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Vitamin D And Prostate Health

Dietary Vitamin D And Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Vitamin D & Prostate Health

The association between dietary vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk has been examined in several epidemiologic studies.3Results of these studies are negative or conflicting however, limiteddata indicate a possible link. One study concluded that men in the U.S.have a 10-fold greater risk of developing prostate cancer compared withmen in Japan.10 The increased risk has been linked to thedifference in diet between American and Japanese men. Japanese men have ahigher consumption of fatty fish, and thus an increased amount ofvitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids dissociatevitamin D metabolites from binding proteins, thereby increasing activelevels of these metabolites in the blood.3 In another study, Ahn et al noted a reduced risk of prostate cancer with greater intake of supplemental vitamin D.11A 40% risk reduction occurred in patients receiving more than 600 IU ofsupplemental vitamin D versus those not receiving it. However, dietaryintake of vitamin D was not associated with adecreased or increased risk of prostate cancer.11

Prostate Cancer And Genome Damage

There is a strong link between the prevalence of markers of genome damage and cancer risk. Studies have shown that prevalence of chromosomal aberrations is 2.2-fold to 2.4-fold higher in cancer patients than in non-cancer controls, and that micronuclei formation, a marker for chromosomal instability, was associated with increased cancer incidence in a study of 6718 individuals. There is also evidence to link telomeres to cancer risk. Telomeres are repetitive TTAGGG DNA sequences that maintain genomic stability by protecting the ends of chromosomes they shorten in length over time in normal somatic tissues due to incomplete replication of the telomere. Telomere shortening is accelerated by oxidative stress, inflammation and cell proliferation and has been linked with induction of cell senescence which guards against survival of genomically abnormal cells. Evidence from prospective studies show positive associations between telomere length and various cancers, including that for low-grade and localised PC disease, possibly due to abnormal telomerase expression and telomere elongation, which enables the survival of genomically unstable cells, their unrestricted growth and their evolution into cancer. There is evidence to show that some micronutrients are essential to prevent genome damage but the specific impact of vitamin D is only just starting to be explored.

Data Synthesis And Analysis

Data will be synthesised in accordance with the separate pathways . Human and animal trials will be analysed separately. It is anticipated that there will be a large degree of heterogeneity between the studies, such as differences in study design , exposures , measures, and samples. Meta-analyses will be performed only with studies that are sufficiently similar, using both random-effects and fixed-effect methods. Primary results will be from fixed-effects meta-analyses unless we observe strong evidence of heterogeneity in effect sizes and study sizes. The extent of statistical heterogeneity among the true effects across studies will be assessed using the between-study variance. If the studies cannot be judged to be answering comparable research questions, for example, if they differ substantially in methods, exposures, or outcomes, a narrative synthesis will be performed. Where possible, sub-group analysis will be performed to examine the sources of heterogeneity on study outcomes. Fixed-effect results will be presented graphically using forest plots. Alternatively, albatross plots will be produced where effect sizes are not comparable.

Recommended Reading: Stanford Hospital Prostate Cancer Treatment

Total Health For The Prostate

Total Health for the Prostate contains a total of 23 all-natural ingredients, including clinically significant dosages of beta-sitosterol, quercetin, pomegranate extract, boron, and turmeric.

Many of the nutrients included in Total Health have been shown in clinical trials to improve urine flow, reduce frequent urination, and lower your PSA score.

Formulated with potent vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, Total Health works to lower DHT levels and reduce the prostate gland size.

Hormonal balance plays a vital role in mens health. When levels of estrogen increase at the same time that testosterone levels decrease, estrogen dominance can occur. This causes testosterone to convert into dihydrotestosterone .

DHT is a highly active form of testosterone that irritates the prostate and can cause prostate enlargement and inflammation.

Therefore, by reducing DHT levels, Total Health for the Prostate helps to combat the root causes of prostate disease and inflammation, in order to restore your health.

Total Health for the Prostate also contains a broad range of minerals and vitamins to help support your general health, working as both a multivitamin and effective prostate supplement.

Prostate Healer is a safe, proprietary, unique blend of the worlds 9 most powerful prostate healing and rejuvenating herbs.

Concentrated extracts of these herbs have been blended into a powerful and effective tincture.

Clinical Trial Study Design


The open-label study enrolled 52 eligible subjects. Forty-eight subjects completed the study and were included in the safety analysis these subjects had complete PSA laboratory results for inclusion in the evaluation of changes in PSA. Forty-four subjects had both baseline and repeat biopsy to compare the number of positive cores and Gleason score with baseline, after completing vitamin D3 supplementation. All subjects had study visits every 2 months for 1 yr to measure serum levels of 25D, PSA, phosphorus, and PTH, plus complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, and urinary calcium to creatinine ratio . In addition, circulating levels of vitamin D3 and 1,252D were measured at baseline and exit in 19 subjects for whom extra serum samples were available.

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Vitamin D And Prostate Cancer

Richard Martin and his team observed association between vitamin D and more aggressive cancers, which indicates the potential role for vitamin D manipulation to control the progression of prostate cancer

  • Topic:Prostate cancer

Association of circulating vitamin D metabolite levels with incidence and progression of screen-detected prostate cancer.

Vitamin D3 And Prostate Health

A new study published by the journal Clinical Cancer Research , suggests that low blood levels of vitamin D may be linked to more aggressive and advanced cases of prostate cancer.The study suggests that vitamin D may play an important role in how prostate cancer starts and spreads, although it does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. Researchers aren’t yet sure exactly how it comes into play or even if taking extra vitamin D might keep prostate cancer in check.

“We really don’t know, for certain, what role vitamin D plays in cancer . . . either the genesis or beginning of cancer . . . or in defining how aggressive the cancer may be,” he said. “Further research has to be done.”

What is known is that vitamin D plays several critical roles in how cells develop and grow.

“It seems to regulate normal differentiation of cells as they change from stem cells to adult cells. And it regulates the growth rate of normal cells and cancer cells.” said study author Dr. Adam Murphy, an assistant professor of urology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago.

Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because skin makes it when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D levels tend to drop with advancing age, and deficiency is more common in seasons and regions that get less sunlight and in people with darker skin, which naturally blocks the sun.

What about the vitamin’s possible relationship to cancer?

Also Check: Psa Levels And Prostate Cancer

Saw Palmetto May Actually Be Harmful To Your Prostate

Three recent scientific studies, surprisingly indicated that saw palmetto may actually harm your prostate health! These studies, which were investigating the effect of saw palmetto on prostate tissue all came to the same conclusion: Saw palmetto has an effect similar to chemotherapy on prostate cells it kills both unhealthy and healthy cells!

  • One study published in Prostate examined the effect of saw palmetto on stroma cells and on epithelial cells . The study was done on normal prostate tissue and on BPH tissues from patients treated with and without the saw palmetto. The conclusion was that saw palmetto damages the nuclear and mitochondrial membranes, and causes cellular death in the epithelium and stroma.
  • Another study published in the Journal of Urology investigated the effects of saw palmetto on primary cultures of fibroblasts , and epithelial cells from the prostate, epididymis , testes, kidney, skin and breast to determine if the action of saw palmetto is selective and specific to prostate tissue. This study concluded that saw palmetto caused damage and death in prostate tissue, though there were no similar changes observed in other types of cells.
  • A third study published in Prostate examined the effect of saw palmetto on benign prostatic hyperplasia . Again, the results showed there was widespread damage of intracellular membranes, including mitochondrial and nuclear membranes in both healthy and overgrown prostate tissue.

Saw Palmetto And Pygeum Africanum Are Both Worthless

Best Vitamins for Prostate Health Dr. David Samadi

In a recent article, natural healing research guru, Roger Mason says For years now Ive been explaining why saw palmetto, pygeum africanum, stinging nettles, pumpkin seeds and other similar herbs are useless, have no therapeutic effect, do not help prostate health in any way and are mere promotional scams. Yet, men keep buying countless millions of dollars worth of saw palmetto and other such worthless products every year.

And all of them are equally worthless because they contain such a low concentration of the supportive ingredient beta sitosterol.

The Beta sitosterol used in Prostate Miracle® Advanced Formula is literally two to three thousand times stronger than saw palmetto powder. This means you would have to eat two to three thousand capsules of saw palmetto powder to get an equivalent amount of beta sitosterol contained in one single capsule of Prostate Miracle® Advanced Formula. What about the extracts, one might ask? The very, very best saw palmetto extracts are only ten to one extractions so you would still need to eat 200 to 300 capsules of saw palmetto extract. Notice what they say on the extract bottles, contains 85% fatty acids and sterols. This means you get 99% fatty acids and maybe 1% sterols- if youre lucky.

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Vitamin D For The Management Of Prostate Cancer

Although vitamin D can be obtained from many natural dietary sources, such as fish liver oil, eggs, and dairy products, for the majority of men, this dietary source fails to meet the daily required levels., Instead, their major source of vitamin D is derived from synthesis in the skin through conversion of a precursor into vitamin D3, a reaction catalyzed by ultraviolet light present in sunlight. Vitamin D3 subsequently undergoes hydroxylation in the liver followed by the kidney, resulting in the synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, or calcitriol, which is the principal active hormonal form of vitamin D.

In addition to its well-known role in regulating calcium homeostasis in the body via its actions in the kidney, bone, intestine, and parathyroid glands, vitamin D also exhibits antitumorigenic properties, as demonstrated in in-vivo studies. This knowledge has led to epidemiologic studies investigating the association between vitamin D deficiency and prostate cancer. Accordingly, Schwartz and Hulka were the first to propose that low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of prostate cancer. These observations were based on prostate cancer mortality rates in the United States, which are inversely related to ultraviolet light exposure. This, in turn, has led to numerous studies investigating the antiproliferative properties of vitamin D on the prostate.

Dietary Vitamin D And Prostate Cancer Risk

The association between dietary factors and prostate cancer has been investigated in several epidemiological studies. The results of these studies are mostly conflicting or negative,, , but some dietary components are consistently associated with prostate cancer, for example, high intakes of linolenic acid , , , , and calcium., summarizes the epidemiological studies on the association between vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk. A study found that there is an increased incidence of prostate cancer in migrant Asians as they adopt a Western diet, that is, lacking the large amount of vitamin-D-rich fish oil. In 1992, Hanchette and Schwartz pointed out that men in the United States were 10 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than men in Japan, where men consume higher amounts of vitamin D because of their consumption of fatty fish. Furthermore, traditional Japanese men consume higher quantities of omega-3 fatty acids than their American counterparts. These fats are known to dissociate vitamin D metabolites from their binding protein, thus raising active levels of those metabolites in the blood.

Table 1 Vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk

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Low Vitamin D Deficiency Has Been Associated With Increased Risk For Aggressive Prostate Cancer

A September 2019 study published by the University of Illinois suggests that low Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased risk for aggressive prostate cancer and that supplementing with vitamin D may contribute to prostate cell health by supporting normal mitochondrial respiration. Basically, that vitamin D can help regulate oxygen flow to prostate cells and help them remain healthy.

In November 2019, doctors in Ireland published research producing further confirmation for how a vitamin D-based regime may be used to counter intracrine mechanisms contributing to the emergence of castrate-resistant tumors.

A January 2021 study in the journal iScience suggest how vitamin D can offer a protective mechanism

Vitamin D is an essential steroid hormone that regulates systemic calcium homeostasis signals and cell fate decisions . . . Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of lethal prostate cancer, which exhibits a dedifferentiated pathology, linking vitamin D sufficiency to epithelial differentiation.

Considering Taking A Vitamin Or Supplement To Treat Enlarged Prostate

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There are several treatment options for an enlarged prostate. Men can take alpha-blocker drugs such as terazosin to help relax the prostate muscles or antibiotics for chronic prostatitis . They can also take dutasteride or finasteride for reducing BPH symptoms. They might also undergo surgery to remove the extra prostate tissue. One common surgical procedure for BPH is known as transurethral resection of the prostate .

Lets discover together what Dr. David Samadi recommends in order to prevent prostate cancer and also which vitamin is the most important nutrient you need. He has a special list for men in their early 40s and 50s when they are worried about their large prostate.

Inflammation is a big name for most of the cardiac disease or prostate. So think about the inflammation in order to prevent it. Lycopene is one of the nutrients we should take! We find this a lot in tomato juice and tomato sauce such as ketchup which is very easy and we can have it also with the Italian diet.

Zinc is very healthy for prostate and obviously, other nutrients such as selenium for years was a big topic but that hasnt played a big role. So think of lycopene and zinc, those are good for the healthy prostate. Also, you can take flaxseed and fish oil in order to lower the triglyceride and reduce any kind of inflammation in the vessel.

Recommended Reading: Gleason Score 7 Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Dairy Foods And Calcium

Some research has shown that men who have a diet high in calcium may have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. And men may be more likely to have prostate cancer that is more advanced or aggressive. But there is no evidence to say that excluding dairy foods and calcium from the diet will slow the growth of prostate cancer, or reduce the risk of the cancer coming back.

Men with prostate cancer should aim for a healthy balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of calcium. It plays an important part in the way our bodies work. For example it helps keep our bones strong and healthy and helps our muscle to work.

Adults need 700 mg of calcium each day, which most people can get from a balanced healthy diet. Choose low fat and low sugar dairy products.

Good sources of calcium include

  • dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurts
  • tinned fish that contains the bones, for example, salmon or sardines
  • green leafy vegetables
  • nuts such as almonds and brazil nuts
  • seeds such as sesame seeds

Its difficult to give examples of specific amounts. But a daily 700mg of calcium could include all of the following:

  • a small tin of pilchards or sardines
  • a 50g portion of broccoli
  • 200 mls of milk

It is particularly important if you are having hormone therapy to have adequate amounts of calcium. This is because bone thinning is a side effect of this treatment.

Talk to your GP if you are struggling to eat a balanced diet and ask whether you need to take supplements.

Vitamin D In Treating Patients With Prostate Cancer

The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.
First Posted : September 3, 2007Results First Posted : November 1, 2015Last Update Posted : November 1, 2015

RATIONALE: Vitamin D may be effective in treating patients with prostate cancer.

PURPOSE: This randomized phase II trial is studying how well 4 different doses of vitamin D works in treating patients with prostate cancer.

Condition or disease



  • To examine the pattern of response of serum 25 D3 levels following cholecalciferol supplementation at four different oral doses in patients with prostate cancer.


  • To examine the pattern of response of parathormone following vitamin D3 supplementation in these patients.
  • To assess the toxicity of vitamin D3 supplementation in men with prostate cancer.


  • To track occurrence of infections, deep vein thrombosis, vascular events, and falls in these patients.

OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 4 treatment arms.

  • Arm I: Patients receive 4,000 IU of oral cholecalciferol once daily.
  • Arm II: Patients receive 6,000 IU of vitamin D3 once daily.
  • Arm III: Patients receive 8,000 IU of vitamin D3 once daily.
  • Arm IV: Patients receive 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 once daily. Treatment in all arms continues for 6 months in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

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