, which is related to the development of the prostate gland and the genes tied to a disease called Lynch syndrome.

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    Prostate Cancer Family History The Ultimate Guide

    A prostate cancer family history is an important risk factor in determining someoneâs risk of developing the disease. Having a family history of prostate cancer can increase menâs chance of developing prostate cancer to at least a 1 in 3 chance. However, most people underestimate the impact and role of family history when managing their own risk .

    In this guide, we will present all the facts on a prostate cancer family history. We have scoured the literature and consulted with some of the leading experts in the field to bring you all the answers. In this guide, we answer the following questions.

    1.What is a family history of cancer?

    2.What is the chance of developing prostate cancer with a family history?

    3.How do you determine if you have a family history of prostate cancer?

    4.What to do if you do have a family history of prostate cancer?

    It is important to note that the information given in this article should not be used or relied upon as a substitute for a doctorâs advice and instructions. If you are looking to discuss your situation with a doctor who specialises in managing prostate cancer, our clinicians are ready to help. You can request a tele-consult with our clinicians by creating a secure account or by filling out our contact form.

    Family History And Genetics

    Your family history is information about any health problems that have affected your family. Families have many common factors, such as their genes, environment and lifestyle. Together, these factors can help suggest if you are more likely to get some health conditions.

    Inside every cell in our body is a set of instructions called genes. These are passed down from our parents. Genes control how the body grows, works and what it looks like. If something goes wrong with one or more genes , it can sometimes cause cancer.

    Is prostate cancer hereditary?

    If people in your family have prostate cancer or breast cancer, it might increase your own risk of getting prostate cancer. This is because you may have inherited the same faulty genes.

    My father had prostate cancer. What are my risks?

    • You are two and a half times more likely to get prostate cancer if your father or brother has had it, compared to a man who has no relatives with prostate cancer.
    • Your chance of getting prostate cancer may be even greater if your father or brother was under 60 when he was diagnosed, or if you have more than one close relative with prostate cancer.
    • Your risk of getting prostate cancer may also be higher if your mother or sister has had breast cancer.

    Do you have a family history of prostate cancer?

    If you’re over 45 and your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you may want to talk to your GP. Our Specialist Nurses can also help you understand your hereditary risk of prostate cancer.

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    Female Family Members With A History Of Breast Cancer

    Most women diagnosed with breast cancer dont have a family history of the disease.

    About 13-16 percent of women diagnosed have a first-degree female relative with breast cancer .

    A woman who has a first-degree female relative with breast cancer has about twice the risk of a woman without this family history . If she has more than one first-degree female relative with a history of breast cancer, her risk is about 2-4 times higher .

    How Should Men With A Family History Of Prostate Cancer Get Tested

    Preventing Prostate Cancer? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    We recommend yearly PSA testing from the age of 40 onwards for men with a family history of prostate cancer. A more advanced blood test such as a PSA and Free-To-Total Ratio or Prostate Health Index may be an appropriate test depending on the individualâs risk. We also recommend a DRE completed by a highly trained and competent Urologist.

    More importantly, we recommend finding a doctor that understands your increased risk and the nuances associated with a family history so that these more advanced tests can be ordered and interpreted correctly. Maxwell Plus is the most accessible experts, being a telehealth company.

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    Talking With Your Health Care Provider

    If you have a family history of breast or other type of cancer, your health care provider can help you understand how this impacts your risk of breast cancer.

    Susan G. Komen®s My Family Health History Tool

    My Family Health History tool is a web-based tool that makes it easy for you to record and organize your family health history. It can help you gather information thats useful as you talk with your doctor or genetic counselor.

    Prostate Cancer Screening Ages 55 To 69

    This is the age range where men will benefit the most from screening.Thats because this is the time when:

    • Men are most likely to get cancer
    • Treatment makes the most sense, meaning when treatment benefits outweigh any potential risk of treatment side effects

    Most men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough. Some prostatecancers are more aggressive others can be slow-growing. Doctors will takeyour age and other factors into consideration before weighing the risks andbenefits of treatment.

    You should ask your doctor how often he or she recommends you get screened.For most men, every two to three years is enough.

    Depending on the results of your first PSA test, your doctor may recommendyou get screened less frequently.

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    Summary Prostate Cancer Family History

    There are three important things to remember about prostate cancer and family history.

  • A family history of prostate cancer is a significant predictor of your overall risk of developing prostate cancer. A family history of prostate cancer can increase your risk by up to 5.0x compared to the population average.
  • First-degree relatives are most important when determining your prostate cancer family history. Second-degree relatives are also important but do not significantly influence your risk as first-degree relatives.
  • If you have a family history of prostate cancer, you should be tested from 40 years old and continue to get tested each year. It is essential to find a doctor who understands prostate cancer.
  • When Prostate Cancer Risk Is All In The Family

    Family history and prostate cancer risk

    Your familial risk of prostate cancer is greatest if you have a first-degree relative who had the disease, especially if they were diagnosed at a relatively young age. Having multiple first degree relatives with prostate cancer also increases risk. Having multiple second-degree relatives and third-degree relatives adds to the risk, Carroll explains. Its more concerning when we see all cancers on one side of the family, in one blood line, she adds.

    In one study, researchers found that men with a brother who had prostate cancer were more than twice as likely as men in the general population to be diagnosed with the disease themselves, and they faced nearly twice the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer by age 75. Also, men with both a father and brother who had prostate cancer faced about a threefold greater risk of prostate cancer and developing aggressive disease by age 75 compared with the general population.

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    Risks For Prostate Cancer

    Certain behaviours, substances or conditions can affect your risk, or chance, of developing cancer. Some things increase your risk and some things decrease it. Most cancers are the result of many risks. But sometimes cancer develops in people who don’t have any risks.

    The risk for prostate cancer increases as men get older. The chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is greater after age 50. Prostate cancer is most often diagnosed in men in their 60s.

    Prostate cancer occurs in Black men of African or Caribbean ancestry more often than in men of other ethnicities. Black men are also more likely to have more aggressive prostate tumours and die from prostate cancer when compared to other men. The reason for this is not clear.

    The following can increase your risk for prostate cancer. Most of these risks cannot be changed.

    What Will Happen If I Go To My Gp

    Your GP will talk to you about your risk of prostate cancer and the tests you can have to diagnose it. Your GP may make an appointment for you to see a specialist at the hospital.

    Contact our Specialist Nurses about what to expect at a GP appointment.

    Its natural to feel worried or embarrassed about going to the doctor or having tests. But dont let that stop you going to your GP. Remember, the tests give your GP the best idea about whether you have a problem that needs treating.

    If youre not sure about what to say to your GP, print and fill out this form and show it to them. This will help you have the conversation.

    Read Also: At What Age Do You Check For Prostate Cancer

    Is Prostate Cancer Genetically Inherited

    Prostate cancer is one of the most heritable cancers. Your risk of developing prostate cancer is higher if a family member has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

    The heritable risk for prostate cancer, and most cancers in general, goes beyond just those family members who had prostate cancer. For instance, you can inherit your prostate cancer risk from female family members with breast cancer

    Research has established the link between the BRCA gene and the increased chance of developing prostate cancer. Men who carry the BRCA 2 gene have an increased lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer

    A genetic test is required to confirm the presence of the BRCA genes. However, a family history of breast or ovarian cancer is an indicator that family members could carry the BRCA genes. For example, a family history of breast cancer could mean you inherited the BRCA 2 gene and thus have an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Importantly, the BRCA genes can be inherited from both sides of the family. Men are carriers of the altered gene, so you may have inherited the gene from your father.

    The seriousness of this risk is well understood. Recent updates to the Prostate MRI Medicare Rebate in Australia subsidise men with a suspected BRCA gene due to assumed increased risk.

    The lesson from this is to understand your familyâs complete history on both sides of the family.

    Family History And Genetic Factors

    Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

    Inherited factors explain around 59% of prostate cancers, it is estimated. A mix of genetic/biological factors and increased diagnostic activity in affected families may underpin the familial risk. Prostate cancer risk is not associated with prostate cancer in an adoptive parent , but it is higher sooner rather than later after diagnosis in a family member, , cohort studies have shown.

    Family history

    Prostate cancer risk is 2.1-2.4 times higher in men whose father has/had the disease, meta-analyses have shown. Prostate cancer risk is 2.9-3.3 times higher in men whose brother has/had the disease, meta-analyses have shown. Prostate cancer risk is 1.9 times higher in men with a second-degree relative who has/had the disease, a meta-analysis has shown.

    Familial prostate cancer risk is higher in men aged under 65 compared with older men, and in men with more than one affected first-degree relative or with an affected relative diagnosed aged younger than 60.

    Prostate cancer risk is 19-24% higher in men whose mother has/had breast cancer, cohort studies have shown. Prostate cancer risk is not associated with breast cancer in a sister.

    BRCA1 and BRCA2

    Lynch syndrome

    Prostate cancer risk is 2.1-4.9 times higher in men with Lynch syndrome, compared with the general population, a meta-analysis and cohort study have shown.

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    Whos At Risk For Prostate Cancer

    All men are at risk of having prostate cancer. About one man in nine will be diagnosed with it during their lifetime, but only one in 39 will die of this disease. About 80% of men who reach age 80 have cancer cells in their prostate. Besides being male, there are other things that contribute to the risk.

    How Can I Get Tested For Prostate Cancer

    If you notice any of the indications connected to it, you may be offered a PSA test. This is a blood test that can demonstrate the presence of the disease.

    Dr. McClymont added: Your GP will likewise recommend an assessment of your prostate, which is embraced through a rectal test.

    Assuming either or both of these tests demonstrate the conceivable presence of prostate malignancy, then, at that point, you will embrace an MRI output to survey the prostate, and a biopsy will be utilized to formally analyze the condition.

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    How Can I Encourage My Brothers Cousins And Friends To Get Tested For Prostate Cancer

    It is essential to ensure your male family members are getting tested for two reasons.

  • For their health. Early detection gives them the best chance of survival.
  • For complete knowledge of your risk. If a brother is diagnosed with prostate cancer, this changes your risk. With such a diagnosis, your risk increases drastically from 2.0x to 5.0x the average.
  • Please encourage them to seek professional advice. Maxwell Plus is available to help them. We handle all reminders, and we will even co-sponsor their testing if they cannot afford the service. If you would like to refer your family members to us you can read this article on how to refer your friends and family to Maxwell Plus.


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