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Does Enlarged Prostate Reduced Ejaculation

Does Having More Ejaculations Lessen The Chance Of Prostate Cancer

Medications to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Enlargement

For reasons not fully known, ejaculating more may lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Ejaculating after all, based upon some studies, through sexual intercourse or masturbation, does not seem to protect against higher risk prostate cancers. The studies do not sort out between ejaculating during sexual intercourse or masturbation, and the effect of each on prostate cancer.

Dr. Anne Calvaresi is the chair of the Urology Care Foundations Prostate Health Committee. She works in Philadelphia and specializes in urology and prostate health.

Reducing Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Its not yet clear what causes prostate cancer, although we know age, family history, and being African American are factors. Of course, these are things you cant change, but there are simple lifestyle changes you can make to keep your prostate healthy :

  • Eating a diet low in saturated fat with a focus on fish, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

In addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, using medications called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors have been shown to reduce prostate cancer risk, although this hasnt been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration .

Can An Enlarged Prostate Keep You From Ejaculating

Enlarged prostate, or BPH, is one of the most common urological conditions that a man can encounter as he gets older. It can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder and other urinary tract, bladder, or kidney problems. Statistics show that 50% of men over the age of 50 will have BPH, then 60% over 60, and so forth, increasing by 10% with every decade of life. Accordingly, as men get older, they’re also more prone to have sexual dysfunction.

There is no evidence that having BPH leads immediately to erectile dysfunction, yet there are relationships between BPH and erectile dysfunction. In general, these relationships are due to patients with BPH who may have other numerous medical conditions that are also associated with erectile dysfunction like hypertension, lipid abnormalities, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bph

As the prostate gets bigger, it can place pressure on the bladder and urethra. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems.

The most common signs and symptoms of BPH include:

  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • Increased frequency of urination at night
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Weak urine stream or a stream that stops and starts
  • Dribbling at the end of urination
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder.

Less common signs and symptoms include:

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Inability to urinate Blood in the urine.

Prostate issues can also cause sexual problems. The extent of any sexual problem varies according to the condition of the prostate. Some common sexual side effects include:

  • Erectile dysfunction

Then Ill Have To Send You To Scott Davis

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate)

Im grateful my doctor was humble enough to admit he couldnt help me. And wise enough to know that someone else could.

He would actually like to send all his prostate patients to Scott.

Because, like he says, Scott gets the job done.

Something the medical system simply doesnt have the tools to do.

The problem is that many of his patients dont want to put in the little effort it takes to heal their prostates.

Instead, they want him to prescribe a magic pill and be done with it.

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Impact Of Surgical Treatments

3.6.1. Standard Endoscopic Procedures

Trans-urethral resection of the prostate : Ejaculatory dysfunction rate after monopolar TURP ranged between 50 and 70% in a recent literature review, despite Muntener et al. not finding any post-operative erectile or sexual modifications . Only a few studies have directly compared monopolar and bipolar TURP. Chen et al. did not find any ejaculatory modification after a 2-year postoperative follow-up, however, the study methodology revealed a lack of power .

Why Erectile Dysfunction May Result From Prostate Disease

In the past, it was thought that most cases of erectile dysfunction were psychological in origin, the result of such demons as performance anxiety or more generalized stress. While these factors can cause erectile dysfunction, doctors now think that 70% of the time the problem can be traced to a physical condition that restricts blood flow, hampers nerve functioning, or both. Such conditions include diabetes, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and alcoholism.

However, some types of prostate disease and treatments may also be responsible.

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I Didnt Have Prostate Problems Anymore

After experiencing how effective these action steps are, I got upset about how few people know about them.

I wanted Scott to go on TV and radio, write books, and do everything required for the masses to know about his incredible approach.

But Scott is highly concerned that his methods not be influenced by any institutions.

Thats why he refuses to join any medical facilities or drug or supplement manufacturers.

The honorable doctors who refer their patients to him do so of their own will.

So, instead of running after mainstream media, Scott joined up with like-minded health experts.

Together, they founded an independent publishing company named Blue Heron Health News.

These are the folks he trusts.

Counselling And Sex Therapy

What to Do and Not Do with Enlarged Prostate | Lifestyle Modifications

Talking to your partner about your erection difficulties can help. Or it may help to talk to a close friend if you are not in a relationship.

Counsellors or therapists can help if youre worried about anything to do with your sex life and sexuality. You can be referred by your GP to a counsellor or therapist within the NHS. You might need to go on a waiting list to see them.

Talk to your GP to find out what is available in your area. Your local hospital or your local Erectile Dysfunction Clinic might have this service.

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What Are The Symptomatic Effects Of Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate pushes against both the bladder and urethra. This complication often might precipitate several urinary tract symptoms such as frequent urination, an uneasy feeling of always having to urinate, an inconsistent, unsteady stream of urine flow, urination difficulties, a painful or burning sensation while urinating, blood in the urine and frequent nighttime urination. In addition, men stricken with BPH may be at greater risk of developing urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence and bladder or kidney damage. Arguably the most uncomfortable and potentially life-altering problems associated with BPH are the sexual side effects. Such manifestations include:

Enlarged Prostate This Treatment Can Help You Avoid Sexual Side Effects

Benign prostatic hyperplasia , or enlarged prostate, is a common condition in men older than age 50. BPH occurs when the prostate gland becomes enlarged and begins to press on the urethra the tube that carries urine out of the body.

When the prostate continues to grow, it can lead to urinary symptoms that include:

  • Leaking or dribbling of urine
  • Frequent nighttime awakenings to urinate
  • Urinary retention or urgency
  • A weak urine stream

BPH is not prostate cancer and it doesnt lead to cancer. However, the two conditions may have similar symptoms in the early stages

So its important that men who experience these symptoms be evaluated by a mens health specialist to rule out cancer and determine the best treatment options to relieve their symptoms.

Without treatment, BPH can lead to serious complications in some men, including incontinence, kidney or bladder damage, urinary tract infections and bladder stones. In some extreme cases, BPH can cause a total inability to urinate and require emergency catheterization.

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Enlarged Prostate And Urination

Outside of sexual dysfunction, difficulty urinating is the most common symptom of an enlarged prostate. This is because when the prostate becomes enlarged, it can press on the bladder and make it difficult to start urinating. You might also find that you have a very weak flow due to the pressure on your urethra, or even that you wake up regularly during the night to use the bathroom.

You should talk to your doctor if you have suddenly developed problems urinating. They might ask you to answer a series of questions to give you an International Prostate Symptom Score . This helps the clinician understand what treatment might be best for you and the general health of your water works.

Now Its The Size Of A Small Walnut Just Like It Should Be

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My PSA blood tests went from a terrifying five to a healthy level of under one.

My doctor thought this had to be a mistake and forced me to take another test to confirm.

Before putting these small changes into action, I wasted the better part of most nights in the bathroom. Only to squeeze out a few drops here and there.

Now, I almost always sleep through and wake up refreshed and happy.

The blood in the pee is gone.

And my bladder empties completely.

This darn thing was ruining my life.

My daughter stopped me from babysitting after I left my grandchildren alone for 20 minutes at the movies to jump quickly to the toilet.

It broke my heart, but she was right.

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Enlarged Prostate And Sex Drive

Although we cant say for certain that an enlarged prostate will cause erectile dysfunction or problems ejaculating, there is plenty of evidence that the condition can and does impact the sex lives of those who experience it. BPH can affect your sex drive , because you might feel generally stressed or anxious about your symptoms.

If you feel that your prostate is impacting your sex life, you should talk to your doctor.

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesnt mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

  • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
  • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a mans relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
  • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

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These Receptors Are The Key To Reversing An Enlarged Prostate

Lets call them prostate receptors.

If these prostate receptors are working well, it doesnt matter how high your testosterone level is. These receptors will only let in what the prostate needs.

Just like we only give the kids a bit of candy no matter how full the pantry is.

And just to be clear, everyone has enough testosterone to balloon their prostate, even men with low testosterone levels.

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When Is Bph Treatment Necessary

New Treatment for Enlarged Prostate Restores Normal Urination

The course of BPH in any individual is not predictable. Symptoms, as well as objective measurements of urethral obstruction, can remain stable for many years and may even improve over time for as many as one-third of men, according to some studies. In a study from the Mayo Clinic, urinary symptoms did not worsen over a 3.5-year period in 73% of men with mild BPH. A progressive decrease in the size and force of the urinary stream and the feeling of incomplete bladder emptying are the symptoms most correlated with the eventual need for treatment. Although nocturia is one of the most annoying BPH symptoms, it does not predict the need for future intervention.

If worsening urethral obstruction is left untreated, possible complications are a thickened, irritable bladder with reduced capacity for urine infected residual urine or bladder stones and a backup of pressure that damages the kidneys.

  • Inadequate bladder emptying resulting in damage to the kidneys
  • Complete inability to urinate after acute urinary retention
  • Incontinence due to overfilling or increased sensitivity of the bladder
  • Recurrent severe hematuria
  • Symptoms that trouble the patient enough to diminish his quality of life

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What Are The Available Treatments For Bph

As men get older, their prostates tend to become enlarged. This is usually from a lifetime of bad habits. However, prostate enlargement does not equate to prostate cancer. Having an enlarged prostate does not inevitably mean you will get cancer.

Once diagnosed, doctors usually recommend medication. It is essential you know that some of the drugs used to treat BPH have side-effects. Some of these include erectile dysfunction and a diminished sex drive.

Men who take alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase are prone to develop erectile dysfunction.

Studies show that approximately 3% of men who took Dutasteride and 6.4% of men who took Finasteride experienced a loss of libido.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for men to experience flagging sexual desire and compromised erectile after initiation of treatment.

Recent scientific research has pointed out that medicine such as blue pills will also have a relaxing effect on the prostate.

30% of men facing BPH will encounter compromised sexual function. One-third of men suffering ED have troubling symptoms related to the prostate.

The Link Between An Enlarged Prostate And Erectile Dysfunction

In the past, the relationship between BPH and erectile dysfunction was believed to be based solely on age. The risk of having enlarged prostate increases with age so, does the risk of erectile dysfunction.

The link between BPH and erectile dysfunction was assessed in several clinical trials. One of the most important clinical trials was the Male Cologne Survey, including 4,489 men aged between 30 and 80. The study participants were questioned about their sexual activities and related factors. The results have shown that a high percentage of men who had lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH also had erectile dysfunction.

Another study was the Multinational Survey of the Aging Male . More than 14,000 men aged between 50 and 80 years were enrolled. The study confirmed that high prevalence of BPH associated with lower urinary tract symptoms is linked with to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

The relationship between BPH and erectile dysfunction was not clearly understood by the researchers. One idea concerns the sympathetic nervous system, which studies show is hyperactive in animals and men with BPH-associated urinary tract symptoms. Nerve fibres in the sympathetic nervous system transmit signals that have an impact on stress and stress-related symptoms. An increase in these signals may lead to overactivity in the sympathetic nervous system, which is associated with erectile problems.

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Cause And Risk Factors

The prostate gland can enlarge as men grow older. The exact reasons for continued growth are unclear but may be related to changes in sex hormones as men age. While the exact cause of BPH or an enlarged prostate remain unclear, there are risk factors that are important to keep in mind, including aging, family history, obesity and underlying conditions that may increase the risk of BPH like diabetes and heart disease.

Sex And Erection Problems After Treatment For Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer treatments can affect your sex life. Some treatments can damage the nerves that you need to get an erection. Other treatments can affect the levels of hormones needed to get and maintain an erection.

Even if you can’t get a full erection, you can still have a sex life. There are several treatments that may help you but not everyone chooses to have treatment. Treatments might include:

  • drug treatments such as tablets and creams

Sex therapy and counselling can also help. Speak to your doctor or specialist nurse if this is something you think might help.

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Epidemiology Of Ejaculatory Disorders In Bph

The ICS-BPH study enrolled a cohort of 1271 patients aged over 45 years from 12 countries with BPH-related LUTS. Four hundred and twenty-three patients were selected as a control group. All patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. No differences were found between the test group and the control group. Erectile and ejaculatory disorders were correlated with the LUTS severity. Ejaculatory dysfunction and painful ejaculations were found in 47% and 5% of cases in the test group .

Overall, BPH-related LUTS, are associated with either absence or reduction in ejaculatory volume. If this disorder is correlated with age and LUTS severity, the functional discomfort is not. Although ejaculatory pain or discomfort are less prevalent than other ejaculatory dysfunctions, their consequence on patients quality of life is significant.

Is Sex Good For Your Prostate

Whether or not sex is good for prostate problems is a question many men wonder, and its an important one that needs answering.

The prostate plays an active role during sexual activity.

The effect regular ejaculations have on the prostate should become a significant talking point, especially amongst men who are experiencing prostate problems.

This article will determine whether a healthy sex life can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

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