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Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate Surgery

Surgery For Prostate Cancer

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)

Surgery is a common choice to try to cure prostate cancer if it is not thought to have spread outside the prostate gland.

The main type of surgery for prostate cancer is a radical prostatectomy. In this operation, the surgeon removes the entire prostate gland plus some of the tissue around it, including the seminal vesicles.

The Recovery Process At The Hospital

  • A urinary catheter attached will be attached for residual urine that needs to be removed.
  • The surgeon will monitor for post-surgical complications, wearing off of anaesthesia effects and the vitals.
  • The surgeon will put the patient on antibiotics for infection and pain relievers for pain.
  • The patient may observe blood in his urine for 24 to 48 hours after the surgery, which is normal.
  • The catheter is left in place for this duration to allow the swelling to reduce and until the patient becomes able to urinate on his own.
  • The patient may experience pain or irritation while urinating or a constant urgency or increased frequency of urination after the surgery. This usually subsides within 6 to 8 weeks of the surgery.
  • If the patient’s condition is stable, then the doctor will discharge the patient within a few days.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatments

    Treatment options for BPH are medical, procedural and surgical. Typically, these options will be tried in that order to obtain symptom relief. However, if you have a coexisting condition, we may recommend a procedure or surgery without trying medication. Coexisting conditions that can affect your treatment options include:

    • Inability to pass any urine
    • Presence of bladder stones
    • High retention of urine after urination
    • Blood in the urine
    • Recurrent urinary tract infections

    These conditions are indicators that medical treatment alone is unlikely to prevent future complications of BPH.

    Medication and Procedure Information

    The mainstay of medical treatment are the so-called alpha-blockers, for example, tamsulosin , alfuzosin and silodosin . The mechanism of the medication is to decrease tension in the enlarged prostate so that urine can flow easier past the obstructive tissue. This class of medications is usually very well tolerated, with one side effect being dizziness due to lowered blood pressure.

    We offer all established state-of-the-art procedural BPH treatment options, including minimally invasive treatments, UroLift® and Rezum.



    Surgical Treatments

    • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
    • GreenLight Laser TURP
    • Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate
    • Robotic Simple Prostatectomy
    • Open Simple Prostatectomy
    • Prostatic Artery Embolization

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    Risks Of Delayed Turp Surgery

    Prostate surgery is a very common surgery that helps ease most urinary complaints that a male may experience due to prostate enlargement. With this surgery of prostate resection, the pressure on the urinary bladder is reduced significantly.

    If the TURP surgery is delayed, then an individual may experience a worsening of the symptoms, including:

  • Sudden inability to urinate
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • What Are The Advantages Of Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    Transurethral marking incision of the bladder neck: a helpful technique ...

    Benefits of TURP include:

    • Fast results: Most people notice an improvement in their urinary symptoms within a few days.
    • Treats severe BPH symptoms: TURP may be helpful if you have moderate to severe urinary problems from BPH and medications havent worked. Your healthcare provider may also recommend TURP if you have kidney stones, bladder stones or kidney damage from BPH.

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    Ethics Approval And Consent To Participate

    Not applicable since this is a case report about an individual patient and not a protocolized observational/interventional study requiring permission from the ethical committee. Written informed consent for undergoing surgery and anesthesia and publication of the case report in a medical journal has been obtained from the patient.

    What Is The Recovery Time For Turp

    It takes four to six weeks to fully recover from TURP. Dont lift heavy objects, do strenuous exercise or have sex until your healthcare provider says its safe to do so. Dont drive or operate machinery if youre taking prescription pain medications.

    If your job doesnt require physical exertion, you may be able to return to work after two to three weeks. Ask your healthcare provider what they recommend for your time off work.

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    Prostate Size And Blockage Of The Urethra

    If the inner part of the prostate gland obstructs the urethra during urination, this will irritate the bladder and cause urinary symptoms.Urinary symptoms may include:

    • frequent urination, particularly at night
    • urgency and possible urgency incontinence
    • passing drops of urine involuntarily after you think you’ve finished
    • blood in the urine although this can never be assumed to be due to the prostate until other causes have been excluded.

    The actual size of the prostate does not appear to determine whether or not there is a blockage. Some men with large prostates never develop obstruction, but some men with small prostates can have severe bladder obstruction, which causes difficulty with urinating.Around one in three Victorian men over the age of 50 years have some urinary symptoms. In most cases, these symptoms are due to a blockage caused by an enlarged prostate, but they may be due to other causes.

    What To Be Careful About

    Transurethral Resection of the Prostate | Dr. Varun Sharma

    Even though you have no visible incision and may have little pain, you are recovering from surgery. Don’t try to overdo it getting back into your normal activities. Discuss what to expect during recovering with your doctor. The following guidelines will help you have a smoother recovery:

    • Avoid straining, especially when moving your bowel. Eat a balanced, high-fiber diet to prevent constipation. If constipation occurs, ask your doctor if you can take a laxative.
    • Don’t do any heavy lifting.
    • Avoid sudden movements.
    • Drink plenty of water to flush the bladder and help prevent infection.
    • Don’t drive or operate machinery.

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    Turp Transurethral Resection Prostate Surgery Patient Education Series

    Turp Transurethral Resection Prostate Surgery Patient Education Series . Turp Transurethral Resection Prostate Surgery Patient Education Series is the future of business technology, and it is essential for businesses to implement it in order to remain competitive in todays digital age. By leveraging Turp Transurethral Resection Prostate Surgery Patient Education Series, businesses will be able to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. Your is prostate- such prostate hospital in enlarged turp involves relieve you surgery incisions- procedure symptoms difficulty have of of turp two a days Transurethral of you as part after dont the your resection this for to to stay prostate remove in inserting frequent the urethra can any so urinating turp- usually one and urination- tool

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    Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    What is transurethral resection of the prostate ?

    If your prostate becomes too large, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure known as transurethral resection of the prostate . It can help relieve the uncomfortable or painful symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.

    The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid in men. It surrounds your urethra, a tube that connects your bladder to the outside of your body. As you age, your prostate may become enlarged and squeeze your urethra, making urination more difficult. This is a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy , or enlarged prostate. Its common among older men.

    National Institutes of Health , BPH affects one in five men between the ages of 50 and 60. Its even more common among older men. An estimated 70 percent of men over the age of 70 have prostate problems.

    If you have symptoms of an enlarged prostate, your doctor may prescribe medication or other treatments. If those treatments dont work, they may recommend surgery. The TURP procedure may be necessary if:

    • you have slow urination
    • your bladder never feels empty
    • you feel an increased need to urinate at night
    • you experience frequent urinary tract infections
    • you experience bleeding from your prostate
    • you have a history of bladder stones
    • you develop kidney damage

    Potential complications of surgery include:

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    Recovery And Life After Turp

    Recovery from TURP surgery is carefully managed in both the hospital and at home. Immediately after surgery, pain medication may be administered and eating and drinking may resume. Patients may notice blood in their urine, but this is expected and will normally subside over time. Thorough at-home care instructions will be provided.

    Life after a TURP surgery usually returns to normal, but the patient will need to rest and avoid strenuous activities for about one to two weeks after the procedure. Waiting about four to six weeks before resuming sexual relations may be advised.

    Other instructions may include drinking plenty of fluids to help flush blood out of the urine and avoiding any alcohol and caffeine consumption until advised its safe to resume.

    If patients notice any changes once theyre home, including fever, chills, urination problems or changes to urine color, they should call their care team right away.

    Expert cancer care

    Recovery Process/expectation After Hospital Discharge

    Pin by NursingStoreRNbyANA on NCLEX Flashcards
  • Instructions provided by the doctor must follow at home.
  • The patient must:
  • Drink plenty of water to flush the urinary bladder.
  • Eat high-fibre foods to improve bowel movement and avoid constipation.
  • Resume the medications that were stopped before surgery, only after checking with the doctor.
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights and strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Not involve in sexual intercourse for about 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Not drive till the catheter is removed and the pain medicines have been stopped.
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    Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

    TURP is typically an elective procedure used to treat prostatic enlargement resulting in symptomatic bladder outlet obstruction. Because of this, appropriate indications and discussion of the complications associated with the procedure require an integrated interprofessional team to communicate effectively and initiate treatment plans so the patient and family have appropriate expectations. This approach will ensure that patients are adequately prepared for their procedure and what to expect. Patients who are better informed are more invested in their decision and are happier with their outcomes. The procedure is elective and irreversible, so some extra review and discussion with the patient and family are reasonable.

    Collaboration, shared decision-making, and communication are critical elements for a good outcome. The interprofessional care provided to the patient must use an integrated care pathway combined with an evidence-based approach to planning and evaluating all joint activities. The earlier the signs and symptoms of a complication are identified, the better the prognosis and outcome of the procedure.

    What Happens After Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    After your procedure is done, you go to a recovery area. Some people stay in the hospital for one to two days after TURP, others might be discharged the same day.

    During your hospital stay, you have a catheter in your urethra. The catheter helps ensure that urine flows freely after your surgery. Usually, your healthcare provider removes the catheter before you go home.

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    What Happens During Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    Your healthcare provider performs TURP in a hospital operating room or ambulatory surgery center . The procedure usually takes less than 90 minutes. Youll receive anesthesia so you wont feel any pain.

    During your procedure, your healthcare provider:

    • Inserts a rectoscope into your urethra.
    • Examines your prostate and removes excess tissue with a laser or electrical current.
    • Uses fluid to temporarily flush the excess tissue into your bladder.
    • Drains any excess tissue out of your bladder through your urethra.
    • Removes the rectoscope.

    Other Surgical Procedures For Prostate Disease

    Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

    Alternative surgical procedures to TURP include:

    • open enucleative prostatectomy this involves making a cut in the abdomen to remove a very enlarged prostate. This is the least common form of surgery. The average hospital stay is seven to 10 days
    • laser TURP a laser is used to remove prostate tissue from the middle part of the prostate, which has the advantage of less bleeding and therefore safer for people on anti-coagulation therapy for other problems, including coronary stents, heart valve or vascular disease
    • transurethral incision of the prostate similar to TURP except that no prostate tissue is taken out. One to three cuts are made in the prostate near the bladder neck to release the ‘ring’ of enlarged tissue and make a larger opening around the urinary tract
    • UroLift® this technique is useful for men for whom medication has not been successful but their prostates are not so enlarged that they need a TURP. It involves the transurethral insertion of staples to separate the lobes of the prostate. It has minimal side effects and preserves ejaculatory and erectile function.

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    Turp For Prostate Cancer

    Transurethral resection of the prostate is just one of the prostate cancer surgery options offered by Moffitt Cancer Center. Committed to comprehensive patient care, our surgical team is here to provide:

    • Individualized assessments of a patients specific needs Each patients case will be assessed by a multispecialty team of surgeons, physicians, medical and radiation oncologists and other medical professionals. This team will work together to determine if a TURP is a proper option for the patients unique situation.
    • Advanced treatment in our leading-edge operating rooms Our TURP surgeons are among the most experienced in their field and have access to the latest innovations in surgical technology.
    • Postoperative monitoring and supportive care throughout the duration of recovery After a patients TURP, Moffitts surgical team will evaluate the patient for any complications, offer assistance with postsurgical rehabilitation and make recommendations for any other forms of treatment that might be necessary. Patients can also meet with dietitians, social workers, pharmacists, chaplains and educators all in a single, convenient location.

    Medically reviewed by Monica Chatwal, MD.

    Our expert oncologists can help you determine if a transurethral resection of the prostate would be an appropriate procedure for your specific needs. No referral is required to make an appointment. To learn more about our approach to TURP, call or request to schedule a visit online.

    What Is A Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    Transurethral resection of the prostate is a surgery that treats urinary blockage caused by an enlarged prostate. Difficulty with urination caused by an enlarged prostate is referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

    TURP is a minimally invasive surgery option to treat BPH. During a TURP prostate surgery, your doctor uses a medical instrument called a resectoscope to remove surplus prostate tissue that blocks your urine flow.

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    What Happens During Turp

    TURP requires a hospital stay. Procedures may vary depending on yourcondition and your healthcare providers practices.

    Generally, a TURP follows this process:

  • You will be asked to remove any jewelry or other objects that might get in the way during surgery.
  • You will be asked to remove your clothing and will be given a gown to wear
  • You’ll be asked to empty your bladder.
  • An IV line will be put in your arm or hand.
  • You will be positioned on an operating table, lying on your back.
  • You will be given anesthesia to put you to sleep for the procedure. Your legs will be placed in stirrups.
  • Your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and blood oxygen level will be monitored during the surgery.
  • Once youre sedated, a breathing tube may be put through your throat into your lungs and you will be connected to a ventilator. This will breathe for you during the surgery.
  • Next, the resectoscope is passed into the urethra. It is used to cut away the pieces of prostate tissue that are bulging or blocking the urethra. Electricity will be applied through the resectoscope to stop any bleeding. The pieces are flushed into the bladder, and then drained out through the urethra.
  • The resectoscope is removed.
  • The healthcare provider will put a soft, flexible tube called a catheter into your bladder to drain urine.
  • How Turp Is Performed

    TURP (Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate) â Dr. Piyush Gadam MS ...

    TURP is carried out using a device called a resectoscope, which is a thin metal tube containing a light, camera and loop of wire. This is passed along your urethra until it reaches your prostate, which means no cuts need to be made in your skin.

    The loop of wire is then heated with an electric current and is used to cut away the section of your prostate that is causing your symptoms. A thin tube called a catheter is then inserted into your urethra to pump fluid into the bladder and flush away pieces of prostate that have been removed.

    General or spinal anaesthesia is used during the procedure so you don’t feel any pain while it’s carried out.

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    Laser Surgery For An Enlarged Prostate Is No More Effective Than Standard Surgery

    This is a plain English summary of an original research article

    Two procedures to treat men with enlarged prostates are both effective, new research has shown.

    A benign enlarged prostate is not cancer and is not usually a serious threat to health. But it is common in men over 50 and some need surgery to treat troublesome urinary symptoms caused by the growing prostate. The most common procedure is transurethral resection of the prostate which is usually successful but can lead to complications such as bleeding in some men.

    The UNBLOCS trial compared the effectiveness of TURP to a new laser procedure which might reduce a patients hospital stay and cause fewer side effects. The thulium laser, ThuVARP, vaporises excess prostate. Men who needed a prostate operation were asked to consent to either procedure without knowing which one they would receive.

    One year later, men in both groups were satisfied with their surgery. They reported similar improvements in their urinary symptoms and quality of life. There was no difference between the two procedures in terms of hospital stay or complications. However, men in the TURP group achieved a faster urinary flow rate . TURP was also slightly more cost-effective and faster to perform than the laser procedure.


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