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Camp Lejeune And Prostate Cancer

Can I File A Claim For Prostate Cancer Due To Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune

Camp Lejeune Prostate Cancer Claims | Contaminated Water Lawsuits – Riddle & Brantley

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which was recently passed on August 2, 2022 as part of the PACT Act, allows service members who were injured at Camp Lejeune to once again file compensation claims. The military has historically denied these claims, but because of this new legislation, service members who were harmed may now file a lawsuit directly in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

Riddle & Brantley routinely files claims and lawsuits in the Eastern District of North Carolina, and even has an office in Jacksonville, North Carolina, just miles away from Camp Lejeune. Many of our attorneys and staff have close family ties to the military, and we are determined to get justice for veterans, their families, and civilian workers who may have suffered from prostate cancers due to contaminated water. Please call 1-800-525-7111 for a free consultation.

We are committed to the veterans and their loved ones who have lived and worked at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and we are ready to help however we can.

Those who have suffered prostate cancer after exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune deserve justice, and we are ready to fight.

Gene Riddle, Camp Lejeune prostate cancer attorney

Settlement Amounts For Camp Lejeune Breast Cancer Cases

Our lawyers anticipate that successful Camp Lejeune breast cancer cases could see average Camp Lejeune settlement compensation payouts between $150,000 and $350,000. The settlement value for individual Lejeune breast cancer cases will vary depending on what stage the breast cancer diagnosis and the outcome was. The plaintiffâs age and circumstances will also factor into the value of the case.

Contaminated Water At Camp Lejeune Caused Higher Cancer Rates

When the Camp Lejeune water contamination incident became public knowledge, it was a major embarrassment for the Marine Corps and the Department of the Navy. In response, the federal government directed several different public health agencies to perform extensive research and studies to assess the health impact of the water contamination.

The 2009 National Research Council report was one of the first public health studies to assess the consequences of the toxic water at Lejeune. The NRC Report found evidence of a clear association between long-term exposure to the contaminated water at Lejeune and higher rates of cancer.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry , which is part of the Centers for Disease Control, has been involved in research at Camp Lejeune since the early 1990s. The ATSDR has done advanced modeling that mapped the water contamination at Lejeune going back several decades. The ATSDR also performed an extensive health survey study that compared the health records of former residents and employees of Camp Lejeune to a control group from another Marine Corps base with a clean water supply.

The results of this survey study were published in 2014 and are known as the ATSDR Mortality Study. The ATSDR Mortality Study found that former Lejeune employees and residents had significantly higher rates of cancer compared to the control group. The study concluded that there was a clear link between the Lejeune water and cancer.

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Va Rating For Enlarged Prostate

BPH is listed in the Schedule of Ratings under diagnostic code 7527 which instructs the VA to consider the ratings for voiding dysfunctions or urinary tract infections, whichever is most dominant. Voiding dysfunctions have a maximum rating of 60%, and urinary tract infections have a maximum rating of 30%.

Bladder Cancer Linked To Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Cancer Lawyers  Common Types of Cancers

In addition to kidney cancer and disease, the ATSDR studies found strong evidence to indicate that the contaminated drinking water in Camp Lejeune was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. The rate of death from bladder cancer among Camp Lejeune personnel and employees was almost three times higher compared to the control group.

The average annual number of new bladder cancer cases in the U.S. is around 82,000. This makes bladder cancer the 6th most common type of cancer in the U.S. The overall 5-year survival rate for bladder cancer is 77%.

The evidence connecting the Camp Lejeune water to bladder cancer is very strong. Camp Lejeune bladder cancer cases will be considered âTier Iâ claims and will be more likely to settle.

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How Is Service Connection Established For Prostate Cancer

Veterans who served in Vietnam or on a ship that operated in Vietnams waterways between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, do not need to prove a nexus to service in order to establish service connection for their prostate cancer. The VA has established a presumption of exposure to Agent Orange that provides for automatic service connection for prostate cancer. The same is true for those who served in the Korean demilitarized zone between September 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971, as well as certain veterans who served in Thailand between 1961 and 1975.

Although one of the chemicals in Agent Orange is also found in smoke from burn pits, the VA has not established a presumption of exposure for all veterans. Instead, the VA evaluates prostate cancer claims for those exposed to burn pits on a case-by-case basis. This often means veterans need the help of an experienced VA benefits attorney to present evidence that supports their claim to establish a service connection to their prostate cancer diagnosis.

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Agency For Toxic Substances Cancer Study

The Agency for Toxic Studies and Disease Registry is working on a cancer incidence study to determine the connection between the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune and cancer occurrence. They are studying Marines and Navy personnel and their families who lived and worked at Camp Lejeune between 1975 and 1985.

At the same time, the ATSDR is also studying a comparative group from Camp Pendleton. This camp was not known to have drinking water contaminated with volatile organic compounds, so it is a control group to help determine correlation or causation.

The study is ongoing, and ATSDR expects the total amount of time necessary to gather and analyze the data will be about five years.

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What Is The Camp Lejeune Justice Act Aiming To Do

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is a new piece of legislation that is soon to be signed into law by President Biden.

This bill is encompassed by the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act, which grants new benefits to veterans exposed to toxic substances during their military service.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act affords Camp Lejeune residents the ability to sue and recover damages for exposure to the toxic substances in the water supply, one of the first times the federal government has allowed legal action of this sort.

Camp Lejeune veterans and Camp Lejeune families will be able to secure compensation for health problems and medical expenses related to the toxic chemicals they were exposed to while living on the base.

Those eligible will file suit in the U.S. District Court: Eastern District of North Carolina.

In the past, several bills were introduced to address the issue at the North Carolina military base but none have had any widespread impact for victims and families.

Now, people who were denied benefits or compensation in the past may have a fair shot at adequate compensation.

Settlement Amounts For Non

Camp Lejeune Prostate Cancer

Our attorneys estimate that successful Camp Lejeune cases based on NHL could have average settlement amounts in the range of $150,000 to 300,000. This estimated value is lower than other types of Camp Lejeune cancer cases, in part because the survivability rate for NHL is comparatively high.

Settlement value of Camp Lejeune non-Hodgkinâs lymphoma cases.

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Exposure To Toxic Substances On Military Bases Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

The term exposure refers to contact with contaminants in the air, water, or food that may occur through inhalation, ingestion, or dermal absorption. In our case, it refers to water resources that contain contaminants from activities on the land surface, such as releases or spills from stored industrial wastes, and historical firefighting activities.

There is strong medical research showing that the toxic chemicals in the water at dozen U.S. military installations can lead to health risks including obesity, reproductive problems, and cancers. Prolonged exposure to benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene, chemicals that are present on military bases, may influence the development or progression of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancerone of the most common cancers among menusually only causes symptoms when it has grown large enough to disturb the bladder or press on the tube that drains urine. These symptoms include pain when passing urine, a slow flow of urine, trouble to start or stopping the flow, passing urine more often, especially at night.

Former US Navy corpsman Jerry L. was stationed at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune for five months in 1986, long enough for him to notice something wasnt right with the tap water. It smelled and tasted like bleach.

Jerry deals with pain in the lower pelvic area, frequent urge to urinate, loss of appetite, and loss of weight, connected to the five months he spent at Camp Lejeune in 1984.

What Other Health Conditions Has Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune Been Linked To

The consumption of Camp Lejeune contaminated water has been linked to a number of cancer and non-cancer diagnoses including, but not limited to:

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Miscarriage, infertility and birth defects
  • Many more diagnoses

Service members, their families, civilian workers, and countless others were diagnosed with deadly health conditions, and for years could not secure the benefits they desperately need.

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File A Camp Lejeune Brain Cancer Lawsuit

On August 10, 2022, a new federal law called the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was signed by President Biden. The CLJA corrected decades of injustice by giving victims of the Camp Lejeune water contamination an express right to bring civil lawsuits against the government and seek compensation for their injuries.

Under the CLJA, anyone who live or worked at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1953 and December 1987, can bring a tort claim for injuries allegedly caused by exposure to the contaminated water at the base. If the individual who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune has already passed away, their estate can bring a wrongful death claim on their behalf.

Brain cancer is one of the diseases that has been associated with exposure to the water at Camp Lejeune. Individuals who developed brain cancer after exposure to Camp Lejeune water can bring a civil lawsuit under the CLJA and get financial compensation.

Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Lawsuit

Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Help

Working for Camp Lejeune Victims Since 2009. Have you suffered from cancer, Leukemia, neurological disorders or other illnesses caused by the toxic water at Camp Lejeune? Have your potential Camp Lejeune Water Lawsuit reviewed by the toxic tort attorneys at Parker Waichman LLP. No Expenses or Fees Unless You Win Your Lawsuit!

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Va Disability For Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the 2nd most common type of cancer in men. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes.

As with other cancers, prostate cancer is caused by cells with abnormal DNA. Abnormal DNA can come from inflammation in the prostate, which can damage cell DNA, or exposure to cancer-causing material, which causes DNA mutations.

Developing Cancer After Burn Pit Exposure

If you served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan after 9/11, its likely you saw and smelled one or more burn pits. Some service members helped maintain burn pits, and many had to sleep close to one. Burning plastic, rubber, human waste, and anything else the military wanted to destroy, emitted large plumes of toxic smoke, which traveled miles in the desert landscapes of the Middle East and Central Asia. Burn pit exposure has been linked to various conditions and diseases, including prostate cancer.

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Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune

Camp Lejeune is a large Marine Corps base and training facility that is a few miles north of Wilmington, North Carolina. Camp Lejeune opened in 1942. It functions much like a town with a population of over 50,000. The base has been a home and/or workplace for millions of Marines, civilian employees, and their families.

Camp Lejeune had an independent water system, fed by underground aquifer wells. In the 1980s, new environmental regulations requiring water quality testing led to the discovery that the drinking water supply at Camp Lejeune was highly contaminated with toxic, cancer-causing chemicals.

The hazardous chemicals that were found in the Lejeune water were perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene , which are types of chlorinated solvents. Subsequent research determined that these chemicals contaminated the groundwater wells from 1953 to 1987. The levels of TCE and PCE in the Lejeune water for 34 years were several hundred times higher than the maximum safe limits established by the EPA and other health agencies.

Camp Lejeune is considered one of the worst incidents of contaminated public water in U.S. history because of the level of contamination and the length of time that it occurred. Based on personnel records, it has been estimated that over 1.1 million base residents and employees were exposed to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune during this time period.

What Injuries Did The Water Contamination At Camp Lejeune Cause

Sick veterans say VA experts wrongly reject claims related to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune

The Camp Lejeune water contamination is a tragic reminder of the need for vigilance in protecting our drinking water supply. The contamination occurred when treatment plants supplied water to the base, and many family housing units failed to remove the volatile organic compounds from the water properly.

Injuries as a result of the water contamination include but are not limited to:

  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Brain/CNS cancers

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Board Denies Service Connection For Prostate Cancer Cck Appeals To Court

On March 29, 2018, the Board denied service connection for prostate cancer, including as due to Camp Lejeune contaminated water exposure. In its decision, the Board relied heavily on the June 2017 VA examination report. Importantly, the Board did not address the Veterans argument regarding this examination. Instead, the Board broadly found that the examination adequately provided the findings necessary to offer a resolution to the appeal. CCK successfully appealed this decision to the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims . In doing so, CCK presented multiple arguments challenging the adequacy of the June 2017 VA examination report and the Boards failure to address such arguments in the first instance.

Example Camp Lejeune Cervical Cancer Lawsuit

One example cervical cancer lawsuit alleging the cancer was caused by the bad water at Lejeune is McClarrin, et al. v. United States . The McClarrin case was brought by a group of three plaintiffs alleging that they were exposed to the Lejeune water as residents and/or in utero and developed cervical cancer as a result.

The first plaintiff, Claudia McClarrin, lived in the family housing on base at Camp Lejeune while her husband was stationed there from October 1973 to May 1975. Sometime after here time at Lejeune, McClarrin was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The Complaint states that she also suffered two miscarriages.

Plaintiff Linda Crisp brought claims as administrator of the estate of her deceased sister, Michelle Causey. Causey lived at Camp Lejeune from the time she was born in 1972 until 1973, while her father was stationed at the base. Her mother was not at Camp Lejeune during pregnancy so there was no in utero exposure. Causey was later diagnosed with cervical cancer and she died and 2010 at the age of 38.

In Utero Exposure Allegedly Caused Cervical Cancer

The final plaintiff, Patricia Warren, also brought claims on behalf of the estate of her deceased relative, Roseanne Warren. Roseanne Warrens exposure history is somewhat unique because she is alleging primarily in utero exposure while her mother was at Camp Lejeune during pregnancy.

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Talk With An Experienced Camp Lejeune Prostate Cancer Lawsuit Attorney For Free

Riddle & Brantley can help you determine the best legal options for seeking compensation if you were diagnosed with prostate cancer after being exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. For free legal advice and assistance, contact us at 1-800-525-7111.

You can also complete the fast and easy form below if its more convenient. We can consult with you for free via phone, email, text message, or even video conference. We can even come directly to you if its more convenient.

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Weve recovered over $665 million for our injured clients since 2000 alone , and were proud of the settlements and verdicts weve secured. In addition to frequently receiving significant compensation , clients consistently describe their experience working with our firms attorneys and staff in positive terms:

  • It was nice to see Riddle & Brantley put me and my needs first. R. C.
  • They turned a heartbreaking situation completely around. Tonya T.
  • They made a hard time in my life easier to endure. Melissa C.
  • Every time Ive needed them, they were there for me. Tyronnie T.
  • Youll walk in the door as a client but leave as family. Theyre the absolute best. Susan S.

Award-Winning Trial Attorneys

Our Camp Lejeune prostate cancer lawyers based just miles away from Camp Lejeune with offices in Jacksonville, NC have also been recognized by many prestigious memberships and awards , including:

Call 1-800-525-7111 today and lets see how we can help.


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