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HomeFoodBest Food For Prostate Problems

Best Food For Prostate Problems

Study Linking Refined Carbohydrate And Prostate Problems

7 Best Foods For Prostate Health (2021)

Different studies have shown that there is a direct link between refined carbohydrates and prostate cancer. For example, in 2012, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that there is an association between dietary intake of carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates, and prostate cancer.

The study recruited 8,128 men who were between the ages of 45 – 73 years without a history of cancer, diabetes, or any cardiovascular disease. After a follow-up time of 15 years during which the dietary habits of the participants were followed, prostate cancer was diagnosed in 817 of the men.

The results showed that there were no positive associations between total carbohydrates or prostate cancer even after adjustment for age or other potential risk factors and that there was a positive association between high intakes of refined carbohydrates and prostate cancer.

Foods To Avoid: Eggs & Poultry

A study published in the January 2006 issue of Urology explored the connection between diet and BPH symptoms.1 It found that eating eggs and poultry appeared to increase symptoms. This may be to do with the fact that egg yolks have high levels of arachidonic acid, which, as mentioned earlier, increases inflammation.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you must cut eggs and chicken out of your diet completely this is just one study and more research would be needed to make a more thorough conclusion on the issue. However, I would advise you not to focus your diet around these foods and to get more variety instead. Vegetables are an excellent option as they contain and array of nutrients and can be incorporated into meals like curries and soups, as well as snacks.

About Dr Dan Sperling

Dan Sperling, MD, DABR, is a board certified radiologist who is globally recognized as a leader in multiparametric MRI for the detection and diagnosis of a range of disease conditions. As Medical Director of the Sperling Prostate Center, Sperling Medical Group and Sperling Neurosurgery Associates, he and his team are on the leading edge of significant change in medical practice. He is the co-author of the new patient book Redefining Prostate Cancer, and is a contributing author on over 25 published studies. For more information, contact the Sperling Prostate Center.

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How To Add More Green Tea To Your Diet

If you like the taste of green tea, start by drinking a cup each morning in place of your regular coffee.

If you prefer to skip caffeine, try a decaffeinated version. If you dont like warm tea, try cooling it in your refrigerator and adding ice for a refreshing beverage.

If you arent a fan of the taste, try using cooled green tea as the liquid in homemade smoothies, or adding green tea powder.


Cut Down Or Cut Out Alcohol And Processed Foods

Take care of your prostate! Eat these 11 foods regularly ...

Both alcohol and processed foods can cause unhealthy inflammation in your body. Youll want to eliminate processed foods, which are also low in nutrients and high in chemicals that could compromise your health.

When you shift your focus around eating to nutrition instead of taste alone, you may find that youre so full of pomegranates and cucumbers and other good foods that you dont have room for nutrition-poor processed foods, alcohol, and other indulgences.

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Tips For Nutrition During Cancer Treatment

  • Maintain a healthy weight. For many men, this means avoiding weight loss by getting enough calories on a daily basis. For men who are overweight and are obese, this may mean losing some weight. If you are trying to lose weight, it should be moderate, meaning only about a pound a week.
  • Get essential nutrients the body needs, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, and water. Not only will your body function better, you will feel better.
  • Be as active as you can, such as taking a daily walk. If you sit or sleep too much, you may lose muscle mass and increase your body fat, even if you are not gaining weight.

If you are struggling to eat enough or are eating too much, nutrition counseling may help you get essential nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals into your diet and maintain a healthy body weight. Ask your health care team for a referral to a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Dietitians and other members of the health care team work with people to meet their nutritional needs.

Common Prostate Health Problems

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer has become a major public health problem worldwide. This form of cancer is when malignant, cancer cells form in the tissues of the prostate. Typically there are no symptoms at all, and prostate cancer is detected on surveillance DRE and PSA tests. If a man has any symptoms, its typically a sign of a very advanced disease but this is very uncommon this day and age.

The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age. Other risk factors include family history and race. The study of age-specific incidence curves reveals that prostate cancer risk begins to rise sharply after age 55 and peaks at age 7074, declining slightly thereafter. Autopsy studies even show that prostate cancer has a long induction period and many men begin to have lesions in their 20s and 30s. The risk of prostate cancer is approximately 60 percent higher in African-Americans than in Caucasians, with the mortality rate in African-Americans being double that of caucasians. And studies conducted as far back as the 1950s determined that having a brother or father with prostate cancer increases the risk for an individual by approximately two- to threefold, on average.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


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How To Add More Pomegranate Juice To Your Diet

You can buy pomegranate juice at most grocery stores. If drinking the juice plain is too intense, consider diluting it with plain water or adding some sparkling water.

You can also add pomegranate seeds to homemade salad dressing to sweeten up your favorite salad.


Pomegranates are high in antioxidants. Animal and test-tube studies have shown that pomegranate juice could inhibit the production of some prostate cancer cells.

Exercise And Prostate Cancer Prevention

Best Foods to Eat with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Risk of Symptoms, Enlargement & Cancer

Research has repeatedly shown that boosting your heart rate with regular exercise can lower your risk of getting prostate cancer by up to 20 percent. Of course, getting regular exercise is easier said than done.

Instead of watching football on TV, why not call up a few friends and go toss a ball around? Its infinitely more enjoyable than trudging off to the gym and a great way to catch up with the guys, too.

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Vegetables Containing Vitamin C:

Eat more vegetables which contain vitamin C as it helps in enlarged prostate problems. This includes bell peppers, snow peas, snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes etc.

Fruits juices:

One should drink fresh juice of fruits like apple, oranges as it helps in the enlarged prostate problems.


Spinach reduces the risk of the prostate related problems. In spinach there is neoxanthin is present which kill all main types of male prostate cancers cells.


One should eat carrot as it removes all the impurities from the body.


Papaya is much benefited for the prostate problems .These are excellent to restore the doshic imbalance .It helps in the removing the toxins from the body.


Turmeric is best antibacterial medicine. It helps in removing the toxins and shrinks the tumors and any unwanted growth in the body.

Herbal tea:

One should drink a herbal tea which include coriander, cumin, fennel to smoothen the urination.


Tulsi have anti-cancerous property .This herbs provide prevention from the infections and also improve the urine flow.

Warm water:

Drink warm water as possible because it helps in the all toxins which produce by the body.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E riched food is preferred for the patient suffering from the prostate problems. One should eat sprouted seeds, eggs and leafy vegetables.

Maintaining Good Nutrition During And After Treatment

Maintaining a healthy diet can help you prepare for and recover after cancer treatment. It may also help to prevent the prostate cancer from coming back.Watching your weight may also reduce your risk of dying from prostate cancer. Recent studies have indicated that the risk of dying from prostate cancer is more than double in obese men diagnosed with the disease compared with men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis. Obese men with local or regional disease have been shown to have nearly four times the risk of their cancer spreading beyond the prostate or metastasizing.

Prostate cancer treatment may affect your appetite, eating habits, and weight, but it is important for you to maintain a healthy weight, get essential nutrients, and remain as physically active as possible.If you have difficulty eating due to side effects from treatment, there are ways to make eating more comfortable. Working with a registered dietitian/nutritionist can help make sure you are getting the nutrition you need.

Unfortunately it is possible for the side effects of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy to cause you to lose your appetite, eat less and lose weight. On the other hand, some treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy may cause weight gain for some men.

, Prostate Cancer and Nutrition featuring Margaret Martin, RD, MS, LDN, a nutrition educator from PearlPoint Nutrition Services.

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The Facts Of Prostate Cancer

The prostate, an organ located under the bladder, produces semen. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States. About 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

The risk of developing prostate cancer progressively increases with age. About 60 percent of all prostate cancers in the United States are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older. It is rare for men to develop prostate cancer before age 40.

Theres no absolute prostate cancer prevention, but evidence suggests diet plays a key role. Keep reading for diet tips and more information.

Top 8 Foods Good For Enlarged Prostate

How to treat and prevent prostate problems with food ...

The most common prostate problem among men over age 50, is enlarged prostate. By age 60, half of all men will have an enlarged prostate and by age 85, the proportion reaches 90% . It is, however, important to note that such condition does not increase your risk of getting prostate cancer or having sexual problems but unfortunately it can very much affect quality of life, specifically by causing annoying and embarrassing urination problems . It happens slowly that is why most men wont notice the signs of enlarged prostate easily. Frequent trips to the bathroom may appear natural part of aging for them but actually it is a sign of enlarged prostate. It is important then to understand enlarged prostate and its symptoms.

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Top Foods That Help Prevent An Enlarged Prostate

1. Salmon: Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acid deficiency could lead to prostate problems. You can also get your omega-3s from ground flax seeds, walnuts, kidney beans, and canola oil.

2. Tofu: A study that was published in The Journal of Urology revealed that Asian men have a reduced risk of developing BPH when compared to western men. One reason could be that Asian men consume more soy. According to a study published in The Prostate, soy isoflavones have been linked to lowering the risk of developing an enlarged prostate. You can get soy isoflavones in low-fat soymilk, roasted soybeans, and soy yogurt.

3. Bell peppers: Bell peppers have more vitamin C than any other vegetablevitamin C is said to play a role in fighting BPH. However, according to some studies, only vitamin C from vegetables can lower the risk of enlarged prostate. You can also try cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.

4. Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds contain high levels of zinc, which is essential in maintaining a healthy prostate. Men who either have BPH or prostate cancer have low levels of zinc in their bodies. You can also try pumpkin seeds, adzuki beans, and almonds.

5. Avocadoes: Avocadoes are rich in the plant sterol beta-sitosterol. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews states that beta-sitosterol helps reduce symptoms associated with BPH. It can strengthen the immune system as well as reduce inflammation and pain. You can also try soybeans, pecans, and wheat germ.

When Do Prostate Problems Begin

Be proactive with your health for their sake

There are some men out there wholl exhibit prostate problems by the time theyre in their 30s and 40s. When this happens, they need to seek immediate medical attention. However, other symptoms might not manifest until men are in the later stages of their lives.

One analysis looked at the transition zone of the prostate of men at different stages in their lives 1.

The volunteers fell into the following age ranges:

  • 4049 Years
  • Cyclooxygenase-2
  • Matrix Metalloproteinases

Not only is kombucha part of a healthy gut diet plan, but can also aid in mens wellness as they age. Thats why this brew is a must on our list of drinks for prostate health.

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Get A Prostate Exam Each Year

As part of your annual mens health exam at Mens T Clinic®, our physicians check the health of your prostate. Every man receives a digital rectal exam . Yup, thats the awful test where a doctor sticks a gloved finger up your anus and you cough. But the awful test could save your life.

If youre between ages 55-69 or at high risk for prostate cancer, we may also recommend a prostate-specific antigen blood test to determine if your levels of PSA are within normal ranges. We may also advise you to get your first test at age 40 or so, to help establish a baseline normal value unique to you.

Show your prostate you care by contacting our Mens T Clinic®office that’s nearest you — in Dallas, Frisco, The Colony, Houston, Cypress, Pearland, Pasadena, Grapevine, and Spring, Texas. You can phone us or use the online booking form to set up a mens health consultation today.

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Best Foods For Prostate Health

5 Best Foods For Prostate Health

We dont often think about the best foods for our prostate health. If it smells right and tastes good, its okay to eat.

However, studies have shown that lifestyle and diet play an enormous role in mens healthparticularly prostate health. Eating the rights foods is extremely beneficial to have a healthy prostate.

Regrettably, unhealthy foods are very present in the majority of everyday diets.

Large amounts of processed food, salty foods, and junk food are the norm.

These are bad for health generally, but especially for prostate health. They only increase the likelihood of developing prostate diseases and becoming obese.

Interestingly, the diet recommendations by leading health organizations around the world are the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. Fish, seafood, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils.

All of these are in the Paleo diet. If youre suffering from prostate issues, we highly recommend you check out the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. It is the best diet for fighting prostate disease, getting fitter, and losing weight.

Below we list 10 of the best foods that will help improve, support, and sustain prostate health.

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Eat Tomatoes And Other Red Foods

Tomatoes, watermelon, and other red foods owe their bright color to a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Some recent studies show that men who consume this fruit and tomato-based products have a lower risk of prostate cancer than those who dont. However, the American Institute for Cancer Research cautions that studies linking tomatoes to prostate cancer prevention are limited and ongoing.

A 2018 study from Spain suggest that cooking tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb lycopene. The redder the tomato, the better because lycopene accumulates during ripening. That means that pale, store-bought tomatoes that are picked too early have less lycopene than vine-ripened tomatoes.

  • Drinking four to five cups of coffee every day can lower your chances of fatal and high-grade prostate cancer, according to a 2014 review of clinical studies.
  • Regardless of how many cups you drink overall, every three cups of coffee you drink can reduce your risk of fatal prostate cancer about 11 percent.

This describes a dose-response relationship between prostate cancer and coffee. That means the effect on prostate cancer goes up or down with the amount of coffee you drink. These effects may not extend to someone who only grabs an occasional cup.

However, high doses of caffeine can cause major health issues, such as irregular heartbeat and seizures. The Mayo Clinic cautions against ingesting more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, the equivalent of four cups of brewed coffee.

Foods To Eat And Avoid To Prevent An Enlarged Prostate

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

As we get older, our bodies can sometimes become more susceptible to certain perilstake for example an enlarged prostate.

Fifty percent of men who are over the age of 60, and 95% of men over the age of 85, suffer from an enlarged prostate gland or benign prostatic hyperplasia . BPH typically occurs as a man agesthe prostate gland can enlarge and compress the urethra, obstructing the flow of urine.

In men, urine flows from the bladder through to the urethra. BPH blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells will slowly begin to multiply, creating an enlargement that places pressure on the urethra . The bladder needs to use more force to push urine through the body as the urethra narrows.

Eventually, the bladder muscle will become stronger and thicker, yet much more sensitive, resulting in the need to urinate frequently. Since the bladder muscle cant overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra, urine remains in the bladder and is not completely emptied.

Youre probably asking: What can I do to prevent an enlarged prostate?

I have good news for you: If you follow a diet that is rich in certain vitamins and minerals, you can keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk of developing BPH.

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